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level 2 WORD LIST

Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
access noun [noncount] /ˈækˌses/ the right or opportunity to The internet gives us access to
have or use something that will many types of music.
bring you benefits
African adjective /ˌæfrɪkən someone who is African Hip-hop started in the African
American əˈmerɪkən/ American is from the U.S., but American community.
their family originally came
from Africa
album noun [count] /ˈælbəm/ a collection of several songs or Adele’s new album is really
pieces of music recorded as an good.
MP3 file, on a CD, etc.
anecdote noun [count] /ˈænəkˌdoʊt/ a story that you tell people The writer included some
about something interesting interesting anecdotes about
or funny that has happened to the place he visited.
artist noun [count] /ˈɑrtɪst/ a professional performer in Bob Marley was a reggae
music, dance, or the theater artist.
awful adjective /ˈɔf(ə)l/ used for emphasizing how I don’t like pop music. Most of
unpleasant someone or the songs are awful.
something is
band noun [count] /bænd/ a small group of musicians who The Rolling Stones is a very
play popular music such as jazz successful band.
or rock: can be followed by a
singular or plural verb
blues noun [noncount] /bluz/ a type of slow and sad music Blues music started in America.
that developed from the songs
of black slaves in the southern
border noun [count] /ˈbɔrdər/ the official line separating two Music crosses borders.
countries or regions
can’t stand phrase /kænt ˈstænd/ used for saying that a person I can’t stand classical music.
dislikes someone or something
very much
catchy adjective /ˈkætʃi/ a tune or phrase that attracts The hip-hop beat is catchy.
your attention and is easy to
characteristic noun [count] /ˌkerəktəˈrɪstɪk/ a particular quality or feature What are the characteristics of
that is typical of someone or that type of music?
classical music noun [noncount] /ˈklæsɪk(ə)l music written according to Most classical music comes
ˌmjuzɪk/ standard European forms or from Europe in the 18th and
structures by people such as 19th Centuries.
Mozart and Beethoven
combination noun [count] /ˌkɑmbɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ something that combines Musical fusion is the
several things combination of musical styles
to create a new style.
community noun [count] /kəˈmjunəti/ a group of people in a larger She grew up in a Jewish
society who are the same in community in New York.
some way

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Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence

constantly adverb /ˈkɑnstəntli/ always or regularly Music constantly crosses from
country to country.
country music noun [noncount] /ˈkʌntri ˈmjuzɪk/ a type of popular music based Country music is popular in the
on the traditional music of southern states of the U.S.A.
the southern U.S., usually
containing singing, guitars, and
cross verb /krɔs/ to go from one side of a Music crosses from language
border or line that separates to language.
places to the other side
dance music noun [noncount] /ˈdæns ˌmjuzɪk/ a type of music with a strong Many artists combine dance
beat for dancing to in clubs, music with other styles.
often involving a lot of
electronic production
electronic adjective /ˌilekˈtrɑnɪk/ involving the use of electronic Talvin Singh combines
equipment, especially electronic dance with classical
computers Indian music.
fact noun [count] /fækt/ a piece of true information There are lots of interesting
facts about the history of
fun noun [noncount] /fʌn/ an enjoyable activity I think singing pop songs is
fuse verb /fjuz/ when different styles, ideas, Many popular musical styles
designs, etc. combine to form have fused to create different
something new types of music.
fusion noun [count/ /ˈfjuʒ(ə)n/ a process in which different Musical fusion is a combination
noncount] styles, ideas, designs, etc. of musical styles.
combine to form something
general adjective /ˈdʒen(ə)rəl/ dealing with all areas of a What is the general topic of
subject or activity, rather than your presentation?
concentrating on a particular
genre noun [count] /ˈʒɑnrə/ a particular style used in This band brings different
movies, writing, or art, which musical genres together.
can be recognized by certain
good adjective /ɡʊd/ having the necessary qualities This song is really good to
dance to.
gospel music noun [noncount] /ˈɡɑsp(ə)l ˌmjuzɪk/ a type of Christian music Gospel music started in
influenced by soul and R&B churches.
that developed in the churches
African Americans went to in
the southern U.S. It is sung by
groups of singers who have
powerful voices.
happy adjective /ˈhæpi/ feeling pleased and satisfied Pop music is often happy
heavy metal noun [noncount] /ˌhevi ˈmet(ə)l/ a type of loud rock music Heavy metal is a kind of rock
that developed in the 1970s, music that is very loud!
played on drums and electric

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Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence

