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Reading Comprehension Test


Read the text and look at the questions that follow it. In this reading comprehension, the questions are true or false.
Couple Sue TV Station

The couple banished from the hit "reality" series "Temptation Island" because they are parents
of a young child have sued the production company and Fox-TV for defamation, claiming that
producers knew about the toddler all along.
Ytossie Patterson and Taheed Watson claim in their Los Angeles Superior Court lawsuit that
producers edited an episode of the hit show to make it appear that they had concealed their status as
parents and then chastised them on the air in an "extremely condescending and humiliating manner."
A spokeswoman for Rocket Science Laboratories, the show's producers, referred calls
regarding the lawsuit, which was filed on Wednesday, to Fox, which said it would have a statement
"later in the day."
Patterson, 34, and Watson, 29, were among four couples sent last season to an island off Belize
in the Caribbean to film "Temptation Island," which separates the partners and sets each person up on
dates with attractive singles to see who will cheat.
Patterson and Watson were booted off the show midway through the season after the network
said it had discovered that they had a two-year-old child together, making their further participation
The couple claims in their lawsuit, which seeks unspecified damages, that they revealed the
existence of their child when asked during preliminary interviews with Rocket Science and were told
that that was "the wrong answer."
Patterson and Watson claim that "Temptation Island" producers decided that it would boost the
show's ratings if the child's existence were suddenly revealed during a broadcast.
During that broadcast, the couple claims, hours of conversation between them and producers
was edited and "manipulated" to create a false impression that they had kept their child secret.
"The footage was edited to exclude plaintiffs' responses to the producers questions and falsely
portrayed plaintiffs as mischievous and immoral (and that) they had in fact concealed the existence of
their own child and that they had nothing to say about it in the face of this disgraceful tongue-lashing,"
the lawsuit claims.

1. The four couples go on dates with each other to see what happens
2. The couple are suing for financial loss The court case is in the Caribbean
3. The court case is in the Caribbean
4.. The programme mentioned is successful
5. The couple say they had told Fox of the child.
6. The couple felt embarrassed by their treatment on the show.


Directions: For each of the questions 1–6 decide which of the answers (a, b, c or d) best complete the
statements on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text.
Everyone in the world knows The Beatles, a British rock music group, which
revolutionized popular music around the world in the 1960s by leading a movement in rock
music known as the British Invasion. From 1964 through 1969, the Beatles achieved
unprecedented popularity with 30 songs reaching the Billboard magazine top ten popular
music charts.
Formed in 1959, the Beatles were composed of four musicians born in Liverpool,
England: guitarist George Harrison, guitarist John Lennon, bassist Paul McCartney, and
drummer Peter Best. In 1962 drummer Ringo Starr (born Richard Starkey) replaced Best.
Influenced by American rock-and-roll artists of the late 1950s, such as Little Richard and
Buddy Holly, the Beatles styled their songs in the sophisticated manner of the American
tradition of popular music songwriting that peaked in the 1920s and 1930s. From the simple,
fresh style of their early songs, such as “I Want to Hold Your Hand” (1963) and “A Hard
Day’s Night” (1964), the Beatles progressed to innovative, experimental works culminating in
the album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967). Considered the first concept album
(songs unified by a common theme), Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band was also admired
for its haunting harmony and lyrics, unconventional musical phrases and rhythms, and the
integrated use of electronic music and the Indian sitar. Other Beatles’ albums include With the
Beatles (1963), Beatles for Sale (1964), Abbey Road (1969), and Let it Be (1970).
In 1970 the Beatles split up and each member pursued another musical career, either
as a solo artist or as bandleader. Despite individual successes, members were often approached
with requests to reunite, fueling wide speculation until John Lennon’s murder in 1980. The
Beatles won the Grammy Trustees Award in 1972 and the group was inducted into the Rock
and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988. In 1995 the first volume of a three-album retrospective of the
Beatles, Anthology, was released, accompanied by a television miniseries of the same name.
The Anthology album, which includes the previously unrecorded song “Free as a Bird”
(written by Lennon and recorded by the surviving band members during 1994 and 1995),
became one of the fastest selling albums in the history of popular music. The second album of
the series, Anthology 2, was released in 1996.
7. The words “the British Invasion” in line 3 most probably mean:
a) spreading of new ideas;
b) conquering a new land by the British;
c) a British attack on America;
d) putting something into a British vase.
8. It may be concluded from the passage that:
a) no one had managed to write famous songs before the Beatles;
b) the Beatles became popular by making music charts;
c) the Beatles composed about 5 songs a year.
d) the Billboard magazine writes on music;
9. The composition of the group:
a) was never changed; b) was the same for about 8 years;
c) needed changing regularly; d) required much time and effort.
10. It is implied in the passage that the Beatles wouldn’t have become famous had it not
been for:
a) the culture of a different country; b) a little man named Richard;
c) Ringo Starr; d) Hollywood.
11. The word “sophisticated” in line 9 can best be replaced with:
a) pervert; b) urban.
c) complicated; d) subtle;
12. It took the Beatles about … years to get to the peak of their artistic career.
a) 6; b) 4;
c) 2; d) 8.

