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o The roundworm parasite lives in the intestinal


INFECTIONS o It is elongated, cylindrical, and tapering at both
TOPICS ends.
 PARASITIC INFECTIONS o The female is longer than male, 20 – 35 cm long, 4
o Helminthic Infections – 6 mm in diameter.
A. Roundworms (Ascariasis) o Male is smaller being 15
B. Hookworms – 30 cm long, 2 – 4 mm
C. Enterobiasis (Pinworms) in diameter
o Scabies o Posterior end of male is

o You can become infected with ascariasis after

o Parasites are organisms that live on and obtain accidentally ingesting the eggs of the A.
their food supply from other organisms. lumbricoides roundworm.
o Although many of these can cause illness, o The eggs can be found in soil contaminated by
frequently associated with children including human feces or uncooked food contaminated by
head lice and scabies. soil that contains roundworm eggs.
o Children often become infected when they put
their hands in their mouths after playing in
contaminated soil, according to WHO.
o Helminths are pathogenic or parasitic worms.
o Can also be passed directly from person to person.
o They include roundworms (nematodes), flukes
(trematodes), or tapeworms (cestodes).
o Most helminths begin life when the eggs or larvae
o People with ascariasis often have no symptoms.
are eliminated in the feces or urine of humans.
o Symptoms become more noticeable when the
o They are then transmitted to the oral cavity by
roundworm infestation grows.
contaminated foods or hands.
o Roundworms in your lungs can cause:
o Because children tend to be careless about
1) coughing or gagging
washing their hands before eating or tend to suck
2) wheezing or shortness of breath
their thumbs, it makes them prone to these
3) aspiration pneumonia (rarely)
4) blood in mucus
5) chest discomfort
6) fever
o Ascaris lumbricoides are generally asymptomatic
o Roundworms in your intestines can cause:
infections but when there is an extensive parasite
1) nausea
load, malnutrition and gastrointestinal
2) vomiting
symptoms result (AAP, 2015).
3) irregular stools or diarrhea
o With an incubation period of 8 weeks, the nurse
4) intestinal blockage, which causes severe pain
must obtain a history of travel to underdeveloped
and vomiting
5) loss of appetite
6) visible worms in the stool
7) abdominal discomfort or pain
8) weight loss
9) growth impairment in children due to o Sanitary disposal of feces to prevent
malabsorption contamination of the soil.
o Vegetables should be thoroughly washed in a
mild solution of potassium permanganate and
properly cooked before consumption.
Ingested A. lumbricoides eggs
o Fingernails should be regularly cut to avoid the
collection of dirt and eggs below them.
o Hands should be properly washed with some
Hatch in the duodenum antiseptic soap before touch edibles or eating.

Larvae penetrate the wall of the small bowel 1) A single dose of albendazole 400 mg, with food
2) A single dose of mebendazole 500 mg
3) A single dose of Pyrantel pamoate, 10 mg/kg
4) A single dose of Levamisole, 2.5 mg/kg
Migrate via the portal circulation through the liver 5) A single dose of ivermectin, 150 – 200 mcg/kg
(not to be used in children less than 15 kg) (AAP,
Heart and lungs 6) Nitazoxanide, 100 – 500 mg, twice a day for 3

