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4th Symposium on Space Educational Activities

Barcelona, April 2022

Design and optimization of a rocket structure following the requirements

for the European Rocketry Challenge (EUROC) to be fabricated using
additive manufacturing
Jordi Grau Rifà, ESEIAAT UPCSP Spain



Amateur rocket structures are usually made of composite materials, wood or aluminium, their internal
geometries and interfaces are usually restricted by the available manufacturing techniques. However,
with the appearance of the additive manufacturing sector new possibilities arise for the design of the
structures and its complexity.

In this paper a PA-12 and glass fibre composite structure for the Phobos rocket is designed which the
UPC Space Program aims to use to participate in the European Rocketry challenge. The Phobos rocket
structure is designed and optimized to be fabricated using additive manufacturing by Hewlett-Packard.
The structure is designed using a lattice approach to obtain a PA-12 skeleton which is then reinforced
with a skin of glass fibre composite.

Moreover, to obtain the desired structure an optimization methodology is set using a design loop in
which the critical section of the rocket is parametrically optimized to reach the equivalent traditional
structure performance. The structure is optimized in the size of the lattice geometry and in the thickness
of the skin as parameters. To do so, the critical load during the flight of the rocket is identified and
translated to the Nastran environment to run a parametric optimization of the structural model. The
optimized geometry is then extended to the rest of the rocket to obtain the overall optimized structure.
In addition, several analyses are conducted to validate the structure behaviour for the different load
cases. Finally, both the optimized critical case and the overall optimized structure are compared to
traditional design structures to obtain conclusive results about the use and limitations of the available
additive technology and its materials.

Rocketry, Students, Design, Optimization, Structure

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4th Symposium on Space Educational Activities
Barcelona, April 2022

Nomenclature which uses a lattice structure milled from

aluminium sheets for its fairings.
T Glass fiber thickness
N Number of triangles per perimeter 3. Methodology
BF Buckling factor (number of times
3.1. Work structure
over the critical buckling load)
Acronyms/Abbreviations The workflow for the thesis is the following:
EuRoC European Rocketry Challenge - First a critical case with a critical section
ESEIAAT UPC Escola Superior d’Enginyeries of the rocket will be set.
Industrial, Aeroespacial i - A traditional critical section will be
Audiovisual de Terrassa analysed and used as target for the
UPCSP UPC Space Program optimized critical section.
- The optimization process will be
HP Hewlett-Packard conducted to reach the performance of
1. Introduction the traditional design critical section.
- Both designs will be extended to the
This paper is based on the final master’s thesis
whole rocket.
which has the objective to design an optimized
- Several analyses will be conducted and
rocket structure which aligns with the
both rocket designs will be compared.
requirements of the Ares mission inside the
UPCSP [1] (UPC Space Program) frame. The 3.2. Critical load case
Ares mission aims to participate in the EuRoC
[2] (European Rocketry Challenge) competition, The critical load case used for the dimensioning
which takes place in Portugal using a new of the design is the buckling failure mechanism.
rocket called Phobos. The Phobos rocket A thin-walled elongated cylindrical rocket
design might use additive manufacturing structure could collapse under the loads
technologies to improve several aspects of the provided by the simulation department of the
rocket structure. The final master’s thesis aims Ares mission inside the UPCSP. According to
to optimize the rocket structure minimizing their simulations, the maximum loads occur
weight and comparing it to a traditional design during the ignition stage of the launch which
giving justification for the use of additive correspond to an axial load of 3000 N. This
manufacture techniques in the final rocket. value will be the dimensioning loads of the
2. State-of-the-art
It is worth to mention that due to the small
ESEIAAT [3] (UPC Escola Superior engine and short burn time of the rocket (around
d’Enginyeries Industrial, Aeroespacial i two seconds) no thermal loads are considered
Audiovisual de Terrassa) has always been in this study. The thermal isolation of the engine
involved in amateur rocketry with different paired with the thick aluminium wall of its mount
student associations. UPCSP has been are enough to not let heat reach the structure
developing several amateur rockets since 2016. considering the short burning time.
Traditionally, these rockets are made of glass 3.3. Critical section of the rocket
fibre, aluminium, carbon fibre and wood, with
either self-made engines or commercial ones. To size the structure and optimize correctly the
However, with new technologies such as most critical section of the rocket structure is
additive manufacturing those designs may be selected to be the payload bay, which
able to be improved. corresponds to a cylinder of 14 cm in diameter
and 90 cm of longitude. Is the most critical
Moreover, a lattice structure is sought to be section due to:
used in the solution explained in this paper,
several solutions can be found in the industry - Being the longest empty section of the
such as the ATG Europe [4], which provides rocket.
composite structure solutions for rockets or - Being the section needing more empty
satellites or the United Launch Alliance [5] space inside for the payload.

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4th Symposium on Space Educational Activities
Barcelona, April 2022

3.4. Design and Analysis methodology

Two design methodologies will be followed. The

traditional design with typical materials already
used by the UPCSP and the optimized design
which incorporates additive manufacturing and
its corresponding materials.

