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Direct in vivo evidence for mast cell

degranulation during allergen-induced

reactions in man

E. Gomez, M.Sc., 0. J. Corrado, M.R.C.P., D. L. Baldwin, F.R.C.S.,

A. R. Swanston, F.R.C.S., and R. J. Davies, M.D. London, England

There is little or no direct in vivo evidence in man to support the involvement of mast cell-
mediator release in the pathogenesis of immediate allergic reactions. We have pelformed a
within-subject controlled study to determine the changes that occur in nasal mast cells during
allergen-induced rhinitis. Twelve subjects with asymptomatic rhinitis were studied. Nasal
biopsy specimens were obtained from each subject after a control solution (isotonic saline, 0.9%
wlv) had been nebulized into one nostril and allergen sohtion (freeze-dried allergen extract
reconstituted with isotonic saline) into the other. The tissues obtained were @fixedin Carnoy’s
solution and stained with the a-naphthol AS-D chloroacetate esterase reaction (N AS-D CA ER).
Mast (cells were counted under light microscopy in the epi~helium and lamina propria, and the
integrity of each cell was assessed. No significant differences were found in the number of
epithelial or lamina propria mast cells in biopsy specimens obtained after saline or allergen
administration. However, the number of degranulated mas! cells after allergen provocation
(89%) was significantly greater than after instillation of control solution (15%) (p = 0.003).
Changes of mast cell degranulation after allergen provocc; tion were conjirmed by electron
microscopy. In six nonatopic, control subjects without rhinitis, there was no significant difference
between the percentages of degranulated mast cells after allergen provocation (25.8%) and
mstillation of saline (24.3%). This study provides direct in vivo evidence for allergen-induced
mast cell activation in man. (.I ALLERGYCLIN IMMJNOL 78:637-45, 1986.)

Allergic rhinitis is a worldwide problem affecting

between 2% and 20% of the population.’ The patho- Abbreviations used
genesis of this common but important disease is be- N AS-D CA ER: a-Napthol AS-D chloroacetate
lieved to involve immediate type I allergic reactions. esterase reaction
The results of animal studies have provided consid- RHPF: Random high-power fields
erable evidence to support the involvement of the mast GM: Geometric mean
cell in type I allergic reactions, and mast cell degran- EM: Electron microscopy
ulation and mediator release have been demonstrated LM: Light microscopy
after allergen exposure.‘, ’ Furthermore, it has also
been demonstrated that mast cell-deficient mice ex-
press little or no passive cutaneous anaphylaxis.4, 5 It There is little or no direct in vivo evidence in hu-
is now increasingly recognized that mast cells from mans demonstrating mast cell activation and degran-
different animal species and from different tissues ulation alter exposure to allergen. Most studies of type
within the same species can display widely differing I allergic reactions have relied on the measurement of
functional characteristics.6-9 It would appear essential mediator:; such as histamine and neutrophil chemo-
to our understanding of allergic disease to seek con- tactic activity believed to have been released from
firmation that similar mechanisms occur during al- mast cells into peripheral blood after allergen prov-
lergic reactions in man. ocation. “‘. I’ More recently, it has been possible to
measure these mediators in respiratory tract secre-
tions.“-15 However, such studies have produced con-
From the Departmentof Respiratory Medicine, St. Bartholomew’s flicting results, and although histamine, neutrophil
Hospital, London, England. chemotactic activity, and leukotrienes have been dem-
Received for publication Jan. 28, 1985.
Accepted for publication March 18, 1986. onstrated to increase in peripheral blood or secretions
Reprint requests:R. J. Davies, M.D., Dept. of Respiratory Med- during allergen-induced reactions, their source is not
icine. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, ECl, U. K. limited to mast cells.‘“‘*
638 Gomez et al. J. ALLERGY CLIN. IMMUNOL.

