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Application started
12:04:06.611: (I) 2276: OS version: "Windows 10 Version 2009"
12:04:06.611: (I) 2276: Kernel version: "10.0.19044"
12:04:06.611: (I) 2276: CPU architecture: "x86_64"
12:04:06.611: (I) 2276: Build ABI: "i386-little_endian-ilp32"
12:04:06.611: (I) 2276: Executable: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Icecream PDF
12:04:06.611: (I) 2276: BuildVersion: "2.6.3"
12:04:06.611: (I) 2276: DisplayVersion: "2.63"
12:04:06.611: (I) 2276: IceDesktopApp headers: 1.36
12:04:06.611: (I) 2276: PID: 4572
12:04:06.611: (I) 2276: Main thread id: 2276
12:04:06.611: (I) 2276: Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling: true
12:04:06.611: (I) 2276: Qt::AA_DisableHighDpiScaling: false
12:04:06.611: (I) 2276: Qt Screen 0: primary, winScale: 125%, pixelRatio: 1.25,
logDpi: 96, phyDpi: 113.561, log/phy: 85%, geometry: {x:0, y:0, w: 1536, h: 864}
12:04:06.611: (I) 2276: Touch devices: 1
12:04:06.611: (I) 2276:
12:04:06.689: (I) 2276: IceTranslator::IceTranslator() : Translations
directory: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Icecream PDF Editor/translations" , file prefix:
"icepdfeditor" system locale: "en_AG"
12:04:06.705: (W) 2276: IceTranslator::translate() : Can't translate:
LocaleName not found: "en_AG"
12:04:06.705: (W) 2276: IceTranslator::translate() : Can't translate:
LocaleName not found: "en_AG"
12:04:06.705: (I) 2276: IceTranslator::translate() : App translation
applyed. Locale: "en"
12:04:06.705: (W) 2276: IceTranslator::translate() : Current
LocaleName is the same as requested: "en"
12:04:06.705: (I) 2276: IceApplication::showSplash() : Previously saved
screen number: 0
12:04:06.705: (I) 2276: IceApplication::showSplash() : Working
geometry: QRect(0,0 1536x864)
12:04:06.705: (I) 2276: IceStyleManager::IceStyleManager() : Init
StyleManager done
12:04:06.705: (I) 2276: IceStyleManager::setCurrentStyle() : Set current
style: "__Style"
12:04:06.705: (I) 2276: IceStyleManager::setCurrentStyle() : Default app font
was changed to QFont(Segoe UI,-1,14,5,50,0,0,0,0,0)
12:04:06.705: (W) 2276: StampsModel::readFromFile() : Cant open "C:\\
Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Icecream\\Icecream PDF Editor\\stamps.dat" for
reading. Try to create standard stamps.
12:04:06.705: (W) 2276: StampsModel::Private::createStandardStam: Create standard
12:04:12.657: (I) 2276: IceSplash::Private::onMinDurationReached: Splash min wait
time is reached and app is ready. Show existing mainWindow or create it
12:04:12.657: (I) 2276: IceSplash::Private::onMinDurationReached: Main window
still not exists
12:04:12.657: (I) 2276: IceApplication::prepareNetworkAccessMana: Init SSL
libraries: begin
12:04:12.704: (I) 2276: IceApplication::prepareNetworkAccessMana: Init SSL
libraries: done, elapsed time: 37 msec , Enabled: true , Version: "OpenSSL 1.1.1h
22 Sep 2020"
12:04:12.704: (I) 2276: SX::init() : PDFCore file: OK
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Icecream PDF Editor\\pdfcore-x86.dll"
12:04:12.704: (I) 2276: SX::init() : PDFCore file: OK
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Icecream PDF Editor\\pdf-xpansion.pds"
12:04:12.704: (I) 2276: SX::init() : PDFCore file: OK
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Icecream PDF Editor\\pdf-xpansion-cjk.pds"
12:04:12.704: (I) 2276: SX::init() : PDFCore file: OK
"C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Icecream\\Icecream PDF Editor\\sx.dat"
12:04:12.814: (I) 2276: SX::FontsHelper::Private::initDefaultFon: Default font:
"en_US" FontInfo(PS: Calibri, LF: Calibri, DN: Calibri, F: (400, 0, 5), OF:
QSet(FontFlags(400, 2, 5), FontFlags(400, 0, 5), FontFlags(700, 2, 5),
FontFlags(700, 0, 5)))
12:04:12.814: (I) 2276: SX::FontsHelper::Private::initDefaultFon: Default font:
