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Name: ___Madison Cheah_____ Block: __B____

Career Life Connections 12

Transition Planning Part One: Career Choice

Post – Secondary Life PLAN A:
MY PLAN A: ___Police Officer___
My Plan A: I really enjoy helping others and solving puzzles. Taking these two passions, what
better career is there than a police officer? My job would be to help the
Consider: community daily while solving crimes to create a safer environment for everyone.
❏ What do you enjoy? For my life I want a comfortable life that has exciting aspects. I do not want a
❏ What sort of lifestyle do you boring life; I want adventure and changes. Being a police officer is being faced
want? with something different everyday, meeting new people and yes, the slight aspect
❏ What are you good at? of danger to get adrenaline pumping. I am not an adrenaline junkie, do I enjoy
roller coasters, yes, so would I like a bit of adrenaline in my life, also yes.
I am very good at communicating clearly, engaging with others and preforming
under pressure. I thrive in chaotic environments. I am able to keep a clear head
and remember all the numeral tasks I need to check off. I am always thinking of
how I can put others first to get them out of any sticky situations. Given my ability
to think clearly under pressure, and communicate clearly, and my tendency to put
others first, I would say I have an ideal mindset and skills to become a police

Career Info that I have discovered… Upsides of the job, it’s something new everyday, I get to meet new people and I
get to serve others. Downsides, the environment is harsh, and I will be exposed to
Consider: some terrible scenes.
❏ Upsides/downsides of job Responsibilities of a police officer:
❏ Job duties/ responsibilities
❏ Salary range - Enforcing the law
- Protecting civilians
❏ Future outlook
- Detecting and preventing crime
❏ Lifestyle factors
- Community programs
❏ Advancement opportunities - Completes files and write reports
Average salary for a full-time employee is $84k.
There is a need for police officers as population keeps growing but man-power
isn’t increasing at the same rate.
A police officer must have confidence, good communication skills, strong mindset
and will be exposed to terrible situations. To be a police officer you must know
what kind of environment you are entering. Because of all the different scenes a
police officer will enter, they must have a strong mindset and a good release
system as to not burn out down the line. Being vigilant and aware of your
surroundings while keeping a clear head. Long hours, prepared to be called out at
any moment and put into action, a police officer must be prepared and ready.
There are multiple ranks within being a police officer. For example, constable,
detective, sergeant, chief and so on. There will always be advancement
opportunities within the force if the time and effort is put in.

Three employability skills I possess 1. I can get along with anyone in any environment. I can make conversation and
that will support my plan: make people feel welcome and heard. Because of my inclusive personality, getting
along with the community, one of the many responsibilities of a police officer, I
can accomplish this goal easier than others.
Consider: 2. Being a police officer is to be faced with many different situations daily. You
❏ Soft and hard Skills required need to keep a clear head, which is one of my strengths. I thrive under pressure
for position and in chaos. I can think clearly and know what must be done for a simple, safe,
❏ Personal attributes and fast solution. I can think on my feet which would make me an excellent
addition to the force because something new happens everyday.
3. Passion. I am passionate about helping others and providing a safe community
for families to thrive in. Because of my passion for helping others, I would put in
all my effort, and I would love doing my job, meaning I will stay on the force for a
very long time.

Education needed to pursue my In Canada, education requirements to become a police officer include having a
plan: high school diploma or equivalent as well as be proficient in either English or
French. It is preferable to have at least one year of post-secondary schooling and
even a completed degree or diploma. These are the minimum requirements. Each
Consider: department will have different, additional requirements along these lines.

❏ Courses/training/ RCMP additional requirements: 26 weeks at a RCMP academy in Regina.

certificates needed Vancouver Police Department additional requirements: a valid current standard
❏ Post-secondary first aid/CPR “C” certification as well as additional 30 academic post-secondary
requirements credits, minimum. Although they do prefer any candidate that has a degree or
diploma in any field of study over just the minimum credits.
Calgary Police Service additional requirements: a valid current certification in
standard first aid and CPR.
Toronto Police Service additional requirements: a current certification in first aid
and CPR.
Post-Secondary Life PLAN B:

