1993 - Balmes - The Role of Ozone Exposure in The Epidemiology of Asthma

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The Role of Ozone Exposure in the

Epidemiology of Asthma
John R. Balmes
Lung Biology Center, Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, Department of Medicine, University of
California, San Francisco, Box 0843, San Francisco, CA 94143
Asthma is a clinical condition characterized by intermittent respiratory symptoms, nonspecific airway hyperresponsiveness, and reversible airway
obstruction. Although the pathogenesis of asthma is incompletely understood, it is clear that airway inflammation is a paramount feature of the con-
dition. Because inhalation of ozone by normal, healthy subjects causes increased airway responsiveness and inflammation, it is somewhat surprising
that most controlled human exposure studies that have involved asthmatic subjects have not shown them to be especially sensitive to ozone. The
acute decrement in lung function that is the end point traditionally used to define sensitivity to ozone in these studies may be due more to neuro-
muscular mechanisms limiting deep inspiration than to bronchoconstriction. The frequency of asthma attacks following ozone exposures may be a
more relevant end point. Epidemiologic studies, rather than controlled human exposure studies, are required to determine whether ozone pollution
increases the risk of asthma exacerbations. Asthma affects approximately 10 million people in the United States and, thus, the answer to this ques-
tion is of considerable public health importance. Both the prevalence and severity of asthma appear to be increasing in many countries. Although
increased asthma morbidity and mortality are probably of multifactorial etiology, a contributory role of urban air pollution is plausible. The epidemio-
logic database to support an association between asthma and ozone exposure is limited, but the results of several studies suggest such an associa-
tion. Some potential approaches to further investigation of the relationship between asthma and ozone, including those that would link controlled
human exposures to population-based studies, are considered. - Environ Health Perspect 101 (Suppl 4):219-224 (1993).
Key Words: Asthma, airway hyperresponsiveness, ozone, sensitive populations, epidemiology

Asthma and Ozone to be the paramount feature of asthma (2). studies have focused on short-term expo-
Under the provisions of the Clean Air Act of Several of the stimuli known to cause sures (i.e., < 2 hr), perhaps because the
1970, the Environmental Protection Agency increased airway responsiveness, such as National Ambient Air Quality Standard
is required to set a standard for ambient air viral respiratory tract infections (3) and (NAAQS) is based on a 1-hr maximum
quality regarding ozone that will protect inhaled antigen (4), also cause airway concentration (0.12 ppm). With short-
the health of the general population, inflammation. Recurrent exacerbations of term exposures, concentrations of ozone >
including sensitive subgroups such as per- asthma associated with increased airway 0.12 ppm are usually required to cause sig-
sons with asthma. Considerable research inflammation may lead to the development nificant mean decrements in forced expira-
has been conducted on the health effects of of chronic airway obstruction (5), and tory volume in 1 sec (FEVI). However,
ozone exposure over the past two decades recently published guidelines for the treat- there is considerable interindividual vari-
in an effort to provide an adequate scien- ment of asthma stress the importance of ability in the magnitude of the response,
tific foundation for regulation of ozone preventing such exacerbations by the avoid- with 10 to 25% of subjects tested at 0.12
concentration in ambient air. Despite this ance of exposure to inciting agents and the ppm developing decrements in FEV, of >
research effort, there is still some uncer- use of prophylactic antiinflammatory med- 10% after 1 to 2 hr of exposure (15).
tainty about whether persons with asthma ications (6-8). It is clear that airway Longer exposure duration and increased
are particularly sensitive to ozone. hyperresponsiveness alone does not define minute ventilation with exercise are
Asthma is a clinical condition character- asthma since there are many persons with required to see significant mean effects at
ized by intermittent respiratory symptoms this physiologic characteristic who do not ozone concentrations < 0.12 ppm (16,17).
