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Origin and Definitions of Music

Music means different things to different people . The Hebrew word ( shiyr) is translated to
music while symphonia is the greek word. MUSIC Is an art and science of combining vocal or
instrumental sounds or tones in varying melody , harmony , rhythm and timbre , especially so
as to form structural complete and emotional expressive composition . Another scholar defines
MUSIC as the Art and science of composing , combining , arranging and producing sensitive

Many people have different view about the origin of Music but for the purpose of this study
we shall observe few sources of origins of music . Theologians believe that Music was divinely
created when God first endowed men with speech so that man might praise his maker .
Philosophers such as Aristotle claims and believed that the creation of music grew out of man's
need for emotional expression and a rational desire for order. To some of the philosophers
Music is an irrational process. It is an experience which transcends reason, a phenomenon
which language cannot describe , music creation is mystery .. Some sociologists , Plato explains
that music grew out of festival out of the festival dances, which were held periodically in
honour of the gods.

Music has it origin from the ancient world and has its instruments according to geographical
location and race.

Music has become part of every religion in d world . All world religions use music as form of
their norms or service to their deities. Music has became part of the church . From the
inception of church music has been involved. From the old testament music take major part of
hebrew worship or liturgy. Music and Musical instruments had its origin from JUBAL one of the
sons of Lamech Gen 4: 21. "And his brother’s name was Jubal: he was the father of all such
as handle the harp and organ." Some believe that JUBAL was the investor of Music . Music has
been playing major roles in religions of hebrew from old testament. Jews employed the use of
music in all their worships, services and way of life . Music has become hebrew culture .
Majorities of Hebrew hymns were to be sung antiphonally.
Israel sang at the red sea. Moses and Mariam led them into singing of praise unto God .Kind
David contributed much to the development of music in Jew . Between the period of Samuel to
king Solomon, hebrew Music experience golden age.. David was a great musician and poet .
After the creation and the establishment of temple Music took a firm position as an integral
part of the worship of YAHWEL . The opening ceremony of the temple was done majorly with
Music. There were different categories of choir and orchestra to sing to the holiness of
YAHWEL. 2Chr 7:6, 1chr 23:5, Neh 12: 31, 40-42 more than four thousand musicians were
selected to praise YAHWEL during the temple dedication .

In the daily services of Jews , there are daily Psalms 1st day psam 24, psalm 48, 82, 4th day psa
94, 81 on the sixth day they sang 93 and 92 for the last day of the week. This is to show how
important music was during old testament period.

Old Testament Music / Hebrew music

Music is as old as human beings. No religion in the world that music don't play major role in
their liturgy. As said in the above , Jubal the son of Lamech was the founder and the father of
mucisians. The mode of church music are modeled from old testament. Hebrew rilegion can't
do without music. The mode of music of the tabernacle and the temple provided organizational
mode of church music. The most important in Old Testament is the singing of psalm and other

Even before the compilation of Psalms, Jews have been singing . They have been singing before
going to Egypt . In Egypt they sang , the evident was what happened at the red sea. Moses and
Mariam lead them into victorious song . The mode and operation of the song don't revealed
amateur singers . They were expert in composing, singing and arranging songs. Some of these
songs were included in the psalms.Jews have been singing nationally before their national
religion came to being. They sang part of them during ceremonies and celebrations . Gen 31:27
shows Laban was a good composer and singer with good instruments . Job 21:12 Also proves
that old testament people have be singing even before their national religion. Though the
method and the type of hebrew Music were not known . They also have alot of musicla

Hebrew Music began in the premonarchic period , they sang during travelling and rearing of
animals. They Sang at different occasions such as ; Song of well (Numb. 21:17-18) which shows
their constant searching for water. Song of war during dispute ( Exo : 17:16) . Song of ark
( Numb. (10: 35-35). Deborah song (Judge 5) and many other songs were for a particular event
and purpose . Music is part of Jews life , they sing at every event ( both their play or work )
Hebrew Music came to climax at invention of temple when the professional singers, musicians
were put in place. The professional singers of O.T can easily be fond in the temple . David
developed Hebrew music to international standand. Vocal and instrumental music was also
performed by quilds of professional musician such Haman, Asaph , Jedutan, korah and Levi.
Psalm and Song of Solomon are major aspect of OT Music .