MY BACKUP PLAN: _____Childrens Pastor_____

My Plan B: For my backup plan I want to become a children’s pastor, like my mom was. I
enjoy talking about my faith, helping others and spending time with my
Consider: favourite people. A lot of my friends are exploring paths in ministry, so that
❏ What do you enjoy? would also be a plus to this job is I will most likely go to school with them and
❏ What sort of lifestyle do you possibly even work together.
want? As a children’s pastor I would get to watch these kids grow up not only
❏ What are you good at? physically but spiritually as well, which would be super special. Being a
children’s pastor might not include the spontaneous, danger factor that being
a police officer does, but I would still love to be one and explore the chaotic
lifestyle of having a bunch of kids running around and trying my best to
captivate them. The lifestyle of a children’s pastor would be interesting to say
the least, after all, you never know what a kid might spring upon you.
My skills include my bubbly personality, organization, and willingness to put in
the time and effort. With kids it is good to have an outgoing personality to
keep up with them and have them open-up to you. If you are quietly standing
in the corner, no kid would want to approach you, let alone listen to you.
While if you approach them eagerly with enthusiasm, eventually they will
reciprocate and look forward to the next time they see you. As for
organization, dealing with a bunch of kids will get messy. Each week something
new needs to captivate them for their attention and interest. From my love of
organization also stems my love for planning and organizing events. There are
so many kids’ events at my church, and as a children’s pastor it would be my
job to plan them and make sure they go off without a hitch. I would be good at
that because I love to meticulously plan but I am also able to be flexible with
the plan just in case it goes off rails I will have a backup plan. Lastly, kids take a
lot of effort. I am willing and eager to put in the time and effort it takes to run
a ministry.

Career Info that I have discovered… Upsides include: working in an inclusive community and possibly with friends, I
get to spend the day with kids meaning I get to participate in kids’ activities
every once in awhile, keeping my inner kid alive, and lastly, I get to watch kids
Consider: grow, is there any better more satisfying job than watching kids grow up?

❏ Upsides/downsides of job Downsides would include: the pay isn’t so great unless you’re some big-name
❏ Job duties/responsibilities pastor that works at a big-name church.
❏ Salary range Duties and Responsibilities:
❏ Future outlook
- Ensure the spiritual growth of children
❏ Lifestyle factors
- Create a safe environment for children
❏ Advancement opportunities - Lead staff members
- Budget kid’s activities (snack, programs, camps, etc.)
- Secure or create sermon programs for kids to watch and learn from
- Create relationship with families
Average yearly salary for a full-time employee is $38k.
Being a children’s pastor would be a humble lifestyle with some exciting
moments but mostly the same routine. To be a children’s pastor you must be
good with kids, have good communication and be able to put yourself out
there. The most important part of this job is the kids, if they’re safe, learning
and having fun I’d say that’s a job well done.
As for advancement opportunities, as a children’s pastor there isn’t much you
can do to advance. Becoming a children’s pastor is the end goal. The only
advancements would be in pay if you move to another church or if you get a

Three employability skills I possess 1. Energetic and bubbly. As a children’s pastor, you have to deal with kids, it’s
that will support my plan: in the jobs title. Kids are very high maintenance and energetic, meaning you
must keep up. To keep up with the children, having a bright, bubble
personality helps because not only does it make the kids more drawn to you,
Consider: but it will also help you in dealing with kids on a day-to-day basis.

❏ Soft and hard skills required for 2. Communication and organization play a big role in becoming a children’s
position pastor. There are a bunch of kids one has to keep track of as well as a bunch of
❏ Personal attributes small details that need to be ironed out before the kids arrive. Having good
communication skills will help when dealing not only with parents but also
with staff members. Everyone needs to be on the same page for the kids to
have a good time. Also, organization comes along with communication
because to organize an event for kids there must be a lot of communication, so
two people aren’t accidentally working on the same project.
3. Passion. To be a children’s pastor one absolutely must have the passion for
it. If there is no passion in your work, why go to work at all? Especially with a
job like children’s pastor where the kids can clearly see if you care or do not. If
the kids get the feeling that you do not care, they will not care which will make
everyone life boring and will lose the attention of the kids, leading them
nowhere in their spiritual path.

Education needed to pursue my plan:

Must have a bachelor’s degree in ministry. Either major in children’s ministry
or go into pastoral studies with a concentration in children ministry.

❏ Courses/training/certificates
❏ Post-secondary requirements

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