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School of Business & Economics

Department of Accounting & Finance

Prepared By: Wondefraw Alemneh
ID No:- R/4083/04

Submitted to : Department of Accounting and Finance

Submission Date: October, 2013

The Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority (ERCA) was established by
the proclamation No .587/2008 on 14 July 2008, by the merger of the Ministry
of Revenue, Ethiopian Customs Authority and the Federal Inland Revenue
Authority for the purpose of enhancing the mobilization of government
revenues, while providing effective tax and Customs administration and
sustainability in revenue collection. The main objective of the establishment of
ERCA was to streamline the public revenue generation function by bringing the
relevant agencies under the umbrella of the central revenue collector body.

This structuring aimed at improving service delivering, facilitating trade,

enforcing the tax and customs laws and thereby enhancing mobilization of
Government revenue in sustainable manner.
A study called "Business Process Re-engineering" had taken place before the
merger of the foregoing administrations. The study was undertaken for a year
and half beginning from November 2007 by teams of officials selected from
within the administration.

The study has looked into the selected key business processes and has come
across inefficient organizational structure and unnecessary complicated
procedures that permitted insufficient service delivery. The study has also
indicated that there was corruption within the administrations and that
smuggling and tax evasion were serious problems. These problems have
depressed the attempt of the foregoing administrations to be successful in
achieving their objectives.

Documents for the import and export goods were processed through the former
tax and customs administration and due to the inefficient procedures, these
goods were subject to delay at exit or entry points of the former customs
Authority. Owing to it, importers or exporters viewed the former customs
procedure with disfavor or looks as an impediment for international trade. The
former tax and customs administration also has long been criticized for lack of
efficient and effective system to control tax evasion.

The administration had inefficient system to control taxpayers who fail to

declare their actual income in order to reduce their tax bill and the federal
government's revenue. The former administration was also far behind in
protecting investors from adverse effects of contraband and illegal practices. In
its proposal, the team has suggested merger of the foregoing three
administrations. The study team believed that it would be better if the three
administrations merged, forming a single powerful organization to increase
modern and equitable tax and customs administration system, effective
resource utilization and quick service delivery. Presently, the Authority is
exercising the powers and duties that were granted to the Ministry of Revenue,
the Federal Inland Revenue Authority and the Customs Authority by existing
The Addis Ababa City Tax Administration and ERCA have signed a
memorandum of understanding in January 2011 to gain support from ERCA.
The main objective of the agreement is to enhance the capacity of tax
administration of the city to collect its revenue effectively and efficiently. Based
on the agreement, the administration part of the city tax administration is
temporarily merged to ERCA; the revenue collected is to the Addis Ababa city
government administration.


The ERCA has the following objectives:

 Establish modern revenue assessment and collection system; and render

fair, efficient and quality service;
 Assess, collect and account for all revenues in accordance with tax and
customs laws set out in legislation;
 Equitably enforce the tax and customs laws by preventing and
controlling contraband as well as tax fraud and evasion;
 Collect timely and effectively all the federal and Addis Ababa tax
revenues generated by economy, and
 Provide the necessary support to the regional states with the objective of
harmonizing federal and regional tax administration systems.



ERCA’s vision is being a leading, fair and modern Tax and Customs
Administration in Africa by 2025 that will finance Government expenditure
through domestic tax revenue collection

ERCA’s mission is to contribute to economic development and social welfare by
developing a modern Tax and Customs Administration that employs
professional and highly skilled staff who promote voluntary compliance
amongst individuals and businesses, and take swift action against those who
do not comply.


ERCA understands its customers and their needs, treat them with trust and
respect and help them meet their obligations. It acts with integrity,
transparency, accountability and professionalism to enforce customs and tax
related laws. It works closely with stake holders and ensures the participation
of women.