(e.g., dyspnea, chest tightness, wheezing, have symptomatic asthma. Whether such Seltzer et al. found ozone-induced
cough), airway hyperresponsiveness to a persons are at increased risk of developing increases in methacholine responsiveness to
variety of nonspecific stimuli, and reversible asthma with viral respiratory tract infections be associated with the presence of excess
or variable airway obstruction (1). or exposure to pollutants is not known. polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) in bron-
Although the pathogenesis of asthma choalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid that was col-
remains incompletely understood, it is clear Controlled Human Exposure lected 3 hr after intermittently exercising
that the condition is of multifactorial etiol- Studies healthy subjects were exposed to 0.4 ppm
ogy. Currently, airway inflammation (i.e., The results of multiple controlled human for 2 hr (14). A subsequent study by EPA
edema; infiltration by leukocytes, especially exposure studies have documented that investigators using an identical exposure
eosinophils; epithelial injury) is considered inhalation of ozone causes respiratory protocol demonstrated that the increase in
symptoms (9), acute decrements in pul- PMNs was still present when they collected
monary function (10-12), and increased BAL fluid 18 hr after exposure (18). In
This manuscipt was prepared as part of the Environ- airway responsiveness to nonspecific stim- addition, these investigators also reported
mental Epidemiology Planning Project of the Health uli such as methacholine or histamine significant mean increases in various bio-
Effects Institute, September 1990- September 1992.
The author thanks David Brightman for typing the (13,14) in a dose-dependent manner in chemical end points indicative of an inflam-
manuscript. normal, healthy subjects. Most of these matory response in BAL fluid collected

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after the 2-hr ozone exposure as compared increases in respiratory symptoms. The asthma and at least two positive responses to
to that collected after sham exposure. investigators did note, however, that a possi- a battery of seven skin-prick tests with com-
More recently, the same team of EPA ble explanation for their failure to find any mon aeroallergens) and seven nonatopic
investigators has reported their findings in difference in response between the groups subjects to 0.6 ppm ozone or filtered air for
BAL fluid obtained 16 hr after 6.6-hr was that many of their normal subjects had 2 hr while at rest (13). Airway responsive-
exposure of healthy subjects to 0.1 and/or a history of respiratory allergy and "appeared ness to histamine was measured before and
0.08 ppm ozone during continuous moder- atypically reactive to respiratory insults." after each exposure and was increased in
ate exercise (19). Similar to what has been Two more recent studies by Koenig et most of the subjects following ozone expo-
noted with pulmonary function responses al. involving exposure of adolescents to sure. Although the authors concluded that
at lower concentrations of ozone, there was lower concentrations of ozone also failed to the response to ozone was not affected by
considerably greater intersubject variability show a significant difference in response atopic status, the increase in histamine
in the degree of inflammatory response between asthmatic and healthy subjects. responsiveness was greater in the atopic sub-
observed at 0.10 and 0.08 ppm as com- The first study compared the responses of jects than the nonatopic subjects. This dif-
pared to the earlier study using 0.4 ppm. 10 asthmatic and 10 healthy adolescent ference did not achieve statistical significance
This series of BAL studies, in healthy subjects to exposure to filtered air or 0.12 due to the small sample size and variability of
human subjects coupled with studies using ppm ozone for 1 hr while at rest (25). response among the atopic subjects.
