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THE BIOLOGY OF CANADIAN WEEDS. 61. Sorghum halepense (L.) PERS.


Biosystematics Research Institute, Agriculture Canada, Wm. Saunders Bldg.,
C.E.F., Ottawa, Ontario KlA0C6. Received 27 Aug. 1982, accepted 26 May

Wenwrc<, S. I. nNo Br-acr, L. D. 1983. The biology of Canadian weeds. 61.

Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. Can. J. Plant Sci. 63t 99'7-l)l4.
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A review of biological information is provided for Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.,

Johnson grass. A native of southern Eurasia to India, S. haLepense occurs as a
weed in most tropical and temperate areas of the world, and has recently become
established in 10 counties in Southern Ontario. Listed as one of the world's worst
weeds, ,S. halepense infestations result in severe crop losses either from compe-
tition or alleleopathic effects and/or by serving as an alternative host for several
crop pests. The species is, however, an important forage crop in the southeastern
United States and other areas of the world. Johnson grass has several features
which contribute to its success as a weed, including the production of extensively
creeping rhizomes and large numbers of seeds, rhizomes which regenerate easily
if cut into small pieces in cultivation procedures, self-compatibility, seed longev-
ity, seed dormancy and vigorous growth under a wide range of environmentai
conditions. To date, one population of S. haleperse from Brant County, Ontario
is known to produce rhizomes which successfully overwinter in Canada. This
For personal use only.

population would appear to be distinct from the other Ontario populations and is
characterized by smaller seeds and seedlings and lower rates of germination. A
combination of repeated tillage, proper herbicides and crop rotation will give the
best control of Johnson grass.

Key words: Sorghum halepense, Johnson grass, biological revrew

[La biologie des mauvaises herbes du Canada. 61. Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.]
Titre abr6g6: Biologie de Sorghum halepense (sorgho d'Alep).
Cet article passe en revue les renseignements d'ordre biologique dont on dispose
sur Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers., le sorgho d'Alep. Originaire du sud de l'Eurasie
et de I'Inde, S. halepense est une mauvaise herbe que I'on rencontre dans la plupart
des r6gions tropicales et tempdrdes du monde. Elle s'est r6cemment implant6e
dans dix compt6s du sud de I'Ontario. Cette espbce, consid6r6e comme une des
ptres mauvaises herbes du monde, occasionne des pertes importantes aux cultures,
par la concurrence qu'elle exerce ses effets all6lopathiques ou son r6le d'hdte
secondaire h plusieurs parasites des cultures. Elle constitue cependant une im-
portante culture fourragdre dans le Sud-Est des Etats-Unis et dans d'autres re-
du monde. Le s-orgho d'Alep possdde plusieurs caracteristiques qur con-
tribuent d en faire une mauvaise herbe redoutable: la oroduction d'abondants
rhizomes rampants qui, s'ils sont coup6s en petits -or.euo* lors du labour, se
r6g6nbrent facilement; un grand nombre des semences; I'auto-compatibilit6; la
iong6vit6 des semences; la possibilit6 des semences d'entrer en dormance et une
croissance vigoureuse dans des milieux trds vari6s. Jusqu'd maintenant, on n'a
ddcel6 qu'une population de S. halepense, dans le comt6 de Brant (Ontario),
produisant des rhizomes capables de survivre d I'hiver canadien. Cette population
semble 6tre distincte des autres populations de I'Ontario et se caract6rise par des
semences et des pousses plus petites et un taux de germination plus faible. La

Can. J. Plant Sci. 63:. 997-1014 (Oct. 1983)


combinaison de labours r6pdt6s, d'application d'herbicides appropri6s et de

rotation des cultures constitue le meilleur moyen de lutte contre sorgho d'Alep.
Mots c16s: Sorghum halepense, sorgho d'Alep, revue biologique

1. Name mm long, one to three veins, usually with

Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. Johnson a I .0- to I . 6-cm-long awn which generally
grass, sorgho d'Alep (AIex et- al. 1980). develops after anthesis and is early decid-
Gramineae, grass family, Gramin6es. uous as the seed ripens; palea hyaline, 3-4
mm long; two free lodicules about 0.5 mm
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2. Description and Account of Variation long; three anthers 2 .2-3 .0 mm long ; ovary
A perennial grass with fleshy rhizomes to apex glabrous; styles free to the base and
1 cm in diameter and 2 m in length, often yellow, pink, red, purple or black. Pedi-
rooting from the nodes, internodes par- celled spikelet, pedicels densely ciliate,
tially covered with brown scale-like 1.5-4.0 mm long; male or sterile; glumes
sheaths. Culms (flowering stems) erect, green-purplish, lanceolate 4-6 mm long,
usually unbranched, 0.5-2.5 m tall, 1.5-2.0 mm wide, lemma awnless, lemma
0.5-2.0 cm in diameter. often with basal and palea hyaline with 0-2 veins, shorter
adventitious prop roots, nodes sometimes than the glumes. Grain remains enclosed
with fine hairs. Leaves cauline; leaf sheaths by glumes 4.0-6.6 mm long, 2.0-2.6 mm
often with a waxy secretion at the base, wide, oblong-ovate, glumes reddish brown
veins prominent, surface hairless and to shiny black, glossy, marked with fine
ribbed, margins open, overlapping; ligules lines on the surface.
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membranous, with a hairy fringe, 2-5 mm Sorghum halepense has a chromosome

