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Brain Topogr (2016) 29:94–107

DOI 10.1007/s10548-015-0427-5


Involvement of the Motor System in Comprehension of Non-

Literal Action Language: A Meta-Analysis Study
Jie Yang • Hua Shu

Received: 5 December 2013 / Accepted: 5 February 2015 / Published online: 14 February 2015
Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract Although numerous studies have shown that system in abstract concepts processing is flexible, de-
the sensory-motor system is involved in semantic pro- pending on semantic features of the language stimuli and
cessing of language stimuli, it is still unclear whether links between abstract and literal meanings.
comprehension of abstract concepts is embodied, and
whether the involvement of the sensory-motor system is Keywords The motor system  Fictive motion 
context-dependent. Investigation of how the motor system Metaphoric action  Idiomatic action  Meta-analysis
is activated during comprehension of non-literal action
languages can help address these issues. So far several
studies have reported brain activations during non-literal Introduction
action language comprehension, but the findings are highly
inconsistent because of different types of non-literal action The involvement of the sensory-motor system during lan-
language stimuli. To clarify how the motor system is in- guage comprehension has attracted increasing theoretical
volved in comprehension of different types of non-literal and experimental interests (e.g., Barsalou 2008; Gallese
languages, the current study conducted quantitative meta- and Lakoff 2005; Kiefer and Pulvermüller 2012; Pul-
analyses on fMRI findings about comprehension of sen- vermüller and Fadiga 2010). Studies using neuroimaging
tences describing fictive motions, metaphoric actions, and techniques have found that comprehension of language
idiomatic actions. Results showed that fictive motion sen- stimuli that contain sensory or action-related semantic
tences elicited activation in the right parahippocampal features could elicit activations in brain regions involved in
gyrus, an area important for spatial processing. For meta- sensory and motor processes (e.g., Hauk et al. 2004;
phoric actions, the left precentral gyrus (BA 6) was Kemmerer et al. 2008; Pulvermüller et al. 2005, but see de
strongly activated, suggesting a link between metaphoric Zubicaray et al. 2010; Fernandino and Iacoboni 2010;
and literal meanings. For idiomatic actions, activity was Postle et al. 2008). These findings have evoked a hot debate
found in the left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 44/45), high- about whether and how language comprehension is
lighting semantic selection and inhibition. No premotor or grounded in the sensory-motor system (e.g., Caramazza
motor activity was found in idiom condition. These results et al. 2014; Hauk and Tschentscher 2013; Mahon and
together suggest that the involvement of the sensory-motor Caramazza 2008, 2009; Meteyard et al. 2012; Tomasino
and Rumiati 2013).
The view that the sensory-motor system is involved in
J. Yang (&)
the comprehension of concrete concepts has been sup-
ARC Center of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders,
Department of Cognitive Science, Macquarie University, ported not only by fMRI findings, but also by studies that
Sydney, Australia use neurophysiological methods (EEG, MEG, and TMS)
e-mail: which indicate that the motor system is involved in a time
window of early lexical-semantic processing (e.g., for a
H. Shu
National Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and review, see Hauk et al. 2008; but see Papeo et al. 2009,
Learning, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China 2013, 2014). However, whether comprehension of abstract

