Traducción de Exposiciones

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Los alvéolos son el sitio donde ocurre el intercambio gaseoso.

Good evening teacher and classmates. At this moment I am going to talk about

the alveoli.

The alveoli have as their main function the exchange of gases, oxygen and

carbon dioxide between the lung and the blood during respiration.

In each lung there are between 150 (one hundred fifty) and 250 (two hundred
fifty ) million alveoli.

And in the image on the right we can see the main cells:

1.- Alveolar cell type one, where gas exchange occurs.

2.- Alveolar cell type two, synthesizes surfactant substance.

3.- Macrophages that remove foreign bodies.

The surfactant substance prevents the alveolus from collapsing.

Next I am going to present the bones of the radius

and ulna, the humerus is in the middle part and the
radius is in the lateral part. These bones articulate
distally with the carpal bones and proximally with
the scapula.

The ulna in the proximal part presents in the

posterior part the olecranon and in the anterior
part a trochlear notch and in the distal part the
styloid process.
In each lung there are between 150 (one hundred fifty) and 250 (two hundred fifty ) million

structural support of epithelial cells

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