It's A Bird's Life

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Short term plan

Unit 6: Fantasy World School: A. Baitursynuly Binom School - Lyceum

Date: 27.02.2023 Teacher’s name: Olzhabek Akniet

Class: 5 “Г” Number of present: absent:
Lesson title It’s a bird’s life
Learning objectives communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and
whole class exchanges; communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and
whole class exchange; understand the main points in a limited range of short simple
texts on general and curricular topics;

Lesson objectives/ - interact clearly with peers at sentence level during pair, group or whole class
AssAssessment criteria discussions about birds;
- interact at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class discussion on the
topic ‘It’s a bird’s life’ ;
- find out the main information in ‘It’s a bird’s life’ text

Stages Teachers actions Students Evaluation Resources

/ Time actions (Assessment)
Teacher greets the students and Students greet Homework is checked Student’s book
check who is absent. a teacher. as a whole class Copybook
Teacher checks homework Read their

To warm-up and to introduce a new Students sing a Teacher accepts all the PPT
topic teacher plays a song about song together answers worksheet
birds. and after that
Then teacher introduces the lesson guess the topic
objectives of the lesson

Pre-teaching vocabulary
Teacher monitors and PPT
To introduce new vocabulary Students repeat corrects the pictures
teacher shows pictures of birds and after the pronunciation if
does drilling with children. teacher
middle While-reading Students give Teacher accepts all the PPT
To generate interest in reading their answers answers
teacher asks questions about birds.
1. How many types of birds are
there in the world?
2. Where do they live?
3. What do they eat?
4. Why are birds important?

Teacher suggests to check their Students read Teacher monitors and Student’s book
answers by reading the text one by the text one by makes corrections if
one ‘It’s a bird life’. one necessary.

students do Descriptors Students’

Post-reading copybooks
Controlled-practice. TRUE/FALSE A learner answers
Teacher asks students to do task 1. F
TRUE/FALSE task individually. individually. 2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
6. F
7. T
8. T

Freer-practice Students share

Teacher accepts all the
Whole class discussion their thoughts
Teacher asks a question? by using given
Why should we love animals and words
A learner
birds? And gives words to use in - Say his/her
their answer opinion
- Uses given
- Pronounces
End Reflection SS write their Reflection Whiteboard
3 min homework for Pupils evaluate An evaluation list
3 the next lesson. themselves using
Teacher gives Homework Sts. give a evaluation lists.
workbook p.p.46-47 and asks to mark to Self- Assessment.
complete an evaluation list themselves for
working at the

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