long; auricles absent; blades rolled in bud, number of either 2n : 20 or 40, with the
flat, bright green, or sometimes with pur- diploid races being described from Eura-
ple pigments , 20-60 cm long, I .0-3 . 3 cm sian populations (Bolkhovskikh et al. 1969;
wide, mid-vein conspicuous, everywhere de Wet 1978; Monoghan 1919). Chromo-
hairless, with scabrous (small rough) pro- some counts for populations of S. hale-
jections on the lower surface and margins. pense collected from nine counties in
Inflorescence a large, erect panicle, at first Ontario. two locations from New York
compact, later spreading and open, pyr- state and one from Ohio were all 2n : 40
imidal, purplish, hairy, up to 50 cm long (Crompton, Wojtas and Warwick 1982,
and 20 cm wide. Branches in numerous unpubl. obs.). Plants with four to six ac-
whorls, slender, the lower up to 15 cm cessory or B-chromosomes have been de-
long, usually without spikelets for 2-5 cm scribed in certain diploid populations from
from the base. Spikelets in pairs or at the India (Raman et al. 1976). The latter plants
end of each branch in threes, usually dis- have a similar morphology, but are more
articulating as a unit. Spikelet units with vigorous than diploid plants without acces-
one sessile and either one or two pedicelled sory chromosomes, although 607o of the
spikelets. Sessile spikelet, 4-6 mm long, pollen is ill-formed and seed set is reduced
1.8-2.5 mm wide, dorsiventrally com- by two-thirds.
pressed; perfect; green, almost glabrous to Young plants of Johnson grass might be
appressed silky; glumes becoming leather- mistaken for very-narrow-leaved plants of
like at maturity; lower glume flat across maize, Zea may s L. ; sudangrass, an annual
back, rounded on the margins against the forage sorghum, Sorghum sudanense
upper glume, 7-11 veins, tip three-toothed; (Piper) Stapf; or an annual grain sorghum,
upper glume slightly boat-shaped, acute S. bicolor (L.) Moench. Separation from
entire, 3-l I veins, margins inrolled around maize is only apparent by removing the
the lemma; lemma hyaline, ciliate, 3-5 seedling from the soil and observing the
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ffi IYtr


s):: L
Fig. 1. Sorghum halepense. A, base of plant with rhizomes; B, inflorescence; C, ligule; D,
terminal end of branch showing two sessile and three pedicellate spikelets; E-H, sessile spikelet;
E, whole spikelet at anthesis, lateral ventral and dorsal view; F, lemma; G, palea; H, stamens and
pistils; I, J, pedicellate spikelet; I, whole spikelet, ventral view; J, iemma; K, lodicules; L, sessile
spikelet in fruit, grain enclosed by glumes; M, grain or caryopsis. Scale A and B x ll2; C-M
x 8.

kernel of maize. Young plants of S. hale- weed to all warm-temperate regions of the
pense cannot be distinguished from other world. Researchers believe that the Medi-
Sorghum species, whereas older plants terranean ecotype was introduced into the
may be distinguished from annual sorgh- new World and that it is this ecotype which
ums by the presence of rhizomes and is commonly referred to as Johnson grass
smaller seeds. (see review by Monaghan (.1979)). Deriv-
A detailed literature review on the tax- atives of an introgression of S. halepense
onomic status of Sorghum halepense has with an unknown cultivated sorghum were
been provided by Monaghan (1979). A na- first described from Argentina (Parodi
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tive of southern Eurasia to India, the spe- 1943): these have been referred to as S.
cies belongs to the section Sorghum, which almum Parodi, Columbus grass or black
includes cultivated grain sorghum, a com- sudangrass (2n : 40 Celarier (1958)).
plex of closely related annual taxa from Bennett (1949) reported on differences
Africa, and a complex of perennial taxa in disease resistance and yield variation in
from southern Europe and Asia. Varying strains of Johnson grass. Ingle and Rogers
taxonomic treatments of this section have (1961) indicated that rhizomes of Johnson
been made by Snowden (1936), de Wet and grass collected from Michigan produced
Huckaby (1961), and de Wet (1978). The greater growth at low temperatures than
most current treatment (de Wet 1978) rec- did those from Indiana.
ognizes three species in the
section McWhorter (1971 a,b) compared 55
Sorghum: two rhizomatous species, S. hal- morphologically distinct strains of Johnson
epense and S. propinquum (Kunth) Hitch- grass collected throughout the United
For personal use only.

cock (2n : 20 ) and S. bicolor (2n : 20) States and other countries in a standard cul-
to include all annual wild weedy and cul- tivation trial in Mississippi. He found
tivated taxa. Several authors have sug- strain differences in leaf and rhizome anat-
gested that S. halepense was established as omy, leaf length and width, culm height
a result of the spontaneous doubling of a and density, seed number, panicle and spi-
natural hybrid between S. bicoLor and S. kelet size, and the number and arrangement
virgatum (Hack.) Stapf (see review by of branchlets within panicles. McWhorter
Mouftah and Smith (1969)). also reported that plants of Johnson grass
Morphological variants of S. halepense from Turkey, Ethiopia, and the Dominican
are associated with different areas of the Republic did not overwinter in Mississippi
distribution range (de Wet 1978). Plants unlike American, Indian, Pakistani, Iranian
occupying the western range of the species and Israeli strains.
(i.e. the Mediterranean ecotype) are slen- Burt and Wedderspoon (1911) Burt
der, with relatively small inflorescences (1914) and Wedderspoon and Burt (1974)
and narrow leaf blades and are always te- working in Maryland, described geograph-
traploid. Plants occupying the eastern half ical ecotypes in clones of Johnson grass
of the species range (i.e. the tropical eco- collected from different localities in the
type) are niore robust plants with large in- U.S.A. Their studies indicated that plants
florescences and broader leaf blades and from more northern climates were earlier
may also have diploid races. The tropical to flower, shorter and more highly
ecotype has often been referred to as S. branched, and produced less dry weight
miliaceum (Roxb.) Snowden. De Wet and than plants obtained from a more southern
Huckaby (1967) have suggested that the latitude.
more robust tropical ecotype has originated
as a result of introgression with cultivated 3. Economic Importance
sorghum. Detrimental In 1969, Johnson grass was
S. halepense has been introduced as a considered to- be one of the l0 worst weeds
of field crops in the United States (Ander- areas of the world (Bennett 1973; Holm et
son 1969) and has been listed by Holm et al. 191'/). Forage quality increases with
al. (19'71) as one of the world's 10 worst plot fertility and decreases with plant ma-
weeds. Occurring as a principal weed of turity (Essig et al. 1911). Johnson grass is
corn, cotton and sugarcane in tropical to similar to alfalfa in protein content
temperate climates, 53 countries have re- (14-177o) (Looker 1981), and to sudan-
ported it as a weed in 30 different crops. grass and timothy in feeding value (Ben-
Reported reductions in crop yields in the nert 1973).
United States due to Johnson grass infes- Because it forms extensive rhizome net-
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tations include: 25-50Vo reduction in sug- works, Johnson grass has been used suc-
arcane (McWhorter 1912a), l2-33%o re- cessfully in controlling soil erosion (Ben-
duction in maize (Holm et al. 1971), neft 1973).
23-42Vo reduction in soybean (McWhorter
and Hartwig 1972). Johnson grass is also
4. Geographical Distribution
Sorghum halepense occurs in all major ag-
a major weed of soybeans in Argentina,
causing losses of $300 million per year
ricultural areas of the world from latitude
(Colbert 1919), and in southern Hungary, 55'N to 45'S (Holm eI al. 1977). To date,
the Canadian distribution of Johnson grass
severe infestations have decreased maize
production by 30-407o (Mikulas and Sule is limited to the following counties in
southwestern Ontario: Essex, Kent,
Middlesex, Bruce, Huron, Brant, Elgin,
Sorghum halepense serves as an alter-
nate host for several insect, nematode and
Waterloo, Peel and York (Fig. 2).
disease pests of sorghum and maize (see
For personal use only.