dogs (20) and guinea pigs (21), have clearly There were no significant pulmonary func- A similar study by McDonnell et al. at
demonstrated the potential for inhaled tion changes in either group and no mea- the EPA involving 26 nonasthmatic subjects
ozone to cause airway inflammation. surable differences between the two groups. with allergic rhinitis exposed to 0.18 ppm
Given the impressive data base on the A follow-up study involved exposure of 10 ozone or filtered air also failed to demon-
responses of normal, healthy subjects to asthmatic and 10 healthy adolescents to fil- strate a markedly different response to ozone
controlled exposures to ozone, in terms of tered air, 0.12 and/or 0.18 ppm ozone, for as compared to previously tested nonatopic
both increased airway responsiveness and 30 min while at rest, followed by 10 min of subjects (28). Because McDonnell and
evidence of inflammation, one would moderate exercise (minute ventilation coworkers had anticipated that the magni-
expect asthmatic subjects to be particularly 30-40 L/min/m2) (26). Decrements in tude of the response to ozone would be
sensitive to ozone. Thus, it is somewhat FEV, were in the range of 3 to 6% for both associated with baseline airway responsive-
surprising that most controlled exposure groups and, again, there were no significant ness, they speculated that both the size of
studies that have involved asthmatic sub- differences between the groups. their sample and the range of airway
jects have not documented significantly The latest study to examine the responses responsiveness in their subjects may have
greater mean responses for these subjects. of asthmatic subjects to inhaled ozone, by been too small to detect this relationship.
Several studies in the late 1970s looked Eschenbacher et al. (27), was designed to A recently completed study by Aris et
at symptomatic and pulmonary function provide a greater exposure to ozone than al. (29) was designed to determine whether
responses of asthmatic subjects to short-term was administered in the previous studies. exposure to nitric acid fog would enhance
exposures to ozone at concentrations in the A higher concentration was used (0.4 ppm), the effects of ozone on pulmonary function
range of 0.2 to 0.25 ppm. In a study of 22 exposures were longer (2 hr), moderate in healthy subjects. It generated results
asthmatic subjects exposed to 0.2 to 0.25 exercise (minute ventilation 30 L/min/m2) contrary to those reported by McDonnell
ppm ozone for 2 hr with intermittent light was performed for sufficiently long periods and coworkers. The Aris study protocol
exercise, Linn et al. found no significant (15 min of exercise alternating with 15 min involved screening prospective subjects for
changes in either spirometric indices of pul- of rest), and bronchodilator medications ozone sensitivity based on a 10% decline in
monary function or respiratory symptoms were withheld. Under these conditions, a FEV, across a 3-hr exposure during moder-
(22). A similar study by Silverman of 17 differential response between asthmatic and ate exercise (minute ventilation 40 Limin)
asthmatic subjects exposed to 0.25 ppm nonasthmatic subjects was demonstrated. to 0.2 ppm. Ten subjects selected in this
ozone while at rest also demonstrated no sig- Mean decrement in FEV, across the 2-hr manner demonstrated greater responsive-
nificant mean changes in symptoms and exposure was 24% for asthmatic subjects ness to methacholine than 10 prospective
spirometry after exposure (23). However, and 13.2% for healthy controls. The subjects excluded from the full study pro-
in 6 of the 17 subjects, there was a >10% results of this study, which have been criti- tocol because of their lack of sensitivity to
decrease in FEV, after ozone exposure, cized because a methacholine challenge test ozone. The study by Aris and coworkers
which suggests the possibility of a more sen- was performed immediately prior to each provided a broader range of both baseline
sitive subgroup. Another study by Linn et exposure and because most of the asthmatic airway responsiveness and responses to
al. involved exposures to polluted ambient subjects developed exercise-induced bron- ozone than did the McDonnell study.