The key business drivers have been identified as follows:

Revenue collection

Reliable data and statistics

Trade facilitation

Process oriented


Enforcement and security

Good governance

The ERCA shall have the powers and duties to:


 Organizational structure is a way of arrangement to accomplish the work

planned in efficient and in effective manner.
 It is the most crucial part of the office organized to achieve afore
mentioned objectives and missions.
 The organizational structure of the office not permanent. It changed from
year to year in a way that seems more comfortable and convenient for
accomplishing the activities of the office.
Ethiopian Revenue customes authoriies has the following organizational
1.1. The extent to which the organization is realizing its
vision and mission and Performance of the
Organization in Relation to its Objectives
It has it mission, visions and objectives that has mentioned in the
previous pages. The organization has its performance in relation to its
objectives the main activities that are
 ERCA Establish and implement modern revenue assessment and
collection system.
 Provide, based on rules of transparency and accountability, efficient,
equitable and quality service within the sector;
 Properly enforce incentives of tax exemptions given to investors and
ensure that such incentives are used for the intended purposes;
 Implement awareness creation programs to promote a culture of
voluntary compliance of taxpayers in the discharge of their tax
 Carry out valuation of goods for the purpose of tax assessment and
determine and collect the taxes;
 Conduct study and research activities with greater emphasis to improve
the enforcement of customs and tax laws, regulations and directives and
the collection of other revenues; and based on the result of the study and
research initiate laws and policies and implement the same up on
 Collect and analyze information necessary for the control of import and
export goods and the assessment and determination of taxes; compile
statistical data on criminal offences relating to the sector, and
disseminate the information to others as may be necessary;
 Inspect and seize documents under the possession of any person that are
required for the enforcement of customs and tax laws; organize and
operate modern laboratory inspection of goods and documents;
 Delegate, fully or partially, its powers of investigation, prosecution,
prevention and control of customs and tax offences as well as tax
assessment, collection and execution powers to justice departments and
revenue collecting agencies of regional states; and provide the necessary
support for and follow up its implementation;
 Provide appropriate capacity building support to regional revenue
collecting agencies with a view to harmonizing federal and regional tax
administration systems;
   Enter into contracts and international agreements regarding tax and
customs administration;
   Exercise the powers and duties that were granted to the Federal Inland
Revenue Authority and the Customs Authority by other existing laws;
 Own property, sue and be sued in its own name; perform such other
related activities as required for the attainment of its objectives.
 ERCA in Adama Branch is one of the governmental organizations in

. done are developing of modern Tax and Customs Administration it is mainly focused
on employs professional and highly skilled staff who promote voluntary compliance amongst
individuals and businesses, and take swift action against those who do not comply. This
process studies the problems and capacity of performing activities of the office
as well as structure of the office. Under problems associated with activities and
employees as well as capacity of employee to perform activities that are given to
each and structure study looking structure of the office position and
responsible for relationship with its work.
 Directorates at the head office level
 Branch offices
 Manpower and Budget

There are five divisions directly reporting to the Director General each headed by Deputy
Director General. The divisions are: 1) Domestic Tax Development and Support Division 2)
Customs Programs Development and Support Division 3) Tax Law Enforcement Division 4)
Modernization and Corporate Division, and 5) Addis Ababa City Tax Program Development and
Support Division. The five divisions are further organized into 30 directorates (six under
Domestic Tax Development and Support Division, four under Customs Programs Development
and Support Division, ten under Tax Law Enforcement Division, eight under Modernization and
Corporate Support Division, and three under Addis Ababa City Tax Program Development and
Support Division)

ERCA is also further organized into branch offices to administer domestic and customs duties.
Accordingly, ERCA administers domestic taxes and customs duties in its 34 branch offices
throughout the country.

Part One
2. Organizational Report
2.1. Background of the Organization

Gungua worda is one of the 8rural woredas and 3 town administrations

found in the Awi zone. It is also one of the 105 woredas in the Amhara
region of the Ethiopia part of the Agew Awi zone.

Gungua worda finance and economic development office was established

in 1930E.C at that time this office was named as finance Minster until
1981 starting from 1981-1992 it was named as finance and economic
development office under the branch of civil service origination this times
office was began in 1992E.C organized as finance and economics
development office.

Gungua worda finance and Economic development office is found in

Amhara Region in Awi Zone, Chagni town.

It is 505 km, North West from Addis Ababa capital city of Ethiopia. North
west of 179km from the city of Amhara Region, Bahidar, 57km away
from the city of Awi zone, Enjbera town and 605km away from the city of

The total population worda is 125954. From these total populations

114223 are found in rural areas and 11731 are found in urban areas.

