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NMIMS Global Access

School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Essentials of HRM

Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2022 Examination

1. With the world returning to normalcy post the pandemic, as an HR hiring manager you
have the task of forecasting the demand for the next year to make sure you hire the right
number and right kind of people. Explain the techniques of HR demand forecasting that
you will employ in depth.

Answer: - Human Resource Demand Forecasting is the most common way of assessing the
future human asset necessity in right quality and right number.
Potential human asset necessity is to be assessed keeping in view the association's
arrangements throughout a given timeframe. Examination of business patterns; substitution
necessities of workers because of death, abdications, retirement end; efficiency of
representatives; development and extension of association; non-attendance and work turnover
are the important elements for human resourced gauging. Request gauging is impacted by
various outer and interior variables.

The strategies of HR request determining are: -

(a) Managerial Judgment
(b) Work Study Technique
(c) Ratio- trend Analysis
(d) Econometric Models
(e) Delphi Model
(f) Other Techniques

(a) Managerial Judgement: - Management judgment strategy is extremely normal

procedure of interest gauging. This approach is applied by little as well as huge scope
associations. This method includes two sorts of approaches i.e., 'granular perspective'
and 'hierarchical methodology'. Under the 'granular perspective', line troughs send their
departmental prerequisite of HR to top administration. Top administration at last
estimates the human asset prerequisite for the general association based on proposition
of departmental heads. Under the Top-down approach', top management estimates the
human asset necessity for the whole association and different offices. This data is
provided to different departmental heads for their survey and endorsement.
Nonetheless, a blend of both the methodologies i.e., 'Participative Approach' ought to
be applied for request estimating. Under this methodology, top management and
departmental heads meet and figure the future human asset prerequisite out. Thus,
request of HR can be gauge with unanimity under this methodology.

(b) Work Study Technique: - This procedure is otherwise called 'responsibility

examination'. This procedure is appropriate where the assessed responsibility is
effectively quantifiable. Under this strategy, assessed all out creation and exercises for
a particular future period are anticipated. This data is converted into number of worker
hours expected to create per units thinking about the ability of the labour force.
Previous experience of the administration can help in making an interpretation of the
responsibilities into number of worker hours required. In this manner, request of HR is
determined based on assessed complete creation and commitment of every worker in
delivering every unit thing. The accompanying model gives clear thought regarding
this strategy.

Allow us to expect that the assessed creation of an association is 3.00.000 units. The
standard worker hours expected to deliver every unit are 2 hours. The previous
encounters show that the work capacity of every representative in worker hours is 1500
hours for each annum. The responsibility and request of HR can be determined as

i. Estimated all out yearly creation = 300000 units

ii. Standard worker hours expected to create every unit = 2 hrs
iii. Estimated worker hours expected to meet assessed yearly creation (I x ii) =
600000 hrs
iv. Work capacity/commitment per representative concerning man-hour = 1500
v. Estimated no. of laborers required (iii/iv) = 600000/1500 = 400 units

The above model plainly shows that 400 laborers are required for the year. Further,
non-attendance rate, pace of work turnover, acquiescence’s, passings, machine
separate, strikes, power-disappointment and so forth ought to likewise be thought about
while assessing future interest of HR/labour.

(c) Ratio-trend Analysis: -

Interest for labour supply/HR is additionally assessed based on proportion of creation
level and number of laborers accessible. This proportion will be utilized to assess
request of HR. The accompanying model will help in plainly grasping this procedure.
Assessed creation for the following year = 1,40,000 units

Assessed no. of laborers required

(Based on proportion pattern of 1: 200) will be = 700

(d) Econometric Models: -

These models depend on numerical and measurable strategies for assessing future
interest. Under these models' relationship is laid out between the reliant variable to be
anticipated (e.g., labour supply/HR) and the free factors (e.g., deals, absolute creation,
responsibility, and so forth.). Utilizing these models, assessed request of HR can be
(e) Delphi Model:
Delphi method is likewise vital procedure utilized for assessing request of HR. This
procedure thinks about HR necessities given by a gathering of specialists i.e., troughs.
The human asset specialists gather the labour supply needs, sums up the different
reactions and set up a report. This interaction is gone on until all specialists settle on
assessed HR necessity.

