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Psy632-Assignment solution


In New York, there is a counselor named Alex who is working with a client named Sarah.
Sarah has been coming to counseling for several weeks to work through issues related to
anxiety and depression. During one of their sessions, Sarah reveals to Alex that she has
been having an affair with a married colleague at work. Alex now faces several common
ethical issues in counseling

Now your task is to explain how the ethical principles given below are likely to be violated
in the above-mentioned counseling relationship. How can the counselor avoid indulging in
unethical practices?

1. Confidentiality
2. Dual Relationships
3. Beneficence
4. Non-maleficence.

Ethical principles likely to be violated:
1- Confidentiality:
Confidentiality is an important ethical principle in counseling, which requires the counselor to
keep the information shared by the client private (to not share anything about client with
another person however certain limitations or exceptions may applies).
In given case, said ethical principal likely to be violated if counselor Alex shares Sarah’s affair
with a married man with anyone else without Sarah's consent.
How can the counselor avoid indulging in unethical practices?

Alex should ensure that Sarah's disclosure remains confidential. Alex should discuss the
limitation of confidentiality with Sarah also it is essential for Alex to create a safe and trusting
environment where Sarah feels comfortable sharing her concerns.

Ethical principles likely to be violated:

2- Dual Relationships:
A dual relationship is a situation where multiple roles exist between a counselor and client i.e.
friendship, being a relative or business relationship with client.
In scenario above, it’s not mention whether there a dual relationship between Alex and Sarah
exists or not. If there is any dual relationship exist between them, then violation of dual
relationship will take place.
How can the counselor avoid indulging in unethical practices?
To avoid the violation if there’s any dual relationship present, Alex should refer Sarah to
another counselor. Alex should ensure professional boundaries are maintained at all times.

Ethical principles likely to be violated:

3- Beneficence:
Beneficence is an ethical principle that emphasizes acting in the best interest of the client and
promoting their well-being. In simple words, to do good, and promoting and contributing the
welfare of the client. 
In this case, Sarah is involved in an affair that can bring harm to her and to other people as well.
Consequences of this forbidden relationship may bring mental, emotional as well social damage
to her. And as a counselor, beneficence may be violated if Alex act on his impulse, make
judgment on her character and share it with Sarah, talk in manner in which Sarah may feel
unconcerned, not listened etc.
How can the counselor avoid indulging in unethical practices?
It is Alex duty to consider the impact of this behavior on Sarah, and Alex should aim to support
Sarah in making choices that promote her long-term well-being and ethical conduct.
Beneficence can be hold by Alex that may involve listen without judgment, be a safe place to
discuss the underlying cause of that affair with Sarah, discussing the harms that can bring this
affair, examining its impact on her mental health and emotional well-being, and exploring
alternative healthier coping mechanisms.

Ethical principles likely to be violated:

4- Non-Maleficence:
Non-maleficence refers to the ethical responsibility of the counselor TO DO NO HARM to the
In given case, multiple parties may get harmed including Sarah, her colleague and his spouse.
Non- maleficence may violate if Alex react in a way that cause emotional, mental harm to
Sarah. Also if Alex share that information to other without Sarah consent (that will also violate
confidentiality). She may also feel backstabbed and difficult to trust other mental health
How can the counselor avoid indulging in unethical practices?
To uphold non-maleficence, Alex should carefully make the counseling process less harmful.
This may involve discuss the consequence of Sarah relationship with her colleague, encourage
her to take responsibility of her action, guide her to make healthy choices.

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