Among those population

- 30% of the population is young

- 51% of the population is Adult (Workable age range (15-64)
- 19% of the population is old age

The woreda comprises 5 nationalities.

- 82% Agaw nationalities

- 12% Amhara Nationalities
- 3% Benishangul Gumez Nationalities
- 3% Sinsha and Oromo Nationalities

2.2. Cardinal Issues (Mission, Values and Objectives)

2.2.1. Mission of the Office (Gungua woreda
Finance Office)

The mission of the Gungua woreda Finance and economic development

office has
 Establishing polices and strategies’ that are connection with
 Establishing fast and reliable general plan and management
 Improving the plan and the woreda economic activities
 Improving the woreds economic and social development and
ensuring the workeds people development users.
 Follow up and supervise woreda sector and woreda budget finance.
 Improving and advancing the capacity of the income tax collection
in the woreda.

2.2.2. Vision of the Office

 To see all rounded development based property Administration in
 Minimizing (eradicating) poverty and backwardness by establishing
modern financial and economic development.

2.2.3. Values of the organization

The values of the organization as mentioned as follows

There are:

 Fast tax and revenue collection system

 Implementing governmental rule and regularities.
 Civil service and special plan (fast and efficient service
 Special plan and performance report system
 Payment of expenditure.
 Customer satisfaction
 Applying in plan
 Group work/team work /

2.2.4. Objectives of the Organization

General Objectives

 Increasing fast development by increasing the woreda economy

by collecting tax and revenue from the society.

 Built modern BPR (Business process re-engineering).

Specific Objectives

 Initiate the employees learning process

 Solving the offices problem and conflict of employees

 Make the working system of the offices comfortable and

suitable solution for the employees working process.

 Paying accurate regular payment (salary) to different

employees because employees are sensitive to payroll errors or

irregularities because any expects the accurate regular


2.3. Organizational Structure

 Organizational structure is away of arrangement to

accomplish the work planned in efficient and in effective

 It is the most crucial part of the office organized to achieve

afore mentioned objectives and missions.

 The organizational structure of the office not permanent. It

changed from year to year in away that seems more

comfortable and convenient for accomplishing the activities of

the office.

Gungua worda Finance and Economic development office has the

following organizational structure.

General Office Manager

Accounting group leaders/Desk


Audit & inspection General Accountants


Ledger Expense Payroll Review

record Accountan accountan Accountan
s t t t

2.4. Performance of the Organization in Relation to its

 Gungua worda finance and economic developed office is one of the
governmental organizations in the Chagni town.
 It has it mission, visions and objectives that has mentioned in the
previous pages. The organization has its performance in relation to
its objectives. The main activities that are done are development of
BPR/Business process re-engineering it is mainly focused on the
office management areas. This process studies the problems and
capacity of performing activities of the office as well as structure of
the office. Under problems associated with activities and employees
as well as capacity of employee to perform activities that are given to
each and structure study looking structure of the office position and
responsible for relationship with its work.

2.5. (SWOT) Analysis of the Organization

SWOT means strength, weakness, opportunity and treat of the


- In fact no organization is free from the analysis similarly

Gungua woreda finance and economic development office in
Chagni town in one of the organization that faces SWOT which
are discussed below one by one.

2.5.1. Strength of the Organization

 There is existence of fast communication service between sector and
kebele of Gungua woreda.
 Appropriate follow up and evaluation among employees.
 Freedom of decision making ability in the office
 Working with in a team work
 Punctuality of employees.
 Performing the office activities in efficient manner performing a lot
of tasks with a few numbers of employees.

2.5.2. Weakness of the Organization

 Shortage of educated (professional employees) in the office
 Mismatch between the work and the skills of the worker/work load)
 The organization uses traditional( Manual) recording system
 Lack of comfortable social services in the office like chair, table,
and tea rooms.

2.5.3. Opportunities of the Organization

Opportunities: - is the chance (benefit) of the organization will gain as

well as the benefit that the people of the surrounding will get in the
alternative action.

When we see the opportunities of Gungua woreda finance and economic

development office the one is that the start of Asphalt Road Construction
from the town Awi zone Injbera town to Great Ethiopian renaissance dam
which passes through the Gungua woreda. This asphalt road construction
gives for Gungua woreda Finance office and surrounding area great
opportunities for employees creating job opportunities.