(From: 'The New Dog's Life' by Barbara Koh, Newsweek January 13, 2003 )
icing: цукрова, глазур, глазурований; loiter: тинятися без діла,
fete: святкування, свято, іменини

The cake is homemade, decorated with "Happy Birthday Sophie" in red icing. We gather
around the 4-year old and sing the birthday song, but the camera isn't ready, so we sing again.
Cake comes with assorted flavors of ice cream. Sophie's friend Duncan grabs from another
little guest's plate, and the adults make them share. When it's finally time to open gifts,
Sophie's too tired to care.
Sophie's not a party animal, but she is a dog, as are Duncan and half the guests at the fete
arranged by Doggie Heaven, a Seattle bakery and boutique for canines. I'm visiting my
hometown after several years of living in Hong Kong, and I'm stunned by the contrast, at least
so far as it involves pups. In parts of Asia, many people still prefer to cook a dog than pet it.
But in America, man's best friend has never had it so good.
Dogs have moved from the doghouse into the master bedroom. In fact, these days they do
everything we two-legged Americans do: wear tuxes to weddings, go to day-care run by
people with M. A.s in educational psychology, loiter at bookstores, swallow Chinese medicine
and omega-3 vitamin supplements.
Choose the best variant:
13. Sophie's friend Duncan:
A. takes food off of one of the guest's dishes.
B. gives Sophie the biggest present.
C. .sings the birthday song to her.
D. falls into the cake and makes everyone laugh.

14. Sophie and half of the guests are:

A. reptiles.
B. felines.
C. canines.
D. paciderms.

15. The author's hometown is:

A. Hong Kong.
B. San Francisco.
C. Philadelphia.
D. Seattle.
16. In parts of Asia, dogs:
A. are trained to work in the circus.
B. are cooked and eaten.
C. are allowed to sleep in the master bedroom.
D. are used to pull wagons.

17. Which of the following is something that dogs in America don't do?
A. Wear tuxes in weddings.
B. Go to day care.
C. Smoke cigars.
D. Hang out in bookstores.
18. When Sophie is at last allowed to find out what the gift is...
A. she is too excited.
B. she takes it and plays with it.
C. she gets angry.
D. she is already indifferent.


"The Frogs Who Desired a King" by Aesop

A long time ago, when the frogs led a free and easy life in the lakes and ponds, they became
disgruntled because everyone lived according to his own whim, and chaos reigned. Consequently,
they gathered together and petitioned Jupiter to let them have a king who would bring order into
their lives and make them more responsible. Knowing how foolish the frogs were, Jupiter smiled at
their request and threw a log down into the lake.
"There is your king!" he declared.
This log made such a splash that it terrified the poor frogs, who dived under water and into the
mud. No one dared to come within ten leaps of the spot where it lay in stillness. Eventually, one frog,
who was bolder than the rest, ventured to pop his head above the water and watch their new king at a
respectful distance. When some others soon perceived that the log was lying stock-still, they began
to swim up to it and around it. At last they grew so bold that they leaped upon it and treated it with
the greatest contempt. Dissatisfied with such a tame ruler they immediately petitioned Jupiter a
second time to grant them a more active king. This time he sent them a stork, and no sooner did the
bird arrive than he began seizing and devouring them one by one as fast as he could. Devastated by
their new king, the frogs now sent Mercury with a private message to Jupiter, beseeching him to
take pity on them once more. But Jupiter replied that they were being justly punished for their folly
and that maybe next time they would learn to let well enough alone.

Questions (on your answer sheet circle + if the statement is true, — if it is false)
19. The original problem was that the frogs were bored without a king.
20.The frogs asked Mercury to take pity on them in their predicament.
21. Jupiter didn't live in the lake.
22. The frogs were most content when they were no longer scared of the log.
23.The frogs were needlessly scared of the log.
24. Jupiter knew what was best for the frogs.


(From: "Culture Notes: The Rest Dissing the West?" by Ron Javers, Newsweek January 20,
2003 )

Strolling amid the crowds of fashionably dressed people mostly under thirty out for a
Saturday night in Seoul, South Korea, I chanced upon a busy outdoor market where sidewalk
vendors had set up long tables piled high with CDs. A stereo was blasting out the latest Korean
rock. One song caught my ear and I decided on the spot to buy the CD as a present for my
twenty something American son. Back in New York, when I presented it to him, he stared
suspiciously at the Korean-language titles on the label and asked, "What's this? Some kind of
Korean folk music?"
"No, it's rock," I told him. "Korean rock. It's by Cool, the number one selling band in South
Korea." He was shocked, "I knew Koreans listened to American rock and British rock," he
said. "I guess I just didn't think their own bands would sell more than the Western imports."
Guess again. Not only do Korean kids prefer their own rockers, but so do Japanese kids,
Chinese kids, Russian kids and Egyptian kids. While rock is certainly an American invention,
and a big-selling import in many world markets, local music is still what the masses are buying
most of.
Chalk that encounter up to the BJ&M syndrome - that's blue jeans and McDonald's.
Sufferers from BJ&M syndrome seem to believe that because many people all over the world
like rock and roll, blue jeans, fast food and American movies; they are equally enamored of
American values and ideas about how the world works.

Questions (on your answer sheet circle the correct letter A, B, C, or D)

25. The band that sold the most records in South Korea is:
A. Sweet.
B. Cool.
C. Awesome.
D. Kole.

26. The person telling the story bought the music for his:
A. pre-teen daughter.
B. middle aged son.
C. young adult son.
D. teenaged daughter.

27. BJ and M stands for:

A. boots, jeans and mittens.
B. blue jeans and Macintoshes.
C. big jokes and McDonalds.
D. blue jeans and McDonalds.

28. Korean children like to listen to:

A. Korean music rather than other forms of rock.
B. folk music rather than other forms of rock.
C. American music rather than Asian music.
D. Asian music rather than Korean music.

29. Rock is:

A. an Armenian invention.
B. an Argentinean invention.
C. an American invention.
D. an English invention.
30 … have their own rock idols.
A. only Korean kids
B. not only Korean kids
C. People all over the world
D. only American kids.

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