5. Habitat
Section 13 for details). (a) Climatic requirements Although
The pollen of Johnson grass also con- - in most of
Johnson grass occurs as a weed
taminates sorghum grown for seed the tropical and temperate areas of the
(Monaghan 1979) resulting in smaller seed world, it seems best adapted to the warm,
and reduced yield of the grain (Youngclaus humid summer rainfall areas in the sub-
1912). tropics rather than areas which are strictly
Johnson grass sometimes produces cyan- tropical (Holm et al. 1977; Monaghan
ogenic compounds in sufficient abundance 1919).
in the leaves and stems to cause prussic- The extension of the range of Johnson
acid poisoning in grazing animals (Findlay grass into colder climates would appear to
1975; Looker 1981). This is particularly be limited by the lack of tolerance of rhi-
dangerous in secondary growth produced zomes to freezing temperatures. In the lab-
under adverse conditions such as frost, oratory rhizomes did not tolerate less than
drought or high temperatures. - 3'C for a 24-h period (Hull 1910;
In Australia, Johnson grass constitutes McWhorter 1912a). Experiments con-
a safety hazard along roadsides (Monaghan ducted by Stoller (1911) indicated that
1919) and in the United States, it is be- Johnson grass rhizomes originating from
lieved to be one of the causes of hayfever Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Missis-
(Wodehouse 1971; Holm et al. 1911). sippi survived winter in a field situation in
Allelopathic effects have been reported Illinois at depths of 20 cm or more and
for Johnson grass (see Section 10 for de- were killed at temperatures below -9'C.
tails). Percent survival of rhizomes increased
Beneficial S. haLeper?.re was originally with increasing depths from 20 to 60 cm.
introduced -into North America as a forage Similarly Tadzhibaev (197"1) working in
crop, and still forms an important forage the U.S.S.R. found increased rhizome sur-
in the southern United States and other vival at greater soil depths.
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/- i\!\
_\ ir__q.,
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Fig. 2. Distribution of Sorghum haLepense in Canada from specimens in DAO, OAC and TRT
(herbarium abbreviations as in Holmgren and Keuken (1914)).

Rhizomes ofJohnson grass are intolerant (1912b) found that flooding has a more
of high temperatures. Exposure of rhi- severe effect at higher temperatures and on
zomes to temperatures of 50-60oC at the younger individuals. For example, flood-
soil surface killed buds within l-3 days ing of rhizomes for 8 days at 40'C killed
(McWhorter 1912a). Similar studies in the all the rhizomes, while l6 days of flooding
U.S.S.R. have indicated that exposure to were required to kill all the rhizomes at
7 days of dessication at 30-35'C will result 30'C and at l0-20'C, few buds were killed
in rhizome death (Tadzhibaev 1977). Rhi- but germination was delayed.
zomes are, however, able to withstand a (b) Substratun Johnson grass, adapted
high level of dehydration, with longer rhi- to a wide range- of soil types, grows best
zorne fragments exhibiting greater toler- on porous, fertile lowlands and least well
ance than shorter pieces (McWhorter and on poorly drained clay soils (McWhorter
Hartwig 1965). Studies have indicated that 1973; Looker 1981). Plants tolerate pH
dehydration below 5-25Vo of the original of 5-7.5 (Looker 1981). Studies bY
weight prevents sprouting (Anderson et al. McWhorter (1972a) indicated that rhizome
1960; McWhorter 1972a). production and depth is dependent on soil
Johnson grass is tolerant of a certain de- type, with greater production and depth on
gree of flooding. In lsrael, Horowitz lighter-textured soil, for example, in clay
(1972a) obtained 80 and 35% sprouting in 4. 9 kg/m3 of rhizome occurred at depths of
rhizome fragments of S. haleperzse which 5-7 cm compared with 12.3 kg/m3 to
had been submerged for I and 4 wk, re- depths of 1-12 cm in sandy loam.
spectively. In Mississippi, McWhorter (c) Communities in which the species oc-
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Fig. 3. Distribution of Sorghum halepense in southern Ontario from specimens as described in

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In Ontario, stands of Johnson grass halepense would appear to have been made
are found on arable land, particularly, in 1959 from Lambton Co., Ontario (Alex
maize and soybean fields, and on the edges et al. 1919). The first indication of field
of cultivated fields. In other areas of its infestations occurred in Essex and Kent
range, Johnson grass occurs in orchards, Counties, Ontario in 197 1. By 1978, about
vineyards, open waste ground, roadsides, 20 infestations of S. halepense were known
pastures, arable land, along irrigated ca- to occur in Ontario in Brant, Elgin, Essex,
nals and at the edges of irrigated fields Kent, Middlesex, Waterloo, and York
(Findlay 1975; Holm et al. 1977). Counties. Many of these first introductions
are known to have been the result of sep-
6. History arate introduction of seed. By 1980 more
Sorghum halepense was probably intro- than 60 sites were reported from 10 coun-
duced into the southeastern United States ties (as listed above plus Huron, Bruce and
as a forage by the 1800s, and by the 1830s Peel Counties).
was commonly grown in that region
(McWhorter l97 lc). The common name, 7. Growth and Development
Johnson grass was generally accepted by (a) Morphology Johnson grass has sev-
1870, named after the farmer who in the - contribute to its success
eral features which
1840s introduced the species into Alabama as a weed. These include the production of
from South Carolina. By 1900, Johnson extensively creeping rhizomes and large
grass occurred as a serious weed through- numbers of seeds; rhizomes which if cut
out the United States, leading to the first into small pieces in cultivation procedures
U.S. federal appropriation specifically for regenerate easily; seed longevity; shatter-
weed control in 1900. ing of seed heads resulting in wider seed
The earliest Canadian specimens of S. dispersal; seed dormancy; vigorous growth

