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-Subject: English
-Date: 22.03.2023
-Form: X
-Teacher: Guțol Anastasia
-Topic: Literary Focus. Learn to Love Yourself
-Type of the lesson: Mixed Lesson
-Time: 45 minutes

-Specific competences:
 Communicative Competence – Receiving written messages (Reading)
 Communicative and Pragmatic Competence – Producing oral messages and interactions (Speaking)
 Communicative and Pragmatic Competence – Producing written messages and interactions (Writing)
1. PWBAT describe the events in a text
2. PWBAT illustrate the main theme of the text
3. PWBAT define the unknown words in a text
-Strategies: Questions- Answers, Brainstorming, Reading / Listening , Translation, Analysing, Exercise
- Resources: blackboard and chalk, picture, book,text, copybook
„Working Together”, G. Chira, M. Dușceac, M. Gîscă, E. Onofreiciuc, M. Chira, an. 2012, Editura Arc
Stages of the Teacher’s and Pupils’ Activity Time Strategies/ Forms of Resources
Lesson Techniques activities
1.Warm-up Teacher enters the class greeting the students, and then T asks if 2 min Questions- Full-class blackboar
there are any absentees. Answers interaction, d and
Teacher checks the homework( Ex. 3 a,b page 50) T-S-S chalk

7 min
2.Introductio Teacher present a picture(Annex 1) and students should think and 7 min Brainstorming Whole class, T - picture
n say words associated with this picture. Ss
Pupils say 1-3 words
3.Presentatio T: Today we are going to learn about how to love yourself and the 15 min Reading / Listening book,text
n of the new topic is Learn to Love Yourself
content The teacher suggests the students to read the text Skin Deep(Annex Translation
Each student reads a line and translates.

4. Practice After reading the text, the teacher offers questions 5 min Questions- Contractual
T: Let's revise what would we had read: Answers work ,T - S
What is the text about?
Who is Karice?
What’s the name of her medical condition?
5. Provide Teacher and stundents talk about Karice's medical condition and 2 min Analysing Whole class, T -
feedback about her life. Ss
Students offers their feedback according to topic.
6. Assess Teacher presents the homework: Ex. 4 and 5 page 52 2 min Exercise Independent/ copybook
performance individual work ,
7. Closure Summarize the learning of the day 2 min
Annex 2
15-Year-old Karice Baker-Quow, from London, is a black girl who looks white.....
I cope with racism like all black people do. I guess I just get it from both sides. Fitting in with groups of friends has been really hard. In a way I know
how mixed race people feel. I’ve had black people say to me ‘You think you’re white’, and white friends say ‘You can’t hang around with us ‘cause
you don’t know how it is. You’re not white, you’re black.’ I want to think I can have a good time with everyone, white or black and that it doesn’t
matter as long as they are good friends.
I haven’t got a boyfriend at the moment or had one for a while.There is a boy in my year that I like and I told him recently. He gave me a cute, shy
smile. He’s hopefully going to the same college as me, so fingers crossed. I like boys who are slightly shy and sensitive ‘cause they don’t intimidate
me. I can’t stand gobby, arrogant boys. They’re usually the sort that get together with their mates and take the mickey.
In terms of culture I’m West Indian. I’m black, I love eating black food and listen to black music like soul and garage, although I don’t listen to just
that. I like a mixture really. I identify with West Indian traditions and values. Albinism has opened my eyes to that more. I’d never relax my hair as
people see it and know I’m black. If I looked, dare I say it, ‘normal’ I probably wouldn’t be as bothered about my hair but I kind of grasp on to that
identity I speak West Indian at home with my family like many black families do. In fact, sometimes I forget that my skin is a different colour to theirs
because they are so supportive and my albinism just isn’t an issue to them.
I used to tear myself up thinking, ‘Why do people say these hurtful things?’ Then I realised, I’m not unhappy with being an albino; it’s not an issue for
me. I realised if it wasn’t for other people’s negativity, there wouldn’t be a problem. They’ve made me lose my self-confidence but they’re not worth
it. I’m going to do A-levels and go on to university. I want to be a lawyer, so I’m going to be dealing with people and standing up in front of audiences
all the time.
If there are any readers who knew someone with albinism, I’d say don’t suffocate them with sympathy. There’s nothing worse than people feeling
sorry for you. And whether you’ve got albinism or not, you have to learn to love yourself. It sounds cheesy, but if you don’t then it’s easier for other
people to upset you. You’ve got to say, ‘I’m cool with myself and I don’t care what you think’. That’s what I’ve learnt to do.”

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