hip-hop noun [noncount] /ˈhɪp ˌhɑp/ a type of music that developed I listened to a lot of hip-hop on
among African American the radio.
musicians using rap and
samples (=short pieces of
recorded music or sound) that
are repeated and combined
with musical instruments
instrument noun [count] /ˈɪnstrəmənt/ an object such as a piano, What instruments can you
guitar, or drum that you use for play?
playing music
jazz noun [noncount] /dʒæz/ a type of music that developed I think jazz is repetitive.
in the late 19th Century in
which there is a strong, lively
beat and the players often
improvise (=make up the music
as they play)
Latin noun [noncount] /ˈlæt(ə)n/ a type of music from Latin Latin music originally started
America or influenced by music in countries like Mexico, Cuba,
from Latin America, especially and Brazil.
dance music such as salsa
loud adjective /laʊd/ used for describing a sound I don’t like loud music.
that is strong and very easy to
lyric noun [count] /ˈlɪrɪk/ the words of a song The lyrics of hip-hop have
good social messages.
mix verb /mɪks/ to combine things such as Rock and roll is the result
activities, ideas, or styles of mixing country music,
traditional blues music, and
gospel music.
narrow verb /ˈneroʊ/ to become or make something Narrow the general topic to a
narrower specific area.
native adjective /ˈneɪtɪv/ your native language or native That band performs songs
tongue is the first language both in English and in their
that you learn, usually in the native language.
country where you were born
nu- prefix /nu/ modern, or new: used Nu-metal artists like Korn and
especially with styles of music Linkin Park fuse heavy metal,
to show that they exist in a rock, and hip-hop.
different form from the past
old-fashioned adjective /ˌoʊld ˈfæʃ(ə)nd/ no longer modern or Isn’t jazz really old-fashioned?
playlist noun [count] /ˈpleɪˌlɪst/ a list of all the pieces of music What are your
played by a radio show or recommendations for a
radio station playlist?
pop music noun [noncount] /ˈpɑp ˌmjuzɪk/ a type of music, usually played I prefer pop music because it
on electronic instruments, that makes me feel good.
is popular with many people
because it consists of short
songs with a strong beat and
simple tunes that are easy to
remember. Pop music is often
simply called pop.
popular adjective /ˈpɑpjələr/ an activity, place, thing, etc. Many popular musical styles
that many people like have fused.
predict verb /prɪˈdɪkt/ to say what you think will Reading is faster and easier if
happen in the future you can predict what the text is
about before you read it.

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Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence

presentation noun [count] /ˌprez(ə)nˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ a formal talk in which you Write notes for your
describe or explain something presentation on notecards.
to a group of people
R&B noun [noncount] /ˌɑr ən ˈbi/ a type of popular music that The Red Hot Chili Peppers
African American musicians successfully mix rock, R&B, and
developed from blues and jazz. soul music to create their own
R&B is often called rhythm and style.
recommend verb /ˌrekəˈmend/ to say that someone or Lee likes jazz. He recommends
something is good and worth the new album by Jamie
using, having, or experiencing Cullum.
reggae noun [noncount] /ˈreɡeɪ/ a type of music that developed Reggae came from traditional
in Jamaica in the 1960s with African and Caribbean music.
songs about social and political
subjects and heavy bass
relaxing adjective /rɪˈlæksɪŋ/ pleasant and making you feel I like to listen to jazz in the
relaxed evenings; I find it really
repetitive adjective /rɪˈpetətɪv/ involving repeating the same I hate repetitive music.
action over long periods of
rock music noun [noncount] /ˈrɑk ˌmjuzɪk/ a type of music that developed I think rock music is exciting.
from rock and roll and uses a
heavy regular beat, electric
guitars, singing, and a tune
that is easy to remember
rock and roll noun [noncount] /ˌrɑk ən ˈ roʊl/ a type of music that was popular Rock and roll started in
in the 1950s and combined America in the 1950s.
simple blues structures played
on guitars with strong regular
beats. Rock and roll is also called
rock ‘n’ roll.
rural adjective /ˈrʊrəl/ relating to the countryside or Country music is the music of
in the countryside rural people in the U.S.A.
sample noun [count] /ˈsæmp(ə)l/ an example or small amount Search for “world fusion
of something that shows you music” on the internet to listen
what it is like to samples.
sensation noun [noncount] /senˈseɪʃ(ə)n/ an event that causes a lot of Psy became an international
excitement and interest sensation in 2012 with his song
“Gangnam Style.”
silly adjective /ˈsɪli/ not serious, important, or I find most pop songs just silly.
singer noun [count] /ˈsɪŋər/ someone who sings, especially Manu Chao is a French singer.
someone who sings well, or as
a job
soul music noun [noncount] /ˈsoʊl ˌmjuzɪk/ a type of African American I prefer soul music to rock.
music that developed in the
1960s, combining R&B with
pop, rock and roll, and gospel
styles. Soul music usually
has a strong beat and places
emphasis on singing. It is often
simply called soul.
specific adjective /spəˈsɪfɪk/ involving or relating to only Choose some specific details
one particular thing or type of to say about each point.

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Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence

style noun [count] /staɪl/ the way that someone writes Musical fusion can create
or produces music or art exciting new musical styles.
success noun [noncount] /səkˈses/ the fact that you are successful Musicians from all over the
in your career or profession, world have had great success
especially when you become in English-speaking countries.
rich, famous, respected, etc.
upbeat adjective /ˈʌpˌbit/ happy and positive because Pop music is upbeat.
you are confident that you will
get what you want
violent adjective /ˈvaɪələnt/ containing a lot of rough and Some rap music has violent
dangerous action lyrics.
vocal noun [count] /ˈvoʊk(ə)l/ the part of a piece of music The lead singer’s vocals were
that is sung excellent.

Useful Expressions
Useful Expressions Topic / Category Sample Sentence
I thought the music from … was great/ Talking about favorites I thought the music from Ireland was
fantastic. fantastic.
My favorite was … Talking about favorites My favorite was the music from Cuba.
My least favorite was … Talking about favorites My least favorite was the music from
… are a heavy-metal band. Talking about music icons Black Sabbath is a heavy-metal band.
I think … is a pop music artist. Talking about music icons I think Jessie J. is a pop music artist.
I find (classical music) really … Describing music I find classical music really relaxing.
I think (rock music) is … Describing music I think rock music is exciting.
The beat is … Describing music The beat is catchy.
The lyrics are … Describing music The lyrics are silly.
The tune is … Describing music The tune is repetitive.
To me, it’s … because it’s … Describing music To me, it’s great because it’s good for
I think we should talk about … Making suggestions for topics I think we should talk about a type of
Maybe we should talk about … Making suggestions for topics Maybe we should talk about music
We shouldn’t talk about … Making suggestions for topics We shouldn’t talk about playlists.

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