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How to Use

Personal Messages Take time at the beginning of each day

with the daily lesson.
(It is preferable to align the lesson
with the particular day of the year
i.e. Lesson 1 on January 1...)
Having spent time allowing the lesson to be activated in you,
Lessons 1 to 60 taking particular note of all instructions within each lesson,
read the appropriate message presented here. These messages
arose in response
to my application of each lesson.
- The Jubilee Lessons – They simply assist in opening the mind
to facilitate broader application.
A Taste of Freedom
May their expression enhance your commitment.

In LOVE . . .

Part 1 – The Undoing of the Ego

To be used daily in conjunction with
Lessons 1 to 60

Sound Publishing

Copyright (C) Barbara Eastwell 2011
Web site:

The Workbook of A Course in Miracles

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The First Fifty Lessons – in groups of seven. Review of fourth group of seven lessons
1. Nothing I see means anything. 29. LOVE is in everything I see.
2. I have given everything I see all the meaning it has for me. 30. LOVE is in everything I see because LOVE is in my mind.
3. I do not understand anything I see. 31. I am not the victim of the world I see.
4. These thoughts do not mean anything. 32. I have invented the world I see.
5. I am never upset for the reason I think. 33. There is another way of looking at the world.
6. I am upset because I see something that is not there. 34. I could see Peace instead of this.
7. I see only the past. 35. The mind of the Self that I AM is part of LOVE. I am very holy.
Review of first group of seven lessons Review of fifth group of seven lessons.
8. My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts. 36. Holiness/Innocence envelops everything I see.
9. I see nothing as it is now. 37. Holiness/Innocence blesses the world.
10. My thoughts do not mean anything. 38. There is nothing my holiness/Innocence cannot do.
11. My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world. 39. Holiness/Innocence is my salvation.
12. I am upset because I see a meaningless world. 40. I am blessed as an expression of LOVE.
13. A meaningless world engenders fear. 41. LOVE goes with me wherever I go.
14. LOVE did not create a meaningless world. 42. LOVE is my Strength. Vision is LOVE’s gift.
Review of second group of seven lessons Review of sixth group of seven lessons.
15. My thoughts are images which I have made. 43. LOVE is my Source. I cannot see apart from LOVE.
16. I have no neutral thoughts. 44. LOVE is the Light in which I see.
17. I see no neutral things. 45. LOVE is the Mind with which I think.
18. I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing. 46. It is from LOVE that I forgive.
19. I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts. 47. LOVE is the Strength in which I trust.
20. I am determined TO SEE. 48. There is nothing to fear.
21. I am determined TO SEE things differently. 49. LOVE’s Voice speaks to me all through the day.
Review of third group of seven lessons. Review of seventh group of seven lessons.
22. What I see is a form of vengeance. 50. I am sustained by LOVE Itself.
23. I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts.
24. I do not perceive my own best interests. Review of entire fifty lessons over ten days of Review
25. I do not know what anything is for.
26. My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability.
27. Above all else I want TO SEE.
28. Above all else I want TO SEE things differently.

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1. Nothing I see means anything. 2. I have given everything I see all the meaning it has for me.

Remember, this is the ONLY lesson for this day. This lesson is the foundation stone for forgiveness and healing.
So, focus on it alone. Since I decide on the meaning of everything I see . . .
See everything that happens today through this lesson. I can set aside this subjective meaning . . .
Don‛t look ahead wondering what tomorrow‛s lesson will be? and allow the meaning of everything to be shown to me.
Stay with the moment. Today‛s lesson is a small step in the direction of release from
limitation . . . and the return to the freedom of wholeness.
Each time I remember to apply the lesson today,
This process of thought reversal occurs step-by-step.
I am expressing my willingness
It takes discipline . . . and my mind is still undisciplined.
to partake of this mind training,
Effort IS required . . . though excessive effort
which leads to a complete reversal in perception,
is a ploy of the self-identity . . . in the name of spirituality.
the miracle that restores true SEEING . . . or Vision.
When I become impatient, disappointed
or stressed with my apparent “progress”,
The statement, “Nothing I see means anything” negates
I am listening to the voice of the self-identity, the voice of judgment,
the self-identity‛s offering of personal, separate individual
whose purpose IS to discourage . . .
meanings. As the mind begins to open
an attempt to lead to abandonment of this mind training.
with the activation of this very first lesson, this
statement, “Nothing I see means anything” is now seen as
These early lessons may seem too trivial and simple
a solution
to give them full value.
rather than being seen as
Yes, they are simple. Truth IS simple.
a problem or obstruction or limitation.
The ego, the self-identity, IS the worship of complexity . . .
Complexity is a distraction from the simplicity of the Reality of LOVE.
Giving these lessons full value
allows me to receive full value from the lessons.

So, with this lesson, I begin to see why

“Nothing I see means anything”.
I give everything meaning from my subjective past experience . . .
from my choice of responses or reactions
to every situation, character and thing
that moves through my field of potential.
The experiences that I catalogue are stored in memory as a record
of these choices of response or reaction.
It is from this record bank or framework that I allot meanings,

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and I certainly HOLD FAST to the meanings I give. 3. I do not understand anything I see.
I admit that I have actually worshipped my opinions . . .
even though at times I have known While I think that I understand, I am not open
that they have no sure foundation. to receiving the true meaning from the Spirit that is LOVE.
Yet, it is still always MY choice So, this lesson requires that I step back . . .
to refuse or to accept a particular perception. As I and remember that I do not understand anything that I see from the
let go my allegiance to this bank of responses, distorted thinking base that I set up in mind . . .
I am free of the bondage it offers me. the thinking that denies the Reality of LOVE . . .
the thinking that desires to oppose LOVE‛s meaning.
Now, I am free to allow a meaning to be given me . . .
a current meaning . . . one that has no past reference, As I experience any disturbance in my day . . .
yet is applicable to the given situation . . . feel the slightest twinge of annoyance . . .
offsetting the particular package of beliefs which comprises my self THAT is the time . . .
identity . . . my world. It takes a miracle . . . a reversal of to remember that I do not know the meaning of whatever
perception . . . seems to be happening in my story. See myself as a baby in
to invite, allow and embrace this true meaning understanding.
which ALWAYS restores me to Peace . . . through forgiveness, Ask that my mind be innocent and open as a baby‛s.
which is . . . letting all things be exactly as they are As I relax in the Peace of LOVE,
without judgment. . . in fact . . . prior to judgment. knowing that as my mind is healed
of stubbornly identifying all situations, of stubbornly asserting that
And, what is my part? it already knows and understands, this letting go opens the way for
As I call on the Holy Spirit of LOVE . . . my link to Source . . . true understanding to be received, for it IS already given.
which I have kept hidden . . . have avoided . . .
asking for LOVE‛s response to each moment,
LOVE‛s meaning is revealed to me. What I think that I understand is recognised as coming
I know that it is true . . . when I discover the Peace of LOVE in it. from a past reference, which came from another past
Peace always accompanies what is of true value . . . reference, which came from a belief
for what IS of true value has no need of defence . . . which came from an opinion that I chose
always resting in Peace. when I first responded or reacted to a similar situation . . .
and, in order to be safe . . .
As I go to rest at the end of the day, set it up as an automatic answer or understanding that I could rely on.
I call on the Holy Spirit of LOVE I then set this storehouse in stone, to be defended at all costs.
to guide my thinking during the night, What imprisonment! What limitation! How fearful!
allowing the night ‘dreams‛ to be effective opportunities
for any necessary correction or consolidation to be offered to me . . . The distorted view of the self-identity places great value
as surely as the day ‘dream activities‛ on one who exhibits “understanding”.
are my school for learning during the day.
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Arrogance is seen as self-assurance. 4. These thoughts do not mean anything.
Self reliance is idolised.
So, this world that I have made out of distorted thinking What a parade of thoughts runs through my mind!
puts on a pedestal . . . “understanding how to do things” . . . What a shock to discover
having systems which work . . . being efficient . . . being organised. that though I evaluate thoughts as ‘good‛ and as ‘bad‛, yet I am
Yet this demand by me that I must understand “how things are” is told that the ‘good‛ make sight difficult, while the ‘bad‛ make
the very barrier to allowing the Truth of LOVE to be revealed as it sight impossible.
is right now – always has been – and always will be! So neither offers me true Sight . . . Vision. The ‘good‛
make true seeing a struggle, and the ‘bad‛ make true
Instead of being afraid . . . seeing impossible.
to admit that I do not understand anything I see, why not simply Is this what I would choose? Struggle TO SEE truly?
be joyous in NOT understanding? This IS the road to freedom. or face the impossibility of SEEING truly . . . at all?
The self-image is horrified by the admission Yet, all the time, these thoughts are meaningless?
that I do not understand anything I see. It
sees its throne of superiority topple What I think I am thinking
and it sees its ideas being knocked off their pedestals. with the mind that opposes LOVE, the self-identity‛s thought system,
It sees its own powerlessness. is merely a substitute for the real Thoughts that I think with LOVE,
the LOVE that I AM as created.
Its control is being eroded.
This denial of what the self-image offers . . . hierarchy of value . . . The thoughts that I have considered to be meaningful are
meaningless unless they come from LOVE . . . and I do not
IS asking for the Truth that only LOVE reveals . . .
know what LOVE is until I let go of the meaning I have placed
which, to the ego, the self-image, appears to be death.
on LOVE . . . and let it be shown to me.
Yet, why would I choose a fantasy over Reality?
Why would I choose limitation over limitlessness?
When I add emotion to my meaningless thoughts,
By handing direction over to the Holy Spirit that IS LOVE . . .
I place another barrier to my freedom.
to bridge the apparent gap between illusion and Truth . . .
I become trapped in the emotion . . . giving it Reality,
I receive the understanding . . .
and set up beliefs about what I am
the guidance of LOVE . . . in everything . . .
based on these emotional patterns arising from meaninglessness.
SEEING everything through eyes of forgiveness.
This takes me one step farther away
from owning the meaningless thoughts,
My part is to be still . . . to step back . . .
as I become distracted by the emotion I have attached to them.
and to ask for true understanding . . .
always seeking the direct experience
The only Power my meaningless thoughts have is the
of the Truth according to LOVE alone.
Power that I give TO them. So, if I simply let them go,
they are powerless as well as meaningless.

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It behoves me to check the source of my thinking. Am I 5. I am never upset for the reason I think.
coming from fear, lack, loss, pain, my idea of LOVE?
If so, I have the Power to proclaim, “No, not that!” This lesson is presented in such a gentle way.
and ask to be shown from a true source . . . LOVE Itself. Nothing is excluded from learning
While these thoughts run rampant apart from awareness, that “I am never upset for the reason I think”.
I become a victim of my own thinking, and cannot SEE beyond. The pivotal idea presented is that the form of the upset
They become my “reality”. Yet they are not real. does not matter . . . so different from what I have
I have simply decided they are real. accepted. In the past, I have perceived countless
I have bought their sales pitch. forms . . .
all keeping me busy sorting ‘problems‛ that I make up.
As I hold on to meaningless thoughts, I In fact, they are all equally upsetting.
am not aware of what is meaningful. Thinking that is self-orchestrated demands frantic activity
Meaning waits for me to wake up to the meaninglessness of my as a distraction . . . from the natural state of Peace.
own pathetic, limited thoughts . . . which are discovered to be, Accepting that there could BE a problem . . .
in fact, nothing at all. that something other than LOVE could exist . . .
thus calling something a problem . . . is easily solved.
First observe the frantic pace of the meaningless thoughts . . .
Simply acknowledge there is ONLY LOVE . . .
and the pedestal on which I place my little ideas
no matter how a situation may be interpreted . . .
in worship of my self-image . . . my self-concept.
As I SEE and accept their meaninglessness, I I am given the opportunity to admit what
am open to the thoughts “seems” to be real TO ME in the moment,
which emanate from what is true . . . LOVE Itself. But, until I yet am reminded me that “seeming” is NOT Reality.
actually experience and acknowledge the source of my limited I do not need to remain transfixed by my ideas of upset . . .
thinking, I am convinced that the world that I made with these
which have ruled my day-to-day experience.
thoughts is real.
I need to be patient with myself in this process
Judging myself for having meaningless thoughts
of undoing this belief in “problems” that I have held
is simply a plan of the self-identity to keep me in judgment.
which has bound me to meaninglessness . . .
So, I hand over to the Spirit of LOVE,
this belief that I have defended “to the hilt”.
and ask to be shown what is real . . . what has true meaning.
This appears daunting . . . as I see that my entire belief system
Quite a simple part, often seen as being too small and
around the idea of problems is being eroded away,
insignificant . . . to be of any real value. Don‛t be fooled.
as I welcome the powerful idea that only LOVE is real.
Problem solving has been the foundation of my life story, and
That is simply another meaningless thought
it is now being shown to be a futile foundation.
presenting itself . . . to maintain false perception.
Everything that I have held dear is now seen to have no value at
all. How encouraging to hear that my part is simply

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to be willing to be shown . . . From the fear that arises as I first look at this idea,
that the world of problems that I think is real is NOT so . . . and recognise that nothing that I have established AS real IS real,
that all that is asked of me is a little willingness to be shown that all it takes practice to learn that every form of upset is an equally
forms of upset are the same idea . . . unreal judgment . . .
that upset is a valid response to what I perceive is opposing. Finally, I call on Peace to replace the upset.
Upset is simply a perception . . . a judgment of “what is”. Upset comes in many forms . . . anger, hatred, jealousy, pride,
resentment, unmet expectations, and so on . . . all the same idea of
This is our first peek at cause and effect. “upset”.
First I imagine or perceive . . . This process of discovery calls for gentleness.
then the perceived is confirmed . . . by my experience. There is no need for any control or manipulation on my part . . .
And yet this lesson denies neither for LOVE leads me through in the perfect timing . . .
the apparent source of the upset nor my transforming my mind till it SEES no problems . . . SEES ONLY LOVE.
feelings as I experience the upset.
In the about-turn . . . the undoing . . . It is important, therefore, to follow the instructions impeccably.
nothing that “seems” to be part of my experience is denied . . . It is very easy to skip over and think I have “done” the lesson.
but is used by the Spirit of LOVE to lead me As I honour each word of instruction,
beyond the many forms that perception comes up with . . . I receive the fullness of the message offered.
to the simplicity of the Truth of LOVE . . . I stay in gratitude for the ever-present guidance given me,
underlying the fragmentation that perception offers. remembering that nothing IS against OR in opposition.

When I feel the slightest bit upset – as I remember to say, “I am

never upset for the reason I think”,
I am replacing the meaningless thought
that I KNOW the reason that I am upset . . .
as I willingly step back . . . and am shown
that I really do NOT know the reason that I am upset.
I discover that, in fact, there IS no reason TO BE upset.