TABLE I. Characteristics of the 12 subjects with asymptomatic rhinitis with extrinsic allergic rhinitis

Control solutioln Allergen extract

No. of No. of No. of No. of

Age mast cells degranulated mast cells degranulated
Subject (yr) Sex Allergen per 10 RHPF ma’st cells per 10 RHPF mast cells

33 M GP 0 0 2 2
.L 24 F DP I2 4 4
3 20 M GP 0 0 0
4 22 M GP 0 0 0
5 21 F GP 1 5 5
6 29 F GP 0 0 0
7 20 F GP 0 0 0
8 26 F CF 6 4 4
9 21 F GP 0 0 0
I0 25’ M GP IO I3 13
11 29 F GP 0 0 0
12 21 F GP 0 0 0
+ 0.58 +0.55
GM * SE 1.73 1.89
- 0.44 -0.43

GP = B, grass-pollen mix; DP = Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus; and CF = cat fur.

The allergen exrract used for provocation, the total number, and the number of degralulated mast cells in the epithclium after administration
of the control solution and allergen extract are presented.

The direct study of the mechanism involved in al- ride. “. 23Although neutrophil polymorphonuclear leu-
lergic asthma in man is limited by the relative inac- cocytes also contain this specific esterase, these cells
cessibility of the lower airways. It is far easier to study can be clearly distinguished by their characteristic nu-
the mechanism underlying allergic rhinitis because clear morphology.“’ The purpose of this study was to
representative samples of nasal mucosa can be readily assess qualitative and quantitative changes in nasal
obtained under local anaesthesia with minimal dis- mast cells induced by allergen provocation.
comfort to the patient. Wihl and Mygind” obtained
nasal biopsy specimens from allergic subjects before
and after nasal provocation with grass pollen and com- MATERIAL AND METHODS
pared ciliary structure and function and quantitative Subjects
changes in mast cells in the specimens obtained. In We studied 12 subjects, eight female and four male, aged
contrast to a similar study performed in animals,“’ they between 20 and 33 years (mean age 24.3 years). All were
demonstrated no changes in mast cell numbers but did atopic, i.e , they demonstrated one or more positive skin
not comment on any qualitative changes compatible reactions to a battery of common inhalant allergens. All had
a history of rhinitis but no symptoms at the time of study.
with mast cell degranulation. More recently, Kawa-
The extrimic nature of their asymptomatic rhinitis was con-
bori et al.” studied changes in the cellular content of firmed by nasal provocation with the relevant allergen ex-
nasal secretions and biopsy specimens from three pa- tract. either B, grass-pollen mix, 2.5% w/v in IO subjects.
tients after allergen provocation. Specimens were cat fur, 150% w/v in 1 subject, or Dermutophagoides pter-
stained with toludine blue to facilitate examinations onyssinus, I .2% w/v in 1 subject. The study was performed
under EM. This stain is taken up by mast and basophil between March and April 1984 when all the subjects were
cells, both of which may be involved during allergic asymptomatic and not receiving medication” Six subjects
reactions. Although the examination of tissues by EM (five male and one female) aged between 22 and 24 years
is particularly useful for demonstrating details of cel- (mean age 22.8 years) who had no history of allergic disease
lular ultrastructure, only small areas of tissue can be (asthma, rhinitis. or eczema) and negative skin prick tests
examined, making quantitation of cellular changes to four common inhalant allergens (including grass pollen)
acted as a control group of subjects.
difficult. The CY-NAS-D CA ER is a method of stain-
ing that enables mast cells to be distinguished from Test solutions and method of administration
basophils, since mast cell granules contain an ester- The allergen solutions used for nasal provocation were
ase capable of hydrolyzing the reaction between o-N freeze-dried allergen extracts (Bencard. Brentford. U. K.)
AS-D CA and hexazotized pararosaniline hydrochlo- reconstitukd with isotonic saline, 0.9% w/v. isotonic saline
In vivo evidence for mast cell degranulation 639


Control solution Allergen extract

No. of No. of % of No. of No. of % of

mast cells degranulated degranulated mast cells degranulated degranulated
Subject per 10 RHPF mast cells mast cells per 10 RHPF mast cells mast cells

1 76 15 20 47 4s 96
2 98 17 17 36 33 92
3 37 4 II 71 69 97
4 57 6 11 59 44 75
5 46 8 17 45 44 98
6 34 6 18 45 41 91
7 47 38 81 4s 40 x9
8 67 8 12 56 54 96
9 35 4 II 59 58 98
10 40 2 5 55 40 73
II 40 8 20 18 17 95
12 34 9 26 27 22 Xl
+5.1 + 1.9 +3.4 +5.* +4.7 + 2.7
GM 2 SE 47’9 7.81 ‘6’29 .44.3 31.7 89.7
-4.6 - 1.6 -2.8 -4.6 -4.2 -2.6

NS = statistically not significant.

