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Speaker: Derek Hannum, Chief Customer Officer

1. Finalized Food Safety Modernization Act Section 204(d)

1.1. Designated the list of “high-risk” foods as required by FSMA 204, know as Food Traceability List
1.2. Published recordkeeping requirements for high-risk foods.
1.3. Issued final rule on Traceability (FSMA 204)
2. Every time FTL products change locations, data has to be shared with receiver.
3. USDA Food Traceability Rule: Critical Tracking Events (CTEs) and Key Data Elements (KDEs)
3.1. Requires persons who manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods on FTL to maintain and
provide to their supply chain partners specific KDEs for certain CTEs.
3.2. Sent information varies depending on the type of supply chain activities.
3.2.1. Harvesting KDEs (RAC), includes location description for the immediate recipient,
commodity/variety of food, quantity and unit measure of the food, location description for
farm, name of field or growing area and other information identifying the harvest location
(for produce), date of harvesting, and reference document type and number.
3.2.2. Cooling KDEs, includes location description for the immediate recipient,
commodity/variety of food, quantity and unit measure of the food, location description for
where food is cooled, date of cooling, location description for the farm where food was
harvested, and reference document type and number.
3.2.3. Initial Packing (RAC), includes commodity/variety of food received, date food received,
quantity and unit measure of the food received, location description for the person from
whom the food is received, traceability lot code assigned, product description of the
packed food, quantity and unit measure of the packed food, location description for
where food is initially packed, date of initial packing, and reference document type and
3.2.4. Shipping KDEs (maintain and provide), includes traceability lot code for food, quantity
and unit measure of the food, product description, location description for the immediate
recipient, location description for the location from which food is shipped, date shipped,
location description for the traceability lot code source, and reference document type
and number.
3.2.5. Receiving KDEs, includes traceability lot code for food, quantity and unit measure of the
food, product description, location description for the immediate recipient, location
description for the location from which food was received, date received, location
description for the traceability lot code source, and reference document type and
3.2.6. Transformation
3.2.7. Traceability Plan, includes: Description of the procedures you use to maintain the records (format and
location of records) Description of the procedures you use to identify foods on the FTL that you
manufacture, process, pack, or hold Description of how you assign traceability lot codes to foods on the FTL. Statement identifying a point of contact for questions regarding your traceability
plan and records. If you grow or raise a food on the FTL, farm map must show the location and
name of each field (or other growing area) in which you grow a food on the
FTL, including geographic coordinates and any other information needed to
identify the location of each field or growing area. Update traceability plan as needed to ensure that the information reflects the
current practices and in compliance with the rule. Retain previous traceability plan for 2 years after plan is updated.

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