air in a mobile laboratory in which the mean chospasm to the filtered air exposure, chal- The Aris study results are supported by a
(+ SD) ozone concentration was 0.22 (+ lenge the widely held position that persons recent study by Linn et al. in which 8 of 12
0.09) ppm (24). Other pollutant concen- with asthma are not more sensitive to ozone subjects (responders), selected because of
trations were low except for total suspended than normal, healthy persons. their sensitivity to ozone (as measured by
particulate matter, which was 182 (+ 42) Given the paucity of data on the response decrements in FEV1), demonstrated hyperre-
,ug/m3. Thirty asthmatic and 34 normal of asthmatic subjects from controlled studies sponsiveness to methacholine (30). These
subjects were tested using a protocol identi- that have been conducted with adequate two recent studies, coupled with the
cal to that of the previous study by these exposure, it is relevant to review the limited Eschenbacher study involving subjects with
investigators. The responses of the asth- data on the response of atopic subjects with- asthma, suggest that persons with nonspe-
matic and normal subjects were not gener- out clinical asthma. Holtzman et al. cific airway hyperresponsiveness, whether
ally different. Most subjects exhibited exposed nine atopic subjects (i.e., with a per- clinically asthmatic or healthy, may be a sub-
slight decrements in lung function and mild sonal history of allergic rhinitis or childhood group that has an enhanced sensitivity to

220 Environmental Health Perspectives Supplements

Volume 101, Supplement 4, December 1993

ozone. Because asymptomatic, nonspecific New Zealand in the 1970s, the mortality allergens, an increase in nonallergenic envi-
airway hyperresponsiveness is common, the rate for asthma was 10 times higher than ronmental pollution is just as plausible.
issue of whether such persons are at increased that in the United States (33). Weiss has reported a seasonal pattern of
risk for ozone-induced pulmonary toxicity Other proposed explanations for the asthma mortality, with deaths in patients 5
is of obvious importance to the design of observed increases in asthma morbidity and to 35 years old peaking in June through
adequately protective regulatory strategies. mortality indude the following: a) the 1979 August, that is consistent with an ozone
The acute decrement in FEV1 in response change in the International Classification of effect (43).
to ozone inhalation is thought to be due Diseases (ICD) coding of asthmatic bron- The epidemiologic data base supporting
more to chest discomfort and/or neuromus- chitis as asthma rather than bronchitis, b) a the concept that air pollution can cause exac-
cular mechanisms limiting deep inspiration shift in physician diagnosis away from erbations of asthma is reasonably convincing,
than to bronchoconstriction (31), and it bronchitis to asthma, c) an improved abil- but the evidence linking ozone to asthma
may be that asthmatic subjects are not espe- ity of physicians to diagnose asthma attacks is limited. In 1961, Schoettlin and
cially sensitive to ozone for this end point. through greater availability and use of pul- Landau reported the results of a study of a
The frequency of asthma attacks following monary function tests, d) increased toxic- panel of 137 asthmatic subjects in Pasadena,
ozone exposure may be a more relevant end ity due to asthma medications, and e) a California, that showed there were signifi-
point to monitor. Epidemiologic studies, true increase in the prevalence and/or cantly more attacks on days with a maxi-
rather than controlled human exposure stud- severity of asthma (33). Which of these mum 1-hr oxidant concentration greater
ies, are required to answer the question of explanations is playing an important role is than 0.2 ppm than on days with lower lev-
whether ozone pollution increases the risk of unclear, but it is likely that the rise in els of oxidant pollution (44). A later study
asthma exacerbations. asthma mortality is of multifactorial origin. by Whittemore and Korn examined the
The results of the Weiss and Wagener relationship between daily asthma attack
Epidemiologic Studies study indicate that the change in ICD cod- occurrence and 24-hr average pollutant
Asthma affects approximately 10 million ing is not the only factor at work since the concentrations and meteorologic conditions
people in the United States (32). Both the increase in asthma death started in 1978, using 16 panels of asthmatic subjects resid-
prevalence and severity of asthma appear to before the latest version of the ICD was ing in six Los Angeles communities (45).
