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Writing an e-mail (informal):

Hi Jonnie,
How are you doing? I thought I would write to let you know about some fantastic ideas for our
time together.
I just found out about the huge number of waterfalls and caves near your hometown and I got
say, I’m more than excited. I know it’s a short period of time, but maybe we could catch a
glimpse of those wonders.
Also, you mentioned in your previous letters about that annual music festival that happens to be
on our weekend and even if I’m not that fond on bagpipes, I think I’ll give it a try.
Write soon and let me know what you think. The clock’s ticking.
Cheers, Maria.

2. Writing an article:
Forgiveness: A MUST?
If we were to recollect the almost infinite number of times someone challenged or even
lost our trust, we would probably be drowned in a mass of disappointment and skepticism.
Needless to say, is forgiveness a must in social relations or we could just as easily manage
without it?
Let’s start with the undoubtful fact that each and every one of us is incapable of
maintaining another’s trust spotless. I am convinced you will understand what I am driving at by
saying that even though there are countless examples of apparently solid and legit bounds of
trust, reality proves that it is in one’s nature to possess secrets and to lie, no matter how
insignificant those acts may be.
Let’s just imagine some of the inconveniences if we were to never forgive those around
us. By envisioning an idealistic world where one is entitled to honesty and sincerity from all we
will only deceive ourselves and, in the same time, become prone to disillusion and solitude the
moment when we are struck by fierce reality.
We must not forget to point out that there are actions and words that, as hard as one
would attempt, could never be forgiven. Although forgiveness appeared along with the natural
instinct of self-preservation, the certain and undeniable fact is that the man is the cruelest
animal whose actions are sometimes unjustifiable.
To sum up, in most cases forgiveness could be seen as a must in order to maintain
sustainable and long-lasting relations between individuals. As Mahatma Gandhi said: “The weak
can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
3. Writing an opinion essay:
With the continual growth of our capitalistic society and the slight changes in the
economy that, nevertheless, maintain it on a steady route, the modern man finds himself bound
to a materialistic and manipulative economical system. Needless to say, could we detach
ourselves from the constant exterior needs or are we prone to remain in a strict dependency on
the countless small enterprises?
To begin with, nowadays society is based on a continuous flow of capital forasmuch that
the common individual is concerned only with the number of working hours and payment.
Consequently, one’s time and energy is focused on how to earn money for his needs and not on
how to fulfill them on his own.
Secondly, as anybody would guess, there are always cases of emergencies when no
matter how prepared you thought you were a certain missing item becomes indispensable.
Hence, the reason of 24-hour stores becomes crystal clear.
In contrast, some would say that one could get easily prepared days in advance and that
the common worker deserves the weekend off as many others businesses in the economy.
However, the cruel reality is that more than half of the workers in the food industry need extra
hours in order to provide for their families and in the majority of cases they barely break even.
Taking these points into consideration, I firmly believe that closing all shops for two days
together at weekends is not a solution unless it is followed by a raise of the worker’s salary. If
the buyer could get used with the system by simply making provisions for the weekend, the
seller would more than certain be affected by the lack of work.

4. Writing a formal letter:

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to complain about the future demolition of our town’s library for the construction
of a petrol station. As you are already aware, the reasons in favor of the library besides the
actual date of construction, which is late 19 th century, are multiple and the last necessity of our
small sized town would be another gas station.
Firstly, the building represents the legacy of our modest town. Built in 1895, the library served
as a cultural center for generations and helped construct an educated society in which literature
and science were seen as priorities.
Secondly, adding another petrol station to a town that already has four brings no benefits. With
the migration of our young in bigger cities in search of university education, the town’s
population is decreasing significantly. Hence, it is more than unnecessary to build another
I trust you will give this issue your urgent consideration and will take the above reasons into
account. Thanking you in anticipation for your cooperation on this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Maria Nucitescovici.
5. Writing an informal letter:
Dear Nate,
How are you doing? I thought I would write to convince you about the benefits of learning a
foreign language.
As you already know, English has become the second language for almost every state on the
globe. However, as I know your interests, I’d suggest German as the best variant for now.
This way, not only that you’ll be able to communicate with more people, but you’ll also increase
the chances of finding a job. Also, while travelling abroad a foreign language will prove itself
very useful especially in European countries.
I’m telling you, communication is the key of the future. Why don’t you give it a try?
Take care and write soon,

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