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American Mineralogist, Volume 72, pages 4i8-440, 1987

Quantitative determinationof mineral content of geological

samplesby X-ray diffraction: Discussion
BnHNr L. Dlvrs
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences,South Dakota School of Mines and Technology,
Rapid City, South Dakota 57701-3995,U.S.A.

The reference-intensity-ratio method of quantitative markedly with decreasing particle size of the material
X-ray diffraction is rapidly coming to the forefront of being analyzed as a result of the reduction in microab-
quantitative X-ray powder difraction analysis.Pawloski sorption and primary extinction with decreasingparticle
(1985) has completed quantitative analysis of prepared slze.
mixtures of fine-grained geologic materials by this pro- With regard to the secondpoint, there are at least two
cedure. Pawloski is to be commended for using this ap- techniquesnow available for the preparation of samples
proach and for her method of obtaining reference-inten- without introducing significantpreferredorientation (Da-
sity constants from calibration curves by the intensity vis and Cho,1977: Davis and Johnson, 1982a,1982b:.
ratio/weight ratio slope method. Nevertheless,I believe Calvert et al., I 983; Cline and Snyder,I 983; Davis, I 984).
that several experimental and interpretive difficulties arise One method used in our laboratory (Davis, 1984) con-
in this paper and bring into question the application to sistsofaerosol suspensionin a 4- or 8-L aspiratorjar and
Pawloski's samples,which I feel warrants some discus- collection on glassfiber filters with correspondingappli-
sion here. cation of corrections for transparencyand matrix effects.
As a point of clarification, it should be noted that Paw- The sample particles are reduced to an averageof under
loski's constant K is the reciprocal ofthe well-established l0-pm diameter by mixer-mill pulverization for such
referenceintensity constant,k, (Chung, I 974), also known samples.Actual sampleloading takesfrom l-5 min. Since
as the referenceintensity ratio RIR (Hubbard et al., 1976; a large proportion of Pawloski's samplescontains phyl-
Cline and Snyder, 1983),but with quartz as the reference losilicates and carbonates,it would appearthat any sam-
material. The theoretical basisfor Pawloski's approachis ple preparation without due concern for preferred orien-
sound, in my opinion, but I have some concern over tation would yield highly suspectresults.
severalother aspectsof the presentation,briefly listed as I believe that the particle sizeand preferredorientation
follows: (l) the large size (between 35- and 45-pm di- aspectsjust discussedwill create reference-constantval-
ameter) of the sample particles, (2) the "backpacking" ues such as presentedin Pawloski's Table I that cannot
procedure of sample mounting, (3) the manner in which be used for accuratequantitative analytical work. I have
the errors are presented,and (4) the use of diffused dif- converted most of these K constant values into AlrO3-
fraction intensities for glassquantification. basedreference-intensityratios as formally defined using
The efects of large particle size on X-ray diffraction the calculated qtartz k, as the common basis of conver-
are well known. The extreme variability of intensities from sion. Table I lists values given by Pawloski, values used
a layer ofparticles this coarsegrained has been well doc- in our laboratory's aerosolsuspensioninventory, and cal-
umented by Wolffet al. (1965) and Klug and Alexander
(1974). Since the number of particles (spheres)of a ma- constantsof selectedmineralsac-
TneLe1. Reference-intensity
terial found within a given volume varies as the diameter cordingto variousauthors(AlrO"basis)
cubed, it is easyto show, for example, that there will be
125 times more 5-pm particles than 25-pm particles in a Mineral ratio(//")
given component volume. Thus, the probability that a Borg and Jahanbagloo
Pawloski Davis Smithf and Zoltait
particle will have the proper orientation for constructive
Quartz 3.8 2.8 3.8 4.3
beam interferenceis increasedby a like factor. Compared Montmorillonite o.17 0.5
to a scantaken from the largeparticles,a set ofintensities lllite 0.13 0.60
from a sample of the smaller particles would not show Kaolinite 0.4 0.8 0.2
Cristobalite 2.9 2.9 4.4
the large variation in intensities on sample rotation as Feldspars 3.0 0.5-0.7 0.3-0.6
wasobservedfor 20-30-pm particlesby Wolffet al. (1965). Calcite 5.8 2.0 3.3
Other effects were demonstrated by Cline and Snyder Dolomite 10.8 1.4 2.7
Hornblende 1.4 0.7 0.6
(1983), whose data showed a change in the reference- Muscovite 2.0 0.3 0.3-0.5
intensity-ratio values determined with AlrO3 as a stan- Biotite 8.8 2.4 3.7'
dard as the particle size of the material being analyzed . Ferriannite.
increased.This is also a common observation in our lab- t Borg and Smith (1969).
oratory; that is, the reference-intensityratio will increase + C. Jahanbaglooand T. Zoltai(1966,