rate; plasticity under different environmen- overwintering sites were taller, had wider
tal conditions, including a rapid rate of culms, larger inflorescences, wider leaves
growth at low light levels (McWhorter and and larger seeds. In a standard cultivation
Jordan 1976a); and large variability which trial. individuals from nonoverwintering
may contribute to the rapid adaptability of populations were characterized by greater
this species to more northern climates germination, larger seedlings and greater
(Burt and Wedderspoon l97 l). rates of seedling growth. Studies compar-
(b) Perennation- Plants ofJohnson grass ing the growth of mature plants and the
overwinter either as seeds or as under- winter hardiness of these populations are
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ground rhizomes. In 1926 Johnson grass currently in progress. The above results
rhizomes in North America were seldom would suggest that the population from
reported to overwinter north of 38"N lati- Brant Co., Ontario represents a special
tude. In l97 l they were reported as over- winter hardy genotype that is distinct from
wintering at 40'N latitude (Burt and the other populations of Johnson grass in
Wedderspoon l97l) and in 1979 Alex et Ontario.
al. (1979) reported overwintering of rhi- (c) Physiological data McWhorter
zomes at 43'N (Brant Co., Ontario). Sim- (1914) characterized the water-soluble car-
ilarly, overwintering of rhizomes of John- bohydrates in Johnson grass in the United
son grass have been reported at 43'N in States and found that glucose, fructose and
New York State (R. Hahn, pers. commun. sucrose were the major sugars in the leaves,
1981). culms and rhizomes. Sugar levels in the
Genecological studies by Warwick and rhizomes were minimal at l0-30 days after
For personal use only.

Black (in prep.) have provided evidence plant emergence and were at a maximum
for differences in populations of Johnson in leaves within 30 days after emergence.
grass from Ontario which are not known At the bloom stage a rapid change occurs
to overwinter and populations from Brant in the plant's metabolism (Bennett 1973;
County, Ontario, Ohio and New York state McWhorter 19'74) and maximum sugar
which overwinter as rhizomes (Table 1). levels are recorded in the rhizomes. As the
Measurements made on specimens col- plant develops sucrose becomes the pre-
lected from fields in Ontario, New York dominant storage carbohydrate and re-
and Ohio indicated that Dlants from non- mains so in all parts of the plant (Bennett
Table 1 . S . halepense overwintering populations (from Ontario, Ohio and New York) versu s nonoverw intering
populations (from Ontario)

Characterl Overwintering* Nonoverwinteringl

1 Mean height of flowering culm (cm) 162 ! 1711 186 + 15
2. Mean culm width (cm) 0.58 + 0.02 0.84 + 0.04
3. Mean inflorescence length (cm) 23.8 + 1.1 30.4 + 1.5
4. Mean leaf width (cm) 1.90 + 0.04 2.68 + 0. l8
5. Mean seed length (mm) 4.51 + 0.11 5.60 + 0.05
6. Mean seed width (mm) 1.84 + 0.04 2.30 + 0.03
7. Mean seed weight of 25 seeds (mg) 96+6 211 + 5
8. Germination (7o) 38.0 + 7.8 16.4 + 3.3
9. Seedling height at 7 days (cm) 0.8 + 0.3 z. | = 0.1
10. Seedling growth rate from 7-l I days (cm) 1.2 + 0.2 3.4 + 0.07
I l Seedling weight at 23 days (mg) 23.o + 6.3 12.0 + L. -)
t1-7, data collected from field collectionst 8-11, data collected from standard cultivation trial (Warwick and
Black, in prep.)
{Population size for characters 1-4 : 4 and for characters 5-11 : 80.
$Population size for characters l-4 : 9 and for characters 5-1 1 : 180.
flMean * standard error.
1973; McWhorter 1914). Horowitz (l9l2b) (Keeley and Thullen 1979; Monaghan
working in Israel found that the water- 1979). Shoot growth predominates over
soluble sugar content in rhizomes of John- rhizome growth at the beginning of the
son grass was highest in early winter and growing season, whereas nearly 90Vo of the
also greater in the deeper rhizomes. annual rhizome production occurs after
Evidence would suggest that Johnson flowering (Bennett 1973; McWhorter 1973;
grass flowers under short-day conditions. Lolas and Coble 1980). Temperatures be-
In Mississippi, Knight and Bennetr (1953) low 13-15"C tend to inhibit flowering and
studied the effects of 8-, 10.5-, l2-, 14- rhizome formation (Horowitz 197 2c; Holm
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 04/21/20

and l6-h photoperiods on flowering of et al. 1917).