"en_US-bold" FontInfo(PS: Calibri-Bold, LF: Calibri, DN: Calibri, F: (700, 0, 5),
OF: QSet(FontFlags(400, 2, 5), FontFlags(400, 0, 5), FontFlags(700, 2, 5),
FontFlags(700, 0, 5)))
12:04:12.814: (I) 2276: SX::FontsHelper::Private::initDefaultFon: Default font:
"ja_JP" FontInfo(PS: YuGothic-Regular, LF: Yu Gothic, DN: Yu Gothic, F: (400, 0,
5), OF: QSet(FontFlags(400, 0, 5), FontFlags(700, 0, 5)))
12:04:12.814: (I) 2276: SX::FontsHelper::Private::initDefaultFon: Default font:
"ja_JP-bold" FontInfo(PS: YuGothic-Bold, LF: Yu Gothic, DN: Yu Gothic, F: (700, 0,
5), OF: QSet(FontFlags(400, 0, 5), FontFlags(700, 0, 5)))
12:04:12.814: (I) 2276: SX::FontsHelper::Private::initDefaultFon: Default font:
"ko_KR" FontInfo(PS: MalgunGothic, LF: Malgun Gothic, DN: Malgun Gothic, F: (400,
0, 5), OF: QSet(FontFlags(400, 0, 5), FontFlags(700, 0, 5)))
12:04:12.814: (I) 2276: SX::FontsHelper::Private::initDefaultFon: Default font:
"ko_KR-bold" FontInfo(PS: MalgunGothicBold, LF: Malgun Gothic, DN: Malgun Gothic,
F: (700, 0, 5), OF: QSet(FontFlags(400, 0, 5), FontFlags(700, 0, 5)))
12:04:12.814: (I) 2276: SX::FontsHelper::Private::initDefaultFon: Default font:
"zh_CN" FontInfo(PS: MicrosoftYaHei, LF: Microsoft YaHei, DN: Microsoft YaHei, F:
(400, 0, 5), OF: QSet(FontFlags(400, 0, 5), FontFlags(700, 0, 5)))
12:04:12.814: (I) 2276: SX::FontsHelper::Private::initDefaultFon: Default font:
"zh_CN-bold" FontInfo(PS: MicrosoftYaHei-Bold, LF: Microsoft YaHei, DN: Microsoft
YaHei, F: (700, 0, 5), OF: QSet(FontFlags(400, 0, 5), FontFlags(700, 0, 5)))
12:04:12.814: (I) 2276: SX::FontsHelper::Private::initDefaultFon: Default font:
"zh_HK" FontInfo(PS: MicrosoftJhengHeiRegular, LF: Microsoft JhengHei, DN:
Microsoft JhengHei, F: (400, 0, 5), OF: QSet(FontFlags(400, 0, 5), FontFlags(700,
0, 5)))
12:04:12.814: (I) 2276: SX::FontsHelper::Private::initDefaultFon: Default font:
"zh_HK-bold" FontInfo(PS: MicrosoftJhengHeiBold, LF: Microsoft JhengHei, DN:
Microsoft JhengHei, F: (700, 0, 5), OF: QSet(FontFlags(400, 0, 5), FontFlags(700,
0, 5)))
12:04:12.814: (I) 2276: SX::FontsHelper::Private::initDefaultFon: Default font:
"zh_TW" FontInfo(PS: MicrosoftJhengHeiRegular, LF: Microsoft JhengHei, DN:
Microsoft JhengHei, F: (400, 0, 5), OF: QSet(FontFlags(400, 0, 5), FontFlags(700,
0, 5)))
12:04:12.814: (I) 2276: SX::FontsHelper::Private::initDefaultFon: Default font:
"zh_TW-bold" FontInfo(PS: MicrosoftJhengHeiBold, LF: Microsoft JhengHei, DN:
Microsoft JhengHei, F: (700, 0, 5), OF: QSet(FontFlags(400, 0, 5), FontFlags(700,
0, 5)))
12:04:13.017: (I) 2276: SX::init() : Catch
getContent: false
12:04:13.017: (I) 2276: SX::init() : Sdk library init
done. Version: ""
12:04:13.298: (I) 2276: DebenuService::init() : Debenu lbrary
init done
12:04:13.298: (I) 2276: DefaultsProvider::DefaultsProvider() : Defaults loaded:
12:04:13.298: (I) 2276: DefaultsProvider::DefaultsProvider() : - opacities:
12:04:13.298: (I) 2276: DefaultsProvider::DefaultsProvider() : - pens:
12:04:13.298: (I) 2276: DefaultsProvider::DefaultsProvider() : - brushes:
12:04:13.298: (I) 2276: DefaultsProvider::DefaultsProvider() : - recent
colors: (QColor(Invalid), QColor(Invalid), QColor(Invalid), QColor(Invalid),
12:04:13.298: (I) 2276: DefaultsProvider::DefaultsProvider() : - eraser:
12:04:13.298: (I) 2276: DefaultsProvider::DefaultsProvider() : - content
chars: CharFormat{"Calibri", non-bold, non-italic, canToggle(bold, italic), Sz:
11, #000000, Align-Undefined}
12:04:13.298: (I) 2276: DefaultsProvider::DefaultsProvider() : - annot chars:
CharFormat{"Calibri", non-bold, non-italic, non-underlined, canToggle(bold, italic,
underline), Sz: 11, #ff0000, Align-Left}
12:04:13.564: (!) 2276: QWindowsFontDatabase::fontDefToLOGFONT: Family name
'Bahnschrift SemiBold SemiCondensed' is too long.
