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Every Christian Life is a life of God on earth.

At our rebirth (Born again) we were given the God kind of

life which is eternal life - Jn1:12. John 3:3,5,16. We are empowered to be children of God that carry God
life around.- 1 Jn 3:2,9. We have His SEED in us that must be allowed to grow into maturity to HIS
fullness- Eph 3:19, Col 2:10.

We must be ready to live God kind of life here on this Earth.

As a Christian we are to know who we are and live to the fullness of our identity in Christ.- Eph 4:24.

Let's study who we are through the following subjects.

*1. Christian Life is a life of Miracle.*

*2. Christian Life is a life of Mystery.*

*3. Christian Life is a life of Mastery.*

1. Every Christian that live his/her life below miraculous life has not known why he was admitted/called
into the Kingdom of God - Isaiah 8:18. We are all for signs and wonders.

Our daily life must speak of miracle.

Do you know that it is a miracle for you to live as saint daily. To remain faithful to the Master till end. To
live without sin daily. Not to lie, not to cheat, to keep the gift and garment of Righteousness given to us
by our Master unstained till eternity.

It is a miracle to please our Father daily.

To overcome temptation daily, even the one tied to our neck, (hope you remember our brother Joseph
with Mrs. Portiphar.) You remember the lifestyle of Daniel and the other three Hebrews brother in
Babylon and Persia & Medes.

We are called to live a miraculous life as a Christian.

Also, living a miraculous life is living in the midst of sinners and *Sin* without sinning, it baffles the
people of worldly people. Living a blameless life even in this crooked and perverse generation - 1 Peter

Obtaining victory in all circumstances over all battles of life daily is a life of Miracle.

Helping others in need, when we are in need is a life of Miracle. Healing the sick and performing
miracles are all a proof of a miraculous life. And many more. Jesus spoke in the prophesy of Isaiah that
He and all His children (Are you among them?) are for signs and wonders (i.e. miracle)

Are you living not up to all of these. Then check your life.

You are either ignorant that you are for Signs and Wonders or you are not among His Children.

1. The life of Miracle is a mark of God's approval as we see it in the life of our Master. - (Read Acts2:22).

2. It is also a mark of God's withness over our lives. Hebrews 2:4.

Don't look for miracle it follows all those that God has approved as His Children.

Jesus expects is to perform a greater signs and wonders than all he performed when in human body on
Earth :- John 14:12.

Mention Some of the miracles performed by Jesus and put yourself in the same shoe with him. We can
do all things through Christ that strengthens us.

If you are among them, you have to know this and start living it. Whatsoever our Master is called that's
who we are. He's called WONDERFUL. Whao! That's your name. People must see your lifestyle and say
this is wonderful. Anything not upto this is questionable.

You are born to live a life of miracle.

Are you living a life of miracle?

There are two categories of people who are not living it.

1. Those that are ignorant that they are for signs and wonders. They don't allow God to work in and
through them. 2. Those that are not born again. Life without Christ.

Into which category do you fall to?

You see, without Christ you cannot live like miracle on earth.

To live a miracle life in this generation, you need the Man called Miracle. He gives the life of miracle to
live above this world.

Since life begets life. So, you need Christ, the *Life*.

Without Him you can do nothing. As a branch cannot bear fruit without the stem and root (the body of a
tree), so you also. You are just a branch that must be engrafted / attached to the tree to bear the fruit
God expects from you.

Check your life are you in Christ? Then where is the fruit? Do you want to bear the fruit of holiness, of
the Spirit, of righteousness, of good work and of winning souls for our Master? Check these scriptures:-
Galatians 5:22,23; Colossians 1:10, Philippians 1:11, Ephesians 5:9

Do you want people to see you as Miracle/wonder. Then get engrafted to Christ the true vine that gives
the fruit by giving your life to Christ.

Today can be your day.

If you want to be born again just come to Christ and tell Him, I am sorry for it took me so long not to
realise all you have done for my salvation and living a life of miracle on earth. I thank you for forgiven all
my sins, also thank you for coming to me today through and washing me with your words. I come as a
sinner today to become a saint that live a life of Miracle. I believe with my heart that you are my Lord
and Savior that suffered for all my sins even to the point of paying all my eternal debt with your blood
and went to grave for me, all this for me and you rose up for my justification, I believe and I confess it
according to your word (Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and
shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Now I'm saved
by your Grace. Then pray that Jesus should baptise you with His Holy Spirit today. Congratulations! If
you have sincerely done this.

You can now be beating fruit through Him.

Other two subject may be treated come another day.

Your humble brother (the poor in the spirit that needs more always from our Father.) Isaac T. Adebisi.


We blessed our Faithful Father who has given us both the keys of the kingdom of God and to know the
mystery of the Kingdom of God.

We were able to check the first part of what a Christian Life connotes under the revelation of our Father
using three (3) Ms i.e. *Life of Miracle.*

Though, the revelation of God's word is dynamic and inexhaustible. We can't exhaust any revelation
given to us. We keep the rest 12 basket that remain till another moment that we shall be opportuned to
share it.

