Benefits of Educational Technology During The Pandemic-Reading Facilitator

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Benefits of Educational Technology During the Pandemic

(HR News. Author: Editorial Team Posted on Mar 21, 2022)

The coronavirus pandemic is pushing many colleges to change their operations to meet the
changing needs of students around the world. Transition to online learning and remote work is
happening faster than anticipated. The role of educational technology is becoming more apparent as
students and teachers seek ways to continue learning processes despite the challenges presented by
the pandemic. Here are some of the benefits of education tech during the pandemic.

 Lessons Are Streamable

The pandemic has resulted in more than 70% of the world’s students being forced out of traditional
classrooms. To minimize disruption to learning while keeping up with government directives on
social distancing, colleges have adapted and now offer live streaming lessons online.
Using technology, live streaming of education allows students to watch experts in their fields
explain issues and solve problems in real-time. Live streaming is highly effective for learning, as
studies show that students learn better when they visualize.
Streaming prerecorded lessons also allow students to learn at their convenience. Thanks to video
calling and conference tools like Zoom, colleges can deliver efficient online lessons with minimal
disruptions. Students can also ask for assistance from write my assignment services online.
 Technology Allows Distance Learning
The amazing thing about educational technology during the pandemic is that students don’t have to
travel long distances to get the valuable education they need. One had to travel many miles to attend
their dream colleges at hefty costs in the past. During the pandemic and in the face of restrictions,
schools had to be creative in their delivery of instruction.
Thanks to technology, students can still learn without having to travel. All you need is a stable
internet connection and the right tools. You can attend classes and earn a degree in the comfort of
your living room. If you already have a job, you don’t need to take a break from work to pursue
your educational goals. You can also hire experts from top agencies
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 Technology Supports Personalized Learning
One reason for the steady rise in popularity of educational tech is its ability to support a
personalized approach to learning. Even before the pandemic, proponents of technology in the
classroom argued that technology allows students to be active participants in their pursuit of
Personalized learning can be defined as an approach to education that seeks to customize learning to
individual students’ strengths, needs, abilities, interests, and skills. The approach has been highly
popular in educational technology for nearly a decade. Educators use tech to easily differentiate
learning styles and needs, using the right materials to offer more meaningful experiences to
In this sense, EdTech plays an important role in addressing differences between learners and
facilitates personalized learning. Thanks to the wide array of tech available, students can easily
adapt learning materials. They use digital tools to facilitate information processing and show their
comprehension of concepts in their preferred ways.
 Technology Improves Access to Resources
Most people think that technology is a distraction. However, research shows that using the right
tech can encourage active participation and turn boring classes into fun and interactive activities.
Technology also allows students to access numerous learning resources. Besides the amazing and
cheap educational technology tools, students can also access digital libraries and find research
materials using targeted keywords. If you cannot complete your assignments, order help online by
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 Technology Improves Communication
Effective communication is important for positive learning outcomes. Thanks to tech, teachers can
establish and sustain connections with their students, giving feedback as soon as possible. Likewise,
students can use tech to ask questions and seek clarifications from their instructors. Such
functionalities allow teachers to establish clear teaching goals, supported by access to the latest
tech. Students can also interact with their peers on projects through discussion boards, text
messaging, live chats, and phone calls.
 Technology Supports Innovative Teaching Methods
Educators are always looking for ways to improve the efficiency of instruction through evidence-
based methods. Thanks to tech, teachers can now keep up with trends in academia, allowing them to
learn the latest approaches for effective instruction. For example, teachers can now use virtual
reality to demonstrate the applicability of concepts in real-life scenarios. Students can also take field
trips without even leaving their classrooms. These approaches make learning fun and creative.
The higher education sector benefits from technology in many ways, especially given our
challenges during the pandemic. While the benefits abound, some teachers still struggle to keep up
with the pace of change. Therefore, it is important to provide the necessary sensitization to help
teachers benefit from the immense potential brought by EdTech.

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