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1. I love to write to express my emotion, think, and share information.

Being a
professional writer has always been my dream and this is my chance to pursue it. I believe
SAYS would be a great platform for me to kickstart my journey in the writing field. My
expected salary is RM3000. However, I am willing to negotiate further if my expected salary
doesn’t fit your company.
2. For now, I would like to have stability and consistent growth in what I am
doing. Additionally, I want to learn and explore more on how to write good articles and be a
better writer and adapt to the new media style.
3. I would love to write articles about music, lifestyle, history, and culture.
4. Other than writing, I have experience in other fields such as administration,
sales, and teaching. Plus, I have good connections with other creatives, and I believe it
would be beneficial for both parties.
5. Currently, the most social media I use are Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
I use Facebook to gain information and read articles. For Instagram, I always seek ideas in
photography and other creative things; I love photography and do it as my hobby. I use
LinkedIn to find connections and connect with other creative and look for career

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