0003404X/87/0302r-0438$02.00 438

culated values from Borg and Smith (1969) and Jahan- bonate minerals), shegives an uncertainty of l47o/oof the
bagloo andZoltai (1966). As can be seen,very large dis- statedamount [00 x (1.26/0.86)1.Inwork recentlypub-
parities exist with some materials, notably phyllosilicates lished in our laboratory on the southernCalifornia batho-
and carbonates.Experimental values ofk, should not be lith (Davis and Walawender, 1982), minor components
as high as the calculatedvalues, and certainly the exper- (below 5olo)demonstrated errors of up to l00o/oof the
imental values should not be significantly larger than the stated amount, although in general,our agreementwith
calculated ones as we see for the feldspars, carbonates, polarizing optical modal analysiswas very good.
and micas in Pawloski's data. Pawloski's k, values for With regard to the fourth point, although it is conceiv-
calcite, dolomite, muscovite, and biotite are a factor of able that some rough analysis of amorphous materials
two or more greater than either our experimental values can be completed by measuringthe area under the broad
or the calculatedvalues; they are highly suspectas being diffused diffraction band, this exerciseis really not justi-
amplified by the effectsof preferred orientation. The three fied in view of the much more accurateprocedure avail-
speciesnot fitting this pattern are montmorillonite, illite, able by mass-absorptionbalancemethods (Davis, l98l;
and kaolinite; Pawloski's values appearanomalously low Davis and Johnson, 1982b). In this regard, how can one
to us, but little calculated data are available for a "neu- report uncertainties in glasscomposition of l-40lo (Table
tral-ground" comparison here. 2 of Pawloski, 1985) when the limit of detection (Table
It might be argued that preferred orientation in both 3 of Pawloski, 1985)of glassis 400/o?
the material being analyzed and the referencestandard In summary, I believe that the paper under discussion
will result in a cancelling of the intensity anomalies in contains serious flaws in experimental procedure such as
the final data processing.This may be true in the caseof to render the analysis rather suspect,and although the
Pawloski's data in question here, and one might justify a procedure used by Pawloski appears to be appropriate,
general approach based on this assertion. However, I the reference-constantvalues resulting from the analysis
would strongly argue against such a philosophy on the are of questionablevalue. Furthermore, one cannot make
basis that one simply cannot reproduce a certain degree a definitive judgment on the errors expectedfor the re-
of preferred orientation in any manual sample prepara- sults of the sample analysessince the error definition is
tion scheme. unclear and none of the fundamental analwical data were
As an alternative, I can only recommend the aerosol published in this paper.
suspension-filtercollection technique that has worked so
well for us. It gives reproducible results, and the high
degree of randomness of particle orientation has been RnrnnrNcns
demonstratedand reported on severaloccasionsatX-ray Borg, I.Y., and Smith, D.K. (1969) CalculatedX-ray powder pattems for
conferencesand in the literature (e.g., Davis and Cho, silicate minerals. GeologicalSocietyof America Memoir 122,896 p.
1977;Davis, 1984;Davis, 1986).The laboratoryequip- Calvert, L.D., Sirianni, A.F., and Gainsford, G.J. (1983) A comparison
of methods for reducing preferred orientation. Advances in X-ray