Now, we come to the second part; *Christian Life: A Life of Mystery.*

Some of the mysteries of being a Christian.

*(1.) *Born Again* Every one that is born again is born of God.

Nicodemus said to our Master, "how can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into
his mother's womb and be born?

The language spoken by our Master that said, "Truly, truly, I say unto you, unless a man is born again he
cannot see the kingdom of God", was a mystery to Nicodemus. Don't forget he first saw the life of our
Master itself as mystery. He went to him by night (he could not sleep) after pondering over the life and
ministry of Jesus and settled it, that this is a mystery that must be unveiled to him. He went to know the
mystery behind Christ's life and his ministry. He said, "Teacher, *we* know that *you* are a *teacher
from God*, for *no one can do these signs* that you do unless *God is with him* - John 3:2. Then, Jesus
went straight to the point and told him that being born of God is the mystery behind His life and

Are you born again? You can't live upto the standard of God (which is a mystery), except you are born

Let's consider the following points.

(A) *We* who are these we? The teachers of the law then. They interpret the law. They believed, they
have the final authority over the law. Which means they've held a meeting as religion authorities, all
about *this different/unique man* called Jesus and concluded "this must not be ordinary. There is
something behind this man which is *supernatural*". Then Nicodemus went further and concluded, "I
must make my findings".

(B). *You*, that is Jesus. The you here pointed out the uniqueness of Jesus among them. Now, let's
check the uniqueness of Jesus here. (a) Born of God (b) Born of the Spirit (c) Led by the Spirit.

(a) *He was *born of God* i.e. born again - (Many don't believe this),- Hebrews 1:5; 5:5, Isaiah 9:6.

If you want to be unique and special you must be born of God.

(b/c) *He was *Born and Led by the Spirit* - Jn 3:5, 6, Luke 4:18.

Have you been baptised by the Holy spirit?

Is He the one leading you? - Rom 8:14.

(C) The third point to consider in this verse is, *"Teacher from God"*. They all knew that Jesus did not
teach them the laid down rules, or religion ethics / doctrine. But, he taught mysteries of God's kingdom.
The mind of God - John 7:16, 8:28, The truth and not human doctrine or denominational ethics, not laid
down rules by any religion leader or founder - Matthew 7:29, 15:9; 22:16.

When handling the Scripture, how do you read it? How do you interpret it and what meaning do you
give to it? Is it the Holy Spirit that gives the interpretation through the scripture? (The Scripture
interprets itself).

Now, are you a teacher from God? The teacher from God teaches Christ alone and His Kingdom. If you
are not born of God, and of the Spirit and Led by Him, you can't be one of the teachers of the Kingdom
of God.

(4) ' *No one can do these signs* -

There are things on earth that a mere mortal man cannot do by his strength except by the Spirit of God.
It is not by your power but by His Presence (His Spirit).
Except you are born of the Spirit you cannot live a Supernatural and an exceptional life on earth. 'That
which is born of the Spirit is spirit'. - John 3:6. Do you want to live a Supernatural ( beyond natural) life?
Come to Christ.

(E) *'Unless God is with Him'* - The Presence/the life of God that we have makes us live a different life.

Now, I must share this great revelation of God's Presence with His people. Our Father demonstrated and
'manifest' His presence in three forms.

1. Before our Master (Christ) came on flesh to this world - i.e. God visiting His people *Occasionally*
*from above* through *selected individual*

2. When our Master came with human body on earth I.e. Emmanuel: God with us. God stayed in in *the
midst of His people for some years*living among *some of his people*.

3. After Jesus, our Master left the earth in human body, He sent the Spirit of God to us i.e. *God residing
inside* *all His people*

I believe we Christian should stop living under the era of *God visiting from above occasionally* or
*Being with us many times* and start living in the real and true era He has launched us into, i.e. *God
dwelling in His Children for ever*. Study, John 14:17 "..... He dwells with you (Christ in flesh with His
disciples), He shall live with you. (The Holy Spirit of God that came to dwell in man for ever), then study
Roman 10:6-8. And many more scriptures in the New Testament. Hallelujah!

The Life of God in us by being born again is a mystery. That means man carrying the life of God around.

This Life of God is eternal, unending. John3:15 -16; 17:3.

Have you possessed this eternal life?

Do you need it?

Then you have to accept and believe Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour.

If you want to live the life of God on earth (which is mystery).

Then come unto Christ today. And say this prayer.

Today is your day.

If you want to be born again just come to Christ and tell Him, I am sorry for it took me so long not to
realise all you have done for my salvation and living a life of miracle on earth. I thank you for forgiven all
my sins, also thank you for coming to me today through and washing me with your words. I come as a
sinner today to become a saint that live a life of Mystery on earth. I believe with my heart that you are
my Lord and Savior that suffered for all my sins even to the point of paying all my eternal debt with your
blood and went to grave for me, all this for me and you rose up for my justification, I believe and I
confess it according to your word (Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord
Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
Now I'm saved by your Grace. Then pray that Jesus should baptise you with His Holy Spirit today.
Congratulations! If you have sincerely done this.

Your humble brother and the poor in spirit that needs more from God. Isaac T. Adebisi.

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