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Trainees' Guide:

1. Tim Fulcher's Corrections (See Chinese Help file):

 largehead atractylodes should be large-headed atractylodes

 stomachache should be stomach ache
 sweetflag should be sweet flag
 de-foaming should be defoaming
 cross-linking should be crosslinking
 cross-linked should be crosslinked
 paving should be spreading or any appropriate word (when applied to medicine
 anti-inflammatory should be antiinflammatory
 farm chemical should be agrochemical
 wt. % should be wt.% (without space)
 parts weight or parts should be pts. wt. (with space)
 formulas should be formulae
 heating in slow fire should be heating in low heat
 heating in medium fire should be heating in heat heat
 heating in large fire should be heating in high heat
 filtrating should be filtering
 homogenating should be homogenizing
 iron vitriol should be ferrous sulfate
 decoction should be extraction
 decocting should be extracting
 self-heal should be selfheal (a plant which refers to substance)
 kudzuvine should be kudzu vine
 hydrangeavine should be hydrangea vine
 azobisisobutyrynitrile should be azobisisobutyronitrile
 azodiisobutyronitrile should be azobisisobutyronitrile
 nano-particle should be nanoparticle
 nano-carbon should be nanocarbon
 nanometer carbon should be nano carbon or nanocarbon
 micro-organism should be microorganism
 gelatine (British spelling) should be gelatin
 glutin should be either gluten or gelatin depending on the usage
 liquorice (British spelling) should be licorice
 latent solvent should be cosolvent
 de-foaming should be defoaming
 milkvetch should be milk vetch
 substituted or unsubstituted should be optionally substituted
 triethoxy silane should be triethoxysilane
 silicon resin should be silicone resin
 silicon oil should be silicone oil
 compatilizer should be compatibilizer
 nanometer silica should be nano silica or nanosilica
 white carbon black should be silica
 nuclear shell layer should be core-shell layer

2. Commonly used acceptable acronyms (Refer to rulebook list):

 UV

Note: If one of them is already defined in the patent, kindly change it into acronym.

3. The ff patentee's terms should be replaced

 wherein should be where
 thereby should be thus or hence depending on the usage
 'herewith' can be removed or change into 'with'
 means in "e.g. rotor means or frame means" should be removed. rotor and frame
can stand alone without 'means'

4. There is no abbreviation for hours and minutes even when used as, e.g. kg/hour.
Seconds when used as '3 s' or '3 sec' should be written as '3 seconds', while m/sec or
m/s is acceptable.

5. rpm should be defined as revolutions per minute (rpm) and sccm as standard cubic
centimeter per minute
e.g should be e.g. (which stands for 'As an example'), i.e should be i.e. (which stands for
'That is to say' in other words) --- both letters with fullstop

6. For unfamiliar terms especially when dealing with specie names, you always need to
check Mr. Google to ensure that appropriate tags are applied.

7. Run the spell-checker in KPOGEN, run it again in WORD, and lastly, proofread your work
to make sure that it is free of any spelling errors.

8. Kindly omit the name of company that provides the Trade Name or Trade Mark.

9. Try to provide all the required acty kws for your given diseases and conditions in use and
adv sections. The acty field is only applicable for invention used for preventing or
treating diseases and conditions in human, plant and animals, with the exemption of
'Antifouling' which is applicable to any type of invention.

10. Botanist who discovered the species should be omitted. Botanist usually follows the
specie names, so kindly Google unfamiliar term to check if it refers to Botanist or not.
Kindly study Appendix VI of the rulebook.

11. Helpful CN QUERIES, Definitions for CHEMICAL FORMULAE and ACRONYM definitions
are provided in Chinese Help file.

12. If title is below the 75-char limit for new compound, kindly generate additional
information from the preparation

13. Kindly study Appendix XVIII - Coverage of Quantitative Data in the Title

14. The form of medicine such as granule, capsule or tablet should be indicated in use
section, e.g. <USE> Pharmaceutical composition in the form of granule, capsule or tablet
(claimed) used for treating cough.

15. Claim1: A medicine spray, which was prepared as follows: weighing....distilling,


16. Comment: In this case, your scope is medicine spray, not Preparation of medicine spray.

17. Title: Medicine spray used for treating stomach ache, prepared by weighing....distilling,

18. Novelty: Medicine spray is prepared by weighing....distilling, spraying...

19. <MAR>R=H;#X=O or S#x,y=0-100;#x=150; and#x+y=10-150.</MAR> Should be

<MAR>R=H;#X=O or S#x,y=0-100;or#x=150; or#x+y=10-150.</MAR>
Note: x, y have one or more definitions, so kindly use 'or'

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