12:04:13.579: (!) 2276: QWindowsFontDatabase::fontDefToLOGFONT: Family name
'Bahnschrift SemiLight SemiCondensed' is too long.
12:04:15.423: (W) 2276: FontFamiliesComboBox::Private::fillCombo: Fonts popup fill
is too long. Elapsed time: 2006 ms, processed: 128 from 297
12:04:15.423: (I) 2276: FontFamiliesComboBox::Private::fillCombo: Clear already
calculated button sizes is done in 0 ms
12:04:15.751: (I) 2276: FontFamiliesComboBox::Private::fillCombo: Fonts combo
adjust size is done in 322 ms
12:04:15.782: (I) 2276: ActionsProvider::triggerAction() : Trigger action:
Enums::ActionType::NavBar_ShowTab , userData: QVariant(Enums::NavBarTab,
12:04:15.782: (I) 2276: IceSplash::setMainWindowIsReady() : Main window was
created. Finish splash using MainWindow2(0x43c1d48)
12:04:15.813: (I) 2276: IceWindow::Private::onScreenChanged() :
MainWindow2(0x43c1d48) initial pixel ratio: 1.25 initial screen: QScreen(0xfb74a0,
12:04:15.829: (I) 2276: ActionsProvider::triggerAction() : Trigger action:
Enums::ActionType::Help_Intro , userData: QVariant(Invalid)
12:04:16.155: (I) 2276: LicenseService::licenseFile() : License full
path: "C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Icecream\\Icecream PDF Editor\\
12:04:16.155: (!) 2276: LicenseService::loadLicenseInfo() : "License file
not found: C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Icecream\\Icecream PDF Editor\\
12:04:16.157: (I) 2276: AssocFilesHandler::Private::isDefault() :
QueryCurrentDefault( ".pdf" ) suceeded, result: "Acrobat.Document.DC" isDefault:
12:04:16.157: (I) 2276: Updater::Updater() : Instance created
12:04:21.308: (I) 2276: Updater::checkForUpdates() : Get actual
version number from "
12:04:21.745: (I) 2276: Updater::Private::onReplyFinished() : Server response:
12:04:21.745: (I) 2276: Updater::Private::onReplyFinished() : Compare
versions. server version: "2.63" current version: 2.63 result: 0
12:05:06.576: (I) 2276: MainWindow::onActionTriggered::lambda() : Intro finished
12:05:12.516: (I) 2276: ActionsProvider::triggerAction() : Trigger action:
Enums::ActionType::File_Open , userData: QVariant(Invalid)
12:05:59.828: (I) 2276: Application::openPdfFiles : Entering 'Open
pdf files: C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/ot0.21.pdf'
12:05:59.828: (I) 2276: DocWrapper::DocWrapper : Entering
'Create document: C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/ot0.21.pdf'
12:05:59.828: (I) 2276: DocWrapper::DocWrapper() : Trying to
load document from file: "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/ot0.21.pdf"
12:05:59.828: (I) 2276: DocWrapper::DocWrapper() : Document
size: 29471
12:05:59.828: (I) 2276: ProgressDialog::ProgressDialog() : Instance
created: Dialog_Progress(0x103fdd90)
12:05:59.828: (I) 2276: DocWrapper::DocWrapper() : Current
progress dialog visiblity: false
12:05:59.828: (I) 7964: DocWrapper::{ctor}::lambda() : Entering
12:05:59.982: (I) 7964: DocSecurity::DocSecurity() : Document
contains no security parameters
12:05:59.982: (I) 2276: DocWrapper::createViewerHostWidget() : Create
viewer for document
12:05:59.982: (I) 7964: DocWrapper::init : Entering
'Init document: ot0.21.pdf'
12:05:59.982: (I) 7964: DocWrapper::init() : Get
viewable representation
12:05:59.997: (I) 7964: DocWrapper::init() : Load
document into viewer
12:05:59.997: (I) 7964: DocWrapper::init() : Doc
creator: "FastReport (" producer: ""
12:05:59.997: (I) 7964: FormsToolMode::FormsToolMode() : Form
fields count: 0