LOVE IS eternally changeless.

What HAS value . . . is changeless LOVE.
Yet, all within time and space changes.
So all that appears to change HAS no value . . . IS not real. This idea
is foreign . . .to the pattern of thinking that I have embraced as the
trusted source of my perceived reality. Only through the guidance of
can I begin to discern the real from the unreal,
the true from the false.
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6. I am upset because I see something that is not there. Hence, I acknowledge that these thoughts
are as meaningless as the things that I see.
Through these ideas being presented, I am facing ideas The only meaning they have
which have formed the very basis of my perception of Reality. IS the meaning that I have assigned to them.
And it is all about my seeing . . . the source of my seeing . . .
By this time I AM feeling upset.
Nothing I see means anything The foundation of my world is falling apart.
except what I have already decided it means. Nothing that I have relied on ‘as being so‛ really has a leg to stand on.
And that meaning I have given it fits in So, of course, I am upset.
with all the other ideas and beliefs that I have decided are true. I am being tipped off my set position . . . and I feel threatened.
So I keep confirming my picture of reality by supporting it with
the meaning that I offer everything. Yet I am assured that I am NEVER upset for the reason that I think.
So, no matter what the form of the upset, it is all the same thing.
Well, that being so . . . then of course I do not understand
I am being turned upside down from my set perception of what is so.
anything I see, because I do not know what anything means, apart
This is where I need the guidance of the Spirit of LOVE . . .
from the meaning that I have given it. So, how can I possibly
to discern the real from the unreal . . .
understand what I see, when my seeing is amiss, is false,
the real from the illusion . . . the real from the dream.
and therefore not truly understandable?
In discovering that every time I am in a state of upset, I am
Till now, I have worshipped my thoughts.
seeing something that is not there . . . this idea begins to
However, for most of the time, with an untrained mind,
make sense to me.
I am not even aware of many of my thoughts.
I must be deciding that something is in opposition to my idea, that
I am used to going about my day quite mindlessly.
something is against me.
When I realise that Life IS thought . . .
So I decide that I had better defend myself against this apparent
I begin to see that I am constantly thinking. threat . . . that I had better fix the situation, till it fits in with my
Yet, I am not aware of most of these thoughts. chosen ideas.
At least, I am not aware of the source of these thoughts. I think this will solve the problem that I perceive.
I am not present to them OR their source. I want to play “god”. I want to be in control.
So, I choose to be upset . . . and come up with a reason for the upset
Now I am discovering my lack of willingness to recognise
which, in my eyes, will validate this state of unhappiness. I will thus be
that my “upsetness” arises from unconscious thoughts.
justified in my upset.
I am not aware that I have been ‘thinking‛
I would rather be right than happy.
till I have an emotional response or reaction.
And by then, I am not aware of the source of the ‘thinking‛ that And then, of course, I continue to try to fix
resulted in the upset. what I have decided . . . is outside me . . . apart from me . . .
whether it be a person . . . or a situation . . . rather than go
to the source of the images that I see . . . my perception . . .

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and ask to see the situation differently . . . without judgment. 7. I see only the past.
So, what I am seeing with the body‛s eyes is not really there.
The first fifty lessons are grouped in seven sets of seven lessons
It is simply a projected perception
with the fiftieth lesson as the Jubilee Lesson . . . celebrating
whose purpose is to validate my current, acquired view
freedom from slavery to judgment.
of the world . . . of myself . . . of others.
Lesson 7 begins by recapping the first six lessons . . .
The energy required to be upset is a distraction from the Peace
showing that all seven lessons are related.
that is inherent in me . . . the Peace that IS what I AM.
All seven ideas come together as one . . .
In the instant that I have a thought of war, of upset, the
thought of Peace is always available for me to choose. When I in line with the purpose of the exercises . . .
deny that I am responsible for my thoughts, then I see myself which is to train the mind in a systematic way
as a victim of my thinking. to a different perception of everything in the world.
In fact, when I recognise that I have the Power to choose the
Ideas about sequential or linear time are now introduced.
thoughts that I entertain, then I am acknowledging my
responsibility for my state of mind, whether it be of Peace, or All these ideas that I have taken for granted
of upset. are being put forward to be looked at.
So, any reasons that I may come up with for the upset I begin to see how accustomed I am
that I experience in any moment . . . is a distraction . . . to viewing everything from a past reference.
from the decision . . . the choice . . . that I can make I attempt to slot everything in to my vault of references
TO SEE the situation differently . . . based on past choices, decisions, opinions and beliefs. That has
thereby choosing Peace instead of upset. always been my practice.

It is now time to look at that practice . . .

and see just how flawed it is.
The past is over . . . until I hold on to it . . .
and keep it as my reference point for future decisions.
Where is the present moment in this practice?
There IS neither past. . . nor future . . .
when present in the Presence of this present moment.
IN the present moment . . . all of time, past and future, collapses.
A glimpse of eternal timelessness is in this moment.
This decision to be fully present has NOT been my practice.
This calls for mind training.
Active practice of the ideas presented is essential.
It takes commitment for this training to bear fruit.
This commitment begins with a little willingness.
Noting all responses and reactions in the mundane daily activities . . .

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becomes the practise . . . for activating these ideas. My First Review
commitment, my willingness draws to me situations in
which the practice is best able to be implemented. Seven lessons:

Then, it is up to me whether I use each scenario to install 1. “Nothing I see means anything.”
2. “I have given everything I see all the meaning it has for me.”
this new program of response . . . this program of forgiveness,
3. “I do not understand anything I see.”
or whether I forget it . . . and fall into my old practised way . . . 4. “These thoughts do not mean anything.”
relying on the past to interpret the present . . . 5. “I am never upset for the reason I think.”
the patterns that I have established 6. “I am upset because I see something that is not there.”
7. “I see only the past.”
to deal with opportunities presented.

In my willingness to let go of this old pattern, What an idea to begin the undoing of an erroneous thought system.
to let go of using the past to give meaning to the present . . . I am introduced to the idea that nothing that I see means anything.
which has only imprisoned me in my self-constructed world, I Since I have given everything that I see
discover that holding on to the past, the meaning that I perceive in it . . .
trusting the past as my guide, IS unforgiveness. nothing that I see IS really understandable . . .
Instead . . . I am being guided to forgive . . . except on my terms, which are totally unreliable.
to accept all . . . exactly as it is . . . without interpretation . . . not
So, having first considered objects (only according to my
coloured by my ideas . . . without judgment . . . right here, right now!
interpretation) as examples of what I see,
Without the past . . . I am free of all grievances . . . I then look at thought forms, which in fact
for all grievances are sourced in past judgment, past opinion . . . are the cause of what I see in objective form.
I am free to BE here NOW in the fullness of forgiveness . . . Of course, they, too, do not mean anything.
where I simply await the answer to my call to LOVE I am being helped to clear my mind of all past associations in
to reveal to me the true meaning of what seems to be occurring. order TO SEE things exactly as they are now,
There is NOW no place to go . . . nothing to do . . . nothing to think . . . and TO SEE that, in fact, I understand nothing about anything. Since
except as directed by LOVE Itself. nothing that I see or think really means anything, and since I don‛t
understand anything that I see or think, why do I get upset? why am I
Giving no power to either past or future frees me . . . not at Peace?
to listen within to true direction . . .
Based on my thinking,
acknowledging LOVE as the Source
which I have just discovered is meaningless,
of all that is of true value . . .
I come up with a reason that I think calls for upset.
acknowledging that, as created . . .
I AM eternally the extension and expression
of LOVE Itself . . . Life Itself . . . whole and complete in Self.

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So why am I upset? 8. “My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts.”
Because what I think I see,
What a breakthrough!
my interpretations or opinions
of what I see, or what is happening, So, what I think I see is only the product of
my own image-making . . . projected outward.
IS NOT SO, for it is subjective . . .
What I think I see are images of responses
based on the past . . . not a sound basis for trust.
that I have experienced, placed in a memory bank,
Though nothing that I see or think means what I think it means . . . and added to with each new experience, and each new response.
I am reminded that my real thoughts, the only thoughts of value . . . I deposit all responses and reactions into this bank.
are being covered up by my meaningless thoughts. My world is made up of the projections of these images
So it IS comforting to know that I am being led to their uncovering, that I have constructed and maintained as real.
in order to find true meaning and understanding. In my honesty, I admit that I am preoccupied with the past.
The trump card that reveals WHY what The past is all that I see in my world. Yet, my past
I see and think is meaningless IS . . . consists of my projections that are now stored in
“I see only the past.” memory.
So in fact . . . I see nothing.
All my interpretations
from my personal seeing, my personal view, both Yet, here I AM now. Where IS that? Where IS now? My
with my eyes and with my thinking (my imaging), now comes from my preoccupation with past ideas, which I
are based on past reference. attempt to convince myself is valid now.
I see nothing but my thoughts projected outward . . . I do this to avoid being here now . . . without a past. This
and those thoughts are based that I call present is totally coloured by my past thoughts
on past judgments . . . NOT on forgiveness. Past judgments are thus and associations, which are personally determined, so are
meaningless NOW in the context of forgiveness. My mind has been totally limited.
blank . . .
In fact, I actually bypass now.
yet entertaining meaningless thoughts.
I remain in a past which is over and done.
What I thought was there was not there . . .
And, since the past consists of my own projected images, which
a pivotal idea for opening the way to Vision . . .
are based on my opinions
true SEEING . . . based on forgiveness.
that I maintain in order to keep me safe from the present purity
. . . the innocence . . . the neutrality of now . . . I really do see
nothing. The most I can say is,
“I seem to be seeing ……” “I seem to be thinking about….”

Asking to be shown what is really of value . . .

is practising letting go of the past . . . all the meanings
that I have attributed to everything and everyone.

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While my mind is preoccupied with past thoughts, 9. “I see nothing as it is now.”
there is no room for the Truth of LOVE, of Peace . . .
the essence of all that is real . . . to emerge. There is a change occurring.
In declaring that I seek direct experience of Truth alone, I I am aware that everything that I have trusted as being so . . .
am occupying my mind with an opening every idea that I have gathered to myself as sacrosanct . . .
for LOVE . . . for Peace . . . to be revealed. in fact, my entire thought system . . . is being shown have no real basis.
I am able to be here now without the constant dialogue of past It has no sound foundation.
ideas, opinions and beliefs, ramming down my throat judgments There is actually no valid, changeless foundation to it at all.
of whatever is seemingly occurring. I begin to reel with the implications of these ideas.

I see that being free is always one thought away. This is all part of the falling away
I SEE that stopping . . . stepping back . . . of the way that I have been seeing . . .
and asking to be shown . . . to be given direction by LOVE Itself, the way that I have been viewing everything.
is really very quiet . . . still . . . even easy . . . It is experienced as a period of shattering!
I begin to let go of the idea that I am on a journey TO LOVE . . . I have not been SEEING anything but the projection of
with a very long future ahead before arriving home IN LOVE . . . images from my memory bank. It is dawning on me . . . that I
AND that this journey must be a struggle. see ONLY the past . . .
I am struck by the simplicity of the Truth of LOVE . . . that in fact, my mind is preoccupied with projections of the past
this “process” has no time in it . . . for LOVE is always present. from the point of view of a separate identity, which has no reality,
being itself a conglomeration of projections.
As my preoccupation with the past falls away, I am freed of all
the baggage of my self-constructed world of ideas . . . which Everything that I think I see . . . is rooted in time . . .
have only ever kept me from the Innocence . . . the purity and depends on my NOT learning these new ideas.
of the LOVE of THIS forgiven moment . . . My mind cannot grasp the present . . . the only time that is real. So,
uncontaminated by my judgments . . . so timeless. of course, my mind cannot understand time, or in fact, anything,
since all my ideas come from a past which is not here . . .
Within this particular set of seven lessons, and yet these ideas are accepted as the basis for the future.
I am being led through another turnaround in my thinking,
emerging with the final offering . . . “I see only the past.” Do I find myself thinking about the past? Of course! So,
An undoing IS taking place . . . all IS being exposed . . . I actually think about what is not here? I‛m delusional?
nothing on any “level” of my self-constructed world How often is my mind blank?
IS being left out. How often am I picturing the past or anticipating the future?
Restoration to the LOVE that IS Creation is complete That is how often my mind is blank!
with the removal of all hidden agendas . . .
Through this mind training, I am learning to recognise
all vestiges of residual conflict and opposition
when my mind is not thinking at all . . .
to LOVE‛s eternal Presence.
that is, when I am preoccupied with the past or the future . . .

23 24
I am beginning TO SEE that I have always avoided just being here now. 10. “My thoughts do not mean anything.”
The discovery that my mind has been blank,
rather than being filled with real ideas, The purpose of applying these Lessons IS TO SEE truly. To
is the very first step to opening the way to Vision. enable Vision to be restored,
I am being taken through a correction process.
Once again, the word “seem” clarifies this. I am being led in a very structured way
Has my mind been actively resisting the idea through all aspects of the prison that I have made to support
that what seems to be pictured before it is, in fact, not there? Have I my personal agenda . . . to maintain my self-constructed limited
found myself saying, “But what about . . . ?” All I am asked to do is identity . . . all to deny the very powerful Identity that IS mine
apply each idea. AS created . . . ...LOVE...
I am simply given a daily instruction . . . with steps to be taken.
Am I taking them? I am assured that each step
will clear away a little of the darkness. I am very joyous as the pennies drop . . .
as the correction takes place.
Do I feel threatened by the idea The key is to practise as instructed.
that I do not understand anything that I see? When following the instructions given,
I am assured that understanding will finally come to I am exhibiting acceptance . . .
lighten every corner of mind that has been cleared that IS non-judgment . . . that IS forgiveness . . .
of the debris that seemed to darken it. Full commitment to each lesson gives me freedom . . .
Applying the lessons in the mundane situations that arise enabling the practice itself to give me . . . to offer me . . .
throughout each day, regardless of my response or reaction the experience that is the gift of the correction.
to the perceived outcomes of applying them, The Law of LOVE IS . . .
IS this very clearing away of the debris. Giving and receiving are one. Fully give? Fully receive!

