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Create a simple text file using MS WORD. Type three
to four lines paragraph on any topic. Copy one time and
paste four times. Apply formatting as; change font
1) colour; font size; font style of each paragraph. Give
justify alignment and 1.5-line spacing to each
paragraph. Save and also print the document.

Using MS WORD write a letter to your father

requesting him to send rupees 12;000 for purchasing
book. Insert a table containing S.No.; Books name;
2) Quantity; Edition; Price. Give left alignment to whole
page; Font size should be 14 and Font style should be
Italic also give double line spacing. Save and also print
the document.

Using MS WORD write a passage from your book.

Using MS WORD create a document apply formatting
as; change font size; font style and font colour pf
3) passage. Covert the document into two columns; insert
header and footer write passage heading in the header
and page number in the middle of the footer also write
date and time in the header. use drop cap on the first
alphabet of the passage; insert clip art at the end of the
passage. save and also print the document.

Using MS WORD create a document; draw a hexagon

symbol from shapes option. Write computer science
inside the hexagon; draw a square shape inside the
hexagon; draw a circle inside the square shape and also
draw an arrow inside the circle in upward direction.
4) Give suitable colour to each symbol. write 1st year
computer science as heading by word art. Add header
and footer; write roll no. and your name in the header
on left side and page no. in the middle of the footer.
Save and also print the document.

Using MS WORD create a document. Write three to

four-line paragraph from your book; copy one time and
5) paste three time. Give different alignment to each
paragraph and also different line spacing to each
paragraph draw a border to each paragraph; select
different borders and also change the background
colour of each paragraph. Draw left and right margin
as dotted line. Write suitable heading according to
Using MS WORD create a time table of your class.
Give timing and period on x-axis and days on y-axis.
6) Give logo of your college as watermark. Give heading
of your college name by word art. Also colour the table
and save and print the document.

Using MS WORD write an application to your college

7) principal requesting him for leaving certificate.
Change the font colour and font style as “book
Antiqua” also font size as “14”. Give center alignment
to whole application and texture effects as background.
Save and also print the document.

Using MS WORD create a document; write given

“formulas”; “area of the circle = 2πr2”; “formula of
water = H2O”; “mean µ = ∑ x/n sinα + cosβ = 1”.
8) Copy 1 time and paste 4 time each sentence; apply
different font colour; font style and font size on each
line. Give border to four line separately. Insert header
and footer write computer science in header page
number in footer; also give heading as formula by
word art. Save and print the document.

Using MS WORD create an award certificate; choose

landscape orientation use page borders and insert
9) suitable graphics. Use word art for heading. Save and
also print the document.

Using MS WORD create an invitation card of your

birthday party. Use whole page border and insert
10) graphics; decorate the card with appropriate objects
using tool bar and menu bar option. Save and also print
the document.

Using MS WORD write an application to the principal

to grant you seven days leave. Apply formatting as use
double line spacing; change font size as 16; font style
11) as Ariel. Change the page background colour. Insert
header and footer; write roll number and examination
hall 2023 on left side of header and computer science
on the center of the footer. Save and print the

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