The total number and the number and percentage of degranulated mast cells in the lamina propria after administration of the control solution
and allergen extract and the values of significance are presented

alone was used as the control solution. Allergen and control allergen solution had been washed from the nasal mucosa
solutions were admmistered to separate nostrils by nebuliz- by nebulizing three separate 200 pJ aliquots of isotonic
ing 100 PI of each solution with a modified air spray (Hum- saline into this nostril. This was to ensure that any changes
brol, Hull, II. K.). observed in nasal mast cells were due to allergen deposition
on the nasal epithelium rather than excess solution reacting
Study design with the tissue after biopsy. In one subject with asymptom-
An identical protocol was followed for subjects with atic rhinitis (No. I), an identical biopsy procedure was
asymptomatic rhinitis and nonatopic subjects without rhi- repeated itt a later date to obtain tissue for examination
nitis. Fifteen minutes after nebulizing the control solutions by EM.
to one nostril, two sprays of local anesthetic, lidocaine (Xy-
locaine: Astra Pharmaceutical Products, Inc., Worcester, Preparation of nasal tissue
Mass., 10% w/v) were delivered from a metered-dose aero- LM. Biopsy specimens were immediately placed in iden-
sol. Five minutes later a nasal biopsy specimen was obtained tical glass bottles containing Camoy’s fixative (absolute al-
1 cm from the anterior edge of the inferior turbinate with cohol, 60 ml; chloroform. 30 ml; glacial acetic acid, 10 ml)
cup forceps. After a further 5 minutes, allergen was ad- and coded to ensure that the tissues were examined blind
ministered to the opposite nostril. In subjects with asymp- by one of the investigators (E. G.) who was unaware of the
tomatic rhinitis, nasal provocation with allergen produced results of nasal provocation and biopsy. The biopsy speci-
symptoms ot rhinitis (nasal itching, sneezing, rhinorrhea, mens were fixed for 3 hours, then removed and placed in
and nasal obstruction) and a visible change in appearance an automatic tissue processor (Histokinette, Reichert-Jung,
of the inferior turbinate that became pale and edematous. Slough, U. K.), embedded in wax, and sectioned at 5 km
None of the nonatopic subjects without rhinitis who were thickness by use of a rotary microtome (Reichert-Jung). The
tested with grass-pollen extract developed any of these fea- sections w’zre rehydrated and stained with the aN AS-D CA
tures. After 20 minutes, a biopsy specimen was obtained ER. The staining solution was prepared as follows: 20 mg
from this nostril as previously described. This time interval of pararosaniline (Sigma Chemical Co. Ltd.. Poole. U. K.)
was chosen to coincide with the maximal change in allergen- was dissolved in 0.5 ml of 2 mol/L of hydrochloric acid.
induced nasal obstruction measured by rhinomanometry.” Hexazotization was performed by allowing the pararosan-
A biopsy of the nose earlier in the time course of the allergic iline solution to react with 0.5 ml of freshly prepared
reaction is hindered by the presence of sneezing. In four 4% sodium nitrite solution (BDH Chemicals. Ltd., Poole,
subjects with asymptomatic rhinitis (Nos. 9 to I2 in Tables U. K.) for I minute. This was then added to 46 ml of Verona1
I and II). biopsy specimens were obtained after any residual acetate buffer (pH 6.8) to lower the pH to 6.3. To this
640 Gomez et al. J. ALLERGY CLIN. IMMUNOL.