Be gentle on myself. Trust. In stepping back from my thoughts and observing them,
I have asked for the direct experience of the Truth of LOVE alone. rather than identifying with them, I can SEE that
What I have requested is already mine . . . claimed in the asking. they have no meaning other than that which I bestow
Nothing is against. There is no opposition. on them.
LOVE simply is the answer to all doubt . . . to all question. The cause of my particular thoughts is my opinions and beliefs . . .
I AM the Creation of LOVE. a product of past evaluation . . . which has NO validity now.
There is no Power apart from LOVE Itself. The reason that I see in the way that I do . . .
Nothing IS apart from LOVE. is the opinions and beliefs that I hold . . .
Forgiveness is letting all things BE exactly as they are now . . . resulting from perceptions that I have allied myself with . . .
minus judgment . . . which is always from the past . . . and grouped in my memory bank . . . some I own, some I disown . . .
which is NOT HERE now. but they are all part of my belief system . . . my thought system.
Rejoice! As the extension of LOVE . . .
I am . . . in Truth . . . HOME . . . in LOVE Itself. What I think I am thinking has no Reality.

25 26
The very presence of these “thoughts” that I think I am thinking 11. “My meaningless thoughts are
means that I am NOT THINKING at all! showing me a meaningless world.”
My mind is really blank.
MY thoughts are the cause of the world that I see.
MY “thoughts” take time . . . are of time . . . come from the past.
My thoughts are always “about” . . . Since my thoughts are meaningless . . .
always associated with a belief . . . an accepted idea . . . the world that I see must be meaningless as well.
from my preoccupation with the past. So, to change anything that I perceive is out there in the world,
I must first look at my thoughts
So, to state, “My thoughts do not mean anything” . . . which are the source of what I see as a world.
to practise with specific “thoughts” by repeating,
“This thought about …… does not mean anything.” I have thought that my world
followed by is the cause of my experience . . .
“My thoughts do not mean anything.” . . . and finally . . . rather than seeing
“This idea will help to release me from all that I now believe.” that my world is the result of my thinking . . .
a shift . . . a correction . . . begins to take place. that my experience OF the world is the result of my thinking.
I cannot orchestrate this shift.
I can simply be willing to allow it. So let‛s look at this meaningless world.
What happens when I perceive that I am ill?
In the past, I have accepted that my thoughts ARE what I am; I I immediately look for what it means . . . for what
have accepted that my thoughts identify me as me. could be the cause. I look for something to blame . . .
So, to tell me that my thoughts do not mean anything . . . implies that the weather, someone else sneezed, a spider bit me,
the identity that I have accepted as me . . . is also meaningless. My it‛s a family weakness . . .
initial response to this is fear . . . fear of the loss of identity. I justify my every emotional response
As I discover that I have simply been mistaken; that my Identity has to the world that I have made.
nothing to do with my self-proclaimed identity; there dawns a My reactions and responses always seem reasonable . . .
glimmer of a possibility of uncovering an Identity which I have because I have given what I see all the meaning it has for me.
completely disowned. I have a checklist of meanings for the world as I see it . . .
all coming from my past reference bank of possibilities . . .
What is being asked of me in the lessons now seems reasonable.
from the meanings that, at some point in time, I have given
It is at this point that I realise that I have no idea
everything and every one.
how to claim . . . or come to . . . the Certainty of this Identity . . .
as a moment-to-moment awareness . . . that I AM LOVE . . . I certainly do not first look at my thinking . . . my perception.
emanating from LOVE . . . the Source of Identity. Somewhere in my search for reason . . . I discover that the
Practising this lesson throughout the day reason for my search for meaning IS FEAR.
is a stepping stone to this Certainty. I have a fearful picture of what is seemingly occurring . . .

27 28
when it doesn‛t fit in with my ideas. This roller coaster ride is the offering of my perception.
I certainly have not considered
that the world of my perception is meaningless. I have not What if this entire experience . . .
considered that my thoughts are meaningless. However, I am being that I have called life . . .
led through my resistance to these ideas as I practise what is asked were handed over to LOVE . . .
of me. for cleansing of the meaning that I have given it?
What if I were shown another way of SEEING? Of thinking?
So, what IS happening . . . in my mind? What if I were to own . . . to acknowledge . . .
To find out . . . I have to stop . . . step back . . . the Power that I have given to my thinking? . . .
and see where my thoughts are based. Am I succumbing to the the Power that is mine . . . to surrender my perception . . .
loudest voice, the shrieking of conflicting ideas? the thought system that I have worshipped . . .
to my store of comfortable, familiar ideas?
for a complete reversal of my current perceptual thinking?
Or am I handing over My perception simply maintains a dream.
to the Source that knows . . . LOVE Itself . . . Yet, there is no sense in trying to make sense of dreams.
to be shown the falsity of all of my ideas . . . The only thing to do . . . is to wake from the dreaming.
and the meaninglessness of the world which
arises from these meaningless thoughts . . . When I am told
to which I have given all meaning, and all Power in me? that the key to forgiveness lies in the idea
Am I remembering that my meaningless thoughts that my meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world,
are the CAUSE of the meaningless world that I see. AND that forgiveness IS my function here . . .
then my sole task and my joy today IS to practise this idea.
So, I begin to see that I have accepted a meaningless basis for
every perception . . . relying on personal judgment . . . in order to feel
in control.
I have accepted the false as true . . . the unreal as real . . .
bowing down to the dream state that I have decided IS Reality.
All my ideas have come from limited perception.
I have thought that the body is my reality . . .
that my life story is my reality.

Instead of the Peace, relaxation, and freedom from worry promised

in practising these lessons . . .
I surround myself with a plethora of events and emotions
which leave me breathless, at war, anxious, confused and weary . . .
at times experiencing heights . . . but always returning to the depths.

29 30
12. “I am upset because I see a meaningless world.” Do I want what IS meaningful? Or am I willing to
accept as real what is not real, and has no meaning?
It is upsetting to find that the world that I see is meaningless. Do I accept that there IS nothing real . . . apart from LOVE?
I have given everything in my world meaning . . . Do I accept that LOVE is the ONLY true meaning?
specific meaning . . . meaning that I cherish. LOVE . . . IS true meaning . . . IS Spirit . . . not reliant on form.
Do I have to give up all the meaning So, as LOVE‛s extension . . . as LOVE‛s Creation . . .
that I have given the world? as the expression of LOVE . . . I, too, AS Spirit . . .
What would be left? am the extension or expression of the Truth that is LOVE.
That‛s all that I have . . . a world of my meaning . . . It is not possible that there could be
a world that I am convinced is real . . . as I see it . . . a world apart from LOVE . . . apart from LOVE‛s Creation,
because I have given it my meaning . . . so it is real TO ME! If it IS apart from LOVE‛s true extension?
meaningless, what am I left with?
As I decide to step aside from the world of my making, and
Without my meaning . . .the world is neutral . . . neither good nor bad. ask to see it truly . . . this simple action of mind frees me to
AS I give it meaning . . . it becomes real and meaningful TO ME. receive LOVE‛s true meaning.
AS I take away the meaning that I have given it . . . Up till this decision . . . I have felt compelled to write upon
I discover it is meaningless. the world MY meaning. Yet this meaning changes over and
It is at the point of accepting over again . . . because it is not rooted in the Truth of
that it IS a meaningless world . . . LOVE. It has a foundation of shifting sand . . . changing at
every whim . . . whatever is the flavour of the month . . .
when my limited meaning is imposed on it . . .
whatever fits in with the current philosophy.
that I am opened to true meaning, LOVE‛s meaning.
A world separate from LOVE
This takes stopping . . . stepping back . . . listening . . . is an illusion . . . is a dream . . . is meaningless.
NOT imposing my meaning on the world . . . Yet I have considered
and awaiting LOVE‛s true meaning that I am part of this world of conflicting ideas.
which is written beneath my meaning. So, the “I” that sees itself as part of this separate world
I have been so busy putting my meaning on the world, defining all in is also an illusion . . . a dream . . . meaningless.
terms which suit my plan, fitting all in the jigsaw I have put together. That IS upsetting to this “I”.
Now I see that my outpicturing of the world is just that . . . a picture
that I have put out . . . Why am I upset by a meaningless world?
to give me the feeling of being in control of my world. How could a meaningless world be upsetting?
It is shattering . . . to say the least . . . to discover The meaning that I give the world is always a judgment, an evaluation,
that it is not based on the Reality of LOVE . . . but on fantasy. It involves comparison . . . whether I see it as good or bad.
certainly upsets the apple cart! I see levels and degrees within everything . . . from my perception.

The question is . . . Do I want what IS real?

31 32
That‛s the nature of perception based on opinion and interpretation. 13. “A meaningless world engenders fear.”
A world seen through eyes of LOVE alone . . . That‛s something else!

What would I DO if I did not determine what everything means? This world of my interpretation seems locked in to the
What would I DO with every apparent happening in the world? meaning that I have given it. The constant struggle of the
I‛d be left with no opinions . . . nothing to talk about! self that I call “me” to give meaning to everything . . .
So, what would there be for me to say? in order to support its tenuous existence
IS what each day‛s story consists of . . .
What would direct my actions?
when I am operating in response to the voice of this self . . . when
What would give me purpose
I am accepting as real
without my “meaningful” world –
the character that I seem to play in the dream.
the one I made up?
I have not realised the constancy of effort involved
The Truth of LOVE
in maintaining and bolstering the meaning that I give the world.
would replace my divisive seeing . . .
I was not aware that this has been my bid for identity . . .
so . . . I would be indescribably happy! With this realisation . . . a
my bid to replace my Identity with one of my own making.
shift occurs . . . and I am ready to begin to release my meanings,
opinions, beliefs and judgments. So . . . letting go of the meaning that I have given the world . . .
thus seeing an empty slate . . . IS fearful. To see my own
production as meaningless . . . IS fearful. I have kept hidden from
awareness the possibility
that this task that I have taken on of giving meaning to everything is
a meaningless exercise . . . that it is not my true function . . .
because I have been unaware of what I really am . . . as created. I
made up a separate identity to deny my Reality as the extension of
LOVE . . . and have given the self . . . that idea of separate, individual
identity . . .
the function of giving meaning to everything.
When identifying with this self, the meaning given
is always one of hierarchy, of different degrees, levels, and orders,
where comparison and evaluation, via interpretation, are the key notes.
Thus . . . confusion obviously reigns.

However, Reality is simple.

I seem to be afraid of the simplicity of LOVE, Truth, God, Reality,
because I am practised in confusion, relativity, possibilities . . .

33 34
So, in fact, as I admit that the world as seen by this self . . . 14. “LOVE/God did not create a meaningless world.”
IS meaningless . . . since all that I have done as a separate identity is
to confer my meaning . . . a meaning with no real basis . . . then I am Letting go of the thoughts
able to admit that I really do think that I have already written on the world IS the
that I am in competition with LOVE and Its meaning. current learning. This letting go seems to take
As I equate myself with the self, Being the learner, it is up to me to take steps . . . as directed.
I fearfully rush in to fill the void of meaninglessness. The letting go is the miracle that occurs as I exhibit a little
Without meaning, this self will have no purpose. willingness to let go.
The goals of this self will also be meaningless. All that is asked of me is to use the lessons throughout the day.
A void is fearful to the self . . . whose purpose is
While my mind remains frantic,
to maintain its identity, its self-established meaningfulness. It sets up
racing around trying to learn to let go,
an eternal search for what it presents as LOVE, which, on its terms, is
there is no room for the miracle to occur.
impossible to find. This is true . . . since what it promotes
So, stop . . . slow down . . . listen . . . read every word slowly . . .
is NOT LOVE . . . but fantasy based on lack, on neediness.
allowing the meaning of the instructions to sink in . . .
If the void were to be allowed and accepted,
because nothing is more important this day
there would be no reason for the self,
than to use this lesson . . . to apply it . . .
and its assumed function of replacing LOVE, the Self of Creation.
paying full attention to my part . . . exactly as suggested.
Am I intensely anxious as I recognise what is meaningless?
If the lesson becomes a ritual . . .
Then I am seeing my self through the eyes of the self.
and my mind is not fully engaged . . .
Do I feel impelled to continue to give meaning to everything? Then I
the letting go is slowed down.
am listening to the self.
I may begin to assume that . . .
How long will I continue to endow the world with attributes
since I have a ”basic understanding” of the theory
that it does not possess? and crowd it with images
of what is being presented . . . I am participating.
that do not exist . . . simply to fulfil my self-appointed identity?
Intellectual grasp of theory IS NOT letting go.
Do I fear that I will have no function if LOVE‛s meaning replaces mine?
Don‛t be fooled by the subtle suggestion
Am I shocked that I could dream up
that partial commitment is “okay”.
this opposition to LOVE . . . that is my Source?
As I take on board these lessons,
The Truth is that this competition with LOVE IS simply a dream,
my meaning is being exchanged for LOVE‛s meaning . . .
I am able to let go this fear . . .
replacing my divisive thought system
and open to the Truth of What I am . . .
with Thoughts that emanate from LOVE.
open to the LOVE beyond the dream self . . .
This exchange or replacement IS what “salvation” is. I am
and discover the indescribable happiness that awaits me reminded that these steps that I am taking can be quite
as I relinquish the separate identity that I simply dreamed up. difficult and even quite painful.

