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Written Test EPC April 2019

Selection CBM Country Office

Emergency Programme Coordinator
April 2019
Written Test

Welcome to CBM Ethiopia! You have been shortlisted for the position of
Emergency Programme Coordinator within CBM Country Office. Your CV has
been screened by the CBM Ethiopia Country Office and it has been positively
evaluated, matching the requirements for the position. Accordingly, you have
been invited to this written test.
Based on the evaluation of the written test’s results, upon achievement of a
sufficient score, you can be shortlisted for a face-to-face interview to be carried
out at CBM Country Office in the next weeks.

The written test will last 2.5 hours.

Please proceed to start the written test and Good Luck!


Candidate (name and surname): _____Asaminew kassa__________________

Email address: _________asaminew2004@yahoo.com____________________

Contact number: ____0912171792_______________________________

Starting time: ____9:15 AM_______ AM/PM

Written Test PA – December 2017

Introduction. At CBM Country Office, the Emergency Program Coordinator is

part of the Programme Team, led by the Programme Manager and composed of
Programme Officer, Programme Coordinators, each of them in charge of several
projects in different sectors. The Emergency Program Coordinator will support
the Country Office in the development, management and supervision of
programmes and projects supported by CBM in Ethiopia in the Humanitarian
sector, including Emergency, Post-Emergency and Food Security interventions,
in order to ensure adequate support to the implementing partner, as well as to
main donor agencies. Based on this fundamental assumption, please answer the
following questions.

1. What is your understanding about role of Emergency Program Coordinator?

(Max 5 lines – length will be evaluated)


Conduct needs assessment, situation analysis, stakeholder analysis,


Concept note and Proposal development, project monitoring and evaluation,

conduct assessment and report writing to donors. Stakeholder’s analysis and
donor mapping, attend meetings and workshops representing. Project follow up
and manage budgets, collaborate with stakeholders on appropriated project
implementation. Manage field staff, maintain donors and key stakeholder
relation, update internal team on the project progress and success and

2. What differentiates Humanitarian aid from development aid? List at least four
major differences.


Humanitarian Aid is time sensitive and can be a lifesaving action, requires the
collaboration of many stakeholders with huge investments/resource aspect.

3. List the four phases of comprehensive emergency Management/ disaster

management cycles and briefly explain each.


 Mitigation – An action that can be taken to prevent or minimize a

potential treat/risk/hazards

 Preparation – An action taken or preparation to responding to emergency


Written Test PA – December 2017

 Response – Ac action that can be taken to save life or prevent damages

during the emergency situation.

 Recover – Action taken for resilience /revert to the normal condition after
the emergency situation. Returning the community to norml

4. What are the three common principles for humanitarian actors, based in
international law/humanitarian charter?


Humanity, Neutrality, Impartiality and independence

5. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is important

in regards to Humanitarian work because: (max 5 lines – length will be


It promotes the participation of persons with disability on the issue it concerns

them, it promote the participation of person with disability in the planning,
implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of the project such as
humanitarian work. Further, inclusion highly emphasised in the document.



6. The Sphere handbook was designed only as a tool for technical experts when
they evaluate projects.

A) True B) False

7. Disability rights are a new category of human rights

A) False B) True

8. Please briefly describe three strategic methods/tools you would use to

effectively communicate within the Programme Team and with partner


Report, Emails, telephone, can be physically meet them

9. What time management strategies do you use to balance conflicting

responsibilities? (max 3 lines)

Written Test PA – December 2017


 Prioritize activities based on their urgency and importance

 Delegate/share responsibilities
 Request support from supervisor
 Work extended hours sometimes
 Outsource some of the activities

10. Please LIST the 5 main areas to which a sound project should be evaluated,
based on the developmental approach.

 Relevance
 Effectiveness
 Efficiency
 Sustainability
 Impact

11. Are you familiar with the Project Cycle Management? Could you please LIST
the various phases of the cycle in order?


 Problem identification
 Project formulation/conceptualization/Design
 Project implementation
 Project monitoring and evaluation
 learning

12. In the following groups of sentences, select the one sentence that is
1. The days are warm; however, the nights are cool.
2. It should be called to his attention.
3. The girl was an unusually beautiful child.
4. He performed the job easy and quick.

13. You are offered a choice of four words to complete the sentence. Only one
will complete the sentence correctly. Mark the answer sheet with the
corresponding number to that correct word.

Written Test PA – December 2017
___________of the clerks was instructed to do his own work.
1. All
2. Several
3. Some
4. Each

Written Test PA – December 2017
14. In the following group of sentences, select the one sentence that is
punctuated CORRECTLY. Mark the answer sheet with the number of that correct

1. The student who wins first place in the essay contest will also be
awarded a scholarship to the State University.
2. The student, who wins first place in the essay contest, will also be
awarded a scholarship to the State University.
3. The student who wins first place in the essay contest will, also, be
awarded a scholarship to the State University.
4. The student who wins first place in the essay contest will, also, be
awarded a scholarship to the State University.

15. In this type of question you are to select the name which would be filed
LAST if the name were in correct alphabetical order. (HIGHLIGHT THE RIGHT

1. Ernie P. Jones
2. Ernest C. Jenkins
3. Erma T. Jones
4. Ernest G. James

16. In the following groups of sentences, select the one sentence that is

1. The days are warm; however, the nights are cool.

2. It should be called to his attention.
3. The girl was an unusually beautiful child.
4. He performed the job easy and quick.