Choir training programe of a graded nature have been in existence as far back as the time when
Ark of covenant was brought to Jerusalem and temple worship was established. Choir
organization of OT was great . David appointed 4000 musicians who are to sing and play
instructments .( 1chro 15:16) . Their sons who were 20 years and above worked with them .
(23:24). Heman , Asaph and Jeduthan were cheif musicains and trainers (1chro 25: 6, 7). Men
thirty above were singers in the temple . David organised the levitical choir and orchestra.
Hemen , Asaph, Jeduthan (Ethan) were appointed chief conductor ( under the king himself)
giving the beat with their cymbal . The whole choir were divided into 24 classes with total
number of 400 and 288 leaders .

Women are also important in hebrew Music . They sing, dance and play tambourine, harps ,
and pipes. Mariam lead and all the women followed with their instructment and sang. ( Ex
15:20). Daughter of Jephthah came to meet him with song and Instrucment. (Judge 11:34).
Shophar ( ram horn), Mebel, Flutes or Pipes, Mental trumpet , Harp, Tambourine , bell , Toph
( tabrel) , hand drum , kinnor , cybals, Sebeca and psaltery and others are all old testament
music instructment .

New Testament Music

Church started from the wilderness . Church was also in the old testament. Jesus followers
( Christans) modeled their way of service after old testament liturgical system. Jesus in the new
testament was a man of music . He was always in the temple where they always sing. He
performed his first miracle at marriage ceremony where music was paramount.

There are few records in the new testament where people play music as in the OT but there
are many references in the NT that proves music is part of them . NT gives many indications of
the practice of congregational singing , as it is evidenced by Christ and his disciples when they
met for the last supper, the hymn they sand is likely to be HALLEL a name associated with
psalm 113 to 118. ( math 14:26, 26:30). They sang at the mourning of the death of a girl ( Math
9:23) . Merriment at the return of the prodigal son of Jesus parable ( Luk 15:23) also shows that
Jesus love music.
At Jesus period the synagogue worship and service were essentially the same as the king of
solomon period . During Jesus time two service ( morning and evening) were in operation and
in both services music was involved. The Jews at Jesus time sang psalm daily . They began and
end days with hymns and prayer .

Paul the Apostle of Jesus also sang and encourages others to follow suit. ( Eph 5:19 and col 3:
16 ) in his letter to colossians he writes : "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all
wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." Paul's epistles shows the importance of music in
New Testament . He admonish us to sing psalm, hymns and the Spiritual songs. Paul and Silas
sang in the prison. Many Musical instruments were mentioned in NT, such as Math 9:23 , Flute,
harp, trumpet, gang, pipe, lyre, 1cor 14:8, 15:52, 13:1.

Music in Revelation

The concept of Music in the book of revelation of John the apostle proves that they sing in
heavens.John includes some hymns in the book of revelation. In , fact Music play vital roles in
the book of revelation than any other book of the new testament. The ancient world believe
about spirituality and also know that things of the spirit can only be seen spiritually. Ancient
world ( Greek and Romans ) beleives that the created universe was full of music which they
called Celestial harmony or Music of the sphere .

John claims to have seen heaven and recorded how they sing in heaven . 7 hymns from chapter
4 to 7 is part of the music John recorded . Revelation is full of hymns such as Rev. 1:1- 13, 4: 8-
11, 5: 12-13, 7:10-12, 11:15 -18, 12:10-12, 15:2-4, 16: 5-7, 19:1-4, 19:5, . 19: 6-8 and many
others .