FIG. 1. A, Section of the lamina propria of a subject with asymptomatic rhinitis, demonstrating
intact mast cells after the instillation of the control solution (isotonic saline). (Original magni-
fication x400.1 6, Section of the lamina propria of the same subject demonstrating mast cell
degranulation after allergen administration. (Original magnii’ication x400.)
FIG. 2. A, High-power view of Fig. 1, A. (Original magnificati’on x 1000.) B, High-power view of
Fig. 1, B. (Original magnification x 1000.)

buffered solution, 10 mg of a-N AS-D CA (Sigma Chemical metachromasia. thin sections were cut and stained with
Co., Ltd.) dissolved in 1 ml of N,N-dimethylformamide uranyl acel:ate and counterstained with Reynold’s lead
(Sigma Chemical Co.. Ltd.) was added. citrate.
The tissue sections were incubated in this solution for 30
minutes at room temperature, washed in running tap water, Examination of tissue sections
counterstained with Mayer’s hematoxylin (Raymond A. LM. Tissue sections were examined with an Olympus
Lamb, London, U. K.) for 7 minutes, dehydrated, cleared BH-2 light nicroscope (Gallenkamp, London, U. K.), eye-
in xylene, and mounted in dibutyl pthalate xylene. With piece X 10, objective X 40) incorporating a square graticule
this stain, mast cell granules appear red (Fig. I), whereas in the eyeplece. The section was moved from left to right
their nuclei are blue black in color.z4 10 high-power fields (each separated by an interval equal
EM. Biopsy specimens were fixed within 30 seconds of to the width of the graticule) in the epithelium and the lamina
their excision in 3% glutaraldehyde buffer with 0.1 mol/L propria. Mast cell counts included those cells lying within
of sodium phosphate (pH 7.6) for between 2 and 4 hours the confines of the square and those touching the upper and
and then postfixed in 2% osmic acid buffered with 0.2 left hand sides but not those touching the other two sides,
mol/L of cacodylate (SO: 50 by volume). The tissues were thus avoiding counting the same cell twice. The mean mast
subsequently dehydrated through a graded series of aqueous cell count for the 10 high-power fields in the epithelium and
alcohol solutions, absolute alcohol, and propylene oxide lamina propria was determined. Mast cell degranulation
before embedding in TAAB 812 resin (TAAB Laboratories was assessed with criteria similar to those reported by
Ltd., Reading, IJ. K.). Sections were cut with an LKB Dvorak et al.‘h for toluidine blue stained sections of the
ultratome (LKB Instruments Ltd., Surrey, U. K.). After human gastrointestinal tract; however, the a-N AS-D CA
examining thick sections stained with toluidine blue for ER enabled us to detect additionally extrusion of mast cell
In vivo evidence for mast cell degranulation 641