Larvae lodge in the alveolar capillaries

o Hookworm can spread when a person who has

Penetrate alveolar walls the infection defecates in the soil or when people
use human feces on soil as a fertilizer.
o If eggs are present in the feces, they can hatch
after 1 to 2 days.
Ascend the bronchial tree into the oropharynx
o After hatching, the larvae can survive for 3 to 4
weeks in the soil, according to the Merck Manuals.
o They take 5 to 10 days to mature in the soil.
They are swallowed and return to the small bowel o When a person comes into contact with this soil,
hookworm larvae can pass through their skin.
o This can happen if the person:
 Walks barefoot on soil that contains the
Develop into adult worms
 Swallows soil particles, for example on
unwashed salad leaves
Release eggs into the stool o After entering the body, the hookworm larvae
make their way into the body’s bloodstream and
lymphatic vessels.
o These systems carry the larvae to the lungs.
 From there, the person can cough them 4. Breathing complications, such as
up and swallow them. wheezing and a cough
o If a person digests mature hookworms, the 5. Fever
worms attach to the small intestine and gain 6. Abdominal pain which is colicky in nature
nutrients through human blood. 7. Diarrhea
o In some cases, the person may develop anemia as 8. Extreme tiredness and weakness
they lose blood to the hookworms. 9. Iron deficiency anemia or malnutrition
o Worms may live for over 2 years. 10. Physical and thought development
o Mating also occurs in the small intestine. problems in children due to severe
 From here, thousands of eggs can enter anemia
the human feces. 11. Heart failure and widespread tissue
o Hookworms cannot pass to another individual swelling as a result of severe anemia
through personal contact.
o Infection can only happen when the eggs mature
into larvae in soil.
o A number of tests can help diagnose a
hookworm infection and its effects.
o These include:
1. Those who live in warm, tropical, or subtropical 1) A stool sample to check for hookworm eggs
areas 2) Blood samples to check for the presence of
2. People who spend time in areas where there is anemia or a lack of certain nutrients
poor sanitation management and hygiene,
especially if walking barefoot or with skin-to-
soil contact
o A doctor will normally recommend taking
3. Those who are pregnant or of childbearing age
certain medications — albendazole,
4. Young children who have contact with
mebendazole, or pyrantel pamoate — for 1 to 3
contaminated soil or sandboxes
to treat the parasitic infection, according to the
5. Workers who have contact with contaminated
soil, especially farmers, plumbers, electricians,
 These drugs are antihelminthics or anti-
and exterminators
parasitic drugs.
6. People who sunbathe on contaminated sand
o Those with severe anemia may need iron
o The drugs listed above have pregnancy
o Abdominal pain which is colicky in nature, warnings. People should tell their healthcare
nausea, and diarrhea with marked eosinophilia provider if they are or may be pregnant so that
can be a presenting sign 4 to 6 weeks after they can have the right treatment.
exposure. o In places where hookworm is common, those
o If a great number of hookworms are present, who are at risk may receive preventive drug
severe anemia may result. treatment to protect them from infection.
1. A skin rash in
one area that is
typically red,
o Some preventive measures can help a person
raised, and itchy
avoid contracting a hookworm infection.
2. Weight loss
o These include:
3. Loss of appetite
1) Wearing shoes, especially in soiled areas o The worms are large enough that they can be
with a high risk of contamination seen if the child’s buttocks are separated.
2) Using a barrier to prevent the skin from o Pressing a piece of cellophane tape against the
touching the soil when sitting on the ground anus and then inspecting it under a microscope
3) Avoiding consuming soil or unwashed foods will generally reveal pinworm eggs.
that may be contaminated with hookworm
4) Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
5) Not using fertilizer made from human feces
o If an individual only has a small number of adult
6) Covering children’s sandboxes
worms, the symptoms will be mild, or there may
7) Taking safety precautions, such as wearing
be no symptoms at all.
gloves and shoes when gardening
o Symptoms are worse with heavy or moderate
8) Treating pet dogs and cats for hookworm
o About 4 weeks after ingesting pinworm eggs, the
mature females make their way out from the
intestine to the anal area, where eggs are laid in
o Pinworms are small, white, threadlike worms a jelly-like substance.
that live in the cecum. o It is this substance that is believed to cause a
person to itch, which usually happens at night.
o During the maturing and reproduction stages, a
person with pinworms may experience:
1) Disturbed sleep
2) Itching of the anal area, which may
sometimes be intense, especially at night
when the female worms are laying eggs
3) Mild nausea
o Individuals with severe infection may
1) Loss of appetite
2) Severe irritability
3) Intermittent abdominal pain
o After ingestion of the egg either by ingestion or 4) Sleeping difficulties
breathing, the mature worms develop over a 5) Weight loss
period of 2 months in the cecum.
o The mature female pinworm then migrates out
of the anus to deposit eggs on the skin in the anal
o The following methods can be used to diagnose
and perianal region (CDC, 2016f).
o The movement of the worms causes the anal
1. Tape Test
area to itch, and the child will awaken at night
 This test uses cellophane tape.
crying and scratching.
 The doctor places a piece of clear
o Some of the eggs are then carried from the
plastic tape against the skin around the
child’s fingernails to the mouth.
anus and then looks at the tape under a
o After being ingested, they hatch in the child’s
intestinal tract, and the cycle is repeated (CDC,
 As the worm tends to lay her eggs at 12. Toothbrushes should be kept in a closed
night, good samples are more likely cupboard and rinsed well before use.
early in the morning.
2. Moistened Swab
 A doctor or nurse may take a moistened
swab from around the anal area.
3. Sighting a Worm
 Sometimes the worms are visible in the
anal area, underwear, or in the toilet.
 It is best to search for pinworms at
night, when the female comes out to lay
her eggs.
 If you are checking children, it is best to
inspect about 2 to 3 hours after they
have fallen asleep.

