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The body has natural defense that stop invasion of pathogens at various stages of attack. There are two lines of defense in the
1. Nonspecific defense mechanisms which prevent entry of the microorganisms
2. Specific defense mechanisms also called immune system. These are active processes that destroy the micro-organisms
once they manage to get in the body.
1. Non-specific defense mechanisms. These guard against entry of micro-organisms in the body
Examples of non-specific defense mechanisms
a) The first lines line of defense (outside defense) include physical & chemicals that prevent entry of pathogens E.g. the
skin, sweat, tears, mucus, acid in stomach, friendly bacteria, urine flow, white blood cells called neutrophils, increase in
body temperature (fever) etc.
The skin
 Forms a hard, keratinized outer layer that acts as a barrier for most bacteria & viruses.
 Secretes oils & sweat that make the surface acidic (pH 3 to 5) that kills micro-organisms.
Friendly/beneficial bacteria/resident bacteria
 Certain friendly bacteria also secrete acids & other metabolic wastes that inhibit multiplication of pathogens
 Sweat contains lysozymes enzyme that destroys bacterial cell walls
 Saliva also contains lysozyme that kills bacteria present in food and drinks
Ciliated mucus membranes
 The respiratory tract is lined with ciliated mucous membrane.
 The cilia filter out undesired particles in the nostrils
 Mucus traps bacteria in the trachea & bronchi
 Movements of cilia sweep bacteria towards the throat from where they are expelled by coughing or sneezing
 Usually the fight between micro-organisms & WBCs results in rising of temperature (fever) that inhibits
bacterial growth & also activates body’s defenses hence is beneficial if not too high & uncomfortable
 The fever is caused by either toxins released by the pathogens or by the chemicals called pyrogens released by
WBCs that set the body’s thermostat at a higher temperature
 These are anti-viral proteins released by host cells attacked by a virus that make other susceptible cells in the
vicinity resistant to the attack
 They do this by inhibiting virus replication and cell growth of the non-infected neighboring cells
 The interferon is based on their property to ‘interfere’ with replication of viruses
 Have been found very effective against Hepatitis virus & influenza virus
b) The second line of defense
 Work when the first line of defense is broken & bacteria do again entry through abrasion or wound in the skin.
i. Phagocytic cells or WBCs: Neutrophils are WBCs that find, kill & ingest pathogens seeking entrance into the
ii. At the wound, clotting, prevents both bleeding & entry of bacteria (Describe the mechanism of blood
iii. Inflammatory response:
 This is a reaction of a tissue to injury or an antigen that may include pain, swelling, itching, redness, heat & loss
of function. These reactions are localized or confined around the wound.
EVENTS THAT LEAD TO INFLAMMATION e.g. when a pin pricks the skin or an insect bite
 Damaged cells release chemical alarm signals like histamines & prostaglandins that cause dilation of blood
vessels which increase blood flow to the area making it red & hot and constrict those that carry away blood from
the scene

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