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ygt Su
ubmerrsible Motorr Cablles


This bro
ochure conntains an ovverview of the Flygt motor
m cable assortme ent. The cables are
especia ed for submersible u se and ma
ally designe ade of careefully seleccted materials. The
assortm ns the following cable
ment contain ng applications:
es for varyin

 Flygt SUBCCAB® Page 1-5

 Flygt HCR (Heat
( and Chemical
C Re
esistant) Page 6
 S
Silicone Ca
able (Heat Resistant)
R Page 6-7
 High Voltag
ge Cable Page 7

Flygtt SUBCA
Why ch
hoose a Fly
Flygt SU
UBCAB® is a range off pump mo otor power cables esppecially devveloped by
y Xylem.
They arre made forr use with Flygt pumpss and mixerrs and make sure that the cable attached
to yourr product will
w never let you do own, whate ever your application
n is. Choosse Flygt
SUBCAB® for a low w life cycle cost, durab
bility and minimum
m do
own time.

Long liffetime Built-in mon

nitoring co
» High ttemperaturre resistance: up to » Secure prooper monito oring and easy
70°C wa ater tempe erature co
onnection ofo pump se ensors
» Superrior mechan nical streng
gth and highh » Eliminate the use of s mall auxilia
abrasion and tear resistance ables that often
ca o get daamaged and are
» Extrem
mely low wa ater absorp
ption rate: aw
wkward to handle
Withstaands water depths
d up to
t 50 m » Screened control
c corees specificaally
» Chemmical resistance within pH 3–10 ad
dapted for the use of tthe Flygt MAS
M 800
» Ozone e, oil and flame resista
ant pump supervision syste em
» All screene
ed cables a nd all unscreened
e leak-free fit
Ensuress a reliable ca m 2 have b
ables ≥10 mm built-in screeened
ontrol cores
» Tight outer diam meter tolerances ensure
a perfecct fit with ca
able entry sleeve
Sc creened ve
ersions forr variable
» Retain
ns its mecha anical and physical
frrequency drive
d (VFD)) operation n
propertties and witthstands the e high
pressurre of the sea al sleeve » Reduce ele ectromagne
etic emissio
ons to
otther electro
Preven on deterioration
nts insulatio » Secure corrrect comm unication with
upervision units
» Conductor insula ation with a
temperrature ratingg of 90°C, which
C with
w interna
ational stan
minimizzes the risk for insulation cracks
» See table at
a page 10

al propertie
es for Flygt SUBCAB®
Flygt SUBCAB® is designed d for use with stand
dard and explosion
e p
proof subm
productts in applications where the amb
bient tempe
erature does not excee
ed 70°C.

mote pump control, Flygt provide

For rem es a simple
e and reliab ble solution
n through itts cables
with co
ontrol coress. You only y need on e cable instead of using the cconventiona al pump
control solution off a motor cable plus a separate control
c cable. The ran ge includes cables
with twisted pair of
o screened d control c ores speciffically adap
pted for thee use of Fly
ygt MAS
800 pummp superviision systemm.

The scrreened Flyygt SUBCA AB® is used

d with Varriable Freqquency Drivves (VFD) to limit
unwanted electromagnetic radiation.
r T
Typical app
plications for
f this cab
ble includee mines,
ustrial areas.
quarriess, and indu

Feature e Flygt SUBCAB®

F Screened Flyggt SUBCAB B®
Max. shheath 7 °C and 90 °C
70 70 °C
° and 90 °°C
and insulation (A
AWG 60 °C
C and 90 °C
C) (AW
WG 60 °C annd 90 °C)
Outer Chlorinated polyethyle
C ene rubber (CPE Chlorinated poolyethylene
sheathing tyype: 5GM5) rubber (CPE tyype: 5GM5)
Conducctor High density
H y ethylene- propylene High density e
on ru
ubber (HEPPR/3GI3) orr Ethylene- pro
opylene rubbber (HEPR//3GI3)
materiaal p
propylene rubber (EPR R/3GI3). Parrt
numbers ma he assortment
arked * in th
able below have EPR, the rest HE
ta EPR.
Conducctors C
Copper strands Coppper strand
ds including
materiaal scre
eened tinneed copper wires
Rated VVoltage Europe: ≥ 10 mm2 and
E d 7G6+s(2xx0,5): Europe: 600/11000 V
(phase tto 6
600/1000 V. Remainingg models: Norrth Americaa and Canada:
earth, p
phase 4
450/750 V 600
to phasse) N
North Amerrica and Ca nada: 600 V
More F
Flygt standaard documeents gt standard
Flyg d documentt
informaation M
M1997.47.0 0004, M19997.47.0009, M1997.47 002 23
M1997.47.0 0024



Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3
10-35 mm m2 50-120 mm22 1,5 mm2

Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Screened SUBBCAB® Sccreened SUBC
control e lement design in fig.
2,5-50 mm
m2 70-120 mm22
1,2,3 and 5

Flygt SUBCAB® assortment

Type Denomin
nation Part No. Nominal Outer Weightt Bendingg Fig.
m 2)
(mm (* EPR) current diameter kg/m radius No.
capacity (mm) (cm)
at 30°C

AB® without control cores

3 core 3G1.5 94 20 40* 23 10 - 11 0.16 10

3G2.5 94 19 31* 32 11 - 12 0.24 11
4 core 4G1.5 94 20 41* 23 10.5 - 11.5 0.20 10
4G2.5 94 20 42* 32 12.5 - 13.5 0.28 12
4 94 20 43* 42 16 - 17 0.44 16
6 94 20 44* 54 18 - 19 0.57 18

** See p
page 9   


Type Denomin
nation Part No. Nominal Outer Weightt Bendingg Fig.
m 2)
(mm (* EPR) current diameter kg/m radius No.
capacity (mm) (cm)
at 30°C

Flygt SUBC
CAB® with co
ontrol coress

4 core 4G1.5 + 2x1.5 94

9 20 61* 23 16 - 17 0.32 16

4G2.5 + 2x1.5 94
9 20 59* 32 17 - 18 0.43 17

4G4 + 2x1.5
2 94
9 20 60* 42 20 - 22 0.63 20

4G6 + 2x1.5
2 94
9 20 56* 54 24 - 26 0.83 24

4G10 + S(2x0.5)
S 94
9 19 81 75 24 - 26 0.85 26 1

4G16 + S(2x0.5)
S 94
9 19 82 100 26 - 28 1.30 26 1

4G25 + S(2x0.5)
S 94
9 19 83 127 32 - 34 1.70 32 1

4G35 + S(2x0.5)
S 94
9 19 84 157 35 - 37 2.24 35 1

3x50 + 2G
G35/2 +
9 19 85 192 35 - 37 2.60 35 2
3x70 + 2G
G35/2 +
9 19 86 246 38 - 41 3.30 38 2
3x95 + 2G
G50/2 +
9 19 87 298 47 - 50 4.50 47 2
3x120 + 2G
G70/2 +
9 19 88 346 54 - 56 5.70 54 2

7 core 7G2.5 + 2x1.5 94

9 20 82* 32 20 - 22 0.60 20

7G4 + 2x1.5
2 94
9 20 80* 42 24 - 26 0.84 24

7G6 + S(2x0.5) 94
9 19 80 54 24 - 26 0,85 24

** See p
page 9



Type Denomination Part No. Nominal Outer Weightt Bendingg Fig.