- Colleting tax and revenue from the society.

- Financial and material support from foreign countries.

2.5.4. Treats of the Organization

Treat – Means the factor that affects that the organization in the future in
the past and in the present

Gungua woreda Finance and Economic Development Offices has its own

 Salary of employees does not match with their work and with other
 Aid of NGOs and foreign government not reached at required date and
 Unable to keep professional employees.

2.6. Problems Observed in the Organization

There are many problems that make organization difficult at current time.
Among them the following are listed below.

1. Lack of comfortable classrooms

2. Lack of sufficient human resource
3. Loss of workers.
4. Some employees are not honest
5. Some employees are not punctual
6. Facility problem.

2.7. Suggested Solutions (Measures) to Solve (Minimize

the Problem)
1)Lack of Comfortable Class Rooms
 There are no enough class rooms in the Gungua woreda Finance
and Economic Development Office. So additional class rooms
should be built to perform the activity.

2)Lack of Sufficient Human Power

 The number of employees in the organization and demands of the
organization are mismatched (Unrelated) there fore sufficient
human power should be needed to realize the given work.

3)Loss of Workers
 Gungua woreda Finance and Economic Development Office is
associated with different workers those workers from day to day
they be loss in Number because of conflict and mismatch between
their salary and work. So the suggested solution is Negotiation
with employees and increasing salary associated with their work.

4)Facility Problem
 Gungua woreda Finance and Economic Development Office has its
own facility problem. Among those problems material problem is
the main one. So the suggested solution is increasing the Facility
of the organization.

Part Two

3. Activity Report
3.1. Background of the Department

ERC purchasing and finance administration department is one of the

parts of the forty-seventh departments in the organization. there are ten
empleyes in the department those are: one department head, 2
purchasers,1 seneior officer,2 junoir finance officer,1 casher and 1

In this case I would attach practicum work with purchasing and finance
administration department in Ethiopian Revenue and custom authorities.

A business man how invests his resources necessarily interested in

studying the working of his business. He will be interested to know
whether his business is working at profit/loss, the amount due by him to
others, whether his capital is kept in fact or not, the financial position of
his business the progress of his business from year to year. This has given
rise to the necessity of accounting. In simple works therefore, accounting
is defined as a means by which financial information about economic
entity is communicated to interested users. It is the process of Identifying,
measuring; recording and communicating Financial Information about
economic entity to interested parties to enable them make informed

In this definition identifying means selecting economic events or

transaction. Measuring involves expressing those economic events or
transactions in terms of money. Communicating involves preparing and
distributing financial statements and interpreting those statements.

3.2. Objectives and Major Responsibilities of the


The major objective of the department of Accounting and Finance in

mainly identifying, recording, analyzing, interpreting and reporting
financial for decision used by decision maker and other many objectives.

These means:-
 To transferring the approved budget through preparing
procurement plan and cash forecast timely
 To supplying materials based on each departments need and
 paying deferent expense timely
 closing the budget within 15 days after the end the budget year
3.3. The Responsibilities and Major Activities of me as a
Member of the Department
3.3.1. Major Responsibilities of the Department

Accounting department has many responsibilities but I would forward

major responsibilities

 preparing annual budget plan

 collecting procurement needs from each department
 preparing procurement plan based on the approved budget and
collected procurement needs.
 preparing tender document
 preparing quarterly and monthly cash forecast
 To prepare financial report
 paying employs monthly salary and allowance
3.3.2. Major Activities of me as a Member of the
 Preparing payment of payroll and allowance
 Preparing Bank reconciliation.
 prepare budget plan and distributing for each activities
 Preparing voucher payments.
 Preparing revenue and expenditure report
 recording transaction on Peachtree and budget ledger card
 preparing different payable payments such as withholding and tax
collected from payment for purchases of materials and service ,
cost sharing collected from salaries of employs

My Contribution in the Department

During the season attachment work I give some contribution for the ERCA
Especially in Accounting Department having the shortage of human
resources in the office.

I contribute in the department (Accounting) the following activities.