Johnson grass. Flowering occurred during (e) Mycorrhiza No information avail-
all photoperiods, but seedhead formation able. -
was inhibited at 16-h and limited at 14-h
daylengths. The highest seed yields were 8. Reproduction
obtained at 10.5- and 12-h photoperiods. (a) Floral biology Members of the ge-
Similar inhibition of flowering at l6-h pho- ntJS -
Sorghum are generally self-pollinated
toperiods was obtained by Burt and but there is no barrier to cross-fertilization
Wedderspoon (1971) for populations of between species (Tarr 1962). Up to 57o
Johnson grass collected from Maryland and cross-fertilization has been reported in va-
Louisiana. rieties of Sorghum grown next to one an-
McWhorter and Jordan (1976a) found othel however. cross-fertilization was not
that optimum temperature and light con- evident at distances greater than 130 m
ditions for growth of Johnson grass varied apart (Tarr 1962).
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with plant part. For example, overall max- (b) Seed production and dispersal One
imum plant dry weight and leaf weight -
seed is produced in each sessile spikelet.
after 72 wk was obtained at 32'C and 19 The number of sessile spikelets per panicle
and 9 klx, respectively. Primary culm varies from 31 to 352 depending on eco-
height and weight were greater at 24"C re- type (McWhorter 197ta). In Israel,
gardless of the illumination, whereas root Horowitz (1913a) found that after two sea-
and rhizome development increased with sons the mean seed production of plants
increasing light intensity from 9 to l9 klx grown in a garden trial was 84 g or 28 000
and was maximum at 32"C and minimum seeds per plant and in Mississippi, an av-
at 40'C. erage plant produces up to l I kg of seed
(d) Phenoloey The pattern of growth per season (Bennett 1973). Estimates of
and development - of Johnson grass seed- seed production of Johnson grass per hec-
lings and rhizome sprouts is similar, al- tare range from 540 to 1440 dm3 of seed
though in the field rhizome sprouts are (Bennett 1973; McWhorter 1973).
thought to emerge earlier and to grow more Shattering greatly increases the chance
rapidly than seedlings (see review by Mon- for Johnson grass seed dispersal. Mc-
aghan (1979)). In Ontario, Johnson grass Whorter (1911a) found that the degree of
first emerges in May. Three to six weeks shattering varied from I to'73Vo, depending
after emergence of seedlings and sprouts, on ecotype. Other methods include the
when plants are in the five- to seven-leaf spread of seed by water, wind, contami-
stage, a rhizome spur is formed and sec- nated hay and grain, contaminated equip-
ondary tillers begin to develop (Keeley and ment shared by farmers, movement of
Thullen 1979;Lolas and Coble 1980; War- stock and ingestion by birds and cattle
wick and Black, pers. obs.). Flowering (Holm et al. 1911; Youngclaus 1912).
begins 6-9 weeks after emergence and con- (c) Viability of seeds and germincttion
tinues for the rest of the growing season In a seed burial study in Mississippi, -

60-157o of the seed remained viable after Emergence of Johnson grass seedlings
2.5 yr burial in the soil (Egley and was lower in a clay soil than in a fine sandy
Chandler 1978). According to Looker loam and declined with increasing depth of
(1981), studies in California have indicated burial (McWhorter l9l2a). Holm et al.
that after 5 yr, viability is still 507o, a\- (1911) indicated that seeds of Johnson
though in one study in California viability grass can germinate from a depth of 15 cm,
had dropped to 2Vo after 6 yr in the soil. but most seedlings arise from the top 7 cm.
Johnson grass seeds have also remained (d) Vegetative reproduction Under fa-
viable after 7 yr in dry storage and after vorable climatic conditions or- in the case
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passing through the guts of animals (Holm of hardier genotypes, the primary rhizome
et al. 1911). structures are alive at the beginning of the
Johnson grass seeds are dormant when growing season, providing buds for re-
first dispersed (Bennett 1973; Monaghan newed growth. Secondary extensions from
1979). Taylorson and McWhorter (1969) the main rhizomes surface in early summer
found that, although seed dormancy among to form crowns and new plants. Tertiary
43 ecotypes of Johnson grass varied, most rhizomes, formed after flowering, over-
were highly dormant exhibiting less than winter and produce new plants in the fol-
l}qa germination at 20"C. Seed dormancy lowing season (Holm et al. 1971:. Looker
is largely imposed by mechanical restric- 1981).
tion of the seed coat which contains tannin In Mississippi, in both crop or waste-
compounds responsible for its reduced ground situations, a single plant of Johnson
permeability to water (Bennett \913; grass produced 60-90 m of rhizomes per
season (Bennett 1973; McWhorter and Jor-
For personal use only.

Taylorson and McWhorter 1969). After-

ripening for 4-5 mo in dry storage at room dan 1976b) and 15-22 tonnes of rhizomes
temperature overcomes most of this dor- per hectare of pure Johnson grass (Stamper
mancy (Anderson 1968). Studies by Har- 195?; Looker 1981). Production of rhi-
rington (cf. Anderson 1968) have shown zome nodes varied from94-229 nodes per
that freshly-harvested seed could be ger- plant after l0 wk (McWhorter and Jordan
minated at temperatures greater than 20"C, 1976a) and up to 5200 internodes after 18
if the seed coat was removed or the seed wk (Anderson et al. 1960).
treated with concentrated sulphuric acid for Keeley and Thullen (19'79), studying
2 min. In after-ripened seeds the presence growth and development of Johnson grass
of glumes was associated with residual in California, found that for April to
seed dormancy (Harrington 1923, cf . August sowings, rhizomes accounted for
Anderson 1968). an average of 137o,257o, and 407o of the
Germination response to temperature, total fresh weight 6, 9, and 12 wk after
potassium nitrate and light varies between sowing, respectively, while roots ac-
Johnson grass ecotypes (see review Mon- counted for 16%o. 9Vo, and 67o of the total
aghan (1979)). Taylorson and McWhorter fresh weight and shoots'707o, 667o and
(1969) found that germination of after- 54Vo of the total fresh weight.
ripened seed was highest after prechilling In studies of Johnson grass growth and
at l0"C for 20 days, with alternating tem- development in Israel, Horowitz (1912b)
peratures of 24140"C, continuous light and found that rhizomes constituted more than
the addition of 0.2Vo KNO3. Irradiation gOVo of the total subterranean weight. In a
treatments with far-red and red light were sward ofpure Johnson grass 607o, 30Vo and
able to reverse and simulate, respectively, l07o of the total subterranean weight was
the prechilling effects, indicating the im- found in the 0-15 cm, 15-30 cm and 30-45
portance of phytochrome control in ger- cm layers, respectively. Researchers have
mination of Johnson grass seeds (Taylor- found Johnson grass rhizomes growing to
son 1975). a depth of 120 cm in cultivated soil (Looker