(f) Other Techniques: -

Different methods of Human Resources request gauging are indicated as under:

i. Organisation-cum-progression outlines

ii. Estimation in light of strategies of creation

iii. Estimates in light of verifiable records

iv. Statistical procedures e.g., co-connection and relapse examination

2. As seen in recent trends, organizations have moved away from traditional induction
methods to many more interesting ways to welcome their new recruits. Take industry
examples and share how will you design induction for new employees in an innovative

Answer: -

Enlistment or Employee on-boarding process assumes a critical part in keeping the

representatives roused and energized for the new position job as well as the spot. It has been
seen by the greater part of the association that not over 30% of the representatives are locked
in during the on-boarding process. Coach's skill is pivotal in this cycle as neglecting to
comprehend the view of the students or utilizing a few weighty languages could prompt
incapable meeting and will lessen the commitment level or interest of the students. The
principal objective of on-boarding process is to help the new representative in becoming
familiar with his new job and teaching him about the frameworks and systems of the
association. This will help the representatives in getting comfortable to the new workplace
effortlessly and provides them with a feeling of having a place.

Let’s look at few of the innovative techniques of on-boarding and inducting a new employee:

Offer money to the employees even if they are quitting the organization:

Worker gets a reasonable picture after the enlistment and can reach finish of whether to go on
with the association. Organization like "ZAPPOS" offers a five-week preparing program where
they are prepared about the whole cycle and their jobs in the organization. Toward the finish
of the preparation representatives are offered $4000 to stop the association in the event that
they believe they are not good for the job, shockingly just not many of them acknowledges the

Giving the choice of choosing the project of their choice:

Huge associations like NETFLIX and FACEBOOK gives the freedom of picking own
preferred venture on the primary week itself. This aides in making up the representative feel
significantly better and keeping them roused. With this they are not just showing the certainty
on their new workers yet additionally establishes a climate where representatives get the feeling
of having a place.

Keeping the desk ready for the new joiners:

This will help the workers in feeling greater and more invited. Setting up their work area even
before their appearance shows that the organization prepared to invite him and his imagination.
This motion shows that the organization is profoundly aficionado of the representatives coming
locally available.

Initiate a Buddy system:

Starting a guide or a mate to the new representatives makes it more straightforward for them
to get along in the new workplace. It's pleasant when you are arranged instead of looking lost.

Pre-planned induction schedules:

Arranging a day for the new joiners helps in doing a legitimate enlistment preparing. In the
event that an organization can't stimulate interest among representatives about the organization
culture and work in the initial 45 minutes then they ought to comprehend that something isn't
done well. Thus, a legitimate arranging is expected to guarantee that the new joiners/workers
have a smooth first day as opposed to making an overreacting circumstance for him in view of
Onboarding and Induction has forever been a critical variable in holding the representatives for
long run. Association ought to think of numerous new inventive plans to guarantee that the
enlistment or on-boarding process goes smooth.

3. The past few years have challenged the traditional organizations to think differently. In
Intellicore Solutions, where previously no efforts were made by managers for career growth
of their workforce, things are about to take a turn for the positive. The leaders now realize
the importance of retaining their best talent and have therefore hired HR managers to help
create career and succession plans.

a. You have to guide the new HR manager to be successful in his career planning
initiative. How will you explain the process to him?