 Helping the employees by separate document form/

separating one document from the others/
 I would see expenditure report format preparation
 Helping employees by calculating the income tax, pension
and other allowances added on the permanent salaries
 To prepare trial Balance
 Transfer data (transaction from Journal to General ledger.
 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation
 In the (office) I would observed the following things.
 How to record data
 How to develop employed relationship in the office
 How to prepare receipt
 How to develop accountability and responsibility
 How to be punctual for work.
 How employees are honest to each other
 How punctual employees got recognizing and acceptance
from customers.
3.4. Performance Evaluation of my Activity
 Comparing documents of the organization with other organization to
get useful information. Performing activities of department or
organization by coordinating with the employees.
 Punctuality, sociable, and good communication with the workers of
department as well as the organization.
3.5. Remedial Measures I Have Taken
 To do the amount continuous and repeat
 Understanding from professional persons
 To improve the communication between them and to make the
activity together (team work)
 Doing the activity in the shortest method.

3.6. Problems of Division or Department and Suggested

 purchasing of low quality of materials
 unable to collect receivables timely
 lack man power in the department.

Suggested Solutions for the Division or Department

 To improving the quality of purchasing materials

 Assigning professional persons in the field.
 collecting receivables in time

Part Three
4. Attachment Evaluation
4.1. Rationales of Practical Attachment

Many reasons can spell out for practical attachment. The following points
are considered as reasons for practical attachment.

 To make students to be familiar with real world.

 To give chance for the students to narrate and evaluate theories that
they have learnt in school with the practice observe in the
professional world
 To develop the knowledge of the students beyond their theoretical
 To give chance for the student to know how to handle staff
relationship and run the office.
 To measure the skill of the students.
 To check clarify (understanding) of course.
4.2. Significance of Practical Attachment

Practical attachment has the following significance:-

 It helps students to relate theories with the real work at the field
and office
 It helps the students to increase creativity in the area of study.
 It helps students to be ready for the future work.
 If help in reducing the employer’s training cost.
 It increases the student’s productivity in the work area.
 It raises the willingness and ability of conducting research.
 It helps to evaluate and arrange theoretical education in systematic
methodological and technical approach.
 If increases students initiation to work
 It improves the student’s problem solving ability.
Generally from the practical attachment I got many benefits
 I learnt the use of punctuality in the office
 It is good for me to learn habit of real world
 I had developed work experience
 I learnt good relationship with other employees of the
 It is also important after graduation to join the office that means
I will perform to work effectively in the office.
Not only the students but also the organizations that provide the chance
for students are beneficiary, because those students are temporary
employees of the organization.

- The presence of practical attachment helps the organization in

the study of minimizing work load during these months.

4.3. Relevance of the Organization and my Activity

As its name indicates finance and economic developments is one of the

government sector whose responsibility is providing finance service and
prepare development planning to promote economic development through
using available resource in productive way so this is what my department
deal with. Therefore, I can say that the organization is relevant to my

4.4. Applicability of The Theories and Other Learnt in

the Class

The organization or the department is being service provider different

theories that are learnt in different courses are applicable on the
organization activities

From the Accounting course I learned how payroll of certain organization

is prepared. In the economics course “when inflation exists on economy,
the purchasing power of nations currency declines over time.”

4.5. Major Problems that Face During the Attachment

1. Financial Problem

During the attachment I was pay 2 birr for taxi and more than 25 birr for
food and other expenses. Therefore the money I got from university to
work practical attachment was 18 birr per day.
2. Transportation Problem
 On some days it was very difficult to get taxi on a time, as a
result I was not punctual for about 2 days
3. Managers(supervisors) Reflection Problem
 Who I asked the manager to work practical attachment he
say that let you stay about one week, when the that week
come and I go to the office in the stated day and he also
say please come after one week because of the day I asked
is very difficult work in that time.
3.6. Suggested Solutions and the Way Forward for the
 I order to solve my financial problem I some times want to
the organization) office by foot) in order to reduce the cost
of taxi.
 I tried to go out early in the morning and wait for taxi- in
order to be punctual for the work.
 The manager/Supervisor/ should permit freely to the
student to work on their office.

