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English Project Script

The employee's office phone rings.

Sales and Product Shipping Manager (Katherine Zelaya): Good afternoon,

thank you for contacting Latin Cheese, how can we help you.

Client (Angie Munguia): Good afternoon dear, I am contacting you because I

have just received my order and checking that the product was in the agreed
quality conditions, to be put on sale in my store, I have noticed that that the product
arrived rotten, so for obvious reasons I cannot put it up for sale, since it would
represent a danger to the health of my clients, and given that it was a considerable
investment of money, I wanted to see what solutions you would give me, because
the product arrived damaged and was still under your responsibility.

Sales and Product Shipping Manager (Katherine Zelaya): I am very sorry for
the loss of your product, but as a sales manager I am not authorized to provide any
solution to your problem, but if you like I can pass your call on to the manager, to
explain your situation, and manage to reach a solution that benefits both of them.

Client (Angie Munguia): I understand dear, yes, I would appreciate it if you

contact me your manager.

Sales and Product Shipping Manager (Katherine Zelaya): Ok, right now I'll pass
your call on to the manager.

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): Good afternoon, yasnery greets you, thank you for
contacting us, could you provide me with your full name and customer ID.

Client (Angie Munguia): Good afternoon, nice to meet you Yasnery, my name is
Angie Gabriela Munguia Gutierrez and my client ID is 03678.

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): okay, the system tells us that the order consists of the
following products: 150 pounds of cream cheese, 130 pounds of motsarella
cheese, 13,000 gallons of milk, it was prepared and shipped on 10/12/2022.
Client (Angie Munguia): Indeed, dear, that was my order, but I told your sales
manager that said order did not arrive in the agreed conditions, since it arrived
rotten, so I cannot put it up for sale in my local, and given that it represents a
considerable sum of money, I wanted to see what solutions could be provided for
this situation.

Manager (Yasnery): okay, let me contact the manager of the sales and product
shipping department to find a quick solution. I'll be in touch with you within 30 days.

Client (Angie Munguia): Perfect dear, I'll be on the lookout, thank you for
answering my call.
The manager communicates with the in Sales and Product Shipping Manager

Conversation with the sales manager

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): Good morning Ms.Katerine, I'm yasnery, I'm contacting
you since we had a problem with one of the orders placed by one of our clients,
since she assured us that the order arrived in a very bad state and I would like to
know if you made sure that the product was packaged correctly, that it was in the
correct conditions and that the means of transport was in optimal conditions.

Sales and product delivery manager (Katherine Zelaya): Good morning,

Yasnery, can you provide me with the customer's information?

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): Sure, give me a few seconds, her name is Angie
Gabriela Munguia Gutierrez and her customer ID is 03678.

Sales and product delivery manager (Katherine Zelaya): Ok, I'll check the
system right now.

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): Perfect.

Product Sales and Shipping Manager (Katherine Zelaya): Customer order was
shipped on 10/12/2022 and shipped 1,500 pounds of cream cheese, 1,300 pounds
of motsarella cheese, and 13,000 gallons of milk, this order especially me I was in
charge of preparing it personally, since it is one of the largest that the company has
had, and I made sure that it complied with quality standards and that the packaging
was in optimal conditions, as well as that the container was at the right
temperature, which was 4 degrees Celsius, I also told the carrier to constantly
check the temperature, since if it was not maintained at 4 degrees, the product
would be damaged.

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): Sounds good to me, so I'll contact the carrier to ask if
there was any problem during the journey to your destination. I also say goodbye
and thank him for his collaboration.
Sales and Product Shipping Manager (Katherine Zelaya): It's a pleasure to help
you, dear.

Conversation with the carrier.

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): Good morning Mr. Marcos, greets you yasnery, a few
minutes ago one of our clients called us and told us that the status of the order for
the products arrived in deplorable conditions, I am calling you to find out if you
complied with the measures of security and transport that the person in charge of
sales and shipment of products indicated, since we must provide a solution to the
client's situation and identify what has been the cause of the product being

Carrier (Marcos Caceres): Dear Manager, problems have recently arisen with the
transport equipment, specifically with the vehicles, these have failures in the
refrigeration system, which has caused some transported products to spoil. Prior to
this incident, the products had moved without any problem at the established entry
and exit times, and extensive stretches had been traveled without any setbacks.
Therefore, as a result of this we have sent the vehicle to be checked and repaired.

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): Well, in that case, why didn't you immediately notify the
company of the situation? Since as a result of that oversight as a company we are
finding ourselves involved in a problem with one of our clients.

Carrier (Marcos Caceres): I apologize for what happened, the reason why I did
not notify you is because I was not aware that the vehicle had that fault, I am only
in charge of making oil changes, or notifying the problems in pedals, rudder or
tires, without However, those who are in charge of checking the refrigeration part
and the internal part of the vehicle are maintenance, so since I did not receive any
notice in the last check, I assumed that it was normal for the refrigeration to take
time to cool, so I did not I saw as a problem.

