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Sulaimani Polytechnic University

College of Engineering
Department of mechanical engineering

Fluid lab
Hydrostatic Pressure

By: Peshwaz Nzar

Second stage group A

Introduction to Hydrostatic Pressure

Hydrostatic pressure refers to the pressure whose generation takes place
by the weight of liquid above a measurement point when the liquid is in
a state of rest. Furthermore, the height of a liquid column, of uniform
density, is such that it turns out to be directly proportional to the
hydrostatic pressure.

The liquid’s hydrostatic properties are not constant. Furthermore, the

main factors which influence it are the liquid’s density and the
local gravity. Therefore, one must know these quantities so as to
determine a particular liquid’s hydrostatic pressure.


 To determine the hydrostatic force due to water acting on a

partially or fully submerged surface;
 To determine, both experimentally and theoretically, the center
of pressure

Fluid force is constant at any particular depth, but varies vertically. This force
is calculated as liquid weight per unit volume times the depth. The total
force exerted by the liquid on the ring section is non-uniformly applied
vertically. When the quadrant is immersed in water it is possible to analyze
the forces acting on the surfaces of the quadrant as follows: The hydrostatic
force at any point on the curved surface is normal to the surface and
therefore resolves through the pivot point because this is located at the
origin of the radii. Hydrostatic forces on the upper and lower curved surfaces
therefore have no net effect – no torque to affect the equilibrium of the
assembly because all of these forces pass through the pivot. The forces on
the sides of the quadrant are horizontal and cancel out (equal and opposite).
The hydrostatic force on the vertical submerged face is counteracted by the
balanced weight W. The resultant hydrostatic force on the face can
therefore be calculated from the value of the balance weight and the depth
of the water as follows: When the system is in equilibrium, the moments
about the pivot point are equal:

mgL = Fh"


m is the mass on the weight hang, g is the acceleration due to gravity,

L is the length of the balance arm,
F is the hydrostatic thrust, and
h” is the distance between the pivot and the center of pressure.

Hence by calculating the hydrostatic thrust and center of pressure on the

end face of the quadrant, we can compare theoretical and experimental
Hydrostatic Force: The magnitude of the resultant hydrostatic force (F)
applied to an immersed surface is given by:
𝑭 = 𝑷𝒄𝑨 = 𝜸𝒉𝒄𝑨
Pc: pressure at centroid of the immersed surface,
A: area of the immersed surface,
hc: centroid of the immersed surface measured from the water surface,
: density of fluid, and
g: acceleration due to gravity.
B: width of the quadrant face,
d: depth of water from the base of the quadrant, and
D: height of the quadrant face.

Test No Mass (kg) Depth of
1- 0.05 0.049
2- 0.1 0.069
3- 0.15 0.087
1- 0.25 0.109
2- 0.3 0.129
3- 0.4 0.154

Results and calculation:

Test Mass Depth of Hydrostatic Theoretical Experimental
No (kg) Immersion force F(N) depth of depth of
d(m) center of center of
pressure pressure (m)
1- 0.05 0.049 0.942 0.1836 0.1562

2- 0.1 0.069 1.868 0.177 0.1575

3- 0.15 0.087 2.970 0.171 0.1486

4- 0.25 0.109 0.769 0.1514 0.9567

5- 0.3 0.129 2.935 0.1605 0.3008

6- 0.4 0.154 6.526 0.158 0.1803

This test can make us understand how the depth of water can change
the applied force on an object under water.
The deeper we go the more hydrostatic pressure we have

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