1981). Rhizome depth and size may also tant in sites where mechanical or combined
be a function of the associated crop (see mechanical and chemical weed control
Section l2a), soil type (see Section 5b), have not been practiced (McWhorter
and light intensity (see Section 7c). 1913).
Studies on growth and development of
rhizome buds under a number of experi- 9. Hybrids
mental conditions revealed the absence of Although incomplete isolation barriers do
physiological dormancy in field-collected, exist between the grain sorghums and S.
young or mature rhizomes (Hull 1970; halepense, including differences in flow-
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 04/21/20

Lolas and Coble 1980). However, some ering time, habitat preference and a small
investigators refer to a winter dormancy of amount of cross incompatability (Raman et
tertiary rhizomes until the following grow- al. 1976), grain sorghums (all treated by
ing season (Anderson et al. 1960; de Wet (1978)) as conspecific with S. bi-
McWhorter 1961). This could be low tem- color introgress with S. halepense in South
perature suppression of bud sprouting Asia, and in other parts of the world where
(Monaghan 1919). However, even under this species has become established, to
favorable conditions some Johnson grass form both annual diploid and perennial te-
buds remain inactive ensuring the ability traploid weedy derivatives. Table 2 pro-
of the plant to re-establish after temporary vides a summary of hybrid studies con-
adverse conditions (Monaghan 1979). Rel- ducted on S. halepense and the grain
atively high temperatures are required for sorghums. In hybrids derived from a cross
rhizome bud sprouting and rapid shoot between S. almum (see Section 2) and S.
growth (McWhorter 1912a). Hull (1970) halepense, one had 2n : 39 and567o seed
For personal use only.

found that bud sprouting increased from an set and the other three had 2n : 40 and
average of l4Vo at 15"C, to 82Vo at 23'C 28-6l%o seed set (Endrizzi 1951).
and to 927o at 30'C. Horowitz (1912c\ Hybrids between S. halepense and the
found that rhizome sprouting was at a max- third member of the section Sorghum, S.
imum at 28'C and nil at 10'C or lower. propinquum (2n : 20), occur but are not
Johnson grass rhizomes are intolerant of fully fertile (De Wet 1978).
both freezing temperatures and hot drying
conditions (see Section 5a). 10. Population Dynamics
Lolas and Coble (1980) working in Johnson grass is an invasive weed, forming
North Carolina examined the growth char- dense spreading patches which will com-
acteristics of Johnson grass grown in a pletely smother other grasses (Findlay
tield plot from rhizome pieces varying in 1915). In a standard garden trial conducted
length from 2.5 to 25 cm long and found in Israel, Horowitz (1913a) found that dur-
that plant height and weight were increased ing the warm season. mean area increment
significantly with the length of the planted of individuals equals 1.3 m2 per month.
rhizome up to 80 days after planting. Rhi- After 2 yr of growth, patches extended up
zomes 15-20 cm in length initiated new to 3.4 m, with a mean area of 17 m2, shoot
rhizome growth 20-30 days earlier than density was 190/m2 and mean seed produc-
rhizomes 2.5-10 cm in length, as well as tion was 28 000 seeds per plant. According
exhibiting more and faster growth. to Holm et al. (1911), most Johnson grass
McWhorter and Hartwig (1965) and strains quickly become sod bound, often
McWhorter (1912a) reported, however, within 3 yr, and the plants must be broken
that rhizomes 7.6 cm long produced more up to reestablish the stands. Studies con-
shoots than rhizomes 15.2 cm long when ducted by Williams and Ingber (1977)
the planting depth was 7.5 cm, while the demonstrated that increases in density of
opposite was true for deeper planting. Johnson grass from one to eight plants per
Propogation by rhizomes is more impor- 20-cm pot resulted in a 3-wk delay in the

Table 2. Summary of hybrid studies of S. halepense and the grain sorghums (5. bicolor (de Wet 1978),
including parents, hybrid chromosome number and fertility

S. halepense Grainx sorghum Chromosome no.

(2n : 20 or 40) (2n:2O) Ratio Hybrid fertility
(2n:40) S. vulgare Pers. 2n:30: 2n:40 2n:30 highly sterile Hadley (1953, 1958)
7:21 2n:40 highly fertile
(2n:4O) S- vulgare Pers. 2n:30: 2n:40 2n:30 17o seed set Endrizzi (1957)
l:10 2n: 40 31 -387o seed
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 04/21/20

(2n:40) S. bicolor 2n:30: 2n: 40 - Sengupta and

0-22:78-100 - Weibel (1971)

I Z+-ZSu" reduction in \
nollen fenilitv
(2n:2O') ! I Ramen et al. (1976)