Brain Topogr (2016) 29:94–107 95

concepts far away from sensory and motor experiences also encoding, such as parahippocampal gyrus (Epstein and
relies on the sensory-motor system is still unclear. Kanwisher 1998). In addition, regions involved during vi-
Another unresolved issue is about how the sensory- sual perception of motions, such as MT area, might also be
motor system is involved in language comprehension, i.e. activated (e.g., Saygin et al. 2010; Wallentin et al. 2005a).
whether conceptual processing evokes a complete recre- Activity in the premotor and motor areas observed during
ation of perceptual or motor experiences, or it just high- human action processing might not be necessary, because
lights the selective perceptual and motor attributes verbs in fictive motion sentences can express both human
depending on the context (Chatterjee 2010). A complete motions and animal motions (i.e. animate motions, Wal-
recreation of sensory and motor experiences would imply lentin et al. 2005a).
an automatic recruitment of the sensory and motor regions So far, several studies have examined neural substrates
independent of context (Boulenger et al. 2009; Hauk et al., of fictive motion comprehension. For example, Wallentin
2004; Pulvermüller 2005; Shtyrov et al. 2004; Tettamanti et al. (2005b) found that sentences about real motions (e.g.,
et al. 2005), while a selective activation of sensory and the man goes through the house) and fictive motions (e.g.,
motor experiences would imply the flexibility of sensory- the trail goes through the house) elicited strong activity in
motor activity during conceptual processing (e.g., Hoenig the bilateral posterior regions, such as the fusiform gyrus,
et al. 2008; Raposo et al. 2009; Rüschemeyer et al. 2007; the parahippocampal gyrus, the occipital-temporal-parietal
van Dam et al. 2010; Van Elk et al. 2008, 2010). Since the junction, the left precuneus, and the right postcentral gyrus.
evidence about the embodiment of abstract conceptual Comparison between the two types of sentences revealed
processing is so scarce, it is possible that comprehension of an effect in the right parietal lobe related to motion pro-
concrete and abstract concepts might involve the sensory- cessing, but did not reach the significance level. This
motor system with different degrees. suggests that processing sentences about fictive motions
If we put the two issues together, it is quite clear that and normal motions might involve similar mechanisms
they are tightly related to each other. A graded embodiment related to mental navigation and spatial memory. In Saygin
for language comprehension means contexts can influence et al. (2010), region of interest analysis showed that both
the involvement of the sensory-motor system. For instance, normal motion sentences (e.g., I drove from Modesto to
if the comprehension of abstract concepts is less embodied Fresno) and fictive motion sentences (e.g., the highway
than the comprehension of concrete concepts, then it shows runs from Modesto to Fresno) elicited higher activity in the
that the involvement of the sensory-motor system is flex- bilateral MT areas than static sentences (e.g., Modesto and
ible and context-dependent. Fresno are in California). Furthermore, normal motion
A valid method to address the two issues together is to sentences elicited a higher effect than fictive motion sen-
examine whether the sensory-motor system is involved in tences did. This finding indicates that semantic processing
the comprehension of non-literal language containing of fictive motion still involves simulation of visual per-
words relating to actions or motions (e.g, grasp the idea). In ception of motion, but to a lesser extent compared with
this example, the hand verb ‘‘grasp’’ is presented, but the semantic processing of normal motion sentences.
context does not support its literal meaning. Instead, the Other studies showed that fictive motion comprehension
phrase expresses an abstract meaning ‘‘understand the involves motor cortex. For instance, Cacciari et al. (2011)
idea’’. Is the motor system involved when we comprehend found that when single pulse-transcranial magnetic
such non-literal language? If yes, then which part of the stimulation (TMS) was delivered at the end of each sen-
motor system is involved? So far there is increasing evi- tence over the leg area in the primary motor cortex, motor
dence about this topic, but the findings are highly evoked potentials (MEPs) from the right gastrocnemius and
inconsistent. tibialis anterior muscles for fictive motion sentences (e.g.,
A main factor causing the inconsistences is the various the road runs along the impetuous river) were not different
types of non-literal action language stimuli used in these from that for literal motion sentences (e.g., the man runs in
studies, including sentences describing fictive motion, the beautiful country). This suggests that fictive sentences
metaphoric action, and idiomatic action. Fictive motion is still preserve the motor component of the motion verbs that
an expression in which a motion verb is used to convey a involve the motor system during comprehension.
non-concrete, static state of objects or abstract concepts Different from fictive motions that express static spatial
through space (Matlock 2004; Talmy 2000). In a fictive relations, metaphoric actions use action verbs to indicate
motion sentence, the subject is usually inanimate and in- ‘‘a higher level of abstraction to refer to any instance of
capable of performing the motion (e.g., the road runs along goal-driven conjoint motion’’ (Cacciari et al. 2011). For
the coast). Since fictive motions express spatial relations instance, in the sentence ‘‘the woman runs with her fantasy
which are linked with the described motions, one might often’’, the verb ‘‘run’’ is used metaphorically to express a
expect brain activity in regions involved in spatial mental state. The figurative meaning is more abstract than

