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1) Read Mavis’ description. What did you read about? Tick or cross .

She is Mavis Dracula. She is 118 years old. She lives in Hotel Transylvania with her
father Count Dracula. She doesn’t have a mum, brothers or sisters. Mavis and Dracula
are vampires but she doesn’t want to bite humans. She likes humans; she is very
friendly! Mavis can turn into a bat and fly. She is tall. She has short straight black hair
and a fringe. She has big blue eyes and vampire fangs. She is wearing a short black
dress, black and red-striped leggings, long black fingerless gloves and red sneakers.

Name _____ Clothes _____

Age _____ Family _____
Physical Description _____ Abilities _____
Likes _____ Pets _____

2) Read Mavis’ description again and write how sentences should begin to describe…
1- Name: She is……

2- Age

3- Physical description:

4- Clothes:

5- Likes:

3) Choose one member of your family and write a complete description. Then, tick or cross to
check if you included all the necessary information.

Name ____ Age ____ Physical Description ____ Clothes ___ Likes ____








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