be increasing (33), despite improved introduced, and continued unabated An innovative statistical approach involving
understanding of the pathophysiology of through 1987 (36). The observation by a separate multiple logistic model for each
the disease and the availability of effective Weiss and Wagener that there were geo- subject's asthma attack probability was
drugs for its management. graphic areas with exceptionally high asthma employed, and variables representing previ-
Asthma mortality in the United States mortality (New York City; Cook County, ous attack history, day of week, and time
declined from 1968 to 1978; it has been Illinois; Maricopa County, Arizona; Fresno since the start of the study were included in
steadily increasing since 1979 (34). The County, California) also suggests that the regressions. The dominant predictor of
annual number of asthma deaths has improved physician diagnosis of asthma is attacks was the presence of an attack on the
increased over 30% since 1980 (35). The unlikely to have caused the increases in ,preceding day; but oxidant concentration,
asthma mortality rate has increased more asthma morbidity and mortality. A com- particulate concentration, and cool temper-
rapidly for females than for males and for panion study by Gergen and Weiss found ature also were positively associated with
older persons than for young. Because that among children 0 to 17 years old, asthma attacks. Based on their data, the
asthma hospitalization and mortality rates there was a 4.5% annual increase in asthma authors calculated that a 0.1-ppm increase
are considerably higher for African- hospitalization from 1979 to 1987 (39). in the 24-hr average oxidant concentration
Americans than for Whites, it has been The authors found that while much of the would lead to an increase in asthma attack
argued that the urban poor's decreased increase in hospitalizations for asthma probability of approximately 15%.
access to and utilization of health care are could be explained by a shift in diagnostic Potential problems with this study indude
the primary factors responsible for the coding from bronchitis to asthma, other covariation between air pollutants, high
increase in asthma mortality. A provoca- factors such as environmental pollution panelist dropout rate, and lack of genqraliz-
tive study by Weiss and Wagener con- may be playing a role. ability to all persons with asthma because
firmed that the asthma mortality is higher Although consideration must be given to relatively severe asthmatic subjects were
in African Americans than Whites, that other possible explanations for the increase used on the panels.
this gap is widening, and that New York in asthma mortality, the weight of the evi- Holguin et al. applied the approach of
City and Chicago had the highest rates of dence favors a true increase in asthma preva- Whittemore and Korn to a study they con-
asthma deaths (36). lence. Asthma prevalence data from the ducted in Houston to estimate the proba-
Decreased access to or availability of United States (40), the United Kingdom bility of an asthma attack as a function of
appropriate health care for asthma is not (41), and New Zealand (42) are remarkably maximum hourly ozone concentration
likely to be the sole explanation for increas- consistent in documenting an increase. For (46). The daily maximum ozone concen-
ing asthma morbidity and mortality in the example, a study by Gergen and coworkers trations ranged from 0.02 to 0.27 ppm
United States, because these rates also are using serial National Health and Nutrition during the 6-month period of study from
increasing in other Western countries, such Examination Survey (NHANES) data May to October. A greater effect of ozone
as Canada, France, Denmark, and Germany, showed that the prevalence of ever having on asthma attack probability was found in
with more equitable health care delivery sys- asthma increased from 4.8 to 7.6% among this study as compared to the previous Los
tems (37). In the United Kingdom, asthma children 6 to 1 1 years old from the early to Angeles-area study. Assuming the baseline
mortality rates have risen more rapidly the late 1970s (40). While it has been probability of an attack was 10%, an
than in the United States (38). At the postulated that this rise in asthma preva- increase in the 1-hr maximum ozone con-
peak of an epidemic of asthma deaths in lence is due to an increase in environmental centration of 0.1 ppm was calculated to

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increase the attack probability to 16%, a 60% from Toronto exposed seven asthmatic sub- is contributing significantly to the rise in
increase or four times the effect predicted by jects with specific sensitization to either rag- asthma morbidity and mortality.