35 36
So . . . no surprise if this IS my experience. I am being restored to my natural state.
In hearing that some of these steps will lead directly into fear, the
fearful self pushes that aside . . . not wanting to acknowledge that I discover it is much easier to apply the lesson to ideas
what is really feared IS HIDDEN from awareness. that I have placed at a distance . . . general ideas of war
I am aware of a lot of “surface fears” . . . and horror.
but underlying these is the pit of fear As I open to the practice, I move deeper and deeper
that I have always managed to avoid. towards the source of the horrors,
The form of that fear in me lies in the very situation the very epicentre of disaster,
that I do not want to confront. the fear IN ME . . . found in my fearful thinking.
That fear operates in the mundane . . . and has many faces . . . General fear . . . is the macrocosm of fear . . .
seen in my basic responses and reactions . . . while specific personal fear . . . is the microcosm of fear.
yet affects my entire experience . . . Both are the same idea . . . FEAR.
because it always blankets the honesty . . . What I see in my outer world
by my refusal to acknowledge the limits that keep me chained to IS but a reflection of my state of mind.
the dream . . . the nightmare called life. Both are equally unreal . . .
Since neither is LOVE‛s Creation . . . neither exists.
I express with gusto my willingness However, in my perception . . . it may seem real to me.
to go TO that fear . . . and THROUGH it . . .
until the fundamental fear . . .the founding fear . . . Any ideas in my mind NOT of LOVE . . . are meaningless.
Remember, my mind HOLDS only what I think with LOVE. All
that fear at the very base of my denial of the Reality of LOVE
ideas NOT aligned to LOVE . . . are nothing, meaningless. So, AS
is “in my face” . . . confronting me.
I acknowledge
That is when I discover my willingness is shaky.
that the personal meaning
I face my own fraudulence . . .
that I have given everything
revealing that my willingness to walk cautiously over my surface,
has no foundation . . . no substance . . . is not real . . .
pseudo fears . . . is but an attempt to be seen to “take the steps”
because it does not come from the Truth of LOVE Itself . . .
without really “taking the steps”. That‛s the action of the self
identity in full swing . . . pseudo willingness . . . pseudo THEN I am freed from these fearful, opposing thoughts.
transformation . . . pseudo Peace . . . while the fear hangs heavily They have no hold on me.
over every moment of delay. As I abandon my meanings . . .
I reclaim the freedom . . . the simplicity . . . of LOVE‛s meaning . . .
How encouraging to hear no longer having to make up and maintain meaningless meanings
that when I choose to face my fear . . . go into it . . . that build a complex world of conflict.
allow it to rise . . . exposed . . . to the surface of awareness
from the depths in which I have hidden it . . .
I will not be left high and dry.
In fact, I will go far beyond . . . to my inheritance . . .
perfect safety and perfect Peace . . .
37 38
Second Review The direction of the focus NOW becomes up close and personal . . .
Seven Lessons: not just “thoughts” . . . but “my thoughts” do not mean anything.
So the world that I see with these meaningless thoughts
8. “My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts.”
9. “I see nothing as it is now.” is equally meaningless.
10. “My thoughts do not mean anything.” The very world that I had seen as being able to be understood
11. “My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world.” (because, after all, I gave it its meaning)
12. “I am upset because I see a meaningless world.”
13. “A meaningless world engenders fear.” is now seen to be meaningless.
14. “LOVE/God did not create a meaningless world.” It is quite upsetting to find that the world that I see
is determined by my thoughts
The process of thought reversal is in its early stages. and not the other way around . . . where it seems that the
My goal is Peace. So I continue. world (what seems to be happening) determines what I
Since my mind is preoccupied with past thoughts, it is impossible to see perceive.
anything as it is NOW, given this framework of my seeing.
I am upset because what I have trusted in . . .
I am encouraged to hear that my interpretation of events and things . . .
“each step will clear a little of the darkness away, and understanding will finally come to
lighten every corner of the mind that has been cleared of the debris that darkens it.” is shown to be meaningless.
I am becoming aware that how I see events and things
At this point I have not been exposed to real thoughts. Emphasis is now comes directly from my thinking.
on the lack of Reality of what I think I think, rather than on the lack of I feel fearful, . . . particularly in view of my basic distrust of
Reality of the things around me. Initially, I discover that the thoughts the possibility of any meaning other than mine . . .
of which I am aware are outside rather than within, and the possibility of there being another way of seeing.
and the emphasis has been on their past
I have enjoyed the game of deciding on the meaning of everything,
rather than on their present status.
based on hierarchies . . . comparisons . . . and opposites.
Now it is emphasised that the very presence of these “thoughts” means I have felt in control . . . have valued the busyness of thinking.
that I am not thinking . . .
A moment of defensiveness arises.
reconfirming the idea that my mind is really blank.
Yet, I am assured that in this idea –
I begin to recognise nothingness when I think I see it . . . “that my thoughts determine the world I see” –
obviously . . . a prerequisite for Vision. is my release made sure . . .
To do this, I seek release from all that I now believe. and the key to forgiveness lies in it.
This idea contains the foundation for
the Peace, relaxation and freedom from worry
that I seem to have lost.

If only I recognise and accept

that the world as I see it is meaningless . . .
accept this without fear . . . and let the Truth be written upon it . . .

39 40
I will be indescribably happy. 15. “My thoughts are images which I have made.”
The Truth of LOVE . . . being eternal . . . is already in place
beneath the meaning that I have decided upon. Whenever I open my eyes and “view” anything . . . I
All that I have to do is be willing to have my meaning erased . . . am aware that I think that I see what I‛ve decided
and the Truth of LOVE . . . will be uncovered. to see. Yet, I am an image-maker. I imagine.
I replace Vision with illusions or images that I make up.
However, to the self identity . . . illusions are safety devices. The images that appear in form
So when I equate myself with this self, are the result of the thoughts that I think.
I look to illusory ideas for safety, I have given the body‛s eyes the job
and continue to give my meaning to everything. of identifying and confirming these thoughts
This shows that I think that I am in competition with LOVE . . . that I think I think . . . and the images that I have made.
for I offer my meaning to everything . . . denying LOVE‛s meaning. So I am using the body to convince me
I thus make LOVE my enemy. that what I see is really there as I see it.
Thus I fear LOVE‛s vengeance . . . for my opposition. Wow . . . the circular ploy of the self-image in full strength.

What a discovery . . . that a meaningless world is impossible! Having practised the lesson,
And the reason? What LOVE did not create does not exist, am I checking to see if there are little edges of light
and everything that does exist exists as LOVE created it. around the objects with which I am familiar? Remember,
The world that I see has nothing to do with the Reality of LOVE. that which checks is DOUBT . . . a thought from my
It is of my own making, and it does not exist. thought bank . . . my self-made image bank; that is
seduced by the thought
So an exchange is taking place . . . my thought system . . . that it is on a long, arduous journey seeking for LOVE. But,
for the Word of LOVE, the Thought of LOVE. I am told these remember, the self‛s search for LOVE is neverending.
early steps in this exchange can be quite difficult and even quite LOVE is not to be found on the path of the self,
painful; that some of them will lead me directly into fear. I am because the self IS the denial of LOVE.
assured that I will not be left there It has no intention that LOVE be found . . .
but will go far beyond the fear . . . or else the self itself would disappear.
to perfect safety and perfect Peace. Of course, the self does not want me
This final lesson is upfront . . . to find the Self . . . LOVE . . . as created of and by LOVE.
It expresses the possibility of pain, of difficulty So let go checking my rating as a good or bad student!
in the confrontation of fear . . .
Of course, to the self, it is not possible
yet I am encouraged that I will make it through,
that I would be among those
for I am in the hands of LOVE, the Source of Peace.
who see these little edges of light around objects.
That would shorten the search.
So, in simply looking at this suggestion,
41 42
I will fulfil whichever thought I set out with. where a world of phenomena replaces the current
If I choose to fit the “failure” image, illusory world with another illusion of a world.
I will not see the edges of light. Awaiting phenomena as a sign of worth
If I decide on the “success” image, puts time in the process . . . instead of shortening time.
I will immediately imagine the edges of light.
Phenomena may be valid experiences,
Right in the midst of this unfamiliarity, just when I think I am but are not the aim . . . are nothing of themselves.
getting a grasp of this transformation process, If I choose this new goal of phenomena
I am confronted with a temptation, a testing. to give me a new identity . . . it still sets me apart . . .
The ploy of the self is . . . How do I rate? where I begin to evaluate each of my images (companions) on the
Am I one who is beginning to experience real Vision? “seeing scale” based on their avowed “light episodes” and their
Or have I not even begun? “demonstration” of their “opening eyes”.
This very lesson offers the answer.
This is not to deny the experiences . . .
What image am I deciding is “appropriate”? “true”?
but to acknowledge the possible trap
“not acceptable”? “longed for”?
of being sidetracked from the given aim . . .
When being directed by the self . . . my opinions fit in
“undoing the thought system of the self-identity . . .
with the criteria that self promotes!
and replacing it with the Thoughts of God, my real thoughts” . . .
On top of this, I am told to a different aim . . . actually offering support
that I may have many “light episodes”; that they “may take many TO the thought system of the self . . .
different forms, some of them quite unexpected.” in the guise of “doing the lessons”, “practising the lessons”,
Then I‛m reassured not to be afraid of them. “letting the lessons do me”
Obviously, some of these “episodes” will seem fearful. BY having “the physical, sensory experience”
At this point, the self, in its fear of being out of control, pipes up, to prove that I am on the way . . . and not only that . . .
“What are the other forms of “light episode” that are possible? but to prove that this self is quite advanced in its transformation.
Will I recognise them?”
And so on, and so on . . . My focus is tempted . . . At this point I am reminded that these signs do not persist,
Will my focus change . . . from practising the lessons as because they merely symbolise true perception,
instructed, to one of searching for signs of my eyes opening AT and are not related TO KNOWLEDGE.
LAST? Am I going to give place to fear? “Light episodes” and “knowledge” are NOT in the same realm.
The one is of time . . . of perception.
This desire for phenomena is a distraction The other is apart from time . . . of eternal knowing.
from the simplicity of the lesson. The one is illusory. The other is true.
The exercises have the simple function
For some . . . phenomena become the entire focus . . .
of preparing the way TO knowledge.
Knowledge simply IS.

43 44
I am asked to take steps that open the way for knowledge to
be received . . . to be restored . . . I am well-practised in closing My meaningless thoughts show me a meaningless world.
the door to knowledge. Just because those thoughts are meaningless . . .
does not mean they have no effect.
Even with this potential distraction of phenomena, The world that I see IS the effect of my thoughts.
the full picture is given . . . I certainly give Power to my thoughts
so that I don‛t remain stuck in a phenomenon . . . by banding them together to form opinions and beliefs
which is simply another illusion in my image-making repertoire, out of which I make up the world that I see.
to which I could give undue value and attention, and thereby It is my belief in my meaningless thoughts
miss the gift of the lesson itself.
that produces the meaningless world that I perceive.
When I let go of my meaningless thoughts . . .
I am so grateful
asking for true meaning to replace my meaning . . .
for the impeccable thoroughness in these lessons,
then I begin to discover
for bringing up ideas within ideas,
what IS meaningful and what IS meaningless.
so that I can not avoid looking at the thinking
that makes up my world of images . . . I have certainly taken on board the thought system of the
and my propensity for jumping over . . . avoiding . . . self identity that I made to compete with LOVE. These
rather than going through. thoughts offer no real meaning . . . only further illusion and
I am on the bridge. I am not alone. meaninglessness.
I am being held in the everlasting arms of Peace. A mix of true and false thoughts gives a rollercoaster ride of
The Spirit that is LOVE is leading me across. Peace and war . . . LOVE and fear.
Nothing is in the way . . . unless I make something . . . of nothing. This is the experience offered by a mind
that is split in its allegiance to the Truth of LOVE alone . . .
entertaining thoughts of comparison and conflict.

Do I want to contribute to Truth? or Illusion? Is not my

declaration of purpose . . . to seek direct experience of
Truth alone?
When focussed on the Truth of LOVE . . . then each thought
contributes to experiencing Peace and LOVE.
Each idea in denial of LOVE brings with it war and fear.

It‛s time to turn . . . to return to the Truth alone . . .

seeking LOVE‛s ever-present guidance . . . that changeless Spirit . . .
the link which guides me to LOVE with LOVE . . .
16. “I have no neutral thoughts.” leads me to clarity . . . where I am able to distinguish between
meaningful and meaningless . . . real and unreal.
45 46
To introduce the meaning of miracles is the declaration . . .
“Nothing real can be threatened. How amazing to find
Nothing unreal exists. that in simply resting my glance on each thing in a room . . .
Herein lies the Peace of God.” as I use the name given to identify it . . .
Very succinct . . . very simple . . . what comes forward is an entire history of the thing.
a very quick answer to the entire process . . . First I see my immediate judgment of the particular item . . .
given by that same Guide . . . always present within . . . yet with a flood of ideas surrounding it.
always awaiting my call. Even within the short time it takes to simply repeat the idea,
“I do not see a neutral ...... because my thoughts about ....... are not neutral”,
I have a practice to attend to . . . Be present to my thoughts . . . Be
while resting my glance on a particular thing,
alert to the source of my thinking . . . Check how I am feeling . . . for
thoughts rush in with such great speed . . . whirling around . . .
this is a barometer of the source of my thoughts . . . a measure of
gathering the complete past association that I have with it . . .
whether I am at Peace . . . or at war.
flavouring my perception, while stirring the whole pot of “meaning”.

As I recognise that I have no neutral thoughts, Meanwhile the lesson is working on me.
each thought that arises is now ready I see the intricate system of pigeonholes that I have made
for correction or acceptance. to categorise and evaluate my entire world . . .
The correction may ask out of fear . . . out of lack . . .
that I go into the fear which has been exposed . . . considering that I am safe within this system . . .
and be taken through till it falls away of itself . . . where I maintain the meaning that I have given everything.
Thus I maintain my time-constrained identity of littleness,
loses the Power that I have given it . . . and is no longer.
which, in my blindness, I think IS what I am . . .
Fear thoughts are not to be dismissed as unimportant.
which I think IS my identity.
Fear thoughts are to be encountered . . . met . . . and dealt with.
Yet, all that flashes by . . .
Otherwise the hidden fear continues to affect me.
in the period of time it takes to state . . .
Brought to the Light of awareness . . .
“I do not see a neutral ….. because my thoughts about……. are not neutral”.
fear‛s lack of Reality is revealed.
This is NOT a theory to add to my bank of ideas. Since my thoughts are meaningless, obviously
This IS an experience . . . the gift of commitment! the world that I see is meaningless, too.
However, having constructed all those pigeonholes . . .
So look at my thoughts . . . allow them passage . . . let go the false . . .
it is undeniable that I see no neutral things.
entertain and nurture only those offering Peace and LOVE . . .
Each thing/person/situation is given its own special meaning . . .
constantly aligning with the Self that is LOVE‛s Creation.
its own special place or pigeon hole . . .
I definitely have no neutral thoughts. from my resource pool of endless possibilities of specialness.
17. “I see no neutral things.”
I become very aware of the decision that I have made
“to seek direct experience of Truth alone.”