96 Brain Topogr (2016) 29:94–107

the literal meaning, but there is still a link between the two metaphor is learned, it might no longer rely on these rep-
domains. Thus, metaphoric actions could maintain the resentations and thus the involvement of the motor system
original meaning of the constituent words, and the figura- is unnecessary. This view is support by Desai et al. (2011),
tive meaning can be flexible, depending on context infor- which indicated that activations in the bilateral central
mation (Cacciari et al. 2011). In addition, the subjects of sulcus, bilateral supplementary area, and the left posterior
metaphoric action sentences are often human beings (e.g., superior temporal sulcus (STS) were inversely correlated
Desai et al. 2011, 2013; Lacey et al. 2012; Lauro et al. with familiarity. This finding suggests that the involvement
2013). Based on these features, one might expect that the sensory-motor system during metaphor comprehension
comprehending metaphoric actions would activate premo- is in a graded way, with strong simulation in comprehen-
tor and motor cortex. sion of unfamiliar metaphors. As metaphors become more
Findings about metaphoric action comprehension are familiar, the simulation becomes weaker. However, other
inconsistent. Some studies indicate motor activation during researchers have found that familiar metaphors can activate
comprehension of metaphoric actions. Lauro et al. (2013) sensory and motor areas during comprehension. For in-
indicated that the left precentral gyrus was activated during stance, in Lacey et al. (2012), participants listened to
comprehension of metaphoric actions (e.g., Matilde throws sentences containing conventional texture metaphors (e.g.,
her sadness far away). Cacciari et al. (2011) found that she had a rough day), and the authors found that texture
MEPs recorded in the right gastrocnemius and tibialis an- metaphors activated somatosensory cortex in the bilateral
terior muscles were larger when participants were pre- parietal operculum and right inferior precentral sulcus as
sented with metaphorical sentences than with idiomatic and compared with literal control sentences (e.g., she had a bad
mental-state sentences. No difference was found between day). This finding suggests that metaphor comprehension is
the MEPs in metaphoric sentences and in literal sentences. grounded in the sensory-motor system, even for the highly
However, some studies did not find premotor or motor familiar metaphors.
activity for comprehension of metaphoric actions. For in- A third type of non-literal action expressions is idioms,
stance, Aziz-Zadeh et al. (2006) studied comprehension of such as ‘‘kick the bucket’’. Different from fictive motions
metaphor and literal phrases containing hand, mouth and and metaphoric actions, idiomatic actions usually convey a
foot action verbs. Results showed that within the premotor unique standardized meaning independent of context in-
cortex in the left hemisphere, a somatotopic activation formation. Because the figurative meaning is standardized,
pattern was found for literal phrases, but not for metaphor the link between the figurative meaning and the literal
phrases. Chen et al. (2008) showed that compared with meaning (i.e. the motor component of the action verb) is
non-motive sentences, predictive metaphors (e.g., the man lost. For instance, it is hard to find the connection between
fell under her spell) indicated a stronger effect in the left the action of kicking the bucket and death. Thus, during
posterior middle temporal gyrus (MTG). Some researchers idiom comprehension, little or no activity in the premotor
found that higher-level motor-related regions are activated and motor cortex should be observed.
during comprehension of metaphoric actions. For instance, Some studies found motor activity during idiomatic
Desai et al. (2011) indicated that metaphoric actions (e.g., action comprehension. Boulenger et al. (2009) found so-
the public grasped the idea) activated bilateral anterior matotopic activation along the motor strip (premotor and
inferior partial lobule (aIPL), which is involved in action motor cortex) was elicited by both literal sentences and
planning. In another study, Desai and colleagues again idiomatic sentences (e.g., she kicks the habit). The se-
found that comprehension of metaphoric actions elicited mantic somatotopy was most significant after the sentence
stronger effects in the left aIPL, the left supramarginal endings, reflecting that the motor system is involved during
gyrus, and the left superior occipital gyrus (SOG) (Desai sentence-level processing. However, this finding has been
et al. 2013). criticized because it cannot distinguish online motor ac-
One factor that might influence the motor activity during tivity from motor imagery after comprehension. To clarify
metaphoric action comprehension is familiarity. Aziz- the effect, Boulenger et al. (2012) used MEG to investigate
Zadeh and Damasio (2008) suggested that the lack of the the time course of cortical activation during comprehension
motor activity in the metaphor condition in Aziz-Zadeh of literal and idiomatic sentences. Results showed that
et al. (2006) could be cause by the over-practice of meta- compared with comprehension of literal sentences, com-
phor reading. Once a metaphor becomes well established, prehension of idioms changed activity in anterior fronto-
the same network it may have initially might not be acti- temporal regions at 150–250 ms after the onset of the
vated any more. For instance, when participants read critical words (kick the bucket). In parallel, somatotopic
‘‘grasping the idea’’ for the first time, the hand motor area activation in precentral regions was found for action verbs
is activated because the motor component of the verb in the sentences. The authors claim that both compositional
‘‘grasp’’ is used to access the figurative meaning. When the and abstract context-driven semantic processes contribute

