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Adapting to your Audience

An audience is a group of individuals who read a piece of writing. In order to transfer
information or advocate for a certain stance, you should anticipate your audience's wishes or
expectations as a writer. Your audience may be your instructor, students, an organization's
president, the employees of a management business, or anybody else. You must first establish
your target audience before you begin writing.
Adapting a speech for an audience differs from just telling them what they want to hear. The
examination of the audience does not mean "grandstanding" or "kowtowing" to the crowd.
Rather, flexibility guides a speaker's presentation style and material choices. When it comes
to audience adaptation, understanding the primary components of this talent can help you
distinguish between over-adapting and under-adapting.

As a team leader of the Amazon its my responsibility to explain newly joined interns how to
draft business messages by “Adapting the messages to your audience”. This can be done
through these ways:
 Using the You Attitude: The "you" method comprises speaking and writing in terms
of your audience's interests, hopes, and preferences. You and your should replace I,
me, mine, we, us, and ours. It is a matter of genuine appreciation and concern for your
receivers. Instead of stating - our company creates a wide range of gorgeous styles
and types. You might say that you have a wide range of stunning styles and models to
choose from.

Examples: Instead of this: We can only guarantee a speedy response to purchase

order inquiries on Tuesday; the rest of the week is jam-packed.

We offer MP3 players with storage capacities of 50, 75, or 100 gigabytes.

Write this: Please send your purchase order requests on Tuesday if you require a
speedy answer.

You have the option of purchasing an MP3 player with 50, 75, or 100 gigabytes of

Be mindful that using you on some circumstances is inappropriate since it sounds

authoritative and accusatory.

If you're writing to a shopkeeper, try to think like a shopkeeper, if you're dealing with
a production team, put yourself in that situation, and if you're writing to an unhappy
customer, understand how would he feel after reading.
 Maintaining standard of Etiquette: By limiting negative emotional reactions, good
etiquette demonstrates respect for your audience and helps build a more fruitful
atmosphere for conversation. Instead of this, I am weary of seeing so many errors on
the blog! Proofreading blog content thoroughly helps us prevent embarrassing
blunders that harm our brand.

Instead of this: You've managed to bring the entire website down again again due to
your inept programming.

You've had our order from almost two weeks, and we need it right away!

Write this: Let's go over the most recent website upgrade and look for ways to
improve the process.

-Our manufacturing schedules are depending on timely delivery of components and

supplies, however we have yet to get the order you promised two weeks ago. Please
respond as soon as possible with a firm delivery assurance.

 Emphasizing the Positive: Throughout your career, you will face circumstances in
which you must deliver some bad news. Never attempt to hide bad news; instead, seek
for positive factors that will help you build a strong relationship with your audience.

Instead of this: It is difficult to fix your laptop today.

Write this: Your computer can be ready by day after tomorrow.

If you must critique or correct, avoid phrases such as failures, issues, and deficiencies
and instead use words that can enhance the situation.

Instead of: This department's issue is an inability to control costs.

Write this: Tightening cost controls can increase this department's performance.

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