47 48
I am also very aware of the guidance being offered. LOVE is not found apart from, that is, separate from me.
This is apparent as I read the comment that I To reclaim LOVE, I turn within . . .
not out to the things that I have made
“do not see anything which is really alive and really joyous
with my meaningless thoughts.
because I am unaware as yet
of any thoughts which are true, and therefore really happy”. How can they possibly give me Joy and Happiness?
Joy and Happiness are gifts of Creation . . .
I have been seeing time . . . a beginning and an end . . . in everything. found within . . . not from my separate thoughts . . .
This brings home clearly that I have been seeing death in everything. but from that well of wholeness . . .
I have focussed on the denial of LOVE . . . and not on the Truth of the LOVE that is my home . . . my essence.
When I tap into that Source,
I have dwelt on the limited . . . not the eternal.
what I SEE comes from Thoughts which are true . . .
I have waited for the sadness . . . to follow the temporary Joy.
Thoughts which I think WITH LOVE . . .
I have NOT been truly happy.
not my thoughts of opposition and denial of LOVE . . .
This comment in the lesson shows me more fully
which result in the chaotic, limited, fearful, meaningless,
the depth to which I embrace the thought system of the self . . .
lifeless, joyless world of my making.
which confirms that I am separate from the Truth of LOVE . . .
having my own personal brand of ‘truth‛ . . . Time to let go of that world of pigeonholes . . .
where I can choose to fragment . . . that band of pain and sorrow, of limited Peace, and limited Joy.
rather than experience the Unity that is LOVE‛s Reality. As I embrace seeing anew . . .
I see a meaningful world . . . one which arises from
At the same time, the Light of LOVE shines within . . .
forgiveness . . . LOVE‛s reflection . . . which is the basis of
revealing another way of thinking . . . thus another way of seeing . . .
true Sight . . .
one that touches on what is REALLY alive and REALLY joyous.
where the meaningless is given no Power . . .
I am being directed along the path
is allowed to be nothing.
to full remembrance of the Truth of One Self . . . LOVE . . .
In its place . . . I choose LOVE‛s meaning.
and the activation of true thoughts which lead
Then I see that the meaningless has no place.
to the happiness that I AM in the Truth of LOVE alone.
There IS only LOVE, Peace, Joy . . . true meaning.
Life IS Thought.
To be fully alive is to BE
the Thought of LOVE . . . exactly as created.
The joyousness that I value
is the expression of the Life that I AM . . .
the extension of LOVE . . . the Creation of LOVE.
The Source of Joy, the Source of Happiness . . . lies within . . .
This Source is LOVE . . . the very essence of Life. 18. “I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing.”
49 50
an identity which keeps me separate, apart and special?
I have been shown that the world that I see results from Am I happy with a limited self-constructed identity that
my particular thinking. My self identity consists of IS my world?
the input of the thoughts that I entertain
resulting in the way that I see everything . . . My mind is being trained to look at
birthing all my opinions and beliefs . . . how I am seeing things . . . from moment to moment!
forming this identity called ‘me‛. Am I continuing to see through the eyes
of the self-constructed identity . . .
How I see things has come from which relies on the banks of opinions and beliefs
whichever training program I have accepted along the way. which it has bought . . . and nurtured . . . as true? Or
As an opinion or a belief forms from my scattered ideas . . . am I asking TO SEE beyond
it becomes part of my self-constructed identity. the limited perception that I have espoused?
I draw to myself support for these tentative ideas . . . Am I willing TO SEE the Truth of LOVE
in order for them to be entrenched . . . in everything that I SEE?
so that I am able to say, “THIS is what I am. If so . . . it is time to go within . . .
THIS is what makes me what I am. beneath the false self-constructed images . . .
THIS is my identity.” to the Truth of what IS . . . LOVE . . .
From a very early age, and to call on LOVE to be the Source of my SEEING?
I learn to manipulate circumstances I can SEE the LOVE . . .
to confirm my beliefs . . . the true Source of everything I SEE . . .
in order to maintain this identity. if I but choose TO SEE it!

To consolidate these ideas, I remember an incident where I was very angry at

I gather around me those who agree. what I saw to be an injustice being offered me.
Those who don‛t agree are pigeonholed as ‘enemies‛. In the guise of seeking release from the pain of this upset,
I try to convince these ‘enemies‛ . . . I decided to visit a particular woman.
by continually declaring how I SEE these ideas. As I came to her driveway, I stopped abruptly.
This practice could only come from my own uncertainty . . . I couldn‛t go in. I turned around.
and my desire to convince myself. I had been going to see this particular woman for solace . . .
This is how the self identity works. for confirmation of my grievance.
The self identity always comes Something stopped me. It was just one thought.
from uncertainty . . . from doubt. . . from fear. A change arose in how I was seeing this situation.
That is its function. That is what it IS . . .
I returned home.
doubt . . . denial . . . of LOVE . . . of Certainty. So,
of course my self-constructed identity is fearful. Do Another person entered . . .
I want to continue to amass beliefs that reinforce one who would not buy into my drama . . .
one who would allow me to express my grievance,
51 52
yet direct me to the Truth . . . that I was not SEEING . . . are never neutral or unimportant.
and, in fact, could not see clearly . . . with grievous eyes. Each encounter offers me the choice of how to see it!
My entire demeanour changed . . . my voice, my words, my request. Am I joyously preparing TO SEE
Now I was asking for a true solution . . . what is true and real . . . LOVE . . .
a change in my perception. in whatever is presented?
knowing that how I see . . . the source of my seeing . . .
I joined with her thinking . . . recognising IS important and is definitely NOT neutral.
that she was offering me everything that I really wanted . . . I either reinforce the Truth of LOVE . . .
to forgive . . . to reverse my familiar stance of judgment . . . or the error of conflict . . .
In accepting that offering . . . my world was different . . . by my choice of guide for seeing . . .
because at last I was SEEING it differently . . . the Self, the Spirit that is LOVE . . .
through eyes of LOVE . . . or the self of perception.
rather than eyes of judgment and blame. Since minds are joined, what IS MY offering?
The choice I make determines what I teach.
This story remains as a reminder that I am not alone in
experiencing the effects of my seeing; no matter what my choice As I open to LOVE‛s Vision . . .
of seeing. It demonstrates that Peace awaits a change in my I draw to me opportunities to offer this Vision.
thinking. What I have received myself . . . is now what I have to give to all.
Therefore . . . I state with Certainty,
I had heard a voice . . . a still, quiet voice . . .
that directed me to stop what I was doing . . . “I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing.”
and look at what I was seeing . . .
then look to the thinking . . .
that was resulting in the seeing.
And I listened . . . and followed the direction.

Had I continued with the visit . . . as planned . . .

I would still not have been alone
in experiencing the effects of my seeing . . .
And those effects would have been painful to all concerned.
However, with the different choice,
I was not alone in experiencing the effects
of the way I chose to see the situation . . .
the effects being LOVE, Truth, Peace . . . and with it, Joy. How
often is this my decision? Or do I continue to reinforce false
perception, judgment? The thoughts which give rise to what I 19. “I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts.”

53 54
What I think . . . results in how I see. of ‘private thoughts‛ in ‘private minds‛
“What I think” is the cause. as a way of diverting attention
“How I see” is the effect. from the Reality of One Mind.
Yet there is no time . . . no gap . . . The self provides its tools
between the thinking and the seeing. of attack and defence of this privacy . . .
to keep me busy . . . off LOVE‛s track.
Projection is the attempt to separate cause and effect.
This is where I distance cause from effect . . . In acknowledging that there are no private thoughts . . .
my thinking from my seeing . . . having discovered that I am not alone in experiencing the
effects of my thoughts . . . I see the opportunity to
and then decide that the effect
causes my experience of upset or joy . . . extend Thoughts of LOVE . . . and therefore SEE only
LOVE . . . with LOVE . . . choosing to let go of divisive
rather than seeing
that the cause of my upset or joy
willing to receive the correction that LOVE offers.
is my own thinking thoughts . . . other than LOVE.
LOVE then becomes what I teach . . . instead of
In fact, cause and effect are simultaneous. Only projection could
what I teach when I support a substitute for
make them seem separate, and offer a scheme for denying
that I am responsible for my thoughts and my seeing. To
acknowledge cause and effect as one idea . . . not separate, As the world of my making . . . obviously illusory . . .
means I can no longer be a victim. since it arises from my meaningless thinking and seeing . . .
no longer receives my support . . .
Since I choose the source of my thoughts, I alone can change
the source of my thinking . . . so I alone can change my seeing. it falls away . . . disappears . . . for it has no substance.
Taking responsibility for the world that I see is the first step. Its only claim to existence
is the attention and belief that I give it . . .
THIS is the beginning and the end of the idea of a separate self.
and so it seems to exist.
To remember that I do not know what anything means However, nothing real can be threatened;
reminds me to ask for true meaning . . . true perception . . . and nothing unreal exists.
with LOVE as the Source. The self and its world . . . both vulnerable to threat . . .
With LOVE as my Guide . . . I become One with LOVE . . . are therefore unreal . . . so do not exist.
aware of but One meaning . . . One Mind . . . LOVE.
The self sees its power lies in having its own special ideas.
In this awareness . . . all I SEE IS One . . .
What a blow to discover they are just meaningless ideas.
all I AM IS the expression of LOVE.
Throughout time, the self is just one thought away
So, of course, the self . . . the rebel . . . from being all powerful or meaningless . . . to me . . .
presents the tempting idea depending on the source of my thinking in each moment.
Am I caught off guard by the idea that minds are joined?
that there is but One Mind?

55 56
Do I accept that there are NO private thoughts? The reversal of my thinking is crucial if I am to
These ideas are introduced in the perfect timing . . . experience Peace and Joy. How important IS this to
within the structured sequencing of these lessons . . . me?
as each of my ideas is challenged . . . one by one. The lessons up till now have shown me
The fullness of the implications dawns the erratic, yet calculated nature of my thinking . . . its source . . .
as the ideas are practised as instructed. the view that results . . . and the experience and effects that
It appears to take time follow my thinking and seeing.
to replace the self-made thought system . . . It is quite obvious that my mind is totally undisciplined!
the system of thoughts not sourced in LOVE . . .
What associations come to mind with the word, “discipline”?
for it has been entrenched.
What reaction or response arises as I hear the very word?
Salvation IS . . . being saved Is there resistance to the idea of being disciplined?
from the effects Do I associate discipline with being a victim?
of thinking thoughts not sourced in LOVE . . . powerless? restricted? under authority?
by accepting only thoughts sourced IN LOVE. Do I resent the suggestion that I am undisciplined?
When I think sourced in LOVE . . . Is my self-identity threatened as I read this lesson?
I SEE only LOVE . . . so offer only LOVE. When I think Do I agree that I cannot distinguish between
sourced in conflict . . . I see only problems . . . so spend my joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, LOVE and fear?
time trying to solve the problems
Just for a moment, allow my mind to SLOW DOWN . . .
that I made up in the first place
through thinking . . . sourced in conflict. to really look at these pairs of “opposites” . . .
and discover the “grey areas” within each pair . . .
The thoughts that I entertain . . . the overlap in my experience.
the thoughts that I hold on to . . . I certainly want to be saved from this uncertainty.
the thoughts with which I identify . . . Iwant to distinguish the difference . . . clearly . . .
expose the thought system that I am espousing in any moment. so that I can make decisions
I am not alone in experiencing the effects of these thoughts. from a place of complete Certainty.
So, what is the source of my thoughts? I want certain Peace and Happiness.
The illusion that is self? limited . . . able to be threatened? Within my current chaotic thinking . . . this seems impossible.
Or the Self . . . as created . . . by and of LOVE Itself? And, in fact, within the thought system
with which I am familiar . . . it IS impossible.
The very idea of personal selves each with separate thoughts
oozes with chaos and uncertainty . . .
certainly no room . . . for true Peace and Certainty.
So . . . What IS this way of thinking
20. “ I am determined TO SEE.” that assures Peace and Certainty?
I am willing to do whatever it takes!
57 58
It is obvious that half measures are useless. to any situation, person or event which seems to upset me.
I want what true perception offers!
I am willing to fulfil my part. I am assured that I CAN and I WILL see them differently.
That means that I don‛t EVER need to choose upset . . .
Salvation of the world depends on me. once I begin to truly see . . . to see truly . . .
From personal experience, it is obvious I decide how to see . . . and I see accordingly,
that the thought system of the personal self . . . For . . . Being LOVE‛s extension . . . I have all Power
with its limited thinking . . . its limited view . . . to accomplish my Will . . . which is the Will . . . of LOVE.
relies on chaos and confusion.
Of course I get the results . . .
So the world remains a chaotic idea in my mind . . .
of how I choose to see . . .
needing salvation from its sorry state. Since it is I who see the
world through personal interpretation . . . whether it be seeing what is . . . as created by LOVE of LOVE . . .
and as I am part of this world that I make up . . . or seeing my interpretation of what appears before me . . .
I need salvation . . . I need to be saved from based on my opinions and evaluation.
my own thinking and seeing and interpreting. So, what do I desire to see?
How willing am I to see LOVE . . . in everything that I see?
VISION is sourced in LOVE . . . I know how willing I am to see with the eyes of LOVE
the home of Peace and Certainty. by the degree to which I acknowledge
How much do I want VISION? that my brother IS exactly as created . . . by LOVE . . . of LOVE . . .
I have been simply imaging . . . and NOT what I have made OF him through my interpretation.
thinking that imaging IS seeing! The THIS IS forgiveness in action.
“seeing” to which I am accustomed
shows me a meaningless world When led by the self image that is LOVE‛s denial . . . my body‛s eyes
arising from meaningless thoughts . . . always see my brother as limited, separate, and guilty . . . for they
and offers nothing that I really want. That is not VISION. look through judgment, comparison and evaluation . . .
a fickle basis for arriving at the Truth
All that VISION requires . . . is my decision to see. of what he is . . . as created of LOVE.
VISION is a given when I am determined to see . . .
It takes an action of mind . . . a decision . . . a decisive thought . . . To make the change, my single, clear purpose is
for the Truth of LOVE to be my experience. Why to be led BY LOVE . . . TO SEE with LOVE. With
not invite that thought, activate it . . . and SEE? the determination to see ONLY LOVE . . .
I face all obstacles to LOVE‛s Presence
So, today‛s instructions are very clear, very explicit . . . with a renewed Certainty of Purpose.
Repeat . . . “I am determined to see” . . . SLOWLY and POSITIVELY It IS my choice to listen
at least twice and hour . . . attempting to do so every half hour. to the Spirit of LOVE . . . in each moment,
And that‛s not all. Extra repetitions are to be applied and to be guided past
all obstacles which must surely be presented in the overturning
59 60
or reversing of my way of thinking and seeing. makes the world of my experience?
The patterns of thinking and seeing that I have used I elect the way that I experience everything. All the pain or
to construct the world AS I SEE IT . . . are being undone . . . joy, anguish or delight, sadness or happiness, anger or
First of all I identify the patterns of thinking acceptance
that are responsible for my world . . . that I experience . . . result from my way of seeing.
the world AS I SEE IT . . . then . . .
In remembering this . . . I am aware of the inroads of grievance in me.
recognising their inadequacy to bring Peace and Certainty . . .
Anger infiltrates every aspect . . . along with
I surrender them to LOVE . . . listening ONLY to LOVE . . .
the sense of powerlessness it evokes . . . of being wronged.
to learn HOW to see . . . through eyes of LOVE.
I see that anger arises with any apparent opposition to my plan . . .
Since I am the Creation of LOVE . . . the extension of LOVE . . . which is founded on beliefs and opinions based on the past . . .
true seeing is already in place . . . as given in Creation . . . from the vault of treasured ideas which form my self-identity.
simply awaiting my remembrance . . . Whatever threatens this established identity,
awaiting my request to be restored to Vision . . . this self-image . . . brings anger.
where I see ONLY LOVE . . . through eyes given TO LOVE. However, ‘Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.
LOVE has given me the freedom to discover Herein lies the Peace of LOVE.’

that all that I really want is LOVE Itself.