17. A department pays traveling expenses of $ 0.15 a mile for transportation,

$30.00 a night for lodging and $15 a day for meals. How much will be paid for a
300 mile trip requiring one day and one night? (HIGHLIGHT THE RIGHT

1. $135.00
2. $105.00
3. $ 90.00
4. $ 49.50

Written Test PA – December 2017
18. COMPREHENSION. “Records of certain kinds are of vital importance to every
business. Their loss by fire may mean the discontinuance of a "going" business,
even though other physical property of the business can be quickly replaced. In
general, it can be said that equipment designed for the protection of records
from loss by fire will also be adequate against burglary.”

According to the above quotation,

1. equipment that is adequate to protect loss of records from fire is

generally useless in prevention of burglary.
2. the loss of important records may mean that fire insurance cannot be
3. the continued existence of a business may be dependent upon
preventing the loss of important records by fire or from burglary.
4. business records have, in general, been very inadequately protected
from loss by either fire or burglary.

Written Test EPC April 2019
QUESTION 3) Please carry out the following exercise

CBM is planning to engage in a new partnership with the ARRA in Gondar. Main
areas of cooperation would be the food security intervention in highly
affected communities by flood. A 6-month project is going to be funded by
CBM Ethiopia.

Please describe the key elements of a possible intervention you would develop:
i) the objectives, expected results (max 3) and main activities
(related to expected results) you shall organise to cover the health
needs of the target areas;
ii) the institutional and non-institutional actors you may involve in the


 To contribute to the food security intervention through provision of food

support to flood affected community groups in Gonder.


 To improve the food provision to flood affected community groups

 To enhance the families health through drug and medicine provision

EXPECTED RESULTS (MAX 3 to be numbered)

 To improve the food provision of 150 HHs

 To enhance the health situation of 150 HH


connected with the Expected Results)

 Provide food ration, pulse and oil for 150 HHs

 Provide drug and medicine for two health posts
 Facilitate health education session for 150 HHs

Written Test PA – December 2017

Institutional and non-institutional actors

 Region, Zone and woreda administrations
 DRR, Food security , agriculture office
 Health office, Health centres
 DRR coordination committee
 Target communities
 Donor groups

Written Test EPC April 2019


CBM is implementing a project for a 12 months project (duration: from January to December 2016) titled “ Support
to health and WASH in four districts of Amhara Region” for a total budget of 656,316 Euro funded by CBM

Sheet A: As Emergency Programme Coordinator, you are asked to arrange the budget, in quarters, paying
attention to the following information:
1 All salaries have to be split evenly in 4 quarters
2.1 International travel: 2 trips are granted to the expatriate staff (I and IV quarter)
3 All costs have to be split evenly in 4 quarters
4.1 Hand-dug wells: 50% is carried out in the II quarter and 50% in the III quarter
4.2 Water reservoirs: 50% is carried out in the I quarter and 50% in the II quarter
4.3 VIP latrines: equally split in the four quarters
5.1 Medical equipment and furniture: 50% is purchased in the I quarter and 50% in the II quarter
5.2 Purchase of non-medical equipment: 50% is purchased in the I quarter and 50% in the II quarter
5.3 Uniforms and bed sheets: 50% is purchased in the I quarter and 50% in the II quarter
5.4 Drugs: 50% is purchased in the I quarter and 50% in the III quarter
5.5 Generator and 5.6 Vehicle: purchased in the I quarter
7.1 Office rent: it is all paid at the beginning of the year
7.2 and 7.3 Costs have to be split evenly in all quarters
8 Administrative costs are 8% of the sub total

Sheet B: As Emergency Programme Coordinator, you are asked to provide the partner with the request of
funds for the I quarter, based on the project’s budget. Please fill the form inserting the correct amounts in
correspondence with the budget headings. Please insert the total in digits and letters.

Sheet C: As you can see from the first two quarters’ expenditures, the project had some overspending in some
budget lines and some underspending in others. Please proceed as follows:
1) Calculate the total expenditures for the I and II quarter
2) Calculate the unspent balance between the amount approved for the first 2 quarters and the total spent
(column K and J)

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Written Test PA – December 2017

3) Plan the expenditures for the III and the IV quarters considering the actual rates paid (if different from the
original budget, for instance for salaries), the unspent balance (to be deducted from the III quarter request)
and the need to add Euro 18,010 to the budget line 4.1 Hand-dug wells, since there was a huge increment in
the costs of materials).
4) In the column “variance” you should have ZERO BALANCE.

Sheet D: As Emergency Programme Coordinator, you are asked to provide the partner with the request of
funds for the III quarter, based on the project’s budget. Please fill the form inserting the correct amounts in
correspondence with the budget headings. Please insert the total in digits and letters.
5) In the column “variance” you should have ZERO BALANCE.

Sheet D: As Emergency Programme Coordinator, you are asked to provide the partner with the request of
funds for the III quarter, based on the project’s budget. Please fill the form inserting the correct amounts in
correspondence with the budget headings. Please insert the total in digits and letters.

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Written Test PA – December 2017

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