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DESCRIPTION Where contaminated ground-water condi- UNDER CONCRETE FLOOR SLABS
VOLTEX DS® is a highly effective waterproof- tions exist, use VOLTEX DSCR® with contami- VOLTEX DS® is recommended for use under
ing composite of high strength geotextiles, nant resistant sodium bentonite. VOLTEX structural reinforced concrete slabs 100
4.8 kg/sqm of sodium bentonite per square DSCR® resists higher levels of the following mm thick or greater on a compacted earth/
m, and a integrally bonded polyethylene contaminants: nitrates, phosphates, chlo- gravel substrate. A minimum 150 mm thick
liner. The high swelling, low permeable so- rides, sulfates, lime and organic solvents. reinforced slab, if installed over a concrete
dium bentonite is encapsulated between the Verify suitability of product by submitting blinding. Where hydrostatic conditions ex-
two geotextiles. A proprietary needlepunch a site water sample to CETCO for Water Com- ist, install VOLTEX DS® under footings and
process interlocks the geotextiles together patibility Testing prior to installation. ground beams.
forming an extremely strong composite that
maintains the equal coverage of bentonite, INSTALLATION Place VOLTEX DS® over the properly prepared
as well as, protects it from inclement weath- General: Installation guidelines herein are substrate with the dark grey (woven) geo-
er and construction related damage. Once for cast-in-place concrete applications. For textile side up. Overlap all adjoining edges
backfilled, VOLTEX DS® hydrates and forms shotcrete, precast concrete, and other ap- a minimum 100 mm and stagger sheet ends
a monolithic waterproofing membrane. plications not covered herein, refer to spe- a minimum 300 mm. Staple or nail edges
VOLTEX DS® contains zero VOC, can be in- cific VOLTEX DS® literature or contact CETCO together as required to prevent any displace-
stalled in almost any weather condition to for applicable installation guidelines. Install ment before and during concrete placement.
green concrete, and most importantly, has VOLTEX DS® in strict accordance with the
proven effective on both new and remedial manufacturer’s installation guidelines us- Cut VOLTEX DS® to closely fit around pen-
waterproofing projects worldwide. ing accessory products as required. Also, etrations and pile caps. Install VOLCLAY
use VOLTEX DSCR® as required for con- GRANULES® under cut VOLTEX DS® edge at
VOLTEX DS® works by forming a low perme- taminated conditions. Install VOLTEX DS® detailing and then apply a minimum 19 mm
ability membrane upon contact with water. with the dark grey (woven) geotextile toward thick fillet of BENTOSEAL® to top of cut
When wetted, unconfined bentonite can swell the concrete to be waterproofed. Install VOLTEX DS® edge at penetrations, pile caps,
up to 15 times its dry volume. When confined WATERSTOP-RX® in all applicable horizontal ground beams, and other detailing. Extend
under pressure the swell is controlled, form- and vertical concrete construction joints. BENTOSEAL® onto VOLTEX DS® and detail
ing a dense, impervious waterproofing mem- Schedule waterproofing material installa- a minimum of 50 mm. For hydrostatic condi-
brane. The swelling action of VOLTEX DS® tion to permit prompt placement of con- tions, VOLTEX DS® should be installed under
can self-seal small concrete racks caused crete or compacted backfill. STORAGE: Keep ground beams and footings. Extend VOL-
by ground settlement, concrete shrinkage, or VOLTEX DS® and all accessory products dry TEX DS® onto footing a minimum 150 mm
seismic action. VOLTEX DS® forms a strong prior to backfill or concrete placement. when required to tie into vertical wall water-
mechanical bond to concrete when the geo- proofing.
textile fibres are encapsulated into the sur- Preparatory Work: Under Slab: Sub-
face of cast-in-place concrete. strate should be smooth and compacted to Where property line retaining walls, such
a minimum of 85% Modified Proctor density. as secant/contiguous piling, steel sheet pil-
APPLICATIONS Concrete Walls: Concrete should be free of ing, soldier pile and lagging, are used as the
VOLTEX DS® is designed for below-ground voids and projections. Surface irregulari- outside concrete form, install a VOLTEX DS®
structural foundation surfaces. Typical cast- ties should be removed before installation. transition course at the base of the wall per
in-place concrete applications include back- Apply BENTOSEAL over filled tie-bolt holes “Shoring Wall Transition” instructions within
filled concrete walls, earth-covered roofs, and to honeycombed concrete and surface the “Property Line Construction” section
structural slabs, tunnels, and property line voids. Tie-bolt holes extending through the herein. Continue the underslab VOLTEX DS®
construction. Property line construction ap- wall should be completely filled with non- installation to the retaining wall overlapping
plications include soldier pile and lagging, shrink cementitious grout and a piece of the transition course a minimum 300 mm.
steel sheet piling, secant/contiguous pil- WATERSTOP-RX® centred in the wall. Prop-
ing, shotcrete and stabilized earth retention erty Line Shoring Walls: Install VOLTEX DS® BACKFILLED CAST-IN-PLACE
walls. Applications may include structures only after proper substrate preparation has CONSTRUCTION
under continuous or intermittent hydrostatic been completed and is suitable to receive Before installing the first course of
pressure. the waterproofing. VOLTEX DS®, install BENTOSEAL® fillet (min
38 x 38 mm) at the wall / footing transition
corner. Trowel apply the BENTOSEAL® to
form a continuous line.