This very fragile, tenuous self-concept has no reality.
I have not been forced or coerced into So there is no real reason for anger . . .
seeing the way that I have been seeing. apart from my decision to give reality to my own thinking and seeing.
It has always been my decision. The chosen source of my Then there must be a solution to the dilemma of anger which is
enmeshed in my seeing.
thoughts has always directed my seeing. Now I determine to
see truly . . . All that I see is filtered through my interpretation.
What is behind this self-constructed identity of mine?
from the true Source . . . LOVE. I decide to see with LOVE, as
this web of interpretation? Where am I? What am I?
LOVE . . . the inheritance that simply awaits my awakening to its
In determining to see things differently, I acknowledge that I want a
The reversal of my thinking . . . different guide for my seeing, a different guide for my thinking . . . a
is the miracle taking place. guide other than my inconsistent interpretations.
I choose the miracle. There IS a true Guide that is always present and available.
I am determined to see. I have ignored this Voice . . . this quiet Voice of LOVE . . .
heard only in the stillness of my mind.
21. “I am determined TO SEE things differently.”
I have listened instead to the loud voice of my personal judgment. I
have followed its raucous shrieks of direction, and have accepted
Am I truly determined to see things differently?
the limited identity it offers . . . as if it is real . . . instead of simply
Is it clear that how I choose to see everything
accepting the Truth of What I am as created . . .
the extension of LOVE Itself.

61 62
are rife in my daily experience . . .
I am determined to see differently. As I listen within
to this Voice of LOVE . . . my True Voice . . . I find the way of LOVE Defence number one! ALL my daily plans . . .
that gives me what I truly want . . . Peace and LOVE. which are made to protect my self-image.
Instead of seeing anger, war and grievance . . . Anything that hints at obstructing those plans or ideas that I value
I now see LOVE, Joy and Peace . . . in everything . . . in everyone . . . brings up defence‛s attendant, anger . . . with its plan of action, to
Instead of attack thoughts directing my seeing, thwart the supposed threat . . .
I embrace loving thoughts sourced in LOVE . . . my Source. with whatever weapons it chooses from its arsenal.
As I see my brother through the eyes of LOVE . . . And . . . in that moment . . . I do consider attack is justified.
I remember myself AS LOVE. All upset is either overt or covert fury.
As I wipe the slate clean of all preconceived images that I have There are no degrees. I am either happy and at Peace . . . or not.
made, I am no longer directed by old thinking patterns.
This new intention to see differently is fuelled by my remembrance of I am reminded that I do not really recognise
the insanity which has ruled my thinking, together with its very painful what arouses anger in me . . . and anyway . . .
and chaotic effects. nothing that I believe in this connection means anything!
So, I simply allow the lesson to do its work in me,
The opinion-based self is the epitome of “busyness” . . . remembering I am being led to where I have been afraid to go . . .
with a frantic scurry of thoughts . . . to the very source of this self identity . . . the source being
all rushing in and demanding subservience. that one idea of competing with LOVE, my true Source.
Till I am committed to see things differently . . . When all support for competition falls away, I
I remain a willing servant of the aggressive domination of this self . . . come to where I willingly accept the Truth . . .
which convinces me of the need for attack and defence. that this identity is meaningless . . .
and that I do not have to give it validity any longer . . .
How alert am I to what is going on in my mind? How
for I am home in LOVE.
quick am I to catch the finest nuance of defence
Now I claim my heritage as the offspring of LOVE,
when it arises in me . . . as I buy into the “vulnerability program” that the extension of LOVE without opposite,
I have willingly installed in my mind
which has been waiting in the wings for this moment in time . . .
to compute the direction of my thinking and seeing?
my awakening from the dream that I substituted for reality.
Instead of recognising the invulnerability
I abandoned LOVE. I abandoned the Truth that I AM the Creation . . .
of my true Identity . . . the extension or offspring of LOVE . . .
the emanation of LOVE Itself . . . of Life Itself.
I have denied what I am . . . and have accepted an identity reliant on
Remembering that I AM LOVE IS what Peace IS . . .
my defence and attack of preconceived ideas. In applying this lesson
Third Review
as directed, I look at the question,
‘Did you have any difficulty whatsoever in finding situations
Seven Lessons:
past, present or anticipated, which arouse anger in you?’
15. My thoughts are images which I have made.
I certainly admit that I had no difficulty. 16. I have no neutral thoughts.
In fact, I discovered that defence, with its attendant, anger,
63 64
17. I see no neutral things. LOVE and Peace? . . . or conflict and fear? So even though
18. I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing.
meaningless . . . my thoughts are shown to be anything but
19. I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts.
20. I am determined to see. neutral . . . witnessed to by their effects ON ME. The practice of
21. I am determined to see things differently. looking at my thoughts
and experiencing their non-neutrality really helps.
“LOVE did not create a meaningless world.” (Lesson 14) My bank of object identification with their multi-faceted histories
set the stage for these seven lessons. testifies to the beliefs and opinions (always non-neutral)
The exchange has begun . . . my thought system for the Word of that surround each thing or idea in my world.
LOVE . . . the LOVE that I AM. It is encouraging to be assured In fact, I have allotted an identity to each thing that I see . . .
that I will make it through this process . . . which invariably includes an element of time and death . . .
though it is also pointed out . . . that some steps
certainly not neutral !
can be quite difficult and even painful . . .
that some WILL LEAD ME directly into fear. I am responsible for how I see things . . .
This is the framework from which I begin these lessons. Whatever I choose as the source or basis of my seeing . . .
whether judgment or forgiveness . . .
In the very first lesson (15) I meet a temptation to be waylaid by
I can be certain that the actions that take place
competition . . . comparison . . . through the idea of “little edges of light”
being seen around familiar objects. in response to my choice . . . will definitely be received
The opportunity is presented for me remain focussed . . . and felt by those involved in the episode. Thus . . . I am
not alone in experiencing the effects of how I choose
OR to be distracted . . . paying attention instead
to see things.
to evaluating my level of awakeness . . .
and then to set up a hierarchy of states of enlightenment . . . whose only How devious is the self-construct! The self IS deviousness itself!
claim to this ranking is “little edges of light”
Rather than admit that my thoughts are the cause
plus other unspecified forms of “light episodes”. of my reactions and responses to my world, the self-identity
With these ideas . . . threat has a field day. reverses this and says the world/situation/person/event is
The lesson itself answers this desire . . . responsible for my responses/reactions.
for phenomena to be proof . . . of some spurious level of awakeness. “My That‛s why the self uses projection . . . to avoid taking responsibility.
thoughts are images which I have made.”
My images are projected onto my world screen
Was I distracted by this?
so that eventually I may discover
Since I have no neutral thoughts (16) that I am solely responsible for the world that I see.
each thought that I have produces an effect . . . How perverse to think
and that effect is the indicator of the source of the thought. that I would rather remain a victim of the world
How I am feeling is a simple measure of the source of my thinking. than take responsibility for my own thinking and seeing . . .
my perceptions . . . that make up the world as I see it.

Lesson 19 presents another temptation . . .

‘private thoughts’ . . . ‘private minds’ . . .

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a typical weapon of divisiveness. It takes discipline to read in the way being asked of me, that is . . .
This is total denial of Mind . . . the One Mind of LOVE . . . SLOWLY and POSITIVELY . . . allowing the meaning to be absorbed in a
expressed through LOVE‛s extension. It very present way . . . enabling the working of the Spirit of LOVE by being
is quite easy for the self-image to set up a willing receptacle for the turnaround in my thinking.
‘private thoughts’/’private minds’ as fact . . .
VISION is now my focus. Remember my declaration,
because the self is the denial of the One Mind of Self . . .
“I seek direct experience of Truth alone”?
It sets about establishing the body as the identity
So, I seek only the direct experience of true Vision.
which it says houses a ‘mind‛ and ‘thoughts‛.
What is my part in this? Decide to SEE!
The self says that I am alone . . . that no-one else experiences
My “seeing” shows me a meaningless world.
the effects of my thoughts . . . because they are private.
Vision is not related to my “seeing” . . .
The self-image is the denial that minds are joined as One . . .
Although . . . when in the experience of Vision,
the denial of the Power of the One Mind of LOVE.
even eyes accustomed to being used for my “seeing”
The self denies that it is an image maker . . .
are given a new purpose . . . to SEE TRULY . . . with Vision!
asserting instead that it is a creator . . . replacing LOVE as Creator.
Any situation, person or event which seems to upset me
And all along “my thoughts are images that I have made”.
CAN be SEEN differently . . . so I don‛t need to choose upset.
The insanity that IS the self . . . the deviousness that IS the self . . .
“Upset” is the response to the decision that my plan, as the self,
the drawing together of ideas in a quasi-logical construct . . . including my opinions and my beliefs,
knows no bounds.
is being threatened or thwarted.
When I listen to the self . . . as my guide . . .
know that this is the basis of my operation . . . So, I am informed that there may be obstacles
deviousness and insanity. to this reversal of my thinking/seeing . . . this installation of Vision.
The Holy Spirit of LOVE, my Guide, assures me that I will be led
How can I remove myself from the tentacles of the self-based through and past these obstacles . . . which have a very necessary role
thought system? One declaration sets the wheels in motion . . . in the replacement of the meaningless system
“I am determined TO SEE.”
with the gift of VISION.
So finally, by Lesson 20, I agree
to the up-turning, the reversal of my thinking and seeing. The final lesson triggers the enormity
This declaration, “I am determined to see”, is my agreement of the inroads of this perverse thought system . . .
to practise the entire Part 1 of the Workbook . . . and the dedication with which I have worshipped its every tenet.
which provides “the undoing of the way I SEEnow”. I have faithfully rendered my Identity, LOVE . . . unconscious . . .
My way of thinking is being undone.
and have enthroned my self-constructed identity in its place . . .
leaving barely a trace of the Truth that I AM LOVE.
It is pointed out that my mind is totally undisciplined.
It‛s no wonder it can be experienced as difficult and painful,
So, in order for this undoing to take place . . . I am given my part.
when I have virtually buried the Self of LOVE . . . and taken on
Following instructions impeccably as given in each lesson is a start.
the self that I have identified with . . .
and all because I, limited self, constructed it.

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on to a world that I see as separate from me . . .
In the prison that I have constructed for the Self that is LOVE . . . reminds me that the world that I see
Life has been waiting to be freed. At last I see the prison door is is simply a reflection of my state of mind.
The door seems very heavy at times. But it is, in fact, open. My thoughts are images that I have made . . .
Self is restored . . . freed from its banishment. a world of images, a world of my thoughts . . . in fact . . .
Each choice to defend or attack closes the door somewhat. a projection of what is occurring in my mind to convince myself
It takes time for the entrenched system to be dismantled. that a world of separate bodies and separate minds is real.
That‛s why I make up this world of my perception . . .
We complete these seven lessons with the powerful declaration . . . to hide my unacceptable ideas . . . to disown them . . .
in the face of exposure of the extent of my grievance and anger . . . In doing so, grievance remains within . . . hidden at times . . .
“I am determined to see things differently.”
then bursting out . . . as I see a world attacking . . .
With this new, strong intent installed . . . it takes me to the very or about to attack me . . .
place that I am afraid to go . . . the very source of this identity in the many forms that attack is seen to occur.
that is in the process of being replaced. Until I reach the very As I, in my fury, would strike at anything that obstructs my plan,
heart of this impostor, I am not ready to see so I defend myself from potential attack . . .
by attacking first . . . in the name of self-defence.
that beyond this apparent identity And all this arises from the source of my thinking and seeing.
is LOVE ITSELF . . . the Truth of What I am . . .
the Truth of all that is real. In looking at my underlying anger in its many forms . . . I see
my preoccupation with thoughts of attack and counter-attack . . .
all in order to protect my self-made identity . . . my plan . . .
in every moment of the day . . . when aligned with
the idea of being a separate identity.
In that state of mind . . . that way of seeing . . .
the entire world is peopled with my ideas of attack and defence.
What a savage fantasy!
With this preoccupation . . . Peace of mind IS impossible.
22. “What I see is a form of vengeance.”
All of that opposition in the world . . .
So I am being taken to the very source of the world that I see. which I see and believe is really in the world . . .
I have visited the depth and breadth of anger is what I MAKE . . . what I dump on it.
which underpins my every thought. My attack thoughts are the cause
To nail that anger in place calls for a world outside of me. To see of what I hate and want to attack and kill.
that I project my ideas . . . my conflict . . . my anger So, of course I separate myself . . .
I distance myself from acknowledging this . . .
by seeing the images that I make . . .
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projected on to a screen that I call the world. for what is seen can be threatened . . .
and hence the source of this seeing . . .
What I see outside . . . or apart . . . IS a form of vengeance . . . (the one seeing through the eyes of this seeing)
for it demands that I am separate, alone and distant from LOVE. is unreal as well.
What I see is the very denial that I AM eternal LOVE. This seeing proves the unreality of the self . . .
Since I make this all up in my mind . . . I CAN ESCAPE . . . for what it sees IS threatened . . . therefore cannot BE real.
What I am seeing is not actually REAL . . . To be reminded of the unreality of self
The fear that feeds the anger has no purpose . . . so does not exist. IS a form of vengeance . . . to self.
For fear is born of threat . . . and nothing real can be threatened.
Thus . . . I see that I am afraid of my own thoughts. “What I see is a form of vengeance”,
Yet they are my thoughts. opens up its gift for me to be able to state with Certainty . . .
The source of all fearful, angry thoughts
“This is not the world I really want to see. I
is an identity that thinks it is separate and alone . . .
want to see a world of LOVE, Peace, and Joy, not
which, of course, sees a world separate from itself . . .
one of fear, anger, fury, attack and defence.”
with no possible link between each little cocoon of separateness.

How freeing it is to know that this world is not real . . . I have decided to SEE.
I escape from this crazy circus . . . from this vicious cycle At last, I am asking for another way of seeing . . . Vision . . .
of hatred, war, anger and fear . . . just by changing HOW I see. where I see ONLY the eternal . . . ONLY Peace . . . ONLY LOVE . . .
for this seeing is sourced in eternal Peace . . . eternal LOVE . . .
When identifying with the self . . . my self-constructed identity . . . the Self that I AM . . . the Creation OF LOVE.
I place vengeance in whichever form suits me in the moment . . . Instead of making worlds through projection of my ideas . . .
in my quest to maintain my ‘rightness‛ in defending or attacking. I now CREATE . . . by simply extending LOVE Itself . . .
When I finally admit that I see by BEING LOVE . . . as created.
only the perishable and nothing that lasts . . .
I then hate what I have made . . . because it is ‘proof‛
that this self-identity is powerless to create as LOVE creates . . .
for LOVE creates the changeless . . . the eternal . . .
and what the self comes up with is changeable . . . temporary.
It is not eternal . . . so not to be trusted. 23. “I can escape from the world I see
This self-identity cannot make anything that is real. by giving up attack thoughts.”
It is not a creator . . . but an image-maker.