granules (Table III). Examples of intact and degranulated TABLE III. The criteria used to assess the
mast cells are illustrated in Fig. I, A and B, and Fig. 2, state of mast cell granulation
A and B.
EM. The tissue sections were examined with a Philips Granulated cells Degranulated cells
300 transmission electron microscope (Pye Unicorn Ltd.,
Cambridge. U. K.) at an accelerating voltage of 100 kV. Stain bright red Stain pink
Clearly defined with Loss of outline with interruptions
Statistical analyses intact cell mem- in cell membrane
Differences in the numberandproportion of degranulated Granules within cell Extrusion of granules outside cell
mast cells after administration of allergen and control so-
membrane membrane
lution were comparedwith Wilcoxon matched-pairssigned-
rankstest. and differencesbetweenthe numberof mastcells
in the tissues of subjects with asymptomatic rhinitis and
nonatopic subjects without rhinitis were comparedwith the to the number after instillation of the control solution
Mann-Whitney U test. (p = 0.003), the percentage of degranulated mast
cells after allergen provocation being substantially
RESULTS greater ihan after administration of the control solution
The use of cup biopsy forceps provided specimens in all but one subject as illustrated in Table II. Exactly
of roughly equal size, approximately 4 mm’. The pro- the same pattern of results was obtained in the four
cedure was well tolerated by all subjects and associ- subjects (Nos. 9 to 12) in whom any residual allergen
ated with only mmimal discomfort and bleeding. Bi- had been washed off the nasal epithelium.
opsy specimens included the superficial epithelium The number of mast cells in the lamina propria of
and the deeper lamina propria in all subjects. The the nonatopic subjects without rhinitis ranged from 16
lamina propria could be subdivided into a superficial to 36 per IO RHPF (GM + SE 21.56 I:,$) in post-
subepithelial layer lying immediately below the epi- saline biopsy specimens and 12 to 39 (GM t SE
thelium and a deeper glandular layer. 24.34 Z f ii) in biopsy specimens taken after the ad-
The number of mast cells present in both groups in ministration of allergen. These results are presented
the epithelium was small compared to the number in Table IV. No significant differences were found
observed in the lamina propria. For the asymptomatic between either the total number or percentage of de-
subjects with rhinitis, this ranged from 0 to 12110 granulated mast cells in paired biopsy specimens. Sub-
RHPF. (GM + SE 1.73 I:::) after instillation of the jects wil:h asymptomatic rhinitis had a significantly
control solution, and 0 to 13 (GM c SE 1.89 +i::) greater rumber of mast cells present in the nasal lam-
after administration of allergen (Table I). Epithelial ina propria than did the nonatopic subjects without
mast cells in the nonatopic subjects without rhinitis rhinitis (p < 0.02).
were found in only two of the biopsy specimens ex- In the biopsy specimens obtained from subject 1
amined in which two and three epithelial mast cells (Table 1) that were examined by EM, no mast cells
were observed. Both of these were in postsaline bi- were found in the epithelium of either the postsaline
opsy specimens, and all the cells were intact. In sub- or postallergen specimens. Mast cells were clearly
jects with asymptomatic rhinitis, allergen provocation identified in the lamina propria and exhibited diverse
led to the degranulation of all the mast cells present morphologic shapes, although many were elongated,
in the epithelium, although, because of the small num- and a few of these cells had small surface projections
bers. it was impossible to perform statistical analyses arising from the cell membranes. The granules ranged
of these qualitative changes when compared to those from being homogenous and electron dense to being
changes produced by administration of the control uniforml:y particulate, whereas others exhibited char-
solution. In contrast, many more mast cells were ob- acteristic whorled and scrolled patterns (Fig. 3, A).
served in the lamina propria, most being located in In the postallergen biopsy specimens, many of the
the subepithelial layer. In subjects with asymptomatic mast cells demonstrated stages of degranulation. In
rhinitis, the number of mast cells per 10 RHPF present some, the granules exhibited swelling, a loss in elec-
in the lamina propria after instillation of the control tron density (Fig. 3, A), and vacuolation. In others,
solution ranged from 34 to 98 (GM 2 SE 47.7 12::) the fusion of the perigranular membrane and cyto-
and did not differ significantly from the number of plasmic rnembrane were observed (Fig. 3. B).
mast cells present after the administration of allergen
ranging from 18 to 71 (GM 5 SE 44.3 T:.$. How- DISCUSSION
ever, many more mast cells were degranulated after There is little in vivo evidence in man to support
allergen provocation when the number was compared the current concept of the involvement of mast cell
642 Gomez et al. J. ALLERGY CLIN. IMMUNOL.

TABLE IV. Characteristics of the six nonatopic subjects without rhinitis

Control solution Allergen extract

No. of No. of % Of No. of No. of % of

Age mast cells degranulated degranulated mast cells degranulated degranulated
Subject (yr) Sex per 10 RHPF mast cells mast cells per 10 RHPF mast cells mast cells

I :!4 F 36 II 30.5 24 4 16.6

2 22 M 16 5 31 I? 8 66
3 Z!3 M 34 8 23.5 39 II 28.2
4 :!2 M 15 3 20 I6 2 12.5
5 >!3 M I9 4 21.1 IX 5 27.1
h 23 M I8 4 22.2 22 6 21.3
+3.63 +6.73
GM f SE 21.58 +3’67 24.34 + “95 20.36 - 3.08 25.76
--3.13 -1.81 -5.34