{ ,r-rro, seed ser


()n:)it subglabrescens 2n:20+4, 4-6,

S. Ramen et al. (1976)
(2n:20+4-6 6-8, or 8-10 B-
For personal use only.

B-chromosomes) chromosomes

formation of rhizomes and panicles, re- 11. Response to Herbicides and Other
duced mean panicle, rhizome and shoot Chemicals
weight per plant, reduced percent dry Several preplant-incorporated and pree-
weight allocation to rhizomes from 267o to mergence herbicides have been developed
l5%o, but did not affect percent dry weight to control seedlings of Johnson grass,
allocated to seedhead production (3-4Vo) whereas control of rhizomes in agronomic
or to shoots \41-54Vo). crops is more difficult. In the following
Allelopathy may favor the presistence of discussion, the common names of the her-
Johnson grass. Several studies show that bicides used are as described in Weed Ab-
extracts of live and decaying leaves and stracts.
rhizomes of Johnson grass as well as leach- Preplant-incorporated or preemergence
ate from soil infested with Johnson grass control In corn, seedlings of Johnson
have inhibited the germination and seed- grass can- be controlled with butylate at 4.4
ling development of many species includ- kg/ha; butylate plus atrazine at 3.3 and 1.1
ing barley, clover, crown vetch, soybean, kg/ha, respectively; or alachlor at 3.3 kgl
wheat and even Johnson grass itself (Abdul ha (McWhorter 1973). In soybean, seed-
Wahab and Rice 1967; Friedman and lings of Johnson grass can be controlled
Horowitz 1910). Kovacs (1912) identified with vernolate at 3.3 kg/ha; trifluralin at
an allelopath, dhurrin, in Johnson grass 3.3 kg/ha; nitralin at 1.1-l .4 kglha;. ala-
rhizomes. The competitive ability of John- chor at 3 .3 kglha; or chloramben at 3.3 kg/
son grass may also be attributed to its rapid ha (McWhorter 1973). McWhorter (1972a)
growth rate which depletes the soil of nu- found that preplant incorporation of tri-
trients essential to other plants (Horowitz fluralin and nitralin at 0.8 kgiha reduced
1973). rhizome production. Jeffrey et al. (1981)
indicate that several thiocarbamate and of clipped plants had less sucrose but more
dinitroaniline herbicides can be preplant glucose than unclipped plants.
incorporated to control seedlings and rhi- Summer fallowing and repeated tillage
zomes of Johnson grass. prevents development of rhizomes and re-
Postemergence control Excellent con- duces a stand of Johnson grass (Looker
trol of Johnson grass seedlings and rhi- 1981; McWhorter 1912a; Tadzhibaev
zomes has been obtained with metriflufen 1977). McWhorter (1973) found that rhi-
(2-[4-(4-trifl uoromethylphenoxy)phenoxy] - zome production was reduced by over 99Vo
propanoic acid) applied at rates of 0.6-2.2 when a heavily infested area was thor-
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 04/21/20

kg/ha (Azlin and McWhorter 1981); gly- oughly tilled six times at 2-wk intervals
phosate applied in the fall at rates of over the growing season. Repeated tillage
l.l-2.2 kg/ha (Jeffery et al. 1981); and exposes the smaller rhizome fragments to
dalapon applied at rates of 4.1-5.5 kgiha. temperature extremes on the soil surface
Johnson grass collections have, how- (McWhorrer 1913; Tadzhibaev 1977).
ever, been shown to vary in susceptibility However, limited early season tillage will
to dalapon. Hamilton and Tucker (1964) only encourage rhizome growth by redis-
found that five collections of Johnson grass tributing relatively large pieces of rhizome
from Arizona differed in the amount of re- and preparing an ideal seedbed for Johnson
growth after foliar treatment with dalapon grass growth (McWhorter 1973; Lolas and
in a greenhouse. McWhorter and Jordan Coble 1980).
(1976b) found that 5 wk after dalapon ap- Depth, size and overall production of
plication at I I kg/ha, control of Johnson Johnson grass rhizomes are affected by the
For personal use only.

grass varied from 367o for a Louisiana se- associated crop. Rhizome production of
lection to 9l7o for a Georgia selection. Johnson grass is reduced in winter and late-
They found that the more susceptible eco- summer-sown crops or in Pastures
types produced more and shorter rhizome (McWhorter 1973; Ghersa et al. 1976; So-
nodes, greater dry weights of culms and riano et al. 1916). Mattioli (1978) working
rhizomes and exhibited lower water con- in Argentina found that rhizome produc-
tent in culms and rhizomes as compared tion is greater in plants of Johnson grass
with the more resistant ecotvDes. growing in maize than in soybean.
A combination of repeated tillage,
proper herbicides and crop rotation will
12. Response to Other Human Manipu- give the best Johnson grass control (Looker
lations 1981; Jeffrey et al. 1981).
Johnson grass is extremely responsive to
fertilizers, particularly nitrogen. For ex- 13. Responses to Parasites
ample, when grown as a crop, yield in- To date there is no published information
creases from 4700 to 9000 kg/ha were ob- on insects, fungi and viruses associated
tained with the addition of 54 kg of with Canadian populations of Sorghum
elemental N per ha (Bennett 1973). halepense. Voucher collections made by
Repeated and close mowing or grazing the authors from Ontario populations were
kills Johnson grass seedlings, reduces rhi- examined but did not show any fungal or
zome growth and regrowth of shoots and viral infections (Shoemaker, unpubl. obs.).
prevents seed production (Bennett 1973; (a) Insects and other nondomestic animals
Horowitz 191 2d; Looker 198 1 ; McWhorter - Sorghum halepense serves as an alter-
1973). McWhorter (1914) found that re- native host for several pests of sorghum
growth from clipped shoots of Johnson and maize. Records for North America in-
grass had significantly higher concentra- clude: (1) Contarinia sorghicola (Coquil-
tions of slucose and sucrose and rhizomes lett) (Diptera), the sorghum midge, re-

ported to attack flower heads in California Petch, on culms, Gloecercospora sorghi

(Youngclaus 1912) and in Mississippi D. Bain & Edg. ex Deighton, zonate leaf
(Pitre and Gourley 1980); (2) Graminella spot; Helminthosporium sorghicola Le-
nigriJrons (Forbes) (Homoptera), a leaf febvre Sherwin (: Bipolaris cookei
hopper, which is also a vector of corn stunt (Sacc.) Shoemaker), leaf spot; Helmin-
disease in South Carolina (Durant 197 1) thosporium turcicum Pass ( : Setosphaeria
and of maize chlorotic dwarf virus (Ben- turcica) (Luttrel) Leonard & Suggs, leaf
dixen et al. 1979); (3) Rhopalosiphum mai- blight; Ophiobolus implexus (E11. & Ev.)
dls (Fitch) (Homoptera), a corn leaf aphid, Ell & Ev., on adventitious roots; Phyllos-
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 04/21/20

reported from New York (Onazi and Wilde ticta sorghina Sacc. (: Phoma sorghina
1914); and (4) Schizaphis graminum (Sacc.) Boerema, Dorenb. & V. Kest.),
(Rondari) (Homoptera), greenbug, an leaf spot; Puccinia purpureo Cooke, leaf
aphid which is also a vector of sugarcane rustt Ramulispora sorghi (Ell. & Ev.) L.S.
mosaic virus, reported in New York (Onazi Olive & Lefebvre, leaf spot; Sclerophthora
and Wilde 1914) and California macrospora (Sacc.) Thirum., Shaw &
(Youngclaus 1972). Other insects are re- Naras., downy mildew (Tarr 1962); Sep-
ported to attack Johnson grass from Aus- toria pertusa Heald & Wolf, leaf blight;
tralia, India and Pakistan (Bendixen et al. Sphacelotheca cruenta (Ktihn) Potter,
1919, l98l; Chaudary 1970; Khan et al. loose kernel smut; S. holci lackson; S.
1979; Greber 1981). sorghi (Lk.) Clint., covered kernel smut;
Sorghum halepense serves as a host and Uromyces andropogonls Tracy, rust.
for the following nematode taxa in North Other fungi have been reported on S. hal-
For personal use only.

