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“willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers,

cell phones, and other electronic devices.” Basically,

59% of US teenagers have experienced cyberbullying 6 out of 10
37% of cyberbullying vic�ms develop social anxiety. 2 out of 6
15% of young cyberbullying vic�ms would prefer to keep the issue a
Students are almost twice as likely to atempt suicide if they have
been cyberbullied.
How can we tackle this huge threat?
Iden�fy, Prevent, and Respond. IPR
1. Parents must cul�vate and maintain an open, candid line of
Children can Expresses something unpleasant.
 Via text like WhatsApp or signal
 Social networking Facebook or Instagram
 Gaming networking PlaySta�on or Xbox online

2. Schools and parents must educate children about the
responsible use of internet.

Inform the children the consequences of engaging in

cyberbullying behaviors.
 Adver�ng the acceptable rules of using internet: social
media in campus

 Age-appropriate technology use contract: Posted at

3. Children must already know the cyberbullying is unacceptable
and it must be discipled.

 Minor behaviors: punishment:

public apologies,
create an�-cyberbullying poster display in the school,
an�-cyberbullying videos

 Cri�cal behavior:

Cyberbullying is area treat, and if we don’t pay aten�on to it, we

can loose, those we love the most our children.

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