Brain Topogr (2016) 29:94–107 97

to idiom comprehension. The above evidence strongly in areas related to motor processing (e.g., premotor cortex,
supports an automatic involvement of the motor system primary motor cortex, and aIPL).
during idiom comprehension. However, many studies did If abstract concepts are grounded in the sensory-motor
not find motor activity during idiom processing (Cacciari system in a flexible way and the embodied representation is
et al. 2011; Desai et al. 2013; Raposo et al. 2009; Lauro modulated by figurativeness or abstractness, the three types
et al. 2013; Schuil et al. 2013). For instance, Raposo et al. of language stimuli should elicit different effects in sensory
(2009) reported motor activity for hand- and foot-action and motor areas. Specifically, fictive motion sentences will
verbs when verbs were presented in isolation, and to a elicit effects in areas involved in spatial encoding and vi-
lesser extent in literal sentential contexts. When verbs were sual perception of motions, and metaphoric action sen-
presented in idiomatic context, no activation was found in tences will elicit effects in motor areas, but idiomatic
motor and premotor regions. Schuil et al. (2013) found that action sentences may elicit little or no effect in sensory and
compared with non-word sentences, idiomatic action sen- motor areas. This is because in idiomatic action sentences
tences indicated stronger effects in the left IFG, the left the link between the figurative meaning and the literal
superior frontal gyrus, and the left cingulate gyrus, but not meaning (i.e. action conceptual knowledge) is lost. In other
in motor areas. words, idiomatic action sentences have higher abstractness
Several studies compared comprehension of different than the other two types of language stimuli.
types of non-literal action sentences, and they showed that Finally, if the representation of abstract concepts is not
while sentences of fictive motion and metaphoric actions embodied, no effects in sensory and motor areas should be
elicit activity in sensory-motor areas, sentences of id- found in all three types of language stimuli.
iomatic actions do not. Cacciari et al. (2011) found that
when single-TMS was applied to leg motor area, MEPs
were larger for literal action, fictive motion, and meta- Methods and Materials
phoric action sentences, but not for idiomatic action and
abstract sentences. Lauro et al. (2013) found that the left Paper Selection
precentral gyrus was activated for verbs in literal and
metaphoric action sentences, but not for verbs in idiomatic We searched for papers from the PubMed database (http://
sentences. This is consistent with Desai et al. (2013), which using several keywords,
indicated activity in the left aIPL for metaphoric action including ‘fMRI’ to indicate neuroimaging technique;
sentences, but not for idiomatic action sentences and ab- ‘fictive motion’, ‘metaphoric action’ and ‘idiomatic action’
stract sentences. These findings suggest that involvement to indicate experimental stimuli; and ‘comprehension’ to
of the sensory-motor systems during language compre- indicate task demand. Thirteen papers were identified. The
hension could be modulated by the figurativeness of lan- inclusion criteria are listed as follows:
guage stimuli. 1. All studies included in the meta-analysis used fMRI
To summarize, different types of non-literal action lan- technique and collected data from healthy adults. Studies
guage stimuli have different features, and thus compre- that employed other neuroimaging techniques (PET, MEG
hension of these language stimuli can involve the motor and EEG) were excluded to make sure that all included
system differently. This might cause the inconsistent studies have approximately comparable spatial resolution.
findings of brain activity in the previous studies. In the Additionally, studies recruiting a patient group and a
current study, we conduct meta-analyses on the existing control group were included if they reported the brain ac-
fMRI findings of comprehension of fictive motions, meta- tivity of the control group. Two studies were excluded
phoric actions, and idiomatic actions. The results will help based on this criterion (Cacciari et al. 2011; Boulenger
to clarify how the motor system is involved in the com- et al. 2012).
prehension of non-literal action language. 2. Studies that included at least one condition of non-
If abstract concepts are grounded in the sensory-motor literal action language comprehension were selected. Ele-
system and evoke a complete recreation of perceptual or ven studies were chosen based on this criterion.
motor experiences during comprehension, all three types of 3. Studies that reported brain activity related to com-
language stimuli will show significant effects in sensory prehension of non-literal action language from whole-brain
and motor areas. Specifically, we predict that fictive motion analyses and gave standard coordinates for activation foci
sentences will show effects in areas related to spatial en- in either Talairach (Talairach and Tournoux, 1988) or
coding and visual perception of motions (e.g., parahip- Montreal Neurologic Institute (MNI) spaces were selected.
pocampal gyrus and MT), and that metaphoric action Three studies were excluded based on this criterion (Desai
sentences and idiomatic action sentences will show effects et al. 2011; Raposo et al. 2009; Wallentin et al. 2005a).