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): I understand, thank you very much for your cooperation.
I will take note of what he told me.
Meeting of the Manager with the Sales Manager and the Carrier

The manager makes an appointment with the sales person and the carrier to
inform them of the corrective measures for the problem presented.

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): Good afternoon Ms. Zelaya and Mr. Caceres, I called
you today in order to inform you of the measures that the company will adopt so
that problems like the one that happened with our client Angie Munguia, do not
happen again.

Sales and Product Shipping Manager (Katherine Zelaya): Good afternoon, Ms.
Diaz. She considered that this meeting was necessary, since we cannot allow this
problem to happen again.

Carrier (Marcos Caceres): I agree with you Ms Zelaya, since this brings a bad
reputation for the company.

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): But first of all, as a company and given that the damage
to the merchandise has been our fault, the customer will be replaced with the lost
merchandise and a discount will be given for their next purchase, to prevent them
from He decides to cut relations with us because of what happened.

Sales and Product Shipping Manager (Katherine Zelaya): I think it's the best

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): And given that the replacement of the product to the
customer to a certain extent represents losses for the company, as a manager I
have made the decision to increase the price of the product to reduce the impact
that said loss would have on our profits, and To prevent this type of mishap from
occurring again, as a company we will implement a more rigorous process when
transporting the product, now the carrier has to constantly monitor that the
container maintains the temperature and that the means of transport not present
failures, and the sales person has to be monitoring in real time that the carrier is
carrying out the required supervision, so that when a problem arises it is detected
on time.

Sales and Product Shipping Manager (Katherine Zelaya): Understood Ms.

Diaz, in our next sale, we will apply the instructions given.

Carrier (Marcos Caceres): Understood Ms. Diaz, from now on I will take care that
the conditions of the means of transport and the container are optimal, and I will
maintain communication with the sales manager to verify that the temperature of
the container is what the product needs.

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): Perfect colleagues, I appreciate your presence and

willingness, this has been all for the meeting, you can return to your daily activities.
-Second part of the customer-manager conversation- providing the solution

After 30 days have elapsed, the manager calls the client

Customer's phone rings

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): Good morning with Ms. Munguia, this is Yasnery
speaking, the manager of latin cheese.

Customer (Angie Munguía): Ohh, nice to talk to you again, and tell me, did you
manage to find out what was the reason my product was damaged? Was it
something related to the container? or was there mishandling by the employee or

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): That's right Ms. Munguía, during this month I followed
up on her case and speaking with the sales manager and the carrier, I realized that
the problem occurred with the cooling part of the container, some what the carrier
did not notice, since at the time of placing the product in it, it was working correctly,
but during the journey it presented failures and as a result of this the product
arrived damaged.

Client (Angie Munguía): I understand, dear, you should implement a monitoring

process for your product during transport, to verify that everything with it is in
optimal condition, since it is a perishable product and any change in temperature
can damage it. Therefore, it requires great care when transporting it.

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): That's right Ms. Munguía, I talked about that with my
employees, internally we will make some changes to prevent problems like this
from happening again, as for the solution to your problem, we offer you the
replacement of your order and apart we will extend a 5% discount on the purchase
of our products, do you think?
Client (Angie Munguia): That would be the most correct thing, in relation to the
solution offered it seems to me that it is the best and I appreciate the discount
offered, as well as I appreciate that you have provided a quite satisfactory solution
to my problem, since your product has been one of the most sought after in my
store because of their quality, so I was worried about the idea of having to cut off
the relationship with you if you didn't provide me with a solution.

Manager (Yasnery Diaz): I am glad to know that the solution given seemed
satisfactory to you and again we are sorry for all the inconvenience caused, I
appreciate the trust you have placed in us.

Client (Angie Munguia): Thank you very much for attending and solving my
problem, that speaks highly of you and your company, happy afternoon.
Vocabulary by Angie Gabriela Munguía Gutiérrez

1. Money 2. Rotten 3. Danger

4. Container 5. Temperature 6. Store

7. Product 8. Clients 9. Worried

10. Transport
Cons Of The Project by Angie Gabriela Munguía Gutierrez
1. There is a lot of difficulty coordinating meetings
2. Some people in the group work more than others
3. Some people do not enter the meetings, which delays the group's work,
since one conversation depends on the other.
4. There is a lot of time wasted because of the lack of availability of some
colleagues, since wanting to advance, some people work on their
contributions individually, which sometimes does not match the contribution
of the other partner, so you have to rewrite the conversation, causing this,
loss of time, delays in the project and extra work for the other person.
5. Difficulty in maintaining a fluid Zoom meeting due to the poor connectivity of
some colleagues, so little progress was made when we had the meetings

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