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Training and Development: Training and Development in HRM refers to systematic attempts to improve

employees' knowledge, skills, and capacities using a variety of instructional strategies and programs. It

attempts to enhance performance, encourage professional development, and synchronize people with

organizational objectives for long-term success.

Promoting employee rights and health & safety: Creating a work environment that preserves employees'

legal rights, supports fair treatment, and assures their physical and emotional wellbeing is a key component

of promoting employee rights as well as health and safety in HRM. It entails putting policies, processes, and

initiatives into practice in order to safeguard employees' rights, respond to issues, and uphold a safe and

healthy workplace.

Current strength of Training and Development: The acknowledgement of training and development as a key

factor in organizational performance is training and development's present competitive advantage in HRM.

Many businesses have made considerable investments in comprehensive training programs, enhancing

employee learning using cutting-edge techniques like e-learning, gamification, and virtual reality. Additionally,

HRM has been able to tailor and focus training initiatives thanks to the integration of data analytics and AI

technology, improving efficacy and results.

Current opportunity for development for employee rights and health & safety: Adopting technology and

automation is the present potential for progress in boosting employee rights and health and safety. Digital

solutions can be implemented to streamline processes, improve communication, and proactively identify and

address workplace health and safety concerns, resulting in a safer and more inclusive work environment.

Examples include employee self-service portals, automated reporting systems, and wearable devices.

Training and development are essential for an HR student to excel in their future career. Promoting employee

rights, health, and safety is essential for creating a positive work environment, fostering employee
satisfaction, and ensuring compliance with legal and ethical standards. Training and development and

promoting employee rights and health and safety have not had any impact on the student's career yet, but it

tends to have positive impacts on individual career growth, job satisfaction, and overall organizational

success. It is important to prioritize these aspects in HR professionals.

Improvement in training and development can be achieved by personalizing, evaluating, and incorporating

cutting-edge technology. Proactive measures, policies, communication, and ongoing monitoring are needed

to promote employee rights, health, and safety.

SMART goals for Training and Development:

Specific: Define the specific skills or knowledge areas that need to be addressed through training.

Measurable: Establish precise measurements or indicators to gauge the training program's efficacy.

Achievable: Ensure that the objectives may be attained given the available means and time.

Relevant: Align the training objectives with the strategic goals of the organization and the demands of the

individual's career growth.

Time-bound: Establish a deadline for completing the training objectives to instill a feeling of urgency and


SMART goals for Employee’s rights and health and safety:

Specific: Identify the knowledge or skill gaps that training is required to fill.

Measurable: Establish accurate metrics or indicators to determine the effectiveness of the training program.

Achievable: Ensure that the goals can be achieved given the resources and time at hand.

Relevant: Align the training objectives with the organization's strategic objectives and the requirements of

the individual's professional. Time-bound: Set a deadline for finishing the training objectives to establish a

sense of responsibility and urgency.

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