98 Brain Topogr (2016) 29:94–107

Eight studies met all the criteria and were included in likelihood of true activation located in the foci reported in
the meta-analysis. The time span of these studies is from the study.
2005 to 2013. Table 1 indicates information of all the Second, the probability distributions of all included foci
studies. in each individual study were merged to generate a mod-
elled activation map. After that, a final ALE map con-
Selection of Contrasts taining voxel-wise ALE scores was generated by merging
the activation maps of all included studies. This analysis is
In all the included studies, contrasts between a non-literal restricted to voxels with a minimum 10 % probability for
action language condition and a control condition (e.g., a grey matter, based on ICBM tissue probability maps
literal action condition, rest, an abstract literal condition, or (Evans et al. 1994). A random-effects analysis (i.e. testing
a non-word condition) were selected as critical contrasts. for the convergence of all included experiments) was
These critical contrasts were divided into three groups. The conducted to identify the significant ALE effect (Eickhoff
first group contains contrast between a fictive motion et al. 2009). This random-effects analysis allows conclu-
condition and a control condition. Contrasts from three sions to be generalized to studies not included in the meta-
studies were in this group and 11 foci were found. The analysis (Penny and Holmes 2006).
second group contains contrast between a metaphoric ac- Third, the computed ALE map was compared with a
tion condition and a control condition. Contrasts from four null distribution to distinguish true and random conver-
studies were in this group and 13 foci were found. The third gences (i.e. a random spatial association between the
group contains contrast between anidiomatic action con- modelled activation maps). The comparison identified
dition and a control condition. Contrasts from four studies voxels in which activation maps converged more robustly
were in this group and 56 foci were found. than expected in the null distribution. The threshold for the
ALE map was calculated based on the generated p-values
ALE Meta-Analyses with an false discovery rate (FDR) algorithm from Tom
Nichols’s website (*nichols/
In the current study, ALE meta-analysis was performed FDR/) and Genovese et al. (2002). An FDR was chosen for
with Ginger ALE 2.1.1 software (http://www.brainmap. a significance level of p \ 0.05 with minimum volume of
org/ale/) (Eickhoff et al. 2009) and conducted in the stan- 50 mm3. A cluster analysis was conducted on the thresh-
dard Talairach space. If coordinates of foci were reported olded ALE map and the anatomical label of each cluster
in the standard MNI space, we transformed the coordinates location was provided.
into standard Talairach space using a linear transformation
(Lancaster et al. 2007).
ALE method considers each included focus as a center Results
of probability distribution, rather than a point in the voxel-
scaled brain. In this way, each reported coordinate indi- Brain Activations for Fictive Motion Comprehension
cates activation information in a dimensional way (i.e. with
some possibilities) rather than in a binary way (i.e. the A total of seven clusters were identified for fictive motion
activation is here or not). comprehension by the ALE meta-analysis. The clusters
First, ALE modelled the included foci as centers of 3D were located in the left middle frontal gyrus (MFG) (BA 6),
Gaussian probability distribution that could capture two left middle temporal gyrus (MTG) (BA 19), left middle
types of spatial uncertainty associated with each focus occipital gyrus (MOG) (BA 19), left posterior cingulate
(Eickhoff et al. 2009). One type of uncertainty is caused by cortex (PCC) (BA 30), right superior occipital gyrus (SOG)
between-subject variances, and the other type of uncer- (BA 19), right PCC (BA 30), and right parahippocampal
tainty is caused by between-laboratory variances. Different gyrus (BA 36) (Table 2; Fig. 1a).
from the original ALE approach in which the included foci
were modelled by Gaussian probability distributions of Brain Activations for Metaphoric Action
identical, user specified width (e.g., Laird et al. 2005; Comprehension
Turkeltaub et al. 2002), the current method to select the
parameters of the probability distribution (i.e. width) was A total of four clusters were identified for metaphoric ac-
empirically determined based on the two types of vari- tion comprehension. The clusters were all located in the
ances. Furthermore, the width of the spatial uncertainty of left hemisphere, including the precentral gyrus (BA 6),
each focus was adjusted by the number of participants in MTG (BA 21), inferior parietal lobule (IPL) (BA 40), and
each study: the more participants in a study, the bigger the superior parietal lobule (SPL) (BA 7) (Table 2; Fig. 1b).

Table 1 A list of studies that investigate brain responses during comprehension of non-literal action languages
Study Technique Stimuli Task Baseline Contrast involving non-literal Subject

Fictive motion
Cacciari et al. (2011) TMS Metaphoric action sentences Silent reading Abstract sentences N/A 9
Idiomatic action sentences
Fictive motion sentences
Literal action sentences
Brain Topogr (2016) 29:94–107

Abstract sentences
Lauro et al. (2013)* fMRI Metaphoric action sentences congruency judgment Abstract sentences All experimental versus abstract 24
Idiomatic action sentences Idiom versus abstract
Fictive motion sentences Metaphor versus abstract
Literal action sentences Fictive versus
(idiom ? metaphor)
Abstract sentences Literal versus
(idiom ? metaphor)
(Idiom ? metaphor ? fictive)
versus (literal ? Abstract)
Idiom versus metaphor versus
(Idiom ? metaphor) versus
Saygin et al. (2010)* fMRI Literal motion sentences Sentence comprehension Static sentences Fictive versus static 16
Fictive motion sentences
Static sentences
Anomalous sentences
Wallentin et al. (2005a) fMRI Literal action sentences Sentence comprehension N/A (metaphor ? anomalous) versus 18
(literal ? fictive)
Fictive action sentences
Metaphoric action sentences
Anomalous sentences
Wallentin et al. fMRI Animate motion sentences Sentence comprehension Meaningless sentences Motion versus control 15
(2005b)* Fictive motion sentences
Animate static sentences
Inanimate static sentences
Metaphoric action
Aziz-Zadeh et al. fMRI Metaphoric action phrases Silent reading Rest Metaphor versus rest 12
(2006)* Literal action phrases
Chen et al. (2008)* fMRI Metaphoric action sentences Plausibility judgment Non-motive sentences Metaphor versus non-motive 14

