VisionDocument - FamilyUp - v11 (Not Final) - ODM

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Vision Document
Business Context
Family commitment

Develop a new Web App to support expense management and events of a family.

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Goals & Success Criteria
● Business goals to be reached
○ Any member of a family can register expenses and warranties
○ All family members can see the impact of their expenses on family
○ The family members can create future events (pay a bill, car
inspection, family picnic...)
● Tactical objectives for the application
○ Centralize the management of family logistics and financial life
● Success criteria for project
○ Add budgets, expenses, warranties and compare cost versus budget.
Those tasks should be easy to do taking less than 2 minute each.

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Business Processes
Business Process
Create a Family and Manager Profile

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Business Process
Create or Invite Family Members

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Business Process
Request a Manager Role

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Business Process
Edit or Create a Budget

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Business Process
Edit or Create a Expense (Web and Mobile)

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Business Process
Edit or Create a Warranty (Web and Mobile)

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Business Process
Manage the groceries List (Web and Mobile)

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Business Process
Edit or Create an Event

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Michael Adams
Family Member
Family members are users that need to register expenses, warranties, events and
contribute to the shopping list.

All users are a Family ● Needs to easily register an expense. ● Speed up expenses register process
Member (except admin).
● Needs to compare the total of his own ● Simplify and add commitment to the
expenses with the family budget budget goals of the family
Low to High technology
proficiency. ● Needs to add warranties to equipments ● Facilitate the family logistics and
Age between 10/100 years. ● Needs to add and view at a glance his
own events
They use the app on
desktop. ● Contributes to the shopping list

● Needs to create and edit his own profile

user stories business goals

© – We Ramp You Up WWW.ITUP.PT 15

Katherine Adams
Managers are users that are responsible for monitoring the financial performance of the
family, manage budgeting and all family logistics and activities.

One or two users of each ● Needs to be able to create is own family ● Speed up the monitoring process and
family are Managers. account and profiles flow
● Needs to easily register budgets per Items
(for example: House Rent, Vacations, Food, ● Define the budget goals of the family
Medium to High technology
Education, etc)
proficiency. ● Needs to compare and monitor the ● Monitor and control all logistics of
expenses of each member versus the budget family activities
Age between 18/100 years. ● Download and Upload files with expenses
and budgets
Use frequently the app to ● Associate or change the person responsible
monitoring the budget, for one event, equipment or shopping list
expenses and events.

user stories business goals

© – We Ramp You Up WWW.ITUP.PT 16

User Stories
Family Member’s Main User Stories
As Family Member, Michael Adams needs to create his own profile when invited to the family via email so that he can join
the family account and edit his profile details like birthday and profile photo.

High User Story #1

As Family Member, Michael Adams needs to add expenses with date that can be associated to an item so that he can keep
track of them and to allow the Manager to manage financial aspects of the family and make adjustments accordingly.

High User Story #2

As Family Member, Michael Adams must be able to compare his own expenses vs budget by totals and by item (perhaps
using charts in a dashboard) allowing him measure the impact of his own expenses on the family budget.

High User Story #3

As Family Member, Michael Adams must have a monthly overview of his own expenses by totals and by item (perhaps using
cards in a dashboard) so that he can be aware of his financial behavior in the current and past month.

High User Story #4

© – We Ramp You Up WWW.ITUP.PT 18

Family Member’s Main User Stories
As Family Member, Michael Adams, needs to create events, edit his own events, invite family members and others to those
events and see details of events that he was invited to so that he can contribute to and participate in family activities.

Medium User Story #5

As Family Member, Michael Adams needs to quickly glance at next events in a calendar (perhaps in a Dashboard) so he can
keep up with the family activities.

Medium User Story #6

As Family Member, Michael Adams should contribute to the Shopping List, adding new products to the list, and thus helping
the family with that activity.

Medium User Story #7

As Family Member, Michael Adams must contribute to Shopping Lists by checking the products that he already purchased
and also delete products and lists, helping the family with the shopping lists management.

Medium User Story #8

© – We Ramp You Up WWW.ITUP.PT 19

Family Member’s Main User Stories
As Family Member, Michael Adams needs to be able to add equipments and its warranty information so that he can control
and centralize the warranties information.

Medium User Story #9

As a Family Member, Michael Adams needs to see, upload and download multiple photos at a time to a past event that he
created or was invited to, so that the family can share event memories.