m 2)
(mm (* EPR) current diameter kg/m radius No.
capacity (mm) (cm)
at 30°C

Flygtt SUBCAB® screened with

w control cores

S3x1,5 + 3x1,5/3
4 core 94
9 19 89 23 16 - 17 0,5 16 3
+ S(2xx0.5)
S3x2,5 + 3x2,5/3
9 19 90 32 18 - 20 0,45 18 4
+ S(4xx0.5)
S3x6 + 3x6/3
3 +
9 19 91 54 20 - 22 0,55 20 4
S3x10 + 3x10/3
3 +
9 19 92 75 24 - 26 0.95 24 4
S3x16 + 3x16/3
3 +
9 19 93 100 24 - 26 1.10 24 4
S3x25 + 3x16/3
3 +
9 19 94 127 29 - 31 1.40 29 4
S3x35 + 3x16/3
3 +
9 19 95 157 32 - 34 2.00 32 4
S3x50 + 3x25/3
3 +
9 19 96 192 38 - 40 3.00 38 4
S3x70 + 3x35/3
3 +
9 19 97 246 42 - 44 3.50 42 5
S3x95 + 3x50/3
3 +
9 19 98 298 44 - 47 4.60 44 5
S3x120 + 3x70/3
9 19 99 346 50 - 52 5.50 50 5
+ 2S(2
S6x95 + 95 +
9 20 00 475 57 - 60 7.60 57

Flygt SUB
BCAB® conttrol cables

Control 2x1
1.5 94
9 20 76* - 10 - 11 0.14 10

1.5 94
9 19 22* - 15 - 17 0.38 15

Flygt SUBCAB ® screened control cab


Control S 24xx1.5 94
9 08 95 - 35 - 37 1.59 35

** See p
page 9


Flygtt HCR ca
The HCCR (Heat and Chemic cal Resistan nt)
cable is designe ed for use e in seve ere
ons. It is maade of veryy high qual ity
als (FEP and d ETFE) and is resistaant
to ch hemicals and solv vents, hig gh
temperrature and mechanica al stress, th
often cause rapid d deteriorattion of oth her
cables. A HCR ca able should d be used in
hot liquid application
ns whe ere  
temperratures excceed 90°C C and hig gh Fig. 7
chemical resistancce is requireed. Flygt HCR ccable 

Genera es
al propertie
e Flygt HCR cable
Max. sh
heath and in
nsulation te
e 90 °C
C and 150 °C
Outer ssheathing material
m black fluorethylene propyllene FEP
Conducctor insulatiion materia
al black fluorethylene propyllene FEP
Controll wires insulation mate
erial ethylenetetraflu
Conducctor materia
al copp
per strands
Rated V
Voltage 450//750 V
More in
nformation Flygtt standard document
d M1997.47.0015

one cablle
The siliccone cable can be use ed instead of arround the cable if it is expo
osed to
a HCR cable in hot liquid applicatio ns mechanical
m wear.
where tthe ambien nt temperatture exceed ds
90°C and wherre the demands ffor  
mechan nical wear resistance e is limiteed.
This is a flexible cable with w a wid
temperrature range of -40°C C to +180° C.
The watter absorpttion rate is very low an
the m material iss halogen n free. A An
application where a silicone cable can b be
used is hot water w hout spec ial
requirements forr chemical resistancce.
Compared to HC CR and SU UBCAB® th he  
e cable ha as limited mechaniccal
Fig. 8
propertties such ass resistance
e to abrasio
on Silicone caable 
and lowwer tensile strength, therefore it is
recomm mendable to t use som me protectioon  


al propertie
Genera es
e Silicone cable
Max. sh
heath and in
nsulation te
e 145 °C and 1800 °C
Outer ssheathing material
m red-b
brown silico
one rubberr sheath SI
Conducctor insulatiion materia
al red-b
brown silico
one rubberr SI
Conducctor materia
al copp
per strands
Rated V
Voltage 300//500 V
More in
nformation Flygtt standard document
d M

High voltage
e pump cable 10
0 kV
The high voltage cablee,
NTSCGEWTOEUS, is a heavy y duty cablle
e for use with
w Flygt high
h voltag
productts. Especcially for high an d
extreme e mechaniccal stress, e.g.
e torsionaal
stress and high reeling speed. On ly
authorizzed Xyle em perso onnel maay
connecct these cables to o productts
because e of the semi-condu
s uctive layerrs  
over thhe insulatio
on. The ground corre Fig. 9
must b be marked with a green/yellow
g w Hig
gh voltage pu ump cable 
shrink ttube when assembling the cablle
to the p
al propertie
e High voltage cab
Max. sh
heath and in
nsulation te
e 70 °C and
a 90 °C
Outer ssheathing material
m red PC
CP compoun
Conducctor insulatiion materia
al Ethylen
ne rubber ((EPDM)
Conducctor materia
al copper strands
Rated V
Voltage 6000/10 000 V
Flygt sttandard do
ocuments M
5 and
More in