Seeing death and time in everything I see a very unsafe world. That‛s because I feel threatened.
(the perishable and that which does not last) When I feel threatened, I defend and attack.
IS a form of vengeance to the one who is seeing thus,
because it reveals the seeing as being unreal,
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I judge everything as against me, or potentially against me . . . if not operating from this thought system that
so I prejudge . . . thinking this will assuage my fear. I came up with to deny LOVE and its extension.
Yet . . . at the same time . . . I wait for retaliation.
What if there were another way of thinking, another way of seeing
So my mind is occupied with attack and defence.
to replace this whole system of fear, of doubt, of inconsistency?
Comparison and evaluation are my tools.
What if I were to give up thinking these thoughts?
With these . . . I construct opinions of everyone and everything.
That would mean . . . no more attaching my meaning to things . . .
The cause of the world that I see is my attack thoughts.
no more comparing, evaluating, setting up hierarchies . . .
So I live in fear . . . resulting from my own thoughts.
no more coming from lack . . . no more opposing, defending, attacking?
The time has come. It dawns on me Then I could not see the world that I think I see now. But what
that the only solution to this fearful world . . . WOULD I see then?
is to deal with these attack thoughts that have been directing my
This lesson reminds me of my declaration in Lesson 21,
way of thinking. Yet, I don‛t know how to do that.
“I am determined to see things differently.”
I am convinced that the way that I think . . . is just the way I think. Now I am being shown the steps to bring this about.
I have certainly learned well the system of thinking It is reassuring to hear that
that is the very denial of the way of LOVE. The “VISION already holds a replacement for everything I think I see now.”
very basis of my thinking has been fear. I don‛t have to make up a replacement. What a relief!
And of course . . . fear begets fear. Having “to do it all” is so tiring.
That‛s the way of the self and its plans . . .
What I see as a world are all the images
tyrannical, non-stopping, allowing no rest, all-controlling.
that I have projected . . . from this very fear-ridden thinking.
But . . .no . . . the replacement is not up to me.
Each image that I see is a symbol of its source – fear, attack, pain.
How fearful am I to hear that? I‛m so used to efforting.
“Each of my perceptions of ‘external Reality’
is a pictorial representation of my own attack thoughts.”
At first, I think that I would like to have a say in the replacement.
‘Hallucination‛ certainly is a more appropriate term
That is the self talking . . . wanting to maintain its control.
for this world that I see, the effect of my projected imagery.
How grateful in the next breath . . . to welcome the feeling of
In order to hold on to grievance . . . I have denied safety to know that the replacement . . . is already in place.
that my thoughts are the cause of the world that I see. What And my part is simply to receive it? The fear underlying opposition to
would there be . . . without grievance? LOVE promotes such control . . . that the effect is great weariness.
To the self . . . in its story . . . grievance IS life. Grievance, What a promise . . . the very same images that I have made out of hate
judgment, attack and defence make up the world of this self. will be transformed, so that instead of hating them, I will LOVE them,
because I will not be making these images alone.
Remove those thoughts that make up this world . . .
In my decision to see things differently, I hand over the direction
and where is the self with its story?
of my seeing to the Spirit of LOVE. It is this Spirit of LOVE that
where is its world? where is its life? where am I?
directs the replacement

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of my limited way of thinking and seeing.
At last I am calling on the help that I really need, It is now the fourth week of lessons . . . the very
asking for the direct experience of the Truth of LOVE alone . . . middle week in the seven weeks of the Jubilee . . . the
fifty lessons. On reaching Lesson 21, the final lesson in
not available in the thought system of the self-image.
the third week of lessons,
At last, I am willing to co-operate with the Spirit of LOVE Itself.
“I am determined to see things differently”,
The first step I am asked to take is to identify the cause of a a new level of activation is set.
particular situation in my world that I bring to mind. I see that the Today‛s lesson opens to yet another level of intensity.
cause is always my thinking . . . For me, this is one of those lessons that lead directly into fear.
regardless of the situation. Then I remember . . . this is to be expected.
The very powerful, dominant place
The second step is to let go of my thinking that I have given the self . . . is on the line.
regarding the particular situation . . . to actually release my hold on Its very existence is being threatened.
the opinion or set of thoughts surrounding the situation . . . It does not give in without a fight.
thus dislodging my belief or opinion from its stronghold. So, expect its head to rear up in even greater opposition.
Only then can I see before me a clean slate.
The clean slate occurs as I follow the first two steps. I find myself fighting accepting
In the releasing of the attack thought, the replacement thought is that I am responsible for the world that I see.
right there. It has always been there. I demand that it change – or else!
I just haven‛t paid it any attention. If only so and so would change,
then I would not have to be so judgmental.
In doing today‛s exercise, it is important
If only this would change, then I would be at Peace.
to read the instructions SLOWLY . . .
To do these lessons . . . I actually have to look
so that I can register their full import.
in the opposite direction from the norm that I have established . . .
I am told to . . . “Hold each attack thought in mind AS I SAY ,
“I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts about.........”
which has been to blame . . . what I see as outside of me . . .
and then “dismiss that thought . . . and go on to the next attack thought”. for my reactions and responses . . . for my state of mind. Thinking
that I am inferior OR superior are both attack thoughts. That‛s
So I hold the attack thought in mind AS I SAY THE WORDS.
all I have ever done! And it has never worked!
It is so easy to miss the next part . . . dismiss that thought.
The world has not changed,
If I forget this part of dismissing the thought that I am processing,
and I‛m left with acute upset, anger and hatred.
I am simply gathering the thoughts of attack together . . . rather
than giving them up . . . as I‛m declaring them. Judgment Day is all day, every day in the framework of a self.
Thus I become heavy laden with attack thoughts . . .
In choosing to give up my thoughts
when the purpose of the exercise is . . . to let them go.
of attacking and of being attacked,
I need TO SLOW DOWN to do this lesson. I am choosing to do what I‛ve never done before . . .
which is take full responsibility

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for my experience of the world the stress of bringing it to pass, the obstacles . . .
that I have made of hate, of attack. My plan? . . . getting what I think I want! Then?
Now, I am being directed to look within at my thinking . . . . . . getting it, and finding . . . ‛That‛s not it!‛
to allow the transformation of my thinking . . . And the let-down. What a rollercoaster ride!
in order to see differently. And that I have called LIFE?

It feels impossible at times. The choices that I make day by day

And so I simply follow the instructions and do the exercises. relate to my plans to reach my goals.
In the end, I will find Truth in the idea, The goals are often unidentified, and are often lost in
“LOVE is just around the corner”. the demand that the immediate plan come to pass . . .
As a matter of fact, I discover that I constructed the corner by hook or by crook.
as an obstacle to remembering . . . that LOVE is in everything I see. Yet, through practice, I have just been seeing how the
My part is to give up attack thoughts . . . to quit giving them Power. world I see based on my perception, the projection of my
Into the bargain . . . I discover that I do not want thoughts, my images . . .
to escape the world that I find . . . with this new seeing. is made of hate, defence and attack.

From this insane platform,

how could I possibly trust my goals or my plans?
With the source of the world . . . that I see being my thinking,
then my goals within this world are part of that thinking.
And that thinking . . . with its world . . . is what made me decide
that I wanted another way of thinking and seeing.
So, I set a goal ... “I am determined to see things differently.”

Have I then relinquished all other goals? Or am I still

relying on my old thinking and the goals and plans set
up in the past?

When I remember that my thoughts are meaningless,

and that my meaningless thoughts
24. “I do not perceive my own best interests.”
are showing me a meaningless world,
surely that is not the source I would choose for my plans?
Childhood was the stage for introducing the pursuit of getting
Otherwise, I will be perpetuating the very state
what I think I want. What a drama!
which brought me to declare in the first place,
All the weighing up . . . the pros and cons, the conniving, “I am determined to see things differently.”
the niggling doubt that something has been overlooked . . . Any goal or plan that I choose from this oh-so-familiar place in mind
will eventually come back to that same declaration once again.

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to stop . . . wait . . . and listen . . .
Without the transformation of this thinking, till the direction is clear . . . uncluttered
how would I have a clue . . . what is in my own best by the contradictory goals and meaningless interjections
interests? Today‛s lesson exposes the impossibility
of the limited self . . . whose voice I am accustomed to following.
of perceiving my own best interests in anything.
The direction pointed out by This Voice
In looking at specific situations, and drawing forth
always leads me to true purpose . . . certainty of purpose.
the many overt and covert goals . . . what a shock to find how
When I listen to This Voice . . . in every moment . . .
varied . . . and often contradictory . . . are my goals. It is
there is a Peace that falls on all that I do . . .
hard to believe how much I demand of each situation.
because I am not “doing” . . .
On top of this . . . I have no really unified outcome in mind.
in order to accomplish limited goals.
The demands that I make of a situation that have absolutely
nothing to do with the situation . . . show me that I am simply responding to the Voice of LOVE.
somehow . . . The constant offering of this Voice IS LOVE . . . Peace. . .
I‛m always trying to confirm my beliefs and opinions,
The anxiety present . . . when following
and will even turn a situation around . . .
my own goal-oriented, self-centred direction
to make it fit my theories, my ideas.
is noticeably absent.
But those ideas are meaningless.
No longer do I need to pout like a little child
I transfer the anger that simmers below my awareness
when goals are unmet.
to each situation . . . and then set up a goal to relieve it . . .
I have handed over to the Holy Spirit of LOVE.
by projecting the anger on to the situation.
With the goal of Peace . . . the outcome is always Peace.
What gratitude is present in me
Till now, I have thought
for the simplicity of the way of Peace that LOVE reveals!
that it is up to me to choose
my values, my companions, my career,
where I live and what I do.
I am learning that it is insane
for me to make decisions on my own, because I do not
perceive my own best interests. There is within my mind
a point of wholeness, in the stillness, in the silence, 25. “I do not know what anything is for.”
where I ask for the direction
Exactly half way through the Jubilee of Lessons that
of the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of LOVE. If I but listen to
offer a microcosm of the undoing process. The message
This Voice, my direction is made clear. I simply have to step
of this lesson
aside from the worn pattern
brings a depth and breadth of Peace and LOVE
of rushing in with my goals, and their proposed outcomes.
not experienced before.
It takes learning . . . it takes practice . . .
It has been tiring “to have to know what everything is for”.

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The defence and tension needed to bolster the belief
that “I know what everything is for!” THIS is correction . . . simply a course correction.
certainly do not bring Peace. Now . . . I am on course . . . being guided to true purpose.
And I am always left with doubt, uncertainty and inadequacy . . . The mistaken meaning/purpose is being replaced by true purpose,
in the face of the assertion . . . that I do know. the real meaning inherent in all situations, events and things. This
is true perception . . .
True purpose IS the true meaning of everything. The meaning where everything has a single purpose or meaning . . .
that I give everything is in place ONLY to fit my personal which is FOR . . . not against . . . Peace and LOVE.
goals . . . This is At-one-ment. This is true purpose. This is salvation.
and yet the meaning that I give I am being saved from my meanings . . .
comes from limited, meaningless thoughts. having them replaced with true meaning . . .
So my goals are thereby . . . as meaningless as only recognised when I remember
the thoughts which give rise to them. that AS a separate identity . . . I DO NOT KNOW . . .

As I set a goal . . . everything in my world However, that Spirit of LOVE that IS the ONE Identity . . .
is then give a meaning to accommodate the goal. that voices Truth . . . that does know . . . awaits my call.
The purpose . . . of the goals that I set . . . And I call on that! LOVE is the only answer!
is to maintain my separate, private identity . . . For how can LOVE be against?
so cannot be in my own best interests. LOVE saves me from my meanderings into the meaningless.
This limited purpose that I see in the things around me I am given REASON to see LOVE‛s meaning in everything I see!
denies their real purpose. to see true purpose in everything I see!
I stop short of real purpose
by limiting each situation, person and thing Instead of my tight-knit plans with my tight-knit meanings . . .
to the purpose that I decide feeds into my limited goals . . . AS I admit that I do not know what anything is for . . .
simply to sustain my limited identity . . . my self-image. NOR that I perceive my own best interests . . .
True purpose IS meaning prior to the imposition of my meaning . . . I am left with the space to ask of LOVE . . . at all times . . .
in spite of the machinations of the self What is this FOR?
bent on supporting meaningless goals . . . Then each situation opens out
for me to experience the freedom
In discovering that I do not know what anything is for, I am now when receiving the real gifts of LOVE offered by the situation . . .
open to asking to be shown what it IS for, how it is FOR . . . with instead of closing down to LOVE‛s offering,
the assurance that everything IS in my own best interests.
thus experiencing the prison walls of limited meaning surround me . . .
Nothing IS in opposition.
when imposing my meaning on the situation . . .
The true meaning of everything is waiting
together with the bounds of limited expectation and demands
for me to step back from my own meaning
that my superficial plans for the situation . . . call for.
so that I can see the true meaning that is already in place.
With this lesson is a greater fullness to the declaration,
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“I am determined to see things differently.” that what I say and how I say it . . . will keep me in safe bounds.
VISION . . . seeing Then I realise that I‛m actually spouting crap . . . all in order to fit in.
through the eyes of true perception . . .
always LOVE based . . . I have to have a strong opinion about everything . . . and I
reveals that Vision has nothing to do with these eyes . . . even come up with one in the middle of someone else‛s
for these eyes simply respond to the message expression . . . finishing the sentence of another . . .
of the voice that I am choosing to hear . . . interrupting . . .
to the meaning that I am choosing to accept. terrified of not having a place in a group . . . or even with one other.
If the source of the seeing is LOVE . . . I see how much I want to be seen to know . . .
then the question, “What is this for?” is asked of LOVE . . . to be in control . . . to be wise . . . clever . . . right.
and I am asking for the Truth of the situation . . . I continually feel that I‛m being diminished . . .
and not my interpretation of it. if someone disagrees with me.
It‛s as if I have to defend every idea . . .
May I continue to seek because my very existence depends on my being right. And it‛s
the direct experience of the Truth of LOVE alone! true that the very existence of the self-image DOES depend
on its being right.
So, when my thoughts are aligned with the thinking of this self . . .
I maintain its existence . . . by allowing it to rule my thinking.
Without my support . . . it has no existence . . .