America: Helicotylenchus dihystera epense in central Asia, Argentina, Aus-

(Cobb.) Sher, in Georgia; Heterodera gra- tralia, Brazll, India, Israel, Philippines,
minophila Golden & Birchfield, in Loui- Puerto Rico and South Africa (Levy and
siana; Hoplolaimus columbus Sher, in Cohen 1978; Liu and Ramirez-Oliveras
Georgia; MeLoidogyne incognita (Kofoid 1980; Misra and Mishra 1971: Rawla et al.
& White) Chitwood, in Georgia; Pratylen- 1974; Singh l9l7;Tarr 1962).
chus brachyurus (Godfrey) Filipjev & The following bacteria have been re-
Schuurmans Stekhoven, in Georgia; P. ported as occurring on Sorghum halepense
hexincisus Taylor & Jenkins, southern in the United States (USDA 1960; Tarr
United States; P. neglectus (Rensch) Chit- 1962); Pseudomonas andropogoni (E.F.
wood & Oteifa, in California P. thornei Sm.) Stapp., bacterial leaf stripe, P. syr-
Sher & Allen, in California; P. zeae ingae van Hall, bacterial leaf spot and
Graham. in Louisiana'. Trichodorus chris- Zanthomonas holicola (Elliott) Starr &
tiei (Paratrichodorus christiei (Allen) Sid- Burkh.. bacterial streak. Weaver et al.
diqi), in Georgia; and Tylenchorhynchus (1980) have suggested that Johnson grass
martini Fielding, in Louisiana (Hogger and is a reservoir of rickettsia-like bacteria as-
Bird 1976; see reviews by Bendixen et al. sociated with phony disease of peach. Mik-
1979; Manuel et al. 1980). ulas and Sule (1979), working in Hungary,
(b) Microorganisms and viruses The have indicated that Pseudomonas syringae
following fungi are reported to occur- on pv. syringae van Hall is highly most-spe-
Sorghum halepense in the United States cific for S. halepense and may well be a
(United States Department of Agriculture useful tool for biological control.
(USDA) 1960): Ascochyta sorghina Sacc., Johnson grass serves as an alternate host
rough leaf spot; Cercospora sorghi Ell. for several viruses which attack crop spe-
& Ev., leaf spot; Colletotrichumfalcatum cies in North America. These include: corn
Went; C. graminicola (Ces.) G. W. Wils., stunt disease (CS), in South Carolina
anthracnose; Gibberella zeae (Schw.) (Durant l9l l): maize chlorotic dwarf virus

(MCDV), in Ohio (Bendixen et al. 1919) trol in soybeans (Gl,t,cine max) with metritlufen
l9l6); maize
and in Maryland (Damsteegt applied postemergence. Weed Sci. 29:
dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV), in Ohio 139 143.
(Bendixen et a\. 1979; Knoke et al. 1981), BENDIXEN, L. E., REYNOLDS, D. A, ANd
in Pennsylvania (Gardner 1969), in Mary- RIEDEL, R. M. 1979. An annotated bibliog-
raphy of weeds and reservoits for organisms
land (Damsteegt 1976), in Alabama (Ca-
affecting crops. I. Nematodes. Ohio Agric.
nerday and Gudauskas 1970) and New Res. Devel. Center Res. Bull. 1109. 64 pp.
York (Onazi and Wilde 1974); sugarcane BENDIXEN, L. E., KIM, K. U., KOZAK, C.
mosaic virus (SCMV) in California (Gard- N. and HORN. D. J. 1981. An annotated bib-
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 04/21/20

ner 1969;Youngclaus 1972). Other viruses liography of weeds as reservoirs for organisms
are reported to infect Johnson grass in the affecting crops. II. Arthropods. Ohio Agric.
Philippines, Japan, Hawaii, Australia, and Res. Devel. Center Res. Bull. 1125. 117 pp.
India (Greber 1981: Holm et al. l9ll'.Pen- BENNETT, H. W. 1949. Plant type, disease
rose 1974; Teakle et al. 1970). resistance. and yield variation in johnsongrass.
(c') Higher plant parasites - Sorghum hal- Proc. Assoc. Soc. Agric. Workers 46: 53.
epense is reported to be parasitized by
BENNETT, H. W. 1973. Johnsongrass, car-
petgrass and other grasses for the humid south.
Cuscuta sp., dodder, in Texas (USDA Pages 286-293 in M. E. Heath, D. S. Metcalfe
1960) and Striga a.siatica (L.) O. Kuntze, and R. F. Barnes, eds. Forages. Iowa State
witchweed. in Africa (Tarr 1962). University Press, Ames, Iowa.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS VEJEVA. T. 1969. Chromosome numbers of
We wish to thank Dr. R. Anderson. Mr. J. flowering plants. Academy of Sciences of the
USSR. V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute.
For personal use only.

Martin, and Dr. R. Shoemaker of the Biosys-

tematics Research Institute, Agriculture Lenningrad, USSR.
Canada, Ottawa for assistance in preparing Sec- BURT, G. W. 1974. Adaptation of johnson-
tion 13; and Dr. S. Aiken and Mr. C. Cromp- grass. Weed Sci. 22: 59-63.
ton, address as above, for reviewing thc man- BURT, G. W. and WEDDERSPOON, I. M.
uscnpt. 1971. Growth ofjohnsongrass selections under
different temperatures and dark periods. Weed
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ALEX, J. F., McLAREN, R. D. and HAMILL, bility of .johnsongrass and a sorghum-sudan
A. S. 1979. Occurrence and winter survival of hybrid. Plant Dis. Rep. 54: 424-426.
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