o Scabies is one of several skin conditions that can

cause itching and a rash.
1. Single dose of mebendazole (Vermox) or o It is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei, which is a
pyrantel pamoate (antihelminthic) (CDC, 2016f). species of eight-legged microscopic mite.
2. Underclothing, bedding, towels, and o Scabies is contagious and can spread very easily
nightclothes should be washed before reuse. from person to person through close physical
3. All family members need to be treated for contact.
pinworm infestation because the worms are o However, it can affect people of all ages,
easily transmitted from person to person. whatever their living situation and
4. Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently, socioeconomic status.
and scrub under the fingernails. Before eating, o If an individual has scabies, they and anyone
after going to the toilet, and after changing they have close contact with should all receive
diapers, make sure to wash your hands. treatment at the same time.
5. Do not shake things that may have eggs on
them, such as clothing, pajamas, bed linen, or
6. Make sure the fingernails of every member of
the household are cut short.
7. Refrain from nail biting and finger sucking.
8. At night, wear close-fitting underwear. Be sure to
change underwear every morning.
9. Cotton gloves may help prevent scratching
during sleep.
10. Take a bath or shower regularly.
 Thoroughly clean the body, paying
particular attention to the anal and
vaginal areas.
 Showering is preferred to avoid
contaminating bath water.
11. Do not share towels or face flannels.
contact due to the food provided by the crusts
o The most common sites of infestation in adults
and older children include:
o The onset of scabies symptoms varies
1) Between the fingers
depending on whether or not a person has
2) Around the fingernails
previously had exposure to mites.
3) The armpits
o The first time a person has exposure to the
4) The waistline
scabies mite, it can take 4–8 weeks for
5) The inner parts of the wrists
symptoms to develop.
6) The inner elbow
o This timeframe is significantly shorter in
7) The soles of the feet
subsequent infestations, as the body’s immune
8) The breasts, particularly the areas around
system is quicker to react. This is typically
the nipples
within 1–4 days.
9) The male genitalia
o Some symptoms of scabies include:
10) The buttocks
1) Itching
11) The knees
 This is often worse at night, and it
12) The shoulder blades
can be severe and intense.
 Itching is one of the most common
scabies symptoms
2) Rash
 When the mite burrows into the
skin, it forms burrow tracks, or
lines, which are most commonly
present in skin folds.
 The rash may look like hives, bites,
knots, pimples, or patches of scaly
 Blisters may also be present.
3) Sores
 These occur in infested areas where
a person has scratched the skin.
 Open sores can lead to impetigo, o Infants and young children tend to experience
which is commonly caused by a infestations in other areas of the body, including
secondary infection with the:
Staphylococcus aureus. 1) scalp
4) Thick Crusts 2) face
 Crusted scabies is a form of severe 3) neck
scabies in which hundreds to 4) palms of the hands
thousands of mites and mite eggs 5) soles of the feet
are present within skin crusts. o At times, children can present with a widespread
 This causes severe skin symptoms. infestation that covers the majority of the body.
o Most often, people with crusted scabies exhibit o Infants with scabies tend to exhibit symptoms of
widespread gray, thick, and crumbling crusts. irritability as well as sleeping and eating
o Mites living in the detached crusts can live for difficulties.
more than a week without needing human
 In some cases, a 25% benzyl benzoate
lotion or 10% sulfur ointment may be
o Scabies is an infestation with the Sarcoptes necessary.
scabiei var. hominis mite, which is also known as o For most topical preparations, people should
the human itch mite. apply them at night, leave them on during
o After burrowing under the skin, the female mite sleep, and wash them off in the morning.
lays its eggs in the tunnel it has created. o Ivermectin, which is an oral medication, may be
a good option for people with weakened
immune systems, those with crusted scabies, or
those who do not respond to topical therapy.
 People should not use ivermectin
during pregnancy or while
o Once hatched, the larvae move to the surface of  Children weighing under 33 pounds (15
the skin and spread across the body or to kilograms) should also avoid this
another host through close physical contact. medication.
o Scabies is highly contagious and spreads o A doctor might prescribe other medications to
through direct skin-to-skin contact or by using offer relief from symptoms such as:
a towel, piece of bedding, or furniture item  Antihistamines
infested with the mites.  Anti-itching lotions such as pramoxine
o Because of this, some of the most likely people lotion
to experience an infestation include:  Antibiotics
1) children attending daycare or school  Steroid creams
2) parents or caregivers of young children
3) sexually active young adults
4) people with multiple sexual partners
o A person can sometimes mistake scabies for
5) residents of extended care facilities
dermatitis or eczema, as these skin conditions
6) older adults
also cause itching and bumps on the skin.
7) people with weakened immune systems,
o Anyone who is unsure about the cause of a skin
including those with HIV, transplant
condition should contact a doctor, as over-the-
recipients, and others taking
counter remedies cannot eradicate scabies.
immunosuppressant medications
o Anyone living with someone who has the
condition will most likely need to receive
treatment for scabies even if they do not have o People can prevent scabies infestations by
any symptoms. limiting contact with the skin of someone who
 This includes anyone with whom the already has one and items such as their
person has had recent intimate bedding or clothing.
contact. o However, this may be difficult when it comes to
o Doctors generally treat scabies with topical members of the same household or people who
medications such as: are in close proximity to someone with an
 5% permethrin cream infestation, as that person can sometimes be
 Crotamiton cream symptom-free for as long as 4–8 weeks.
 Lindane lotion
o To prevent subsequent infestations and o Head lice infestations are frequently found in
spreading, a person should wash or dry-clean school settings or institutions.
all clothes, towels, and linens.
 Use hot, soapy water and dry on a high
o People should place any items that they cannot
wash into a sealed plastic bag for at least 3 days
to starve the mites.
o People should also vacuum the entire home —
including carpets, rugs, and upholstery — on
the day that treatment is initiated and either o Crab lice infestations can be found among
discard the bag or thoroughly clean the sexually active individuals.
vacuum’s canister. o Body lice infestation can be found in people
living in crowded, unsanitary conditions where
clothing is infrequently changed or laundered

