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Qatar History and Citizenship Academic Year 2022 -2023

Grade 9 Term 1
REVISION 1 Lesson 1&2&3

Question 1: Choose the correct answer:

1. At the fifty-second session in 1997, the United Nations approved a resolution

taken by the General Assembly declaring the year:

A. 1998 AD International Year of Peace. B. 1999 AD International Year of Peace.

C. 2000 AD International Year of Peace. D. 2001 AD International Year of Peace.

2. We contribute to spreading the culture of peace through one of the following


A. Restricting education to certain categories.

B. Not allowing personal freedom.

C. Maintaining class differences between people.

D. Respecting the opinion of others and accepting differences and diversity

among human beings.

3. Hamad Bin Khalifa Civilization Center was established in the city of:

A. London

B. Doha

C. Rabat

D. Copenhagen

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Question 2:

What is meant by a culture of peace?

It is a set of values and behaviors that embody respect for the right to life, respect
for human beings and their rights, while rejecting violence in all its forms, and
adhering to the principles of democracy and justice.

Question 3:

1- Mention the fields of application of the culture of peace.

Political Field: It means full respect for the sovereignty and independence
of states
Social Field: The cooperation of members of society to achieve common
goals and interests.

2- Specify the principles of a culture of peace.



Acceptance of other and renunciation of violence:

3- What are the benefits of promoting a culture of peace?

1. People enjoy prosperity, security, and stability.

2. Building nations and developing institutions.

3. Increasing local and global production in various fields.

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4-Explain the efforts of the State of Qatar in spreading a culture of
1- Qatar established national institutions concerned with spreading the
culture of peace.

2-It also paid great attention to the education sector.

3- Qatar was one of the sponsors of the draft General Assembly resolution on
“Using sport to enable development and peace

5-What are the means of culture of peace?

Focusing on improving education
Achieving Sustainable development
Empowering young people and enhancing their creative talents
Strengthening social solidarity
Protecting of human rights
Consolidating of the principles of democracy

6- choose the correct answer:

1- Islam emphasizes the importance of………………among human beings.
A) war B) peace C) conflict
2- One of the means of spreading Culture of Peace is ……………………….
A) protecting human rights.
B) Achieving unsustainable development.
C) Strengthening the conflicts among countries.
3- The General Assembly of the UN declared the year ……………AD is the
International Year of Peace.

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A) 1997 B) 2001 C) 2000
4- Principles of Culture of Peace are justice, ………………… and acceptance of
A) tolerance B) patience C) forgiveness
5- Peace addresses the culture of peace through which people aspire to live in a
framework of …………………. and peace.

A) safety B) tolerance C) security

6- Fields of application of culture of peace are political field and ………………….
A) economic field
B) social field
C) educational field
7- We contribute to spreading the culture of peace through one of the following
A) Restricting education to certain categories.
B) Not allowing personal freedom.
C) Respecting the opinion of others and accepting
differences and diversity among human beings.
8- One of the benefits and gains which we will gain from a Culture of Peace is
A) People enjoy prosperity, security, and stability.
B) Damaging nations and destroying institutions
C) Decreasing local and global production in various fields.

9-Hamad Bin Khalifa Civilization Centre was established in the city of …………
A) London B) Doha C) Copenhagen

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10-……………………. field means full respect for the sovereignty and
independence of states.
A) Political B) Intellectual C) Economical

Choose the appropriate words and fill in the blanks.

(International -1997-political- nations- - Social -2014-educational -1998-

violence- national)

1- One of Qatar’s efforts to spread culture of peace is building national

2- One of the efforts of the State of Qatar in Spreading a Culture of Peace is
paying a great attention in educational sector

3-In 1998 The General Assembly of the UN declared the decade 2001 AD to 2010
AD is the international decade of Peace.

4- The fields of application of culture of peace are political and social fields.

5-In 1997 The General Assembly of the UN declared the decade 2000 AD year of
culture of Peace.

6- One of Qatar’s aims to establish national institutions is renouncing violence

7- Qatar established national institutions like Doha International Centre

8-Building nations and developing institutions is one of the benefits of spreading

culture of peace.

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9-Hamad Bin Khalifa Civilization Centre was Opened in 2014.

10- Social field is the cooperation of members of society to achieve common

goals and interests.

Fill in the blanks:

1- Culture of peace is a set of Values and behavior The embodies the

respect of the right to life, respect human beings, while rejecting
violence and adhering the principles of democracy and justice
2- One of means of spreading Culture of Peace is empowering young
people and enhancing their creative talents
3- The principles of culture of peace are Justice
, Tolerance and Acceptance of others and renunciation of violence
3- Hamad civilization center is the first Islamic center in Denmark

Put a tick ( ) in front of the correct statement, and a tick (× ) in front of the
incorrect statement

1-The fields of application of culture of peace are social and economic fields ( F )

2- Hamad civilization center was opened in 2014 ( T)

3-One of the benefits of spreading culture of peace is enjoying prosperity ( T )

4- Manner is one of the principles of culture of peace (F )

5-Culture of peace is a set of values and behaviors (T )

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1. The Qatar Committee for Alliance of Civilizations was established in:

a. 2010 b. 2012.

c. 2014. d. 2018.