Pre-applied Installation Install adjacent VOLTEX DS® rolls of the bot- NOTE: VOLTEX DS® is not recommended for
Apply VOLTEX DS® to timber formwork, ei- tom course horizontally oriented. Each roll masonry block walls. Contact CETCO regard-
ther horizontally or vertically, by nailing or should overlap the preceding roll a mini- ing products and installation guidelines for
stapling, following general application guide- mum 100 mm and should extend onto the masonry block foundation walls.
lines for lapping all adjacent edges 100 mm, footing a minimum 150 mm. At inside wall
and staggering adjacent roll ends no less corners apply a continuous 19 mm fillet of PROPERTY LINE CAST-IN-PLACE
than 300 mm (avoiding four-way laps), and BENTOSEAL® directly in the corner prior to CONSTRUCTION
additionally ensuring that laps face down- installing VOLTEX DS®. Stagger all vertical Use VOLTEX DS® to waterproof various types
wards, as applicable. The polyethylene liner overlap joints a minimum of 300 mm. For of cast-in-place property line construction,
should be installed against the formwork and hydrostatic conditions, the vertical wall VOL- including: secant/contiguous piling, steel
the woven (grey) geotextile should face the TEX DS® should cover the entire footing and sheet piling, soldier pile and lagging, and sta-
concrete to be waterproofed. overlap the underslab waterproofing a mini- bilized earth shoring walls. Following guide-
Extend VOLTEX DS® the full depth of the mum 150 mm. Tape all VOLTEX DS® mem- lines outline the installation of VOLTEX DS®
formwork, so that the VOLTEX DS® laps 100 brane overlap seams with CETCO Seamtape. on secant/contiguous piled walls. For other
mm over the VOLTEX DS® already cast into property line shoring wall applications refer
the slab edge and wall kicker, and allow no Cut VOLTEX DS® to closely fit around pene- to the “VOLTEX DS® Cast-In-Place Product
less than 150 mm at the top of the formwork, trations. After installing VOLTEX DS®, trowel Manual” or consult CETCO. For Shotcrete
to provide waterproofing continuity later, if re- a minimum 19 mm thick fillet of BENTOSE- applications refer to the “VOLTEX DS® Shot-
quired. AL® around the penetrations to completely crete Application Manual” for installation
fill any space between the penetration guidelines.
Position formwork as required, and tie/space and the VOLTEX DS® edge. Extend BENTO-
forms, penetrating VOLTEX DS® as neces- SEAL® onto the penetration and over the Secant/Contiguous Piled Wall Prepa-
sary. Normal concrete practice is sufficient in VOLTEX DS® edge 38 mm. In areas where ration: Substrates should be free of large
terms of striking times for formwork, but due multiple penetrations are close together, it voids or protrusions. Voids, pits, and cracks
care should be taken to ensure that VOLTEX may be impractical to cut VOLTEX DS® to fit in excess of 20 mm, should be parged flush
DS® remains bonded to green concrete. around each penetration. Therefore, apply using cementitious grout or BENTOSEAL®.
Where a slab toe exists, and underslab VOLT- a 19 mm thick fillet of BENTOSEAL® around Protrusions greater than 20 mm should be
EX DS® has terminated at the top edge of the base of each penetration and cover the en- removed or smoothed flush. Generally, grad-
slab, additional VOLTEX DS® will be required tire area between the penetrations. Extend ual undulating surfaces are acceptable, sud-
to link underslab/edge of slab VOLTEX DS® BENTOSEAL® 38 mm onto the penetrations. den changes in level, i.e. ridges and hollows,
with the pre-applied wall VOLTEX DS®. Install are not.
BENTOSEAL® fillet (min 38 x 38 mm) at the Terminate VOLTEX DS® membrane 300 mm
internal wall/slab corner, and place addi- below finished ground elevation with washer- On contiguous piling, ensure that soil col-
tional VOLTEX DS® over the slab ‘toe’ lapping head fasteners maximum 300 mm on cen- umns between piles are cut back to no less
100 mm over the edge of slab VOLTEX DS®, tre. Install CETBIT 300 flashing to primed than one third of the pile diameter, to create
and continue over the toe terminating under concrete substrate with bottom edge over- a fixing cleavage, and reduce the likelihood
the unbonded wall VOLTEX DS® flap at the lapping top edge of VOLTEX DS® membrane of soil dislodging behind VOLTEX DS®.
back of the kicker. minimum 100 mm. Overlap all roll ends
a minimum 100 mm to form a continuous Where required, cast concrete backblinding
Post-applied Installation flashing. Height of flashing shall be as per or apply shotcrete to contiguous piled walls
Beginning at the bottom corner of the wall, project details and specifications. Install to provide a sound substrate, particularly
install VOLTEX DS® horizontally oriented a rigid termination bar along top edge of where large voids occur between piles due to
with 1.5 m on one wall and the remainder CETBIT 300; fastened maximum 300 mm on unstable soil loss.
around the corner on the other wall sur- centre. Complete ground termination detail
face. Cut the bottom edge of VOLTEX DS® with tooled bead of CETSEAL along the top Shoring Wall Transition: At base of shoring
at the corner a minimum of 150 mm so that edge, at all penetrations through the flash- wall, install VOLTEX DS® sheet horizontally
VOLTEX DS® can be extended onto the foot- ing, and all exposed overlap seams. Backfill oriented (dark grey woven geotextile facing
ing. Fasten VOLTEX DS® into position with shall be placed and compacted to minimum installer) with the bottom edge extending
washer headed fasteners a maximum of 85% Modified Proctor density promptly after out onto the horizontal substrate a minimum
600 mm on centre. Then cut and install waterproofing installation. Backfill should 300 mm and the top edge of the sheet ex-
a VOLTEX DS® section over the uncovered consist of compactable soil or angular ag- tending a min. 300 mm above the finished
footing corner area. Apply BENTOSEAL® at gregate (19 mm or less) free of debris, sharp slab elevation. Secure VOLTEX DS® sheet
the VOLTEX DS® section to VOLTEX DS® over- objects, and stones larger than 19 mm. to shoring wall with washerhead fasteners
lap at the corner. maximum 600 mm on centre. Overlap edges
of VOLTEX DS® sheets a minimum 100 mm.