Table 1 continued

Study Technique Stimuli Task Baseline Contrast involving non-literal Subject


Literal action sentences Metaphor versus literal
Non-motive sentences
Desai et al. (2011) fMRI Metaphoric action sentences Meaningfulness judgment Abstract sentences Metaphor versus abstract 22
Literal action sentences Metaphor versus literal
Abstract sentences
Desai et al. (2013)* fMRI Metaphoric action sentences Meaningfulness judgment Abstract sentences Metaphor versus abstract 27
Idiomatic action sentences Idiom versus abstract
Literal action sentences
Abstract sentences
Cacciari et al. (2011) TMS Metaphoric action sentences Silent reading Abstract sentences N/A 9
Idiomatic action sentences
Fictive motion sentences
Literal action sentences
Abstract sentences
Lauro et al. (2013)* fMRI Metaphoric action sentences Congruency judgment Abstract sentences All experimental versus abstract 24
Idiomatic action sentences Idiom versus abstract
Fictive motion sentences Metaphor versus abstract
Literal action sentences Fictive versus
(idiom ? metaphor)
Abstract sentences Literal versus
(idiom ? metaphor)
(Idiom ? metaphor ? fictive)
versus (literal ? Abstract)
Idiom versus metaphor versus
(Idiom ? metaphor) versus
Idiomatic action
Boulenger et al. (2009)* fMRI Idiomatic action sentences Answering sentence-related Hash-marks Idiom versus hash-marks 18
Literal action sentences Idiom versus literal
Boulenger et al. (2012) MEG Idiomatic action sentences Answering sentence-related N/A N/A 18
Literal action sentences
Raposo et al. (2009) fMRI Action words Passive listening (words) Signal -correlated noise Literal versus idiom 22
Brain Topogr (2016) 29:94–107
Table 1 continued
Study Technique Stimuli Task Baseline Contrast involving non-literal Subject

Literal action sentences Sentence-word association judgment Non-action words All sentences versus noise
Idiomatic action sentences Non-action sentences
Non-action words
Non-action sentences
Brain Topogr (2016) 29:94–107

Schuil et al. (2013)* fMRI Literal action sentences Word-sentence judgement Non-word sentences Idiom versus non-word 20
Idiomatic action sentences Idiom versus literal
Desai et al. (2013)* fMRI Metaphoric action sentences Meaningfulness judgment Abstract sentences Metaphor versus abstract 27
Idiomatic action sentences Idiom versus abstract
Literal action sentences
Abstract sentences
Cacciari et al. (2011) TMS Metaphoric action sentences Silent reading Abstract sentences N/A 9
Idiomatic action sentences
Fictive motion sentences
Literal action sentences
Abstract sentences
Lauro et al. (2013)* fMRI Metaphoric action sentences Congruency judgment Abstract sentences All experimental versus abstract 24
Idiomatic action sentences Idiom versus abstract
Fictive motion sentences Metaphor versus abstract
Literal action sentences Fictive versus
(idiom ? metaphor)
Abstract sentences Literal versus
(idiom ? metaphor)
(Idiom ? metaphor ? fictive)
versus (literal ? Abstract)
Idiom versus metaphor versus
(Idiom ? metaphor) versus

* The studies included in the current meta-analysis


102 Brain Topogr (2016) 29:94–107

Table 2 Meta-analysis results Volume (mm3) X Y Z Hemisphere Region BA

of three types of non-literal
action languages Fictive motion
56 -20 0 48 Left Middle frontal gyrus 6
56 -52 -58 -6 Left Middle temporal gyrus 19
64 -34 -78 26 Left Middle temporal gyrus 19
64 -14 -58 14 Left Posterior cingulate 30
56 40 -74 26 Right Superior occipital gyrus 19
64 26 -30 -16 Right Parahippocampal gyrus 36
56 10 -54 10 Right Posterior cingulate 30
Metaphoric action
72 -30 -10 56 Left Precentral gyrus 6
96 -27 -65 48 Left Superior parietal lobule 7
56 -42 -44 46 Left Inferior parietal lobule 40
80 -52 -30 0 Left Middle temporal gyrus 21
Idiomatic action
2096 -46 24 12 Left Inferior frontal gyrus 45
The coordinates indicate the 424 -52 10 18 Left Inferior frontal gyrus 44
location of the maximum ALE 216 -58 -56 4 Left Middle temporal gyrus 21