3.4.1. Traditional design

The traditional design has the characteristic of

having a thick skin on the walls of the rocket.
This skin typically withstands all loads on the Figure 2. Base triangle of the structure, in purple
rocket structure, and it is often oversized for the width of the beam and in black its height.
manufacturing purposes. The typical values
from past UPCSP rockets are: Several examples of similar functioning
structures can be found in the references such
- Three layers or two of glass fibre with a as the Lattice structure of a satellite designed
1:1 ratio in mass to epoxy resin. Applied by ATG Europe [4].
by hand lay-up.
- Interior parts made of wood or 3D Once the critical optimized section design is
printed PLA polymer. obtained the lattice structure will be extended to
- Interfaces between skin and interior the whole rocket to obtain the optimized rocket
geometries glued or joined by bolts. design. Additionally, a thin skin wall joined to the
lattice structure on its exterior will be designed
3.4.2. Optimized design to facilitate the hand-layup of the composite
The optimized design will be built of one skin of
glass fibre and an internal structure based on a 3.4.3. Analysis methodology
lattice distribution made of triangles. The
internal structure will be additive manufactured. The analysis is conducted using Beta Cae
Systems Ansa [5] as a pre-processor, MSC
The optimization procedure for the structure will Nastran [6] as a solver and Beta Cae Systems
be the following: Meta [7] as a post-processor.
- Model with N triangles. Two sets of analysis will be conducted for the
- Parametric optimization of the designs:
thickness of the glass fibre skin, the
width, and the height of the beams of - Analysis for the critical section and
the triangles. optimization of the critical section.
- Linear buckling analysis on the - Analysis for the general traditional
optimized structure. rocket design and the optimized rocket
- Comparison with the traditional design. design.
- Iteration loop to match the performance
of the traditional design. The different analysis under which both rocket
- Final N triangle optimized critical designs will be submitted are:
section model. - Strength analysis: In which the static-
The triangles in which the structure is formed strength failure mechanism is
are the following: simulated.
- Modal analysis: In which the dynamic
failure mechanism is simulated.
- Linear buckling: To simulate part of the
buckling failure mechanism.
- Non-Linear buckling: To simulate the
non-linear part of the buckling failure

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4th Symposium on Space Educational Activities
Barcelona, April 2022

For the optimized design to be considered 4. Results and Discussion

usable all the analyses results must be on par
The results will comprise of the most relevant
with the traditional ones, which will be used as
results and comparisons between the following
a target for the performance of the optimized
- Traditional two-layered critical section
Moreover, a local deformation will be introduced
and different N triangle optimized
into both critical section models to understand
critical sections to obtain the best
the structural behaviour in front of possible
optimized critical section.
irregularities in the hand lay-up or
- General comparison between the
manufacturing process, this deformation will be
traditional and optimized final critical
induced into the model displacing the mesh
- 4 mm deep local deformation at half
3.5. Materials length of the critical section between
both cases.
There are two types of materials used in this - Traditional design rocket and optimized
design. design rocket linear buckling, non-
linear buckling, modal analysis, static
3.5.1. Composite materials analysis, and masses comparison.

The composite materials used in this analysis The optimization process was set with a target
are a glass fibre and epoxy composite. For its critical lineal buckling load of 30 KN, which
modelling the rule of mixtures [8] is applied. corresponds to the critical load of the traditional
design for two glass fibre layers (Factor of
𝐸𝑐 = 𝑓𝐸𝑓 + (1 − 𝑓)𝐸𝑚 (1) security of 10 over the design load).

Where: When comparing the results to the traditional

section for a linear buckling analysis is
𝑓= (2) obtained:
𝑉𝑓 +𝑉𝑚
Traditional and Optimized critical sections
In Eq. 2. 𝑉𝑓 and 𝑉𝑚 are the volume fraction of 34000
fibre and matrix respectively. In Eq. 1. The 32000
Critical load (N)

Young Modulus is calculated using the Young 30000

modulus of both materials and the volume 28000
fraction 𝑓 of Eq. 2. In a similar way the density, 26000
compressible and tensile strength and poisson 24000
number are also calculated. 22000
The glass fibre used by UPCSP is a E-glass V- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
twill of 165 grams per square meter [9] and the Weight (kg)
Epoxy resin for hand-layup laminates [10]. The
volume fraction used for the design is of 67% of Figure 3. Comparison between the two-layers
fibre and 33% of matrix. traditional design and the optimization process
of the critical section.
3.5.2. Other materials
For the critical section in Figure 2 the
For the traditional design the other materials to optimization process shows a reduction of mass
be modelled are: maintaining the same critical load ending up on
the 24-triangle configuration with a total mass of
- Aluminium 3003 with its mechanical 0.32 Kg which will be the used configuration for
properties [11]. the general optimized rocket.
- PA12 with its mechanical properties
provided by HP (Hewlett-Packard) [12].
- PLA, used for common 3D printing [13].

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4th Symposium on Space Educational Activities
Barcelona, April 2022

Figure 4. N=24 triangle configurations for the

optimized design.