ment is inexpensive and the required intensity and ma- Analysis,26, 105-110.
trix-absorption corrections are simple to apply (Davis and Chung, F.H. (1974)A new X-ray diffraction method for quantitative mul-
Johnson, 1982a). The reference-intensityconstants are ti-component analysis.Advancesin X-ray Analysis, 17, 106-115.
determined by this sameprocedureand thereforebecome Cline, J.P., and Snyder,R.L. (1983) The dramatic effectof crystallite size
on X-ray intensities.Advances in X-ray Analysis, 26, lll-117.
truly "universal" constants,applicable to data obtained
Davis, B.L. (1981) A study of the errors in X-ray quailitative analysis
on any diffractometer kept in good alignment. procedures for aerosols collected on filter media. Atmospheric Envi-
On the third matter under discussion,I am disappoint- ronment. 15. 291-296.
ed that the author would not presentat least some of the -(19E4) Referenceintensity quantitative analysis using thin-layer
actual component weight data for the prepared samples aerosofsamples.Advancesin X-ray Analysis, 27, 339-348.
-(1986) A tubular aerosol suspensionchamber for the preparation
(Table 2 in Pawloski, 1985). The errors presentedare of of powder sarnples for X-ray diffraction analysis. Powder Diffraction,
little value unless the absolute weight percent of each t,240-243.
component is also given. It is our experiencethat even Davis, 8.L., and Cho, N.K. (1977) Theory and application of X-ray dif-
under the most ideal conditions of quantitative X-ray fraction compound analysis to hi-volume frlter samples. Atmospheric
Environment. I l. 73-85.
analysis, minor components whose weight fractions fall
Davis, B.L., and Johnson, L.R. (1982a) On the use ofvarious filter sub-
below 5olomay well have associateduncertainties of 50 strates for quantitative paniculate analysis by X-ray diftaction. At-
or l00o/oof the stated value. It is not clear here whether mospheric Environment, 16, 273-282.
the percentagesgiven in Pawloski's Table 2 are actual -(1982b) Sample preparation and methodology for X-ray quanti-
weight percent errors or percent ofthe analyzedquantity tative analysis ofthin aerosol layers deposited on glass fiber and mem-
brane filters. Advances in X-ray Analysis, 25,295-300.
(relative error). Under the latter interpretation, the max- Davis, B.L., and Walawender, M.J. (1982) Quantitative mineralogical
irnum error of +7o/owould be a very high level of accu- analysis of granitoid rocks: A comparison of X-ray and optical tech-
racy for any component falling below the 5oloweight per- niques. American Mineralogist, 67, l 135-1143.
cent level of analysis. It also appears that Pawloski's Hubbard, C.R., Evans, E.H., and Smith, D.K. (1976) The referencein-
tensity ratio 1/1", for computer simulated powder pattems. Journal of
uncertainties given for the CO, reduction from the car-
Applied Crystallography,9, 169-174.
bonates srrggestthat the actual relative errors are much Klug, H.P., and Alexander,L. (1974)X-ray diftaction procedures,second
higher, sincefor the observedvariation in CO, (from car- edition. Wiley, New York.

Pawloski, G.A. (1985) Quantitative determination of mineral content of In X-ray analysis paper, p. 130-136. Centrex Publishing Company,
geological samples by X-ray diftaction. American Mineralogisr, 70, Eindhoven.
Wolff, P.M., de, Taylor, J,M., and Parrish, W. (1965) Experim€ntalstudy Meruscnrrr RECETvEDSeprer"rnrn25, 1985
ot"n*r o1*stqllite size statistics on X-ray diftactometer intensities. MaNuscnrrr AccEplED Novsr"BER 7, 1986

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