Brain activations for idiomatic action comprehension stronger activity in scene pattern learning, but not in face
and dot pattern learning. Neuropsychological studies have
Three clusters were found for idiomatic action compre- shown that damage in parahippocampal gyrus can cause
hension. The clusters were located in the left inferior spatial impairments. For example, Nyffeler et al. (2005)
frontal gyrus (IFG) (BA 44/45), and the left MTG (BA 21) indicated that a patient with lesions in the right parahip-
(Table 2; Fig. 1c). pocampal gyrus had impairments in allocentric and ego-
centric visuospatial functions. Harvey and Rossit (2012)
suggested that visuomotor neglect-specific deficits emerge
Discussion when tasks require scene-based coordinates or spatial re-
lational metrics, and that these deficits are associated with
The current study aims to clarify whether the motor system damage to occipitotemporal and parahippocampal cortex.
is involved in comprehension of non-literal action language As referred in the introduction, fictive motion sentences
stimuli. To achieve the goal, we conducted meta-analyses can express static spatial relations between objects and the
on previous findings about comprehension of fictive mo- environment. During comprehension of fictive motions,
tions, metaphoric actions, and idiomatic actions. Results people tend to have visual imagery and spatial navigation
indicated that different types of non-literal language stimuli (e.g., Talmy 2000). The activation in the right parahip-
elicited different brain activations. pocampal gyrus revealed by the meta-analysis supports this
For fictive motion, one interesting result is the activity in view. This result indicates that conceptual processing of
the right parahippocampus gyrus. Parahippocampal gyrus fictive motion is grounded in the sensory-motor system
is a grey matter cortical region surrounding the hip- involved in spatial information encoding and recognition.
pocampus. Previous studies have found that this region is In the fictive motion condition, no activity in motor
critically involved in encoding and recognition of spatial areas or motion-related visual perception areas was found.
information in humans (Aguirre et al. 1996, 1998; Although the results showed two clusters in the left MTG,
Eichenbaum and Lipton 2008; Hötting et al. 2013; Mundy none of them are overlapped with the MT area. In the
et al. 2013). Particularly, a ‘‘parahippocampal place area’’ frontal lobe, the only activation was found in the left MFG,
within the parahippocampal cortex has been found acti- which is anterior to the premotor cortex. These results
vated by spatial scenes but not objects (Epstein and Kan- might suggest that during comprehension of fictive motion
wisher 1998). Aguirre et al. (1996) using a virtual maze sentences, the motor components of verbs are used to
task found that during the learning and recall of topo- construct the spatial relations conveyed by the sentences.
graphic information, the parahippocampal gyrus showed Thus, instead of having motor simulation, participants
strong activity. Mundy et al. (2013) found that posterior might conduct simulation of spatial processing. It is also
hippocampus and posterior parahippocampal gyrus showed possible that the inanimate subjects in fictive motion

Brain Topogr (2016) 29:94–107 103

Fig. 1 Results of the meta-

analyses for three types of non-
literal action sentences. a ALE
result for the comprehension of
fictive motion sentences. b ALE
result for the comprehension of
metaphoric action sentences.
c ALE result for the
comprehension of idiomatic
action sentences

sentences prevent participants from conducting motor knowing the intention of the action grasp (i.e. to get
simulation. Whether participants conduct motor simulation something the actor needs) might be important for ac-
within a short time window after the verb onset during cessing the figurative meaning (i.e. to understand the idea).
fictive motion comprehension needs further investigations The meta-analysis showed that comprehension of id-
using techniques with high temporal resolution. iomatic actions mainly activated the left IFG (BA 44/45)
The results of meta-analysis showed that comprehension and the left MTG. No significant effect in premotor or
of metaphoric action elicited activity in the left precentral motor areas was found. In idioms, the figurative meaning is
gyrus (BA 6). This indicates that premotor cortex is in- highly conventional, fixed, and independent of context
volved in understanding the figurative meaning, and sug- (e.g., kick the bucket). Thus, the links between the literal
gests that in metaphoric actions, a link between a concrete meaning (i.e. the motor component of the verbs) and the
domain (e.g., motor domain) and an abstract domain (e.g., figurative meaning are lost, and this could be the reason
mental-state) exists. This is consistent with the view that why no motor activation was observed. Since in idioms the
metaphoric actions could maintain the original meaning of literal meaning and the figurative meaning can be inde-
the constituent words, and the figurative meaning can be pendent of each other, comprehension of idioms requires
flexible, depending on context information (Cacciari et al. selection of figurative meaning and inhibition of literal
2011). One interesting finding is that the left SPL and IPL meaning. The left IFG (BA 44/45) has been found strongly
are also significantly activated. Previous studies have found involved in such semantic processes (O’Reilly 2010). The
that IPL and provides a neural mechanism for higher order current meta-analysis result is consistent with previous
cognitive motor functions, including understanding action fMRI findings (e.g., Lauro et al. 2008), which suggest that
intentions (e.g., Fogassi and Luppino 2005). The involve- idiom comprehension requires a selection process between
ment of the IPL in comprehension of metaphoric actions literal and figurative meanings, and that the IFG is likely to
might suggest that processing of abstract figurative mean- support this process.
ing highlights higher order motor functions, which could be The brain effects in the fictive motion condition,
the link between the motor domain and the abstract do- metaphoric action condition, and idiomatic action condi-
main. For example, in the metaphor grasping the idea, tion imply that as abstractness of the language stimuli