4.1.1. Traditional and optimized critical

section comparison Figure 6. CAD model of the optimized rocket

For both the traditional two-layer design and the 4.2.1. Linear buckling analysis
24 triangles optimized design are compared. Table 3. Comparison between traditional and
optimized rocket designs under linear buckling
Table 1. Comparison between final optimized analysis.
critical section and two-layer traditional critical Traditional Optimized
section design design
T (mm) Triangles Mass (Kg) Max. BF (Buckling 6,744 13,076
(Width x Lineal factor)
height, mm) Load (N)
Traditional 0.50 - 0.17 3.18E+04
Optimized 0.25 3.1x1 0.32 3.03E+04 4.2.2. Non-Linear buckling analysis
Table 4. Comparison between traditional and
4.1.2. Global and local deformations optimized rocket designs under non-linear
buckling analysis.
The 4 mm deformation is induced in the model Traditional Optimized
design design
at half length of the critical section displacing Max. Von Misses 11.9 0.7
mesh elements: stress (MPa)
Max. Disp. (mm) 0.2431 0.0121

4.2.3. Modal analysis

Table 5. Comparison between traditional and
optimized rocket designs under modal analysis.
Traditional Optimized
design design
First mode (Hz) 50.00 32.63

Figure 5. Displaced elements on the mesh with a

depth of 4 mm. 4.2.4. Static analysis
For both cases a non-lineal buckling analysis is Table 6. Comparison between traditional and
launched obtaining: optimized rocket designs under static analysis.
Traditional Optimized
Table 2. Comparison between Traditional and design design
Optimized critical sections with a 4 mm deep Max. Von Misses 25.7 21.0
deformation under non-linear buckling analysis. stress (MPa)
Model Max. Non-lineal load (N) Max. Disp. (mm) 0.3428 0.3276
Traditional Crit. Sect. 13200
Opt. Crit. Sect. 17400
4.2.5. Masses
Table 7. Comparison between traditional and
4.2. General rocket model
optimized rocket designs masses.
Traditional Optimized
The two-layer traditional design rocket and a design design
N=24 Optimized design are compared under Total mass (Kg) 11.13 11.96
several analysis.
5. Conclusions

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4th Symposium on Space Educational Activities
Barcelona, April 2022

There are several sets of conclusions which can reach higher quality standards than hand made
be extracted from the design of the rocket parts, which increase the reliability and safety of
discussed in this paper. the mission.

The optimized critical section did not reach the References

performance of the traditional one. Weighting
[1] UPC Space Program. Visited 18 Mar.
more and making it unfeasible to reach due to 2022, from
the low Young modulus of the PA12. The
optimized design however is better at [2] European Rocketry Challenge. Visited
withstanding local deformations, making it less 18 Mar. 2022, from
prone to failure under irregularities even though [3] UPC Escola Superior d’Enginyeries
that both designs struggle to withstand them as Industrial, Aeroespacial i Audiovisual de
expected. Terrassa. Visited 18 Mar. 2022, from
From both final rocket designs several points
must be raised. First the optimized rocket [4] ATG Europe. Visited 18 Mar. 2022, from
behaves with a much higher BF than the
traditional one, this could be explained due to [5] Beta CAE systems ANSA. Visited 18
the increased thickness of the wall because of Mar. 2022, from https://www.beta-
the beams of PA12.
The non-linear buckling analysis results are not [6] MSC Nastran, Visited 18 Mar. 2022,
conclusive enough to extract significant
conclusions. However, both designs withstand msc-nastran
the maximum load.
[7] Beta CAE systems META. Visited 18
The modal analysis shows a variation in the Mar. 2022, from https://www.beta-
values. These values will be used for the
UPCSP team to ensure that no excitation
frequency matches the first mode of the design. [8] Science Direct. Visited 18 Mar. 2022,
The static analysis is similar in both designs,
showing that both could withstand the maximum gineering/rule-of-mixture-equation
loads. Additionally, the optimized design has
lower deformations. [9] V-Twill 165 Gr SARGA. Visited 18 Mar.
2022, from
Finally, the mass difference is greatly reduced
in the context of the whole rocket, making it vidrio-o-carbono/tejidos-siliones/v-twill-
almost similar for both designs. 165-gr-sarga-100cm.html
Besides the analysis the conclusions can be [10] Resina Epoxi. Visited 18 Mar. 2022, from
extended to the Ares mission inside the
UPCSP. It must be considered that several epoxi/resina-epoxi-estandar/
manufacturing issues arise from the hand-layup
of the composite material. The already existing [11] Aluminium 3003. Visited 18 Mar. 2022,
strength of the skeleton of the optimized design from
creates an easier work environment. It is not
possible to hand-layup one single layer of glass minium-Alloy-3003-0-Sheet_59.ashx
fibre properly, thus making all designs
[12] HP 3D printing materials. Visited 18 Mar.
202 from
The additive manufacturing approach allows for
complex geometries to appear in the design. F.aspx/4AA7-7085EEW.pdf
When updating the optimized rocket with the
[13] What is PLA? Visited 18 Mar. 2022 from
interior interfaces for the payload, electronics,
etc. the additive manufacturing allows for much
convenient solutions. A standardized
manufacturing procedure allow the rocket to

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