o Pediculosis is an infestation of the hairy parts of o For both head lice and body lice, transmission
the body or clothing with the eggs, larvae or can occur during direct contact with an infested
adults of lice. individual.
o The crawling stages of this insect feed on human o Sharing of clothing and combs or brushes may
blood, which can result in severe itching. also result in transmission of these insects.
o Head lice are usually located on the scalp, crab o Crab lice are most often transmitted through
lice in the pubic area and body lice along seams sexual contact.
of clothing.
o Body lice travel to the skin to feed and return  Pediculosis can be spread as long as lice or eggs
back to the clothing. remain alive on the infested person or clothing.

o Usually, the first indication of an infestation is

the itching or scratching in the area of the body
where the lice feed.
o Scratching at the back of the head or around
the ears should lead to an examination for head
louse eggs (nits) on the hair.
o Itching around the genital area should lead to
an examination for crab lice or their eggs.
o Scratching can be sufficiently intense to result
in secondary bacterial infection in these areas.

o Anyone may become louse infested under  It may take as long as two to three weeks or longer
suitable conditions of exposure. for a person to notice the intense itching associated
o Pediculosis is easily transmitted from person to with this infestation.
person during direct contact.

o Medicated shampoos or cream rinses

containing pyrethrins or permethrin are
preferred for treating people with head lice.
o Products containing pyrethrins, permethrin or
malathion are available over-the-counter, but
those containing lindane or malathion are
available only through a physician's
o Lindane-based shampoos are not
recommended for infants, young children,
pregnant women, lactating women, the
elderly, and persons with HIV or seizure
disorders, persons who have very irritated skin
or sores where the lidane will be applied and
persons who weigh less than 110 pounds.
o Retreatment after 7 to 10 days is often
recommended to ensure that no eggs have
o Nit combs are available to help remove nits
from hair.
o Dose and duration of shampoo treatment
should be followed carefully according to label

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