Flygtt supplementing
g cable assortm
Type Denomination Pa
art No. Noominal Outer Weight
W Bending Fig.
m 2)
(mm cu
urrent diiameter kg/m radius No.
ca pacity (mm) (cm)
att 30°C

H Heat & chemical re
esistant cable

4 core 4G16 + 2x1.5 94

4 20 96
125 19
9.5-21.5 1.03 19 7

4G25 + 2x1.5 94
4 20 97
170 26
6.5-27.5 1.58 26 7

7 core 7x2.5 94
4 20 91
28 11
1.0-11.8 0.33 11

6 94
4 20 94
50 16
6.2-17.2 0.80 16

Silicone cable

4 core 4G2
2.5 94
4 19 75 26 10
0.5-11.5 0.19 10 8

10 94
4 19 78 61 17
7.9-19.7 0.71 17 8

7 core 7G2
2.5 94
4 19 79 26 11
1.2-12.4 0.27 11

High vvoltage cable 10kV


4 core 3X25 + 3X25/3

3 94
4 19 67 127 41-47 1.00 45 9

3x50 + 3x25/3
3 94
4 19 65 192 46-49 4.78 46 9

** See p
page 9

Temp e correcttion
Temperature corrrection fac
ctors for Fly
ygt cables
The currrent capacities for Flygt cables a re designed for duty at
a 30°C am bient tempperature.
If the am
mbient tem
mperature exceeds 30°°C, the maxximum current rating tthe conduc ctors can
handle has to be taken
t into consideratiion. The cu
urrent rating
g must be aadjusted (lo
according to the ta

Examp le

Select ccable for a pump

p with a pump cu rrent of 33 A and an ambient
a tem
mperature of
o 52°C:

• Sele
ect correctio
on factor fo
or 52°C in th
he table (0,76 ).
 Calcculate "virtu
ual" currentt 33 / 0,76 = 44A
 Cho m 2 at 52°C. rated 54
oose 4 G 6 mm 4A

nt tempera
ature corre
ection facto
According to IEC 60364-5-52
6 23 table 52--D1 and NE
EC table 310-16 (USA//Canada) in
n air.

Am bient Tem p. (°C) Cor rection Fac

ctor Ambi ent Temp (F)
21-25 1,04 70-77
26-30 1,00 79-86
31-35 0,96 88-95
36-40 0,91 97-104
41-45 0,87 106-113
46-50 0,82 115-122
51-55 0,76 124-131
56-60 0,71 133-140
61-70 0,58 142-158

Maximum mechanic
cal load
The maximum mechanical loa 1 kg/mm2 conductorr area.
ad on Flygtt cables is 1.5

Examp le

UBCAB® 4 G 50 p/No.. 94 19 85 ccan take a max.

Flygt SU m load of 1.5 x 4 x 5 50 =300 kg. It
weighs 2.6 kg/m, so
s the max.. length thaat can hang vertically iss 300 / 2.6 = 115m cable.

ding radius
The min
nimum ben
nding radiuss of Flygt caables is 10 x outer diameter.