Seven Hymns of Revelations 4 to 7

The seven hymns of heavens included : 1)the songs of the four living creature singing holy holy
holy 24/7 recognises God holiness and Omnipotence and eternalness. 2) Rev 4: 10-11, twenty
four elders worship the Lord with hymn you are worthy .... Rev 5: 8-9 . The theme of this hymn
is God's is worthy to be worship" or doxology. this is the first place in revelation that anyone is
said to worship. Worship implies giving obeisance, to bow for, giving worth to someone. .3) the
third hymn the four living creatures and the 24 elders fall and worship God with song " you are
worthy to take the scroll and open the zeal" . After he has taken the scroll. This hymn
introduces the lamb who paid the price through his blood and save the world . 4) Rev 5: 11-12.
The hymn is the Worship of the slaughtered lamb. At this junction the singing is seven fold with
all the heavenly angels . This hymn is full of all attributes , qaulifications all points to the Lamb.
5) Rev 5: 13-14 this hymn is to the victorious seated lamb , the one on the throne . The theme is
the universal and eternal worship is for both the God and Lamb. The sixth hymn is in Rev 7: 9-
10. Salvation belong to our God and the lamb seated on the throne . The theme is the
recognition of the great salvation has be given to God's people. It is proclamation of "victory of
salvation" the heavens and the whole world is involve in this hymn. The last of the seven hymns
is in Rev 7:11-12, "blessing and glory and wisdom and Thanksgiving...." Theme the whole
heavenly angle attribute 7 fold blessing unto God . There are many other Music in other part of
revelation .

Music In The Early Church

The early church modeled their music after the worship in the temple. Their music was entirely
vocal ( act 16:25) it includes psalm ( 1 cor 14:26) . Hebrew hymns translated to Greek language
was common among them . (Rev. 5:9-10) , 19: 1-7 , phil 2:6-11, all these came from christian
community in the formative years. The early Christians find it difficult to play music openly
during Roman government because of persecution. Yet Music played major roles in their
services. In the early years of Pentecostalism, music was a vital and expected part of church life
and ministry , homes , street meeting and work activities. Music is a companion of evangelism .
The early Christians practiced free type worship i.e worship without following any apparent
order of service , they gathered whereever christ appeared i.e outside the temple . The singing
of psalm was carried over from OT to the time of Christ , who no doubt sang them in the temple
and synagogue as a youth. They are known to have been listed at the various festivities in which
Jesus participated during his minisrty, including the passover, John 2:13, and the annual feast of
tabernacle Job 7:14. The traditional of singing psalm antiphonally between the priest and the
congregation or choir with instrumental was carried over from OT. Selah written in some psalm
is a musical term which the meaning is not yet clear. Like in psalm 24, 47 and 81. Whatever has
been developed in the congregational singing from NT or OT gives way to choir in the early

What Church Music Entails

Church music is beyond entertainment, it involves worship , warfare , and welfare . Any music
in the church that don't involve the above is not church music but jamboree. Music as worship .
Worship is derived from the old english "weordscrpt" which means "worthship" i.e worthiness ,
dignity, or merits , paying of homage or respect . In the religion world the term is used for the
reverent devotion, service or honour paid to God wether public or private. Worship in other
word is (sha-ha) to bow down, to prostrate oneself before another in order to give honor
and reference and adoration . ( Gen 27:55). It is expressing profound love, appreciation,
reverences and devotion to a thing , person or God. Worship also include praise ,prayer , and
preaching .

Music as Warfare is the war against enemy of the church . Church Music involves in warfare
against the plan of the enemy of the church . While music as Welfare is to take care of the body
of Christ . This is music Involving words of encouragement , comfort , discipline, correction and
tendering of the body of Christ . Church must take care of all this three major aspect .

Church Music includes Hymns , anthem and choruses . Chorus is putting into sing the choral
while choral is the content of what is been song. Hymn is a song ,normally metrical , and
strophic and poetical yet simple and singable, theistic preferably christcentric , orthodox and
truly ecumenical. Every Church Music which is Spiritual song much have message, aim , purpose
to communicate to the listeners. Any church music regardless of its melody and music method
not mirroring Messiah mission and message is meaningless to Jesus..