104 Brain Topogr (2016) 29:94–107

increases, the involvement of the sensory-motor system and integrating the meanings with context (Turken and
decreases. This graded effect is consistent with recent Dronkers 2011). However, it is worth noting that the left
evidence from fMRI studies (Desai et al. 2013; Lauro MTG effects in three conditions are different: for fictive
et al. 2013), a TMS study (Cacciari et al. 2011), and a motion sentences and idiomatic action sentences, the effects
meta-analysis about action comprehension in words and were located in the left posterior MTG, whereas for meta-
images (Watson et al. 2013). In the fMRI studies, the phoric action sentences, the effect was located in the left
authors find that idiomatic action sentences and abstract middle MTG. Thus, the specific roles of the left MTG in
sentences elicited less activation in the action-related ar- each language condition might be slightly different, which
eas than did other non-literal action languages (e.g., require further investigation.
metaphoric action sentences, fictive motion sentences, and One limitation of the study is that the number of studies
literal action sentences). In the TMS study, the result included in the meta-analysis is relatively small as com-
indicates that MEPs recorded from leg muscles were pared with other meta-analysis studies (Hétu et al. 2013;
larger when participants were presented with literal, fic- McNorgan 2012; Rapp et al. 2012). One reason is that the
tive and metaphorical motion sentences than with id- embodied representation of non-literal concepts at the brain
iomatic motion sentences and mental sentences. Both level is a new research topic and the neuroimaging evi-
fMRI and TMS evidence show that language stimuli with dence is little. Another reason is that the topic focuses on
higher abstractness involve the sensory-motor system less how the motor system is involved in the comprehension of
as compared with language stimuli with lower abstract- non-literal language. The small numbers of individual
ness. In the meta-analysis study, the authors found no studies might weaken the effects of meta-analysis, and one
significant effects in the premotor and primary motor needs to be cautious when generalizing the conclusions of
areas during lexical-semantic processing of action con- the current finding. Future meta-analysis with larger
cepts. Moreover, the comprehension of action images numbers of studies is needed to provide stronger effects.
elicited stronger effects in the bilateral occipital areas, Another limitation is that in the contrast selection, the
whereas action verb comprehension showed stronger ef- control conditions are different in the included studies.
fects in the left posterior MTG. The authors suggest that They are different in semantic information and other lan-
the differences between action images and action words guage information, and these differences might cause in-
reflect that the embodied representation of action concepts consistency in the reported findings. The complexity of
is modulated by a gradient of abstraction. The studies baseline condition has been investigated by previous meta-
above and the current meta-analysis together indicate that analysis studies in which the numbers of studies permitted
the comprehension of abstract concepts is less embodied such an analysis (e.g., McNorgan 2012). However, the
than the comprehension of concrete concepts, and that the limited number of studies in the current meta-analysis
involvement of the sensory-motor system is context- precluded the analysis of non-literal action language pro-
dependent (Chatterjee 2010; Willems and Casasanto cessing within each baseline condition. Future research is
2011).These findings question the view that conceptual needed to address the issue.
processing evokes a complete recreation of perceptual or Taken together, the current meta-analyses indicate that
motor experiences independent of language context (e.g., comprehension of different types of non-literal action
Boulenger et al. 2009). languages involve different neural substrates, depending on
The meta-analysis of all three conditions showed sig- the semantic features of language stimuli. These results
nificant effects in the left MTG. This result was consistent provide answers for the two questions mentioned in the
with recent research that found that the left MTG plays an introduction. The first question is whether semantic pro-
important role in the comprehension of non-literal lan- cessing of abstract concepts involves the sensory-motor
guage stimuli (e.g., Rapp et al. 2012). Rapp et al. (2012) system. The current study shows that it depends on the
suggest that the left MTG has numerous connections to links between the abstract meaning and the concrete
other cortical areas, such as the left IFG (BA 45/47), MFG meaning of the constitutional words. If the links still exist,
(BA 46), and IPL (BA 39), and that this region can be such as in fictive motion sentences and metaphoric action
considered as a multimodal association area that holds a sentences, then the sensory-motor system will be activated;
key position in the network for non-literal language com- if the links are lost, such as in idiomatic action sentences,
prehension. The current meta-analysis effects support this then the sensory-motor system will not be involved. This
view. One possible role of the left MTG in non-literal also answers the second question: whether the involvement
language processing is that it is involved in selecting cor- of the sensory-motor system is flexible. On the one hand,
rect meanings (e.g., abstract non-action meanings of fictive the involvement of the sensory-motor system depends on
motions, metaphoric actions, and idiomatic actions), sus- semantic features of language stimuli. In fictive motion
taining them in the working memory during comprehension, sentences, the spatial feature is highlighted, and hence the

Brain Topogr (2016) 29:94–107 105

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