Flygtt SUBCA
AB® standards a
and apprrovals
Flygt SU
UBCAB® caables comply with the following general
g stan
d Typee Standaard Typ
Flexible caable
IEC 602245 VDDE 0207 part 20 Material
in general
IEC 602
228 class 5 Conducto r VD
DE 0250 Material
IEC 608
811-1-1 CLA
AUSE 9 Oil resistan
nt VD
DE 0282 part 810 Material
IEC 608
811-2-1 CLA
AUSE 10 Oil resistan
nt VD
DE 0472 part 803-A Oil resista
IEC 603
332-1 Flame retaardant VD
DE 0472 part 804-B Flame rettardant
IEC 603
332-2 Flame retaardant VD
DE 0295 Conducto
IEC 603
364-5-523 Current VD
DE 0298 Current
Flexible caable
22.2 No.49--1992 DE 0472
VD Testing
in general
Flexible caable Flexible cable
c in
UL 1581
1 HD
D 22.4
in general general
Flexible caable HD
D 22. 16 annexes Cables fo
in general A&B submersible use
Flexible caable
EN 50525-2-21 N 50363-1:2
EN 2005 Material
in general
Other cabless standards and
d approv
Cable T
Type Sta
pproval Type
Flygt HC
C 60287 Curren
nt rating
Flygt HC
C 60332-3 Cat A Flame retardant
Flygt HC
S 424 02 46 Condu
uctor insulaation material
Flygt HC
7500 Materiial
e cable VD
DE 0207 Curren
nt rating
e cable IEC
C 60332-1 Flame retardant
High Vo
oltage cable
e DIN VDE 250
0 Materiial
High Vo
oltage cable
e DIN VDE 298
8 part 4 Curren
nt rating
High Vo
oltage cable
e DIN VDE 207
7 Insulattion materiaal

Flygt SUBCAB® Ny generation af Flygt SUBCAB® - New 2012 OBS!
Ændret diameter
Vare nr. SUBCAB Yder diameter Vare nr. SUBCAB Insulation Yder diameter markeret med X
942040 3 G 1,5 10 - 11 942040 3G1,5 EPR 10-11
941931 3 G 2,5 11-12 941931 3G2,5 EPR 11-12
942041 4 G 1,5 10.5 - 11.5 942041 4G1,5 EPR 10.5-11.5
942042 4 G 2,5 12.5 - 13.5 942042 4G2,5 EPR 12.5-13.5
942054 7 G 2,5 18 - 20
942043 4G4 16 - 17 942043 4G4 EPR 16-17
942044 4G6 18 - 19 942044 4G6 EPR 18-19
942045 4 G 10 23.5 - 25.5
942046 4 G 16 26 - 28
942047 4 G 25 32.5 - 34.5
942048 4 G 35 36.5 - 38.5
942066 4 G 50 41 - 45
942067 4 G 70 45 - 49
942068 4 G 95 54 - 58
942069 4 G 120 56 - 60

Vare nr. SUBCAB med overvågning Yder diameter Vare nr. SUBCAB med T1-T2 Insulation Yder diameter
942082 7 G 2,5 + 2x1,5 20 - 23 942082 7G2,5+2x1,5 EPR 20-22 X
942080 7 G 4 + 2x1,5 22 - 26 942080 7G4+2x1,5 EPR 24-26 X
942081 7 G 6 + 2x1,5 24.3 - 28.3 941980 7G6+S(2x0,5) HEPR 24-26 X
942061 4 G 1,5 + 2x1,5 15.5 - 16.5 942061 4G1,5+2x1,5 EPR 16-17 X
942059 4 G 2,5 + 2x1,5 17 - 18 942059 4G2,5+2x1,5 EPR 17-18
942060 4 G 4 + 2x1,5 20 - 22 942060 4G4+2x1,5 EPR 20-22
942056 4 G 6 + 2x1,5 23 - 25 942056 4G6+2x1,5 EPR 24-26 X
942057 4 G 10 + 2x1,5 26 - 28 941981 4G10+S(2x0,5) HEPR 24-26 X
942058 4 G 16 + 2x1,5 26 - 28 941982 4G16+S(2x0,5) HEPR 26-28
942062 4 G 25 + 2x1,5 32.5 - 34.5 941983 4G25+S(2x0,5) HEPR 32-34 X
942063 4 G 35 + 2x1,5 36.5 - 38.5 941984 4G35+S(2x0,5) HEPR 35-37 X
941985 3x50+2G35/2+S(2x0,5) HEPR 35-37 X
941986 3x70+2G35/2+S(2x0,5) HEPR 38-41 X
941987 3x95+2G50/2+S(2x0,5) HEPR 47-50 X
941988 3x120+2G70/2+S(2x0,5) HEPR 54-56 X

