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William: 38

Juliana: 37

Henry: 33

Michael: 55

Norman: 13

Elizabeth: 8

Sammy: 6

Charlie: 2

Juliana never wanted kids while William wanted a family. William, who had been
drugged by Juliana and forced to marry her, was not happy and would constantly
fight with Juliana about her drinking and smoking habits and abuse of Michael and
Norman. It came to a head when Juliana dropped a lit cigarette onto the couch,
causing the house to burst into flames, killing her and badly burning William, and
Norman, and causing Michael to have to go into emergency surgery to repair the
damage done to his legs by the 4th-degree burns.

Michael spent 14 months in a mental hospital as he tried killing himself several

times after his mother's death. He came home to find that Norman had been crushed
to death inside of Circus Baby, William had his head crushed by Fredbear while
cleaning out spilt oil in his jaw. Elizabeth was killed in a car crash, going on to
possess Eleanor after wandering as a spirit for a while. Henry was fixing Funtime
Foxy when the animatronic fell on top of him crushing his spine, one of his legs,
and part of his head.

Michael, being the only one of his family left alive and having such a fragile
mental state after his many suicide attempts, snapped, he murdered the Missing
Children, as he reasoned that if he couldn't have his family no one else could
either. The fit of insanity soon went away, and regretting what he did, he burned
the Missing Children's bodies as well as his own so the children could rest.

His agony for what he did, which kept him alive, infected his mind causing him to
go insane, forever being tortured by his mind. Despite this, he was forgiven by the
MC as they believe he suffered enough.

More information on each character:

William: Born to Logan and Clover Afton, he was the youngest of two siblings,
Evelyn, and Samson. He got along with his siblings, parents and grandmother Lydia
but not his grandfather Julian. He would lock William in a small cabinet and would
routinely abuse him, when they would watch him.

Julian would experiment on William and his oldest sister, Evelyn, with remnant
because "that was what naughty children deserved." Evelyn overdosed on sleeping
pills soon after the testing stopped. Samson died of tuberculosis at the age of 24,
and stayed in heaven. Logan and Clover were shot when they stumbled across Nathan
Emily's gang "The Bloody Ravens." William grew up with his mother's parents Dave
and Tina Davis, after his parents were killed.

Dave adopted Julliana after feeling pity for her. William and her grew up together
until they were 15 and she told him she liked him. He told her that he didn't feel
the same way and she did not take it well. He finally married her after she drugged
and kidnapped him for several months.

Juliana: Born to Dean and Georgia Schmidt, she was an only child of a single
father, as Georgia overdosed on painkillers when the nurse that was in charge left
to get her chart. Growing up her father was strict, however he was fair and
understanding as well. Juliana however, blamed him for her mother's death and
called the police to turn him in for "touching her" He was sent to jail while
Juliana was raised in a foster home where she continued to make accusations against
the other foster kids before she was kicked out onto the streets by her foster
mother, when Juliana tried to stab her in the leg for not buying her expensive

She was homeless for several years until she was taken in by Dave who felt pity for
her. She and William grew up together until they were 15 and she told him she liked
him. He told her that he didn't feel the same way and she did not take it well. She
stalked him throughout middle and high school, even drugged and kidnapped him for
several months.

Henry: Born to Harold and Mira Emily he had one older sister Natalie now Nathan, he
had a difficult relationship with his father and former sister, who would bully him
for being weak and stupid. He would spend most of his time with his mother,
learning how to cook, sew and anything else she would teach him.

He met William and Juliana in high school and fell for William instantly, but
thought that he and Juliana were together. So he never went after him. He married
Sarah Jonas and adopted Sammy from a single mother who would let men use him for
drug money. Sarah fell pregnant with Charlie soon after, but died in her eighth
month of pregnancy.

Henry threw himself into work to distract himself after Sarah's death, but never
neglecting his children, just himself. After Charlie's death, he became frantically
overprotective of Sammy to keep him safe but ended up hurting him instead to "keep
him safe" Aunt Jen ended up taking Sammy away leaving Henry alone. He made the
Charlie dolls to keep himself busy, while planning how to kill Juliana for taking
Charlie from him.

Michael: Was the result of an affair between Juliana and Dave (William's
grandfather). Juliana hid it from William as long as she could but told him as the
house was burning around them. He spent the rest of his life with the knowledge
that he was a bastard child, despite William telling him he still considered him
his real son as well.

Never bullied Lucas, but pretended to keep Juliana from hurting either of his
younger siblings. Helped William make C.B but neither intended the robot to kill,
this was because Nathan tampered with the mechanism that would later take Lucas's

He felt immense guilt for years after for not saving him or stopping Elizabeth from
running into the road. He took his pent up anger from that and the 14 months he
spent in a mental institution, and took it out on the missing children. After
killing them, he stuffed their bodies into suits and set them ablaze.

He was kept alive for 32 years in the saferoom, from immense agony and regret. He
finally broke out and went to find Lucas and Henry to try and fix something,
however he was scooped on night five and would continue to live, mostly due to the
remnant on the scooper but also from the fact that Ennard would patch his body up
with scrap metal to keep it's skinsuit in "working" condition. He later burned in
the fire that would give Henry, Charlie, Sammy, Lucas, and himself their "Happiest

Lucas: Samson's son, adopted by William after Samson died. Grew up believing
William and Juliana were his parents and Michael and Elizabeth were his siblings.
Got crushed inside C.B and choked to death on oil.

Forgives William and Michael for creating C.B. He has memory problems and forgets
who people are at times as well as his own name.

Very passive, however hates Juliana immensely but doesn't remember why.

Elizabeth: Another product of Juliana's cheating, this time from her and Henry.
William never questioned it as Elizabeth looked so much like Juliana. Was Juliana's
"perfect child" however she would hit or kick her when she got in her way or would
annoy her. Close with her brothers and would try to take hits meant for Michael or
Lucas when she could. Hates Juliana for what she did in the past and goes out of
her way to torture her any chance she gets. Vengeful and nihilistic at times but
mostly passive and kind.

Sammy: Was raised by a drug-addicted mother in the ghetto and would be used by men
his mother would bring into the house for drug money. Adopted by Henry and Sarah
when he was four. Loves his little sister and father, but wishes his mama Sarah was
still around. Taken in by Aunt Jen when his father became obsessive with keeping
him safe. Was torn apart by Eleanor as he was in the way of Aunt Jen and the robot
didn't care who it killed.

Charlie: Was born premature when her mother died. Wasn't brought home until a year
later due to complications from her birth. Was killed by Juliana as she was "the
reason William didn't love her anymore." Possesses the security puppet along with
Sammy who it found after Eleanor killed him and Aunt Jen.

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