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Assignment# 2

Hannan Tariq

pg. 1
Answer the Following Questions:
Question no: 1
Implement IoT architecture in the healthcare department and identify each layer of architecture
with an explanation. (5 Marks)
Note: Please read the questions carefully. Choose the healthcare scenario as per your own

Remote Patient Monitoring:
Implementing IoT architecture in healthcare is in Remote Patient Monitoring, where sensors
and devices can collect vital signs and other health data from patients outside of traditional
clinical settings.
The IoT architecture for remote patient monitoring typically consists of the following layers:
Device layer:
This layer includes the sensors and devices that collect patient data, such as blood pressure
monitors, glucose meters, and pulse oximeters. These devices may connect to the internet via
Wi-Fi, cellular networks, or other means.
Connectivity layer:
This layer includes the network infrastructure that connects the devices to the internet, such as
routers and gateways. It may also include protocols for transmitting data securely and
efficiently, such as MQTT or CoAP.
Data processing layer:
This layer includes the software and servers that receive and process the data from the devices.
This may include data aggregation, filtering, and analytics to identify trends and anomalies in
the patient's health data.
Application layer:
This layer includes the software applications that provide clinicians and patients with access to
health data. This may include web or mobile apps that display the patient's health data, alerts
and notifications for abnormal readings, and tools for communication between patients and

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Security and privacy layer:
This layer includes measures to ensure the security and privacy of the patient's health data. This
may include encryption of data in transit and at rest, access controls to restrict who can view or
modify the data, and compliance with data protection regulations such as HIPAA or GDPR.
By implementing this IoT architecture in healthcare, remote patient monitoring can enable
clinicians to monitor patient health in real-time, detect potential health issues early, and
intervene before they become more serious. It can also improve patient engagement and
empowerment by providing patients with more visibility into their own health data and
enabling them to communicate more easily with their healthcare providers.

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