If the slab thickness is greater than 600 mm, VOLTEX DS® membrane minimum 100 mm. VOLTEX DS® is not intended to seal expan-
install a second full sheet or cut strip of Overlap all roll ends a minimum 100 mm to sion joints; contact CETCO for expansion
VOLTEX DS® on the shoring wall to meet form a continuous flashing. Height of flash- joint applications. Do not use VOLTEX DS®
the 300 mm requirement above of the top ing shall be per project details and specifica- on masonry block foundation walls. Con-
slab elevation. Overlap top edge of previous tions. Install a rigid termination bar along top sult CETCO for special installation guide-
sheet and edges of adjacent sheets a min. edge of CETBIT 300; fastened maximum 300 lines that apply to shotcrete and precast
100 mm. mm on centre. Complete ground termination concrete construction.
detail with tooled bead of CETSEAL along
Secant/Contiguous/Steel Sheet Piled the top edge, at all penetrations through the VOLTEX DS® installation guidelines contained
Wall Installation: Follow the ‘Shoring Wall flashing, and all exposed overlap seams. herein are for cast-in-place concrete applica-
Transition’ instructions for installation of tions and do not cover shotcrete or precast
VOLTEX DS® transition course at the base Secure all excavated VOLTEX DS® overlap concrete applications. Refer to VOLTEX DS®
of the secant/contiguous/steel sheet piled seams with washer-head fasteners maxi- Product Manuals for additional property line
wall, with the 300 mm base flap cut and mum 600 mm on centre and then install shoring wall construction technique applica-
splayed as necessary, to allow the material Seamtape centred along overlap seams. tions. Consult CETCO for applicable products
to lay flat and provide continuity with the un- Backfill shall be placed and compacted to and installation guidelines for applications
der slab installation. minimum 85% Modified Proctor density not covered herein.
Use washer-head fasteners to secure promptly after waterproofing installation.
VOLTEX DS®, following general application Backfill should consist of compactable soil SIZE AND PACKAGING
guidelines for lapping all adjacent edges or angular aggregate (19 mm or less) free of VOLTEX DS® is available in 1.1 m x 5 m rolls.
100 mm, and staggering adjacent roll ends debris, sharp objects, and stones larger than Typical roll weight is approximately 37 kg.
no less than 300 mm (avoiding four-way 19 mm. VOLTEX DS® is packaged 32 rolls per pallet
laps), and additionally ensuring that laps (176 sqm). VOLTEX DS® is also available in
face downwards, as applicable, ensure that 2.5 m x 20 m and 5m x 40 m standard size
VOLTEX DS® closely contours the application LIMITATIONS rolls.
surface. For secant and contiguous piling, lo- VOLTEX DS® should only be installed after
cate fasteners close to cleavages. For steel substrate preparation has been properly ACCESSORY PRODUCTS
sheet piling, locate fasteners close to sheet completed and is suitable to receive the wa- Install VOLTEX DS® using accessory products
pile interlocks and along internal/external terproofing system. Concrete work should be in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s
sheet pile corners. cast-in-place with conventional forms that installation guidelines and details. Primary
produce a smooth surface. accessory products include BENTOSEAL®,
Penetrations: Install a cut collar of VOL- VOLCLAY GRANULES®, CETSEAL, Seamtape
TEX DS® tightly around the penetration; ex- VOLTEX DS® is designed for below-ground and CETBIT 300 ground flashing.
tending a minimum 300 mm radius. Apply waterproofing applications where the prod-
BENTOSEAL® over VOLTEX DS® collar around uct is properly confined. VOLTEX DS® should
penetration; extending BENTOSEAL® a mini- not be installed in standing water or over ice. PRODUCTS
mum 75 mm radius at 6 mm thickness. Then If ground water contains strong acids, alka- AQUADRAIN® subsurface drainage compos-
install main course of VOLTEX DS® mem- lies, or is of a conductivity of 2500 μmhos/ ite and WATERSTOP-RX® expanding concrete
brane tightly around the penetration. Finally, cm or greater, water samples should be sub- joint waterstop.
detail around penetration with 19 mm thick mitted to the manufacturer for compatibil-
a minimum 300 mm radius of BENTOSEAL®. ity testing. ULTRASEAL XP may be required IMPORTANT NOTICE: CONTACT CETCO FOR
With sleeved pipes, fill the gap between the if contaminated ground water or saltwater VERIFICATION OF SPECIFICATION AND IN-
pipe and the sleeve with non-shrink cemen- conditions exist. STALLATION REQUIREMENTS TO COMPLY
both sides of sleeve. VOLTEX DS® is designed for use under rein- DROSHIELD WARRANTY.
forced concrete slabs 100 mm thick or great-
Ground Termination: Terminate VOLT- er on a compacted earth/gravel substrate.
EX DS® membrane 300 mm below finished VOLTEX DS® requires a minimum 150 mm
ground elevation with washer-head fasteners thick reinforced concrete slab if installed
maximum 300 mm on centre. Install CETBIT over a concrete blinding. VOLTEX DS® is not
300 flashing to primed concrete substrate designed for split-slab plaza deck construc-
with bottom edge overlapping top edge of tion.