The number and percentage of degranulated mast cells in the lamina propria after administration of the control solution and allergen extract
are presented.

reactions in allergic respiratory disease. In this con- by the fact that these workers used glutaraldehyde to
trolled study we have demonstrated that allergen does fix their tissues, which has been demonstrated to effect
indeed cause mast cell degranulation, not only in the the staining properties of mast cells of the rat intestinal
epithelium but also in the deeper lamina propria. mucosa.*” Even though we found few mast cells in
These changes confirmed by EM are a specific re- the nasal epithelium in comparison to the lamina pro-
sponse to allergen since they do not occur in nonatopic pria, the numbers present were much greater than
subjects without rhinitis. We found no significant al- those observed by Pipkom” who again fixed tissues
teration in mast cell numbers after allergen challenge, in glutaraldehyde and found a total of only two mast
although subjects with asymptomatic rhinitis have a cells in the epithelium in all the biopsy specimens
significantly greater number of mast cells in nasal stained from 14 subjects. The differences between
tissue than nonatopic subjects without rhinitis. Wihl these studies in mast cell numbers could similarly be
and Mygind’” performed a controlled study of 28 sub- explained by the use of glutaraldehyde as a tissue
jects with hay fever, obtaining nasal biopsy specimens fixative. .We used Camoy’s solution that is recom-
before and after allergen challenge. As in this study, mended as one of the fixatives of choice for the study
they found no changes in mast cell numbers 30 min- of “mucosal” type mast cells.”
utes after allergen provocation. However, unlike in A number of investigators have demonstrated sig-
this study, they did not comment on the state of mast nificant d: fferences between the numbers of basophils
cell granulation. and mast cells present in the nasal secretions, smears,
The existence of two distinct subpopulations of and scrapings of individuals with asymptomatic rhi-
mast cells, termed “mucosal” and “connective tis- nitis compared to nonatopic subjects without rhini-
sue” types, each with different characteristics, was tis. *‘. “. 34Although in this study mast cells were found
first recognized in the intestinal mucosa of rats.” Mast more frequently in the epithelium in biopsy specimens
cell heterogeneity also occurs in the human intestinal taken from subjects with asymptomatic rhinitis com-
mucosa,” and there is accumulating evidence to sug- pared to nonatopic subjects without rhinitis, it was
gest that “mucosal” type mast cells are found in the impossible to make meaningful comparisons between
lower respiratory tract of man.29% 3” Our preliminary the two groups since in many biopsy specimens. no
studies suggest that mast cells of this type occur in mast cells were observed in the epithelium. Contrary
the nasal mucosa,” and this has recently been con- to previous reports ,j’. j4 we found that the number of
firmed by Okuda et al.” Wihl and Mygind” do not mast cells. present in the lamina propria of subjects
provide details regarding the number of mast cells that with asymptomatic rhinitis was significantly greater
they observed in the nasal epithelium, but the number than in that of nonatopic subjects without rhinitis. This
of mast cells that they found in the lamina propria finding is of considerable importance because it would
was equivalent to between 2 and 43 per 10 RHPF suggest that allergic disease may be a stimulus to the
(mean 13). This difference might in part be explained increased production of mast cells” and that their con-
tinued proliferation may perhaps be dependent on a
*Gomcz E. Con-ado 01, Baldwin DL, Davies RJ: In preparation. T cell-derived lymphokine.36 Such a conclusion
VOLUME 78 IT vivo evidence for mast cell degranulation 643

FIG. 3. A, Electron micrograph of a postallergen biopsy specimen. One mast cell granule exhibits
characteristic whorled and scrolled patterns (P), whereas the other two (0) exhibit swelling
and a loss in electron density. (Original magnification x 140,000.) B, Electron micrograph of a
different view of the same biopsy specimen demonstrating a direct connection between a
swollen, electron-lucent cytoplasmic granule and the extra cellular space ($). (Original mag-
nification x 5000.)