2. Dialogue aims to unify the situations in important international


a. Religious. b. Cultural.

c. Political. d. Economic.

Explain what the meaning is of (Dialogue among Civilizations).

The peoples of the world with different cultures, races or religions
share their opinions and problems and determine the solutions to these
problems so that they can become acquainted, communicate, eliminate
the conflicts and positively interact in a civilized manner among the

Mention the Aims of the Dialogue among Civilizations.

 Stopping the deterioration in the relations between the different
poles that is resulted from the lack of respect for the opinion and
another opinion.
 Stopping the severe collapse of human rights practices and
violations against humanity.
 Reducing the gaps among the different civilizations.

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 Achieving the cultural movement and interaction among the
different civilizations.

What are the fields of Dialogue among Civilizations?

 The religious dialogue.
 The political dialogue.
 The economic dialogue.
 The cultural dialogue.

Clarify the foundations of dialogue among civilizations

 1. mutual respect for the other.
 2. equity and justice.
 3. Rejecting the intolerance and hatred.

What are the tasks of the National Committee for the

Alliance of Civilizations?
 Following-up the state’s contributions to the alliance of civilizations.
 Suggesting subjects for the studies related to the issues of the alliance of
 Supervising the organization of the meetings and forums of the alliance of

Choose the correct answer:

1- One of the foundations of dialogue among civilizations is …………………….
A. The mutual disrespect for the other.
B. The equity and justice.
C. Rejecting the tolerance.

2-One of the aims of Dialogue among Civilizations is…………………...

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A-Increasing the gaps among the different civilizations.
B-Stopping the severe collapse of human rights practices.
C-Devastating bridges of relationships and communication among people.

3- The Qatar Committee for Alliance of Civilizations was established in ……….


4- One of the fields of Dialogue among Civilizations is ……………………….

A. Economic dialogue
B. Educational dialogue
C. Social dialogue

5- One of the obstacles to dialogue among civilizations is Lack of complete

understanding of……………………… beliefs and situations.
A. Religious
B. Educational
C. Social

6- One of the obstacles to dialogue among civilizations is the influence of the

principles of………………….and the dominance of Western civilization.
A. democracy
B. globalization
C. peace

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7- ……………………………… aims to unify the situations in the important international
A. Religious dialogue
B. Political dialogue
C. Cultural dialogue

8- One of the tasks of the Qatar Committee for Alliance of Civilizations

A. Suggesting subjects for the studies related to the issues of the alliance of
B. Rejecting violence and hatred
C. Spreading peace and security

9- One of the influences of dialogue among civilizations is reaching the truth in

the various fields of the dialogue, ……………………………issues.
A. Political, educational, economic, or cultural
B. Political, educational, economic, or personal
C. Social, educational, economic, or cultural

10. One of the Influences of Dialogue among Civilizations is ……………………

A. Sharing the experiences in all aspects of life.
B. The advancement, cohesion, and prosperity of the society
C. all above

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Questions 1: Lesson 3
Choose the correct answer:

1. The State of Qatar was keen on joining the united nation organization for the
purpose of:
a. Enhance the economic development
b. Achieve the international cooperation
c. Facing the natural disasters
d. Strengthen social cohesion

2. The State of Qatar has lunched initiatives in the fields of:

a. Heritage and Culture
b. Politics and Economy
c. Health and Education
d. Environment and Pollution

Mention the most important Qatari achievements in the field of
international peace.
 Participation in peacekeeping forces.
 Contribution for resolve disputes in some Arabian countries
 Adoption HOPEFOR Initiative

Answer the following:
The State of Qatar’s Efforts in the Field of International Cooperation

 First: Counter Terrorism

 Second: International Peace

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1. What are the most important roles that The State of Qatar plays in
achieving the organization goals.
 Support efforts of administrative development
 promote and consolidate human rights
 Provide humanitarian relief
 Participate in the collective efforts and initiatives for addressing challenges
that face the world
 preservation of international peace and security.

2. Mention two of the most important effective participations of The

State of Qatar in the United Nations.
 Act as mediator for assistance in the international crises.
 Promote interfaith dialogue and support the United Nations alliance of
 Protect human rights inside and outside the state.
 Launch international initiatives in the fields of health and education to
contribute to prosperity of societies.
 Collaborate with Security Council and the other relevant organizations of
united nations that specialized in counter terrorism
 Working for achieve goals of sustainable development and provide
humanitarian assistance.

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