Vare nr. Overvågningskabel Yder diameter Vare nr. Overvågningskabel Insulation Yder diameter
942076 2x1,5 10 - 11 942076 2x1,5 EPR 10-11
941922 7x1,5 15 - 17 941922 7x1,5 EPR 14-16 X
941920 12x1,5 18.2 - 21.2
941921 24x1,5 24.9 - 28.9
940894 S12x1,5 29 - 31
940895 S24x1,5 35 - 37 940895 S24x1,5 EPR 35 - 37

Vare nr. AWG Yder diameter Vare nr. AWG Insulation Yder diameter
942100 14 AWG/3 13.2 - 14.2 942100 14 AWG/3 EPR 13.2 - 14.2
942101 14 AWG/4 14.2 - 15.2 942101 14 AWG/4 EPR 14.2 - 15.2
942102 14 AWG/7 18 - 20 942102 14 AWG/7 EPR 18 - 20
942103 12 AWG/4 17 - 18 942103 12 AWG/4 EPR 17 - 18
942104 12 AWG/7 20 - 22 942104 12 AWG/7 EPR 20 - 22
942105 10 AWG/4 18.0 - 19.7 942105 10 AWG/4 EPR 18.0 - 19.7
942107 8 AWG/4 24 - 26 942107 8 AWG/4 EPR 24 - 26

Vare nr. AWG med overvågning Yder diameter Vare nr. AWG med T1-T2 Insulation Yder diameter
942106 10 AWG/3-2-1-GC 20.3 - 22.3 942106 10 AWG/3-2-1-GC EPR 20.3 - 22.3
942108 8 AWG/3-2-1-GC 27.2 - 29.2 942108 8 AWG/3-2-1-GC EPR 27.2 - 29.2
942109 6 AWG/3-2-1-GC 30 - 32 942109 6 AWG/3-2-1-GC EPR 30 - 32
942110 4 AWG/3-2-1-GC 32.8 - 34.8 942110 4 AWG/3-2-1-GC EPR 32.8 - 34.8
942111 1 AWG/3-2-1-GC 40.7 - 42.7 942111 1 AWG/3-2-1-GC EPR 40,7 - 42,7

Vare nr. Skærmet SUBCAB m. T1-T4 Yder diameter Vare nr. Skærmet SUBCAB m. skærmet T1-T4 Insulation Yder diameter
941989 S3x1,5+3x1,5/3+S(2x0,5) HEPR 16-17
941781 S3x2,5+3x2,5/3+4x1,5 18.7 - 20.0 941990 S3x2,5+3x2,5/3+S(4x0,5) HEPR 18-20 X
941782 S3x6+3x6/3+4x1,5 20 - 23 941991 S3x6+3x6/3+S(4x0,5) HEPR 20-22 X
941783 S3x10+3x10/3+4x1,5 23 - 26 941992 S3x10+3x10/3+S(4x0,5) HEPR 24-26 X
941784 S3x16+3x16/3+4x1,5 29 - 32 941993 S3x16+3x16/3+S(4x0,5) HEPR 24-26 X
941785 S3x25+3x16/3+4x1,5 30 - 33 941994 S3x25+3x16/3+S(4x0,5) HEPR 29-31 X
941786 S3x35+3x16/3+4x1,5 32 - 35 941995 S3x35+3x16/3+S(4x0,5) HEPR 32-34 X
941787 S3x50+3x25/3+4x1,5 38 - 42 941996 S3x50+3x25/3+S(4x0,5) HEPR 38-40 X
941788 S3x70+3x35/3+4x1,5 42 - 46 941997 S3x70+3x35/3+2S(2x0,5) HEPR 42-44 X
941789 S3x95+3x50/3+4x1,5 49 - 53 941998 S3x95+3x50/3+2S(2x0,5) HEPR 44-47 X
941790 S3x120+3x70/3+4x1,5 52 - 56 941999 S3x120+3x70/3+2S(2x0,5) HEPR 50-52 X
941923 S3x185+3x95/3 65 - 69 942000 S6x95+95+S(4x0,5) HEPR 57-60 X

May 2012, lm js


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