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What would you do if you didn't have to work?

I want to understand that question as if I don't have to worry about money because I always want to
work on something, I want to be useful to other people, I would like to have an animal refuge, I would
like to offer my professional services at low costs or even not having to be paid, I would do many simple
things that I like a lot like paper craft, which is making figures with paper but folded into geometrical
shapes. that's what I would like, to have a quiet life.

What would you do if you could buy a house anywhere in the world?

I have always thought about it, I would like to have a house on a mountain but in a city close to my
family, although many of my closest family members have gone to live in other countries, I would like to
return to live in Ecuador after doing my specialty.

What would you do if you could change something about your lifestyle? What would you change?

I would like to be able to eat better, sometimes because of the weather I can't eat as I would like to
prepare my food better and make it healthier.

What would you do if you could choose any job? which one would you choose?

I want to be a surgeon, I like the Operating Room, I like how clean and organized it is, even if sometimes
it ends up in a mess, but I like it, I want to work in a big hospital with a lot of patients every day.

What would you do if you had to wear the same clothes for a month? what would you choose?

I'd wear sweatpants and a hoodie, maybe some crocs, and that's about as comfortable as it gets, I'm
almost always dressed like this.

I think malls and big supermarkets are fine, consumers should be more interested in small businesses
that offer good products and allow them to grow to the point where they can be in a mall or a big
supermarket. so, we have to support small shops.

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