Administration - Sheet (1) 2

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Assignment No.

1 ERU Egyptian Russian University

Dr: Said Ahmed Mahrous Faculty of Engineering
Construction Administration Construction Department

Assignment No.1 ERU Egyptian Russian University
Dr: Said Ahmed Mahrous Faculty of Engineering
Construction Administration Construction Department

Assignment No.1 ERU Egyptian Russian University
Dr: Said Ahmed Mahrous Faculty of Engineering
Construction Administration Construction Department



Assignment No.1 ERU Egyptian Russian University
Dr: Said Ahmed Mahrous Faculty of Engineering
Construction Administration Construction Department


Assignment No.1 ERU Egyptian Russian University
Dr: Said Ahmed Mahrous Faculty of Engineering
Construction Administration Construction Department

11-A project consists of 8 activities. The activity completion times and the
precedence relationships are as follows:

Activity Completion time Immediate predecessor

(days) activities
A 5 -
B 7 -
C 6 -
D 3 A
E 4 B,C
F 2 C
G 6 A,D
H 5 E,F

• Draw the network diagram.

• Calculate the minimum overall project completion time and identify
which activities are critical.
• If activity E is delayed by 3 days how is the project completion time
• If activity F is delayed by 3 days how is the project completion time

12-A project consists of 8 activities named A to H. Construct a network so as to

satisfy the scheduling requirements shown in the table below.

Activity Completion time Immediate predecessor

(days) activities
A 3 -
B 6 A
C 7 A
D 5 A
E 13 B,C
F 8 C,D

Assignment No.1 ERU Egyptian Russian University
Dr: Said Ahmed Mahrous Faculty of Engineering
Construction Administration Construction Department
G 11 D,F
H 6 G,E

-Find the least time required to complete the whole project and identify the
critical activities .How is the project completion time affected if:

• activity F is delayed by 3 days

• activity E is delayed by 7 days

13-The table below defines the activities within a small project.

Activity Completion time Immediate predecessor

(weeks) activities
A 3 -
B 1 A
C 2 B,A
D 7 -
E 8 D,A
F 3 B
G 1 E,F
H 2 D

- Draw the network diagram.

- Calculate the minimum overall project completion time and identify
which activities are critical.
- What is the slack (float) time associated with each of the non-critical

14- The table below defines the activities within a small project:

Activity Description Required Predecessor Duration

A Product design (None) 5 months
B Market research (None) 1
C Production analysis A 2
D Product model A 3

Assignment No.1 ERU Egyptian Russian University
Dr: Said Ahmed Mahrous Faculty of Engineering
Construction Administration Construction Department
E Sales brochure A 2
F Cost analysis C 3
G Product testing D 4
H Sales training B, E 2
I Pricing H 1
J Project report F, G, I 1

-Draw the diagram

-Set up the CPM spread sheet

- get the paths

- Paste the path information into your spreadsheet

- Calculate the paths' times

- Identify the critical path

15- Draw a network form for the following activity and find the critical path
and duration of project.
Activity Duration (days)
1-2 30
1-3 07
2-4 10
3-4 00
3-10 30
4-5 14
4-8 21
5-6 10
6-7 07
7-8 00
7-9 07
8-9 12
9-11 15
Assignment No.1 ERU Egyptian Russian University
Dr: Said Ahmed Mahrous Faculty of Engineering
Construction Administration Construction Department
10-11 15

16- For the data given below of a construction project scheduled .Draw the
diagram and determine the critical path and all floats.
Activity Predecessor Duration
A - 6
B A 7
C A 1
D - 14
E B 5
F C,D 8
G C,D 8
H D 3
I H 5
J F 3
K E,J 4
L F 12
M G,I 6
N G,I 2
O L,N 7

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