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Date of Issue: 16/05/2022

Ref: NHC-PC/16/05/2022/MV425

The High Commission of India The Assistant High Commission of India

Dhaka, Bangladesh Sylhet, Bangladesh

The Assistant High Commission of India The Assistant High Commission of India
Chittagong, Bangladesh Khulna, Bangladesh

The Assistant High Commission of India

Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Your Excellency,

Sub: Issue of Medical Visa and Medical Attendant Visa

Greetings from Narayana Hrudayalaya Limited, India!

Narayana Health is one of the most trusted and respected hospital groups of India which is headed by
world’s renowned Cardiac Surgeon Dr. Devi Shetty, winner of many awards and accolades from the
Government of India and abroad.

Sir, we have been contacted by one of our patient Shufiya Begum come to our hospital at Bangalore
for evaluation & medical treatment. Patient will need to remain in India for a period of 15-20 days
depending upon recovery and follow-up treatment. Patient has appointment with our Senior Consultant
on 10-06-2022

The details of the passport are as below:

Patient Name : SHUFIYA BEGUM

Passport No : A03409227

We would appreciate early delivery of medical visa to enable the above person to come to our hospital
for review and treatment.
Thanking you in anticipation.

For Narayana Health

Name : Perunchitthiran
Designation : Senior Manager
E-mail :
Mobile No : +91-95381 78958

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