Whittemore and Korn. weed or grass to 0.12 ppm ozone for 1 hr One way to link controlled human
An important study of the relationship while at rest. As expected for these condi- exposure studies with epidemiologic studies
between hospital admissions and levels of tions of ozone exposure, there were no acute that plays on the strength of each type of
various pollutants (including ozone), the changes in FEV, or methacholine respon- study would be to characterize the acute
Ontario Air Pollution Study, has been siveness. This level of exposure did cause, responses of a panel of asthmatic subjects
reported in a series of publications by Bates however, a significant shift to the left in the in the laboratory and then to follow this
and Sizto (47-49). The study involves all dose-response relationship during inhala- panel over time. The simplest method of
79 hospitals in a region of southern tion challenge testing with the specific anti- characterizing asthmatic subjects' sensitiv-
Ontario that admit acute cases and pollu- gens to which the subjects were sensitized. ity to ozone would be to measure the
tant data from 17 sampling stations in a Although the Toronto investigators could decrement in FEV, over a 2- to 4-hr expo-
monitoring network that covers the region. only speculate about biological mechanisms sure to a sufficiently high concentration of
Hospital admissions for respiratory disease responsible for this finding, it is possible that ozone that would cause a considerable per-
have consistently been associated with daily ozone-induced airway inflammation leading centage of the subjects to have decrements
levels of ozone, sulfates, and temperature to increased epithelial permeability allows >10% (e.g., 0.2-0.4 ppm). However,
during summer months throughout a increased penetration of antigen to submu- increased airway responsiveness to metha-
period of study more than 10 years. cosal mast cells. The investigators did note choline and/or evidence of inflammation
Admissions for a group of nonrespiratory that the public health implications of the on BAL after such an exposure could also
conditions showed no such association. study are great; thus, the current NAAQS be used as markers of ozone sensitivity.
The major problem with this study is the for ozone is probably not adequately protec- Whether acute responses to high ambient
inability to isolate the effect of a specific tive of the health of persons with asthma. levels of ozone administered in a chamber
pollutant. Bates and Sizto have summa- A major caveat to such an interpretation of have any predictive value with regard to
rized the evidence for and against the role this study's results is that the number of real-life responses (both acute and chronic)
of ozone (49). It is the only one of the subjects who completed the complicated is an important but unanswered question.
pollutants studied that has been shown to protocol is small (n = 7). What outcome variables should be
be an irritant at the ambient concentrations measured in this panel study? Both respi-
measured in southern Ontario. When the Research Needs ratory symptoms and serial peak expiratory
region was divided into subregions and The two major questions that need to be flow rates can be recorded with relative ease
each sampling station was associated with a answered concerning the relationship of in diaries. Periodic spirometry and metha-
group of adjacent hospitals, respiratory asthma and ozone are the following: Does choline responsiveness, while more difficult
admissions on high ozone (0.08 to 0.2 chronic exposure to high ambient concen- to measure, also could be obtained. Serial
ppm) days were approximately 7% greater trations of ozone contribute to the BAL would be the most direct method of
than admissions on low ozone (0.01 to development of new-onset asthma? Does assessing the degree of ozone-induced
0.06 ppm) days, if only the same days of ozone pollution contribute to exacerbation injury or inflammation in the panel mem-
the week in the same season in the same of preexisting asthma? These questions bers, but it also would be the most invasive
year are compared. Ozone concentration cannot be answered fully by further con- and cumbersome to perform.
also showed a stronger association with trolled human exposure studies alone. Following a panel of asthmatic subjects
admissions for asthma than did the levels Rather, population-based approaches will is fraught with methodologic difficulties. In
of other pollutants and temperature. be required. addition to problems in exposure assessment
However, in June of 1983 when ozone lev- The epidemiologic database to support due to varying patterns and intensity of
els were unusually high, there was no an association between asthma and ozone activity, there will also be problems with
increase in hospital admissions for respira- exposure is limited, but the results of several exercise-induced bronchospasm indepen-
tory disease. Further, sulfate concentration studies suggest that high ambient concentra- dent of ozone exposure and variable medica-
had a higher correlation coefficient with tions can precipitate asthma attacks. As tion use. Current progress in personal
admissions for all respiratory diseases than noted above, ozone is likely to be an inducer ozone dosimetry should continue to the
did ozone concentration. Because of the of increased nonspecific airway responsive- point where individual doses can be mea-
ambiguities in their data analysis, Bates and ness and airway inflammation that renders sured rather than calculated. Time and
Sizto have concluded that neither ozone persons with asthma more likely to develop activity monitoring techniques are improv-
nor sulfate alone was responsible for the bronchoconstriction upon subsequent expo- ing to the point where level of exercise can
observed association with acute respiratory sure to substances such as allergens and sul- be recorded with reasonable accuracy, and
admissions. They have speculated that fur dioxide. If ozone inhalation causes perhaps any independent effect of exercise
ozone may increase airway responsiveness airway inflammation in persons susceptible can be controlled for during analysis.