would be supported by in vitro studies because rodent deeper in the lamina propria. In biopsy specimens
mast cells grown in culture appear to be dependent obtained from one subject after allergen provocation,
on T cell-derived growth factor(s) for proliferation we have observed similar ultrastructural changes of
and maintainence.37 The exact nature of the growth mast cell degranulation after allergen challenge. There
factor(s) invoked is still being investigated, but the are difficulties in the interpretation of some of the
putative lymphokine interleukin-3 appears a likely results of the investigation by Kawabori et al.*’ They
candidate.38 39 studied biopsy specimens of patients with perennial
Recent studies by Okuda et a1.33suggested that ba- rhinitis for EM before undergoing turbinectomy for
sophils present at or close to the epithelial surface may persistent symptoms. Under these circumstances the
play a major role in the genesis of allergic reactions investigators may well have been examining mast cells
in the nose. Support for this concept came from a altered by continuing disease. Furthermore, although
direct EM study on the nasal mucous membrane after EM allows detailed examination of cellular ultrastruc-
allergen provocation. Although these investigators ob- ture, it is difficult to examine the whole specimen to
served changes of mast cell degranulation in the ep- obtain an accurate quantitative analysis. Finally, no
ithelial and subepithelial layers, this was not observed comment is made in the article whether or not the
644 Gomez et al. J ALLERGY CLIN. IMMUNOL.

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T cell reactivity to penicillin: Phenotypic

analysis of in vitro activated cell subsets

Marianne Koponen, Ph.D., Werner J. Pichler, M.D., and

Alain L. de Week, M.D. Bern, Switzerland

Patients with penicillin allergy demonstrate a T cell prolyerative response after in vitro
stimulation with penicillin G (Pen G) and other /I-lactam antibiotics. To understand better
penicillin-allergic reactions, T cell subset stimulation with Pen G was studied and compared with
other soluble (tetanus toxoid and puri$ed protein derivitive [PPD]) and membrane-bound viral
(injuenza A and Epstein-Barr viruses) antigens. A double jluorescence method for flow cytometry
was used to evaluate the activated cells simultaneously by pyronin Y staining of RNA and by
indirect immunofluorescence of cell surface T4, T8, or Leu 8 antigens. The antigens used
stimulated mainly the T4’ subset(>90%), whereas the nu.nber of activated T8 cells was slightly
increased only in Pen G- and influenza A-triggered cultures (5% to 15%). Leu 8 antigen was
used to analyze more precisely the activated T4’ cells. Pen G and injuenza A and Epstein-
Barr viruses stimulated both T4’, Leu 8’ (>.50% of activated cells, inducers for suppressor
cells), and T4’, Leu 8- (helpers for B cells) subsets, whereas PPD activated mainly T4’,
Leu 8 subpopulations. These results indicate that penicillin-allergic patients with skin symptoms
demonstrate a T cell subset stimulation that resembles more the reaction versus viral antigens
(membrane incorporated) than to soluble antigens like PPD. These results suggest that Pen G is
presented to T cells like viral proteins and might thus cause allergic reactions resembling skin
symptoms observed in viral diseases. (J ALLERGYCLINIMMUNOL 78.645-52, 1986.)

Allergic reactions to p-lactam antibiotics can cause

clinically different symptoms, such as anaphylaxis, Abbreviations used
pruritus, exanthema, vasculitis, interstitial nephritis, EB V: Epstein-Barr virus
hemolytic anemia, etc.’ Although the anaphylactic re- FITC: Fluorescein isothiocyanate
PBL: Peripheral blood lymphocytes
PPD: Purified protein derivative
From the Institute of Clinical Immunology, Inselspital, Bern, Switz- PY: Pyronin Y
erland. SI: Stimulation index
Supported by Swiss National Foundation Grant No. 3-543-0.83. ‘IT: Tetanustoxoid
Received for publication Oct. 11, 1985.
HLA: Human leukocyte antigens
Accepted for publication March 19, 1986.
Reprint requests: W. J. Pichler, M.D., Institute of Clinical Im-
Pen G: Penicillin G
munology. Inselspital, 3010 Bern, Switzerland.


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