Part Four

4. Conclusions and Recommendation

4.1. Summary and Conclusion
 Gungua woreda Finance and Economic Development Office is found
in Amhara Region it is far from 505Km from capital city of Ethiopia,
Addis Ababa.
 The office has its own rule, regulation, plan, vision Mission,
Structure, goal, objective and SWOT analysis and their own
 The vision of the office is to see surrounded development based
property administration in 2012E.C
 The mission of the office is establishing polices and strategies that
are connection with the development and other missions
 The values of the organization fast tax and revenue collection
system and other values, the office has also its structure goal,
objective SWOT analysis and their own problems.

4.2. Recommendation

After finishing professional practice program in the office I would forward

recommend ideas which I believe on constructive for the offices a successful
as recommendation.

The Office Should:-

 Improve the use computerized accounting system.

 Every employee should know the vision of the office clearly
 Avoiding human resource problems/hiring additional employees in the
 Use the work time properly in the office
 Avoiding unstructured office problems.


- The organizations manual
- Procurement and finance administration team charter
Table of Contents

Contents Page


Part Ones

1. Organizational Report---------------------------------------------------------1

1.1. Background of the organization--------------------------------------1

1.2. Cardinal Issues (Mission, Values & Objectives)--------------------2

1.2.1. Mission of the Office (Gungua Woreda Finance Office)- 2
1.2.2. Vision of the Office--------------------------------------------2
1.2.3. Values of the Organization ---------------------------------3
1.2.4. Objectives of the Organization -----------------------------3

1.3. Organizational Structure ---------------------------------------------4

1.4. Performance of the Organization in Relation to its

Objectives ---------------------------------------------------------------5

1.5. (SWOT) Analysis of the Organization -------------------------------5

1.5.1. Strength of the Organization -------------------------------5

1.5.2. Weakness of the Organization -----------------------------6
1.5.3. Opportunities of the Organization-------------------------6
1.5.4. Treats of the Organization-----------------------------------6
1.6. Problems Observed in the Organization ----------------------------7
1.7. Suggested Solutions (Measures) to Solve
(Minimize the Problem)------------------------------------------------7
Part Two
2. Activity Report -----------------------------------------------------------------9
2.1. Background of the Department --------------------------------------9
2.2. Objectives and Major Responsibilities of the Department--------10
2.3. The Responsibilities and Major Activities of me as a
Member of the Department -------------------------------------------10
2.3.1. Major Responsibilities of the Department ----------------10
2.3.2. Major Activities of me as a Member of the
2.4. Performance Evaluation of my Activity------------------------------12
2.5. Remedial Measures I have taken ------------------------------------12
2.6. Problems of Division or Department and Suggested
Solutions -----------------------------------------------------------------12
Part Three
3. Attachment Evaluation----------------------------------------------------------13
3.1. Rationales of Practical Attachment ---------------------------------13
3.2. Significance of Practical Attachment--------------------------------13
3.3. Relevance of the Organization and my Activity--------------------14
3.4. Applicability of Theories and other Learnt in the Class----------14
3.5. Major Problems that Face During the Attachment----------------15
3.6. Suggested Solutions and the Way Forward for the
Part Four
4. Conclusions and Recommendation -------------------------------------------16
4.1. Summary and Conclusion---------------------------------------------16
4.2. Recommendation-------------------------------------------------------16

First and for most I would like to thank almighty God who intersect and
guide me in every day life and activities as well as doing this practical

I would like to thanks Adama Science and Technology University for giving
this summer practical attachment especially thanks to finance
department in Adama University for helping me financially.

I addition I would like to forward my heartfelt gratitude for Gungua worda

finance and economic development super visor wouldegiorgis Asfaw who
devoted his work time to helped me cooperating all employees to see the
different activities for me

Give my “GREAT” heartily for my families to support morally and

Finally, to those who helped in their own way, my deepest affection and
thanks to all of them.

Gungua worda finance and economic development office was established
in 1930E.C of that time this office was named as finance minster until

Gungua worda finance and economic development office is found in

Amhara Region in Awi Zone.

- The woreda is Home of different nations and nationalities.

- The organization has its own cardinal Issues, Mission, Vision,
Values and Objectives.
Generally these attachment report contains 4 parts, organizational
report, activity report, attachment evaluation, conclusions and
recommendations are forwarded.

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