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AY 2022-23 Subject : ENGLISH HW NUMBER : 1

Term : 1 Date of Issue : 08/09/2022 Due date of Submission: 11 - 15 Sep 2022

Name of the student : Year/Division : 9



Using commas to separate a long introductory phrase from the main clause.

Directions: Punctuate the following sentences with commas. (5Marks)

1. Having been told of the test John wondered when he would study.

2. Wading into the cool lake we found relief from the heat.

3. In the heat of a summer afternoon our air conditioner stopped.

4. After our game with Central High School our bus broke down.

5. Seeing the oncoming car weaving I slowed down.

Supply semicolons wherever necessary. (5Marks)

1. Exercising helps to keep you healthy and fit proper nutrition is also important.

2. Learn to use the semicolon properly your punctuation test mark will improve.

3. I like going fishing I don’t like putting worms on hooks!

4. Red is my favorite color I like wearing blue sometimes.

5. I don’t like doing homework my homework is always in math.

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