Low User Story #10

As Family Member, Michael Adams needs to be able to check weather conditions for events that he created or is invited so
that he can plan what to wear or change the date of the event if the weather forecast is rain.

Low User Story #11

As Family Member, Michael Adams needs to receive an email alert when there is a warranty expiring within one week. This
will allow him to control the warranties of the equipments and to send them to repair in time if necessary.

Low User Story #12

© – We Ramp You Up WWW.ITUP.PT 20

Family Member’s Main User Stories
As Family Member, Michael Adams needs to see notifications in the header of the application with the warranties that
expire within next week and future events of the current month so that he is aware of situations that might require his
Low User Story #13

As Family Member, Michael Adams needs to download PDF files with equipment warranties, expenses and shopping lists so
that he can print it or save it in his computer.
Low User Story #14

© – We Ramp You Up WWW.ITUP.PT 21

Manager’s Main User Stories
As Manager, Katherine Adams needs to create a family account, defining an unique family nickname, the family surname,
and his own profile details as Manager of the family.

High User Story #1

As Manager, Katherine Adams may need to add another manager and needs to add members to the family account using
only their name and email or by sending them an email so that they can start using the application and contribute to the
family logistics and data.
High User Story #2

As Manager, Katherine Adams needs to define items to which expenses and budgets can me associated to so the family can
organize those expenses and budgets and be able to identify where they are spending money. (Items Example 1: Vacations, Education,
House; Items Example 2: Dinners Out, Groceries, Kids Birthdays, Christmas Gifts).

High User Story #3

As Manager, Katherine Adams needs to set the budget of the items so that the family members are able to register
expenses inside an item and all family members know what are the financial expectations.

High User Story #4

© – We Ramp You Up WWW.ITUP.PT 22

Manager’s Main User Stories
As Manager, Katherine Adams must be able to compare family expenses vs budget by totals, by items (perhaps using charts
in a dashboard) so that she can manage family finances and make adjustments accordingly.

High User Story #5

As Manager, Katherine Adams must have a monthly overview of family expenses by totals, by item and by family member
(perhaps using cards in a dashboard) so that she can be aware of expenses in the current and past month.

High User Story #6

As Manager, Katherine Adams needs to manage the events of the family, so she needs to create or edit existing events and
be able to set the person responsible for each event.

Medium User Story #7

As Manager, Katherine Adams needs to import and export data for expenses and budgets so that she can import big
bunches of data into the family account and so that she may use application data outside of it or simply to backup.

Low User Story #8

© – We Ramp You Up WWW.ITUP.PT 23

Manager’s Main User Stories
As Manager, Katherine Adams must create all fixed cost that repeat every month of the year (example: House Rent) so
that she saves time, not having to create repeating expenses every time.

Low User Story #9

© – We Ramp You Up WWW.ITUP.PT 24

Core Entities
Core Entities
The Budget is associate to a Item One equipment must be associated Shopping List is a list of products to
(Rent house, Vacations…) and define with a warranty and a invoice buy. All family members must have
how much money is expected to be picture. This one must have a bought access to the family shopping list and
spended with that item during a date and a due warranty date. Can contribute, adding and removing
specific year. have a brand and a serial number and products that the family already
Budget a photo too. Equipment bought. ShoppingList

Events is a list of activities (ordered Profile is a card with all important The products are used to identify the
by date and importance) that one or details of each family member, like items of the groceries list that the
more family members must do on a photo, data of birthday, gender, a family need to buy. A product must
specific date. The family can invite wish list (goals, desires gifts, etc) and have a name and can have codebar
persons outside of the family to the associated roles. picture.
family events. Events Profile Product

© – We Ramp You Up WWW.ITUP.PT 26

Information Architecture
Information Architecture
Family member
Next Events My statistics


New expense New warranty

Family Members My Expenses My Warranties My Events Grocery List

Profile Details Expense Detail Warranty Detail Events Detail Grocery Detail

© – We Ramp You Up WWW.ITUP.PT 28

Information Architecture
Next Events My statistics

New expense HOME

New Budget Item New warranty

Family Members All Budgets Items All Expenses All Warranties All Events Grocery List

Budget Item Grocery Detail

Profile Details Expense Detail Warranty Detail Events Detail

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Create Family

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Profile Detail

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Invite Family Members

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Shopping List

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The End !

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