and thus render individuals more suscepti- to asthma (e.g., persons with asymptomatic Confounding due to variable medication use
ble to other pollutants and/or allergens. airway hyperresponsiveness and/or atopy) among panel members perhaps can be mini-
There are animal data to support such an that is sufficient to cause asthmatic symp- mized by measuring outcome variables,
effect (50-52). toms, then ozone can cause new-onset including medication use, during seasons
The results of a recently reported con- asthma. Further controlled human exposure with low ozone exposure and using each
trolled human exposure study supported the and epidemiologic studies are necessary to subject as his or her own control in the
animal toxicologic evidence that ozone expo- determine both the degree of ozone analysis. Although panel studies of the
sure may enhance sensitization to inhaled sensitivity of persons with asthma and the responses of asthmatic subjects to a pollu-
antigens (53). A group of investigators probability that exposure to ambient ozone tant may appear difficult to conduct, a

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recent study of the effects of atmospheric tion of the hospital admission versus air the attack. Another concern in this type of
acidity on a panel of subjects with asthma in quality study model to the epidemiology of study is potential misdassification of asthma
Denver provides a successful model (54). ozone-related health effects is the identifi- as acute bronchitis, especially when dealing
Another approach to the question of cation of regions where ozone concentra- with children.
whether persons with asthma are more sus- tions are high in the absence of elevated It may not be necessary to collect data
ceptible to adverse health effects from concentrations of other pollutants and in linking rates of asthma to ambient ozone
ozone exposure would be to follow the the absence of extremes of temperature and concentrations in a prospective fashion.
Bates and Sizto model of monitoring the humidity. Considerable environmental monitoring
rates of emergency room and hospital Comparative studies of rates of hospital data already exist; these measurements
admissions for exacerbations of asthma in admissions or emergency room visits for could be correlated with hospital records
conjunction with regional air quality. asthma in different cities with different levels from multiple hospitals across a given geo-
Recently, this approach has been applied of ozone pollution may provide useful infor- graphic area, such as the Los Angeles basin,
quite successfully to the study of the effect mation on dose-response. Recent data indi- or with NHANES data across several geo-
of particulate pollution on populations cate that while there is no association graphic areas with varying levels of ozone
residing in several Utah valleys (55,56). between asthma attacks and the relatively low pollution.
Pope showed that hospital admissions for ambient ozone concentrations in Vancouver The issue of whether persons with asthma
respiratory illnesses among both children (57), there is a positive association between are more susceptible to ozone-induced respi-
and adults correlated with changes in PM1O emergency room visits for asthma and the ratory tract injury is of epidemiologic inter-
concentrations (55). However, the success higher summer ambient ozone concentra- est because asthma is a common condition
of the Pope study largely depended on the tions in Atlanta (MC White, unpublished that appears to be increasing in terms of
somewhat changeable air quality of the data). When planning studies linking ambi- both prevalence and severity. Given that
Utah Valley. Most of the particulate pollu- ent air monitoring data with rates of hospital many of the over 10 million Americans
tion came from one source, a steel mill that admission or emergency room visits for with asthma live in ozone nonattainment
was shut down intermittently for economic asthma, it is important to consider that the areas, a well-defined association between
reasons; and concentrations of other pollu- ozone concentrations for the several days ozone and either new-onset asthma or
tants, including ozone, were generally low. prior to the admission or visit may be more exacerbation of preexistent disease would
The major limitation with further applica- relevant than the concentration on the day of be of great importance to public health. G

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