Answer: -
Career planning is the course of one's all-consuming purpose and includes assessing capacities
and interests, taking into account elective profession open doors, laying out career objectives,
and arranging viable turn of events. Profession arranging is a purposeful interaction through
which an individual becomes mindful of individual career related credits and the long-lasting
feeling of stages that add to their profession satisfaction.
Each worker wants to persistently develop and scale new levels in his working environment.
Assuming there are an adequate number of chances, he can seek after his profession objectives
and take advantage of his potential completely. He feels exceptionally energetic when the
association shows him a make way with respect to how he can meet his own desires while
attempting to acknowledge corporate objectives.
The process which can be followed by the HR Manager for his career planning initiative are: -
Career Education
Numerous workers have barely any insight into career planning. Frequently, they know nothing
about the requirement for and benefits of career planning. Also, once made mindful, they
frequently miss the mark on vital data to effectively design their careers. Work force divisions
are fit to settle both of these weaknesses, and they can increment representative mindfulness
through an assortment of instructive strategies. Studios and classes on career planning
increment representative interest by bringing up the key ideas related with profession
arranging. Studios assist the workers with defining profession objectives, recognize career
ways, and reveal explicit vocation advancement exercises. These instructive exercises might
be enhanced by printed data. The objectives of career data workshop are to assist employees
with better comprehension cultivator their positions and professions can add to their objectives
and to distinguish the jobs of representatives, their managers, and the staff division in
profession arranging and self-improvement.
Information on Career Planning
No matter what the instructive procedure the staff office chooses, it ought to give
representatives other data they need to design their careers. A lot of this data is now a piece of
the staff division's human asset data framework. For instance, expected set of responsibilities
and occupation detail can be significant to somebody who is attempting to gauge sensible
profession objectives at a firm. Work force division can recognize future employment
opportunities through the human asset plan. Work force experts can likewise share their insight
into potential career plans. The faculty office can likewise energize profession arranging by
giving data about elective career ways.
Career Counselling
To assist workers with laying out career objectives and find proper profession ways, some
faculty divisions offer career advising. The career advisor may just be somebody who pays
attention to the representative's advantage and gives the particular occupation related data. Or
on the other hand the instructor might assist workers with uncovering their inclinations by
directing and deciphering fitness and expertise tests.
No matter what the match between one's abilities and the association's career way, guides need
to advise representatives regarding likely changes that will influence their word related
decisions. Career advising is accessible to all faculty, particularly the people who are being
climbed, down, or out of the association.

b. The first step to an effective succession planning is ensuring that the objectives are
correctly established. Describe the goals of succession planning that the HR manager
should bear in mind.

Answer: - Succession planning is "the method involved with guaranteeing a reasonable

inventory of replacements for current and future senior positions emerging from business
technique so the careers of people can be arranged and figured out how to improve the
associations' requirements and people's goals".

The development and improvement of an association requires a progression of individuals to

fill different significant situations in the associations. The target of Succession planning is to
recognize, create and prepare accessible individuals to possess higher situations in the

The various objectives of succession planning are:

i. To make hierarchical information that can be utilized for staffing choices.

ii. To distinguish representatives with high potential so they can be prepared to attempt higher

iii. To give tasks and open doors to high potential representatives so they get the fundamental
openness to prepare themselves

iv. To include senior heads of the association in prepping these identi-fied representatives

v. To further develop worker dependability and commitment

vi. To take special care of the profession improvement assumptions for the labour force and
subsequently upgrade their obligation to the association.

Succession planning are advantageous in the following ways:

I. It is a powerful method for interfacing the association's vision, mission and corporate goals
to the human asset system and plan

ii. It is a powerful approach to guaranteeing that the association is ready in the event of any
arranged or spontaneous exit of workers at senior levels.

iii. It guarantees that there is an interaction to get ready workers for higher jobs

iv. It exhibits the association's obligation to vocation the board of its representatives

v. It helps the association in picking the right arrangement of up-and-comers that will squeeze
into present place of employment jobs as well as according to a modern point of view

vi. It communicates an opinion that the association thinks often about its workers and about
their professions.

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