Achievers A1 Grammar Worksheet Support Unit 6

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6 Grammar Worksheet
1 Write the sentences correctly. 4 Choose the correct question words.
1 Kathydidn’tcometokaratelessonswithusyesterday. 1 What / How did you have for breakfast this morning?
Kathy didn’t come to karate lessons with us yesterday. 2 How / What many plates did you put on the table?
2 Theteacherdidn’tgiveushomeworktoday. 3 What / When did you do your homework?
4 When / Where did the Vikings travel to?
5 Who / How did you bake the cake for?
3 Ididn’tbuyapresentforSam’sbirthday. 6 What / Why did your grandmother phone you

4 Emmadidn’tphonemeattheweekend. 5 Complete the sentences with a question word and the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 How many people did you meet (meet) at the party?
5 Ourclassdidn’tvisitthemuseumonourschooltrip. 2 your grandfather
(move) to the USA?
3 you
6 Wedidn’tstayinahotelonholiday. (buy) from the shopping
4 you
(buy) your digital camera
2 Match the parts of the questions. from?
1 Did your sister A my chocolate cake? 5 they
2 Did they eat B some new earrings? (leave) early from the
3 Did Mrs Stevens C a good weekend? cinema?
4 Did you have D go to the hospital yesterday? 6 you
5 Did she buy E our tickets at the cinema? (go) swimming with?
6 Did he book F give you a test today?
6 Read the questions and answers. Some of the questions
are incorrect. Tick ( ) or correct the questions.
3 Read the questions and write affirmative ( ) or 1 How many were the plane tickets?
negative ( ) answers.
How much were the plane tickets?
1 Did you go to the theatre at the weekend? ( ) The plane tickets cost £162 each.
Yes, I did. 2 How long did the journey took?
2 Did she speak with her grandparents yesterday? ( )
The journey took four hours.
3 Did they walk to school today? ( ) 3 When did you go on holiday?

4 Did you eat a sandwich at lunchtime? ( ) We went to Austria on holiday.
4 Where did you stay?
5 Did he play sport today? ( )
We stayed in a cabin.
6 Did you meet your friends at the weekend? ( ) 5 What activities did you do?

We skied and walked in the mountains.
6 When time was your flight home?

Our flight home was at 7am in the morning.

46 UNIT 6 GRAMMAR WORKSHEET Support Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015

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