12:05:59.997: (I) 7964: DocWrapper::init() : Load
12:05:59.997: (I) 7964: DocWrapper::init() : Load
12:05:59.997: (I) 7964: DocWrapper::init() : Load
12:05:59.997: (I) 7964: PagesModel::PagesModel() :
Thumbnails tread pool max thread count: 1
12:05:59.997: (I) 7964: DocWrapper::init() : Misc
12:05:59.997: (I) 7964: DocWrapper::init : Leaving
'Init document: ot0.21.pdf'. Elapsed time: 2
12:05:59.997: (I) 7964: DocWrapper::{ctor}::lambda() : Leaving
'LoadDocFuture'. Elapsed time: 166
12:05:59.997: (I) 2276: DocWrapper::DocWrapper() : Load doc
finished OK DocWrapper(ot0.21.pdf)
12:05:59.997: (I) 2276: DocWrapper::DocWrapper : Leaving
'Create document: C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/ot0.21.pdf'. Elapsed time: 168
12:05:59.997: (I) 2276: Application::registerDocWrapper() : Notify
document created: DocWrapper(ot0.21.pdf)
12:05:59.997: (I) 2276: ViewerHostWidget::Private::checkDpiChang: Viewer host
DPI changed 120
12:05:59.997: (I) 2276: ToolModesProvider::setCurrentToolType : Entering
'Change tool from Enums::ToolType::Null to Enums::ToolType::ContentSelectTool '
12:05:59.997: (I) 2276: AbstractToolMode::ensureSxViewerToolMode: invoke
sxViewer->set_ToolMode( SX::Viewer::tool_mode_page_content ) because current
sxToolMode is SX::Viewer::tool_mode_none
12:05:59.997: (I) 2276: AbstractToolMode::onSxToolStateChanged(): SxTool
changed: SX::Viewer::tool_mode_page_content
12:05:59.997: (I) 2276: ToolModesProvider::setCurrentToolType : Leaving
'Change tool from Enums::ToolType::Null to Enums::ToolType::ContentSelectTool '.
Elapsed time: 0
12:05:59.997: (I) 2276: DocWrapper::markInitialized() : Global init
12:05:59.997: (I) 2276: Application::setCurrentDocWrapper() : Notify current
doc changed to: DocWrapper(ot0.21.pdf)
12:06:00.029: (I) 2276: Application::openPdfFiles : Leaving 'Open
pdf files: C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/ot0.21.pdf'. Elapsed time: 201
12:06:13.686: (I) 2276: ContentToolMode::onLeftMouseDown : Entering
'LeftMouseDown: ContentSelectTool, SX::Viewer::tool_mode_page_content,
SX::Viewer::tool_pc_mode_select, toolPage:4294967295, clickedPage:0, zone:None'
12:06:13.686: (I) 2276: AbstractToolMode::ensureSxToolPage() : SetToolPage: 0
12:06:13.686: (I) 2276: ContentToolMode::onLeftMouseDown : Leaving
'LeftMouseDown: ContentSelectTool, SX::Viewer::tool_mode_page_content,
SX::Viewer::tool_pc_mode_select, toolPage:4294967295, clickedPage:0, zone:None'.
Elapsed time: 0
12:06:14.089: (I) 2276: ContentToolMode::onLeftMouseDown : Entering
'LeftMouseDown: ContentSelectTool, SX::Viewer::tool_mode_page_content,
SX::Viewer::tool_pc_mode_select, toolPage:0, zone:None'
12:06:14.089: (I) 2276: ContentToolMode::onLeftMouseDown : Leaving
'LeftMouseDown: ContentSelectTool, SX::Viewer::tool_mode_page_content,
SX::Viewer::tool_pc_mode_select, toolPage:0, zone:None'. Elapsed time: 0
12:06:17.586: (W) 2276: IceUi::showWaitCursor() : UI is locked
12:06:17.588: (I) 2276: Application::setCurrentDocWrapper() : Notify current
doc changed to: DocWrapper(null)
12:06:17.591: (W) 2276: IceUi::hideWaitCursor() : UI is unlocked
12:06:17.718: (I) 2276: main() : App event loop
finished, flush metrics
12:06:17.719: (I) 2276: main() :
MetricSender::WaitForSendAll() finished, quit app
12:06:17.763: (I) 2276: SX::unload() : Sdk library free
12:06:17.778: (I) 2276: IceApplication::~IceApplication() : App is finished
12:06:17.880: (I) 2276: Updater::~Updater() : Instance

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