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Assessment Information/Brief 2019-20

To be used for all types of assessment and provided to students at the start of the module.
Information provided should be compatible with the detail contained in the approved module
specification although may contain more information for clarity.

Module title Intermediate Placement


Level 5

Assessment title
Intermediate Placement Viva
Weighting within This assessment is worth 100% of the overall module mark.

Submission deadline
date and time July in the first week after completion of the placement.

Module Leader/Assessment set by:

Mark McAloon
Room: PO52 Brian Blatchford Building
Telephone number: 0161 295 2695

How to submit

Assessment task details and instructions

This assessment consists of 3 x OSE each of 40 minutes length.
The OSE will cover topics in Orthotics or Prosthetics dependent upon which discipline was taken upon
The OSE content could be on any of the following topics:

1) Trans-tibial and trans-femoral prosthetics, assessment, prescription, and trans-femoral check-out

procedure including gait deviations
2) Transradial/ Transhumeral prosthetics; professional issues relating to P&O practice and relevant
prosthetics-related pathologies and Myoelectric prostheses
3) Footwear
4) Knee Orthoses and/or KAFO’s and AFO’s
5) Spinal – any spinal orthotic content will only cover what has been taught at University.

Please see individual documents on each OSE station for further details. You will find this within

Assessment Information/Brief
the assessment folder.

Assessed intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding

1. Complete a holistic prosthetic/orthotic management plan, and use clinical reasoning skills to
justify the prosthetic/orthotic management rationale, relating this to the available evidence base
2. Analyse current clinical practices in prosthetics/orthotics and show professionalism in
accordance with professional guidelines and an ability to organise themselves and their
3. Identify information on prosthetic/orthotic componentry and prefabricated items and be able to
analyse its suitability for different prosthetic/orthotic user groups
4. Explain the principles of biomechanics in relation to prosthetic/orthotic management and
individual user needs
5. Construct accurate clinical records, legibly, articulately and within a reasonable time frame
Transferable Skills and other Attributes
On completion the student will have had the opportunity to:
6. Communication: opportunities for communication with a wide range of people, namely people requiring
prosthetic or orthotic treatment, carers, other professionals and other colleagues run throughout the
placement; formative feedback is provided through learning agreement meetings and interim Professional
Aptitude Assessment with the training officer, and visits from the clinical tutor, communication skills will
be assessed summatively at the end of the module through the Professional Aptitude Assessment
(completed by the training officer) and the portfolio
7. Information Technology: Accessing and incorporating evidence from source bases and digital
environments and using these to enhance the clinical essay
8. Numeracy: students will practice numeracy skills through the completion of prosthetic or orthotic
measurement forms, these will be both formatively and summatively assessed
9. Problem Solving: Students will practice problem solving skills in relation to prosthetic or orthotic
management, these will be both formatively and summatively assessed
10. Managing Own Learning: students will practice reflective and self-management skills, through evaluation
of their own practice

Module Aims
1. To enable the student to develop, apply and transfer knowledge, skills and experience gained in the
previous 2 years, to and within clinical practice
2. To enable the student to develop their understanding of the treatment of common areas of clinical
practice under routine supervision.
3. To develop the student the understanding of the practicalities of the prosthetic/orthotic supply processes
4. To further develop the student’s interpersonal skills, and their confidence as a member of the multi-
professional clinical team

Word count/ duration (if applicable)


Feedback arrangements

You will receive support and verbal feedback on your performance within the module via a Personal
Aptitude Assessment Form (PAA). If the placement mentor has any concerns these will be discussed with

Assessment Information/Brief
you and a plan for remedial action will be developed along with the assigned placement lecturer from
the University.

Support arrangements
You can obtain support for this assessment by contacting your assigned placement lecturer.
Details regarding these lecturers have been provided on the Blackboard site.

The University offers a range of support services for students through askUS.
Good Academic Conduct and Academic Misconduct
Students are expected to learn and demonstrate skills associated with good academic conduct
(academic integrity). Good academic conduct includes the use of clear and correct referencing
of source materials. Here is a link to where you can find out more about the skills which
students require
Academic Misconduct is an action which may give you an unfair advantage in your academic
work. This includes plagiarism, asking someone else to write your assessment for you or
taking notes into an exam. The University takes all forms of academic misconduct seriously.
You can find out how to avoid academic misconduct here

Assessment Information
If you have any questions about assessment rules, you can find out more here.

Personal Mitigating Circumstances

If personal mitigating circumstances may have affected your ability to complete this assessment,
you can find more information about personal mitigating circumstances procedure here.

Personal Tutor/Student Progression Administrator

If you have any concerns about your studies, contact your Personal Tutor or your Student
Progression Administrator.

Assessment Criteria
Marks for your exam will be allocated based on a pre-determined marking scheme. It is not always the
case that a single statement is worth one mark. You should attempt to answer (or demonstrate an
assessment technique where required) as fully as possible as directed by the viva examiners.

In Year Retrieval Scheme

Your assessment is not eligible for in year retrieval.

If you fail the Exam, and are eligible for reassessment, you will undertake at an appropriate resit period

Assessment Information/Brief
or in the first semester exam period of the next academic year. It is important that you seek support
from the module leader in order to understand why you were not successful and how to improve your
performance before your reassessment.

Assessment Information/Brief

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