piled wall

VOLTEX DS® fastened

to face of piled wall
Reinforced concrete wall
(min 150 mm thick)

(min 75 mm cover)

(38 mm x 38 mm)


Property Line Contiguous Piled Wall Detail

VOLTEX DS® Cast-in-place concrete wall

100 mm Cast-in-place
min concrete wall Tooled bead of CETSEAL
wall course installed Finished ground
horizontally oriented
Voids filled
300 mm see technical data Metal termination bar
fastened 300 mm

min sheets for guidelines

on centre (max)


min 75 mm coverage membrane
Retained Top edge of VOLTEX DS®
earth 300 mm 100 mm fastened 300 mm
min on centre (max)

VOLTEX DS® corner transition VOLTEX DS® under slab VOLTEX DS®
sheet installed horizontally oriented
Property Line Transition Ground Termination


Bentonite Free Swell ASTM D 5890 ≥ 24 ml / 2 g
Bentonite Fluid Loss ASTM D 5891 18 ml max.
Bentonite mass / unit area EN 14196 4.8 kg/m²
Hydrostatic Pressure Resistance ASTM D 5385 (mod) 70 m
Peel Adhesion to Concrete ASTM D 903 (mod) 2.6 kN / m min
Hydraulic Conductivity ASTM D 5084 1.0 x 10–10 cm/s
Tensile Strength (MD / CD) EN ISO 10319 10.0 kN/m / 10.0 kN/m
Thickness @ 2 kPa EN ISO 9863-1 7.0 mm typical
Puncture Resistance EN ISO 12236 1.8 kN
Low Temperature Flexibility ASTM D 1970 unaffected @ –32°C

86/1650 EN 13491:2004 + EN 13491:2004/A1:2006 |


IMPORTANT: The information contained herein supersedes all previous printed versions, and is believed to be accurate and reliable.
For the most up-to-date information, please contact CETCO sales team. CETCO accepts no responsibility for the results obtained
through application of this product. CETCO reserves the right to update information without notice.


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