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Credit Units: 03

Course Code: MKTG721

2 0 0 2 3

Course Objectives:
An understanding of ways the firms can create and enhance the sources of value to the customer through value explorations and CRM value proposition
An understanding of the strategic framework of CRM
An understanding of CRM strategies in Sales, Marketing and Customer Support and familiarize with different CRM technology solutions.
Impact of CRM on customer experience, satisfaction and loyalty.
Using Customer Lifetime Value to Make Marketing Decisions.
Develop an understanding of recent developments in CRM usage in the social media

The students opting for this course should have complete knowledge of the course Marketing Management, The student should be able to appreciate the value
of integration of all the verticals of business for value maximization.

Course Contents/Syllabus: Weightage (%)

Module I : Introduction to CRM

Pre Industrial age, Industrial age, Service Economy age, Knowledge Economy 15
Age. Relationship Marketing Theory
Introduction to CRM, Transition from Product focus to Customer focus.
Relationship marketing and Value exploration and creation of value chain,

Module II : Introduction to CRM and its Fundamentals

Strategic framework of CRM – CRM continuum, Five generic interrelated process model, Strategic operational , 30
analytical model, Buttle’s CRM value chain
CRM Cycle,
Customer Segmentation as a prerequisite to CRM.
Types of CRM.
4Cs of CRM
 Difference between CRM and E-CRM
 Customer Touch points management
Module III : Managing different stages of CRM
Building Customer Relationships- Loyalty Ladder,
Bonding with Customers,
Customer Service/ Sales Profile Models.
Customer Acquisition Strategies,
Customer Retention
Customer Equity and Customer Metrics, calculating customer lifetime value and customer equity.
Customer loyalty, Loyalty ladder and Life time value
 Customer Complaint Management System
Module IV : Overview of CRM in service sector (B 2 C Market)
Service Business Characteristics and Classification 15
Service Recovery
Marketing of Services-Banking Industry, Retail Industry, Aviation Industry, Hospitality
Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry and Telecom Industry
CRM in Product Markets

Module V : Overview of CRM in B2B Markets

Importance of CRM in B2B 20
Markets, Key Account Management
Supplier-Channel Management
Internal CRM and Employee Management,

Module VI: Implementation of CRM 5

CRM Implementation Road Map,

CRM Roadblocks,
Future Trends: Usage of Social CRM by corporate.
Student Learning Outcomes:
After completion of the Customer Relationship Management course
The students would be able to identify the benefits of value creation for the customers.
Gained an understanding of key concepts , technologies and best practices of CRM
Be able to measure the customer equity and the importance of customer retention to the organization
Be able to analyze the different processes and design the strategic framework for CRM integration in the existing functions of the organizations.
Would be able to create a loyalty model for retention of the customers through increased interactions with customers.

Pedagogy for Course Delivery:

This class will be taught using a mix of theory and the case method. In addition to assigning the case studies, the course instructor will spend considerable time
helping the students understand the concept of CRM. Class participation and class discussion will part of the learning process. The instructor will help students
design the CRM structure for different sectors by giving assignment during the session of study.

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%) End Term Examination

30 NA 70

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term
(Drop down) Mid-Term Exam Project Viva Attendance

Weightage (%)
10 10 5 5 70

Text & References:

G Shainesh & Jagdish N Sheth, Customer Relationship Management-A Strategic Approach

Zikmund, McLEOD, Gilbert, Customer Relationship Management
J N Sheth, Atul Parvatiyar, G. Shainesh, 2001, Customer Relationship Management, Tata McGraw Hill
Brown, Stanley A 2001, Customer Relationship Management, John Wiley& Sons
Anderson, Kristin , 2002, Customer Relationship Management, Tata McGraw-Hill
Greenberg Paul, CRM at the Speed of Light, Tata McGraw Hill.
Required Article Readings

Journal of Marketing
Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management
Harvard Business Review

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