The Church Choir Choir is the

group of people that sings together in the church. Choir is the major music agent in the church
and they must be trained , they are very important in the service. After pastor and the board ,
the next is the church music department , who is to administer the choir and the choir
committee is responsible for legislative aspect of the department . Church music department is
controls by Music director ( he may be a pastor and he is the controller of the department. He is
also a minister , he is between the choir and the church, he is also in the church board. ) , music
instructor or Choir master ( he is the next to the music minister . He controls the affair of the
choir under the supervision of the director ) ,soloist ( sectional leader, this is one of the leader
of section of chorus leader ) and the bond leader ( he controls the instrumentalis). It must be
noted that not all songs sang in the church is acceptable by God. Even if , they are well
organised,and very pleasant to the ears. This simply means that not all music can perform the
role intended. There are prerequisites that spiritual music want before they can do what we
want. It must be from pure heart , humility, faith ,love and proper use of tonques. It must be
composed and presented by the spirit fill choir, born again and talented members before it can
do the work of the spirit . Beware church music is not secular music.

Church music entails singing in the spirit , Paul encourage us to sing from the spirit so that it can
work spiritual work . (I cor 14:15) "What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray
with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding
also." Church music should not be worldly , but spiritual and the volume of the instruments
should not be above voice.

Music also involves knowing the technic know how of hymns and music in general, the choice
of hymn, presentation of hymns , it's singing and theology of hymns is very important to both
ministers and the choir in singing hymns correctly. Hymn chosing must be appropriate to the
services , choir must present it in the right and encouraging way, singing meditatively is
important in church music.

Voice training

Voice training is important to choir . Voice is the main instructment of the musicians and it is
important to train it. Voices part are : Soprano( treble) , alto, tenor and bass. Though this still
have further break down. Choir or singer must be able to listen to his voice in order to improve
his/her voice . Practising before mirror to see how the throat is moving can also help because
the quality of the tone depends on the shape of the mouth . A good posture I.e standing
upright balance stance with straight legs, spines, neck and head ( not sholdier attention) is
important in singing. Practice period should be taken serious among the choir . Breathing
exercises and the shape of the mouth must be put to consideration to improve singers voice.
Singers should sing into pitch and time. All muscle involve in singing should relax while singing .
Pronunciation of wording correctly is important.

Church Musical Instruments

There are many Musical Instructments in the church from the inception such as flute, harps ,
harps, organ, Guitar, cymbal, gang, hand bell . These instructments depends on the region and
the tribe of people involved. Each tribe came to Christ with their local instruments. All the
church instrument today ,, piano, casio, keyboard, drum set, started from one idol or the other .
It was when the people came to Christ that they brought it up to Christ . Some churches in
Nigeria today reject the use of some musical instruments ( though this is arguable theologically
or doctrinal argument , except the voice of God ).

Ingredients of Music

Have it in mind that music is art and science. The science aspect of the music is the construction
and the arrangements of 3 main ingredient of music Melody( source of identification.),
Harmony ( projector of the moods and Rhythm ( dominator of attention).

Reasons for Studing Church Music

The reasons for studing church music in the seminary is for a minister to know the importance
of church music and music department. It is for all ministers to know what church music
entails . For all ministers to value the choir department . For all ministers to know little about
music especially the hymns . For ministers to know how to organise his church music

Purpose of Church Music

1) Church music is a companion of evangelism .

2) Music has power that influence the unbelievers and invite them to church

3) Music is a medium to Praise God.

4) Music is an avenue to pray

5) Music is medium to preach.

6) Music provoke the joy of the Lord.

7) Music have power of healing

8) music has power of deliverance ( no evil spirit can withstand the power of pure music)

9) Music has the power of invocation and revival that revive the dead gifts in believers and
awaken the unfunctional gift.

10) Church Music has power of victory over enemies.

11) Music is a medium of teaching the truth and church doctrines . With all these and many
more church music expand and bring about church growth.

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