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CIA Parkerian 


Definition The CIA Triad is a venerable, well- The Parkerian Hexad is an expression of a
known model for security policy set of components added to the CIA triad
development, used to identify to form or more comprehensive and
problem areas and necessary solutions complete security model. It aims to change
for information security. how information security is understood and

Elements • availability: the ability of a system to The six atomic elements of the Parkerian
  ensure that an asset can be used by Hexad are confidentiality, integrity,
any authorized parties availability, authenticity, possession or
• integrity: the ability of a system to control, and utility.
ensure that an asset is modified only
by authorized parties
• confidentiality: the ability of a
system to ensure that an asset is
viewed only by authorized parties.

Aims Design and build information security Fill in the gaps of the of CIA model to
architecture to the organization. improve the security of today’s
information assets

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