These fearful thoughts . . . that I allow to rule me . . .

are the denial that I am LOVE‛s eternal Creation . . .
insisting that I am weak and powerless . . . afraid . . .
in a dangerous world that is against me.

THIS IS a total distraction from remembering

that I AM LOVE Itself . . . being LOVE‛s extension . . .
so I AM invulnerable . . . Nothing IS dangerous or against what I am.
Only when I accept and hold on to fearful thoughts of doubt . . .
26. “My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability.”
which attack LOVE‛s reality . . . which attack LOVE‛s invulnerability . . .

I realise that I have actually thought do I experience these as real.

that someone‛s opinion of me . . . could demolish me.
Today is an opportunity “not to buy into” these
I see how defended I have been. underlying, sabotaging ideas . . . which are designed to
When I listen to what I am saying . . . separate me
I hear myself presenting ideas . . . only to the degree from the remembrance of the LOVE that I am.
As I raise these potential saboteurs to doubt . . .
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I feel the presence of the Spirit of LOVE as powerful . . . as real . . .
releasing me from the prison that these thoughts offer. In the moment that I become aware of
an idea of weakness or vulnerability . . . it dawns on
As I watch the procession of thoughts moving through me today, me that the answer lies in LOVE‛s correction . . .
whether they be personal thoughts or projected thoughts I AM LOVE . . . LOVE IS the answer.
being acted out by those around me, or on the world stage,
I am being offered the healing of these MY attack thoughts. My part is to stop supporting fearful thoughts. It is
In owning and releasing these thoughts . . . only through recognising and acknowledging that these
I receive the blessing of the experience of Freedom and Peace thoughts are present in me . . .
which allows me TO BE the LOVE that I am . . . expressing LOVE. that the world can be transformed from the fearful
place that I‛ve made of it to the benign, gentle
At the very moment that I perceive world that it is. There is no reason to entertain
weakness or danger . . . in any situation . . . ideas of defence and attack . . .
I set up defences for protection . . . because they are seen to be meaningless . . . I remember
no matter whether the observation be personal or general. Any the LOVE that waits beyond my judgments and
time that I set up circumstances projections . . . and is . . . in fact . . . the Source
to protect the future . . . of everything seen . . . when seen truly.
I expose my belief that I can be attacked. I thus begin to offer LOVE . . .
I decide on limitation‛s declaration and therefore LOVE IS all that I see.
that I am not the Creation of LOVE . . . This is possible in every moment.
that there is no room for the LOVE that I am as created . . . There is no gap of time
and that I am weak and very unsafe . . . between the acknowledgment of LOVE . . .
and so is every one and every thing. and the turnaround from fearful thinking . . .
if I remain present in the activation of LOVE.
The reality of LOVE becomes buried
Thus, I reclaim the experience of fulfilling my function . . .
under the chosen fearful caricature of life . . .
by extending LOVE . . . by BEING LOVE.
which is so far removed from the Truth of Life . . .
27. “Above all else I want TO SEE.”
yet feels so very real as I give it meaning . . . thus power. Once
again . . . remember that
So far, I have been shown that I “see” all the time.
as I FEEL threatened by any idea presented . . .
Each thought of mine makes up part of the world that I “see”.
nothing real can BE threatened,
Yet, THIS is not “SEEING”.
and nothing that is unreal exists.
I am simply an image-maker . . . imaging . . . not SEEING.
This world that I “see” consists of my projected images
So, whenever I feel unsafe or vulnerable . . . I am simply
containing all the meaning that I have given them.
choosing to identify with what does not exist . . . and I am
accepting the non-existent . . .
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This “seeing” emanates from meaningless thoughts . . . Yet, even this block to commitment
arising through current interpretation . . . not reliable at all. is removed by the declaration,
“Vision has no cost to anyone. It can ONLY bless.”
Since, in fact, this “seeing”
has been the basis of my experience, The Spirit . . . that is LOVE . . . certainly knows ME . . .
I recognise that its only service has been to show me that I no longer want not only what I am in Truth . . . the Creation of LOVE . . .
“to see” through these eyes from the source that I have called on in the but also the separate identity
past. I have invested my “seeing” . . . my perception . . . with “reality” which that I have mistakenly decided is real.
is now shown to be “unreal”. This Spirit knows how I have learned to believe the unbelievable . . .
Thus the world that I “see” . . . and is very aware of the blocks that I put up . . . to the decision
from the basis of this false “seeing” . . . to withdraw allegiance to the limited identity, and give
must be meaningless . . . cannot be real . . . so is NOT what I want. totally to SEEING . . . to true Vision. To make that
conviction sure . . .
I want ONLY what is real . . . what is true!
I simply declare . . . “Above all else I want to SEE” . . .
I want Vision restored.
then spend the day learning to reinforce this new intent . . .
I AM determined TO SEE . . . using a specific time interval agreed upon by me at the outset.
I want to SEE exactly what is . . . how it is . . . with LOVE as Source . . .
The support that is offered me is unbounded.
NOT to imagine . . . based on fluctuating opinions and evaluations.
Not only am I shown how the practice can
Till now, imaging has replaced SEEING . . . replaced true Vision.
easily be incorporated in my day,
This has not brought . . . and can not bring
but also am reminded not to judge myself
the Peace and LOVE which are the natural state
if I miss any applications of the idea . . .
when identifying with the true Source of Vision . . . LOVE.
with the implication that I would be my only judge in this.
The desire to be shown how to SEE truly After all, I am a practising student, a novice . . .
has been met with ideas which, when practised daily . . . given all the encouragement and support
make this possibility of SEEING with Vision real in my experience. of a truly loving Guide.
Occasional practice has opened out the potential. It is obviously insane to try to judge my progress . . .
However, in between, I admit that I have reverted I either SEE . . . or image . . . moment to moment.
to the old, limited, familiar imaging . . . When I remember . . . I SEE. When I forget . . . I image.
and received the results of the thinking that this brings. There IS no time frame . . .
in the exchange of imaging for SEEING.
It‛s time for a deeper commitment . . . “If only once during the day, I feel I was perfectly sincere
to actually choose SEEING with Vision . . . above all else. while repeating, ‘Above all else I want to see’,
Do I feel that, if I make this commitment, I can be sure that I have saved myself many years of effort.”
I may miss out on something that I think I want? So all the efforting in the world offers NOTHING
If so, this doubt appears. compared with ONE DECLARATION

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with full intent and perfect sincerity. How beautiful is the structure of this programme of lessons!
How gracious is this way!
With this change of pace . . . the slowing down . . .
The impeccable sequencing of these lessons is so apparent today. and this emphasis on priority . . . “above all else” . . .
Yesterday‛s gift of reminding me experientially of the insanity of the I wake to the idea, “Above all else I want to see things differently”.
way I have been “seeing” using image-making . . . my familiar, unreal, This idea rests in the support . . . in the strength
chaotic thought system, of the practice of yesterday.
could not but lead to the choice The importance of committing to these lessons . . .
to REPLACE this “seeing” with true SIGHT . . . VISION. and following the instructions with great specificity . . .
To replace it indicates that I do not need is borne out in this sequence of ideas
space or time for practising false “seeing” . . . currently being presented for activation.
so, 15 to 20 minute intervals in the day . . .
though sounding impossible to start with . . . The surface identification that I have given all things
is found to be reasonable and essential to this replacement. is seen to be just that . . . cursory, fickle, and shallow . . .
Half measures avail nothing. latched on to . . . in order to create an air of being in control, in
With gratitude I receive this ongoing, certain, pure assurance an attempt to convince myself that I DO know what everything is
as I acknowledge One Self today . . . with full intent TO SEE. for.

The Self SEES. The self images. In discovering that true meaning and purpose are delivered with
The Self SEES only LOVE. The self interprets . . . makes up meaning. the decision to see things differently . . . above all else . . .
I am thus released from the tedious identity
As I open to SEEING . . . SEEING is restored..
that I have taken on . . . of being the author . . .
How simple is salvation from imaging!
when it is quite obvious that I am not.
What a blessing to receive this instruction . . . this guidance . . .
which leads home to the Truth of What I am . . . What freedom when my preconceived notions are relinquished . . .
to the remembrance of the LOVE . . . and I open to allow the intrinsic meaning or purpose to be shown me.
that is the Reality that I have denied
Thus . . . the Life or Light of everything . . . is revealed to me.
in my pursuit of nothing . . .
I no longer want to impose . . . or force my meaning.
28. “Above all else I want TO SEE things differently.”
Instead of separate and limited meaning or purpose,
I begin to experience single purpose . . . single meaning . . .
“Above all else I want to see.” the essence . . . of all things.
bears an unexpected gift. Till now . . . I have allotted separate meanings . . .
What occurs is . . . a . . . slowing . . . down. and therefore focussed on individual, separate meanings . . .
Instead of the lesson fitting in with the daily activities . . . noticing only differences . . . hierarchies of order . . .
the daily activities settle around and reinforce the lesson. and variations in value . . . that I have imposed.
The activities offer a practise ground for application of the lesson, What if I were to quit apportioning specific identity and value?
Then I‛d see with Certainty that there IS only LOVE . . .
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that all seemingly separate things simply are the extension Have I recognised that I spend a lot of the day
and expression of LOVE. Since only LOVE exists . . . I must not really SEEING at all?
BE that . . . LOVE . . . That is when I “see” a lot of separate things about me.
That‛s when I see a story . . . an interpretation of what is.
Finally I am asking to SEE in everything the Light of Truth.
As I choose to abandon this old practice,
I begin to SEE what is the same . . . rather than different.
I find that I am committing myself simply to SEEING . . .
I begin to identify with the common Source . . . LOVE . . . unqualified SEEING. I experience a falling away
of my practice of evaluating . . .
In making a series of definite commitments
and my assertion
to withdraw my meaning . . .
that I know what everything is for.
it is evident that I can ONLY commit NOW . . .
to open my mind . . . to discover the Reality of
As I let go . . . I begin to listen within . . .
what any thing, any one, or any situation IS . . .
and hear from within the stillness and the quiet . . .
and, in particular . . . WHAT IT IS FOR.
that I have always kept filled
As I do this NOW . . . I experience
with meaningless strident demands . . .
a falling away . . . a withdrawal of my control . . .
a still, small Voice
and I receiving true meaning . . .
which gently, quietly directs my day.
beyond the limits of my interpretation.
This director . . . IS the Source of LOVE‛s Flow.
To receive true meaning . . .
Abandon control . . . and I join the Flow . . .
I have to ASK the question . . .
no longer demanding
What IS this? What is this FOR?
to be a separate identity
And then be willing to RECEIVE the answer . . .
“seeing” other separate identities . . .
in whatever way it is given.
but melting in
I am actually going under . . . or beyond . . . my ideas,
to the Self that IS LOVE‛s Extension.
which are the veil covering real purpose,
purpose that I share with all Life.
Fourth Review
The undoing of my way of “seeing” . . .
is certainly up and running. Seven Lessons:
My experience witnesses to it.
22. What I see is a form of vengeance.
I am determined to meet any fear or tentativeness in me. 23. I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts.
This IS a practical course. 24. I do not perceive my own best interests.
That is why I am asked to practise these ideas. 25. I do not know what anything is for.
It is their USE that will give them meaning to me . . . 26. My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability.
and will show me that they are true ideas.

So, what IS my level of commitment?

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27. Above all else I want to see. as a veil to cover the Self.
28. Above all else I want to see things differently.
A fantasy is not true.
A fantasy is not real. It is nothing.
All lessons so far have been focussed on my thinking and seeing.
Until it is experienced as nothing . . .
Each lesson has split open
it seems to be everything.
the falsity of what I think and see . . .
No wonder my whole way
and revealed how strong has been my conviction
of “thinking” and “seeing”
that what is, in fact, false, is true.
has to be undone.
My identification with my false self-construct
I have been validating nothing . . .
precludes any opening to the acceptance of Reality . . .
in order to hide the Truth.
even denies the possibility that I could be mistaken.
I have cut myself off from Self.
To admit that the world of my “seeing”
results from the projection of images that I have made . . . To dispel the myth . . . of this world
that my “seeing” is simply my perception of separate bodies, situations and things
which arises from choices of responses and reactions that I have made to replace the singular Reality of LOVE . . .
that I have made throughout time I am given glimpses of the Truth of LOVE . . .
to situations, people, and things . . . beyond concepts . . .
that I have amassed together as my guide for “seeing” . . . flickers of true seeing . . .
is a huge step in taking responsibility for this world of my “seeing”. It of remembering before taking on board thoughts
is a giant step in coming to the recognition of difference, of other, of opposition to LOVE.
that I do not particularly like the way that I have come up with . . . and The lessons lead me
so I am determined to see things differently. into the very painful scenario of my world,
and the depth of anger . . .
Becoming aware that my way of “thinking” and “seeing” relies on
questioning WHAT IS . . . LOVE . . . I see that I have chosen attack and which lies under all my experiences
as a separate identity . . .
defence as my tools of trade. I see that I have decided on a world of
pain, with the duality of LOVE/hatred . . . LOVE/fear . . .
sickness, loss, sadness, lack and death . . . in which my fictitious identity operates.
ideas that totally oppose what is real . . .
I have finally felt in every fibre of my being
the very opposite of Life . . . the very opposite of LOVE.
the extreme nature of the denial of LOVE . . . of what is. I
LOVE knows NOT of pain, sickness, loss, sadness, lack and death.
have denied . . . opposed . . . the Truth of LOVE . . . totally.
The LOVE that I am familiar with
In order to discover what I have hidden from remembrance
(the Truth of What I am as created . . . LOVE) is always offset by hatred, or by fear . . .
so even what I think is ‘LOVE‛ is not ‘LOVE‛.
I have to be willing to acknowledge
Nothing in this world of separate ideas has any real meaning.
the fantasy that I have used
I have simply made up meanings . . .
but the source of those meanings
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is a separate state . . . not the fullness of LOVE. That idea itself IS a form of vengeance . . .
to the thought system of the separate self.
The thought system of the separate self . . .
is a system of thought that is opposed How reassuring to be told that VISION
to everything that is real . . . to everything that is true. “already holds a replacement for everything I think I see now.”
All it “thinks” and therefore “sees” IS opposition A transformation of my way of thinking
in the form of attack, defence, hatred, pain, anger, is the promise given if I hand over the directing of my seeing
suffering, loss, lack and vengeance. to the Truth of LOVE . . .
which will direct the replacing of falsity
This series of seven lessons follows my declaration with the Truth of LOVE.
that “I am determined to see things differently”. I seek direct experience of the Truth of LOVE alone.
As soon as this declaration is made . . . I am given exercises
what is presented is the horror of my current “seeing” . . . in which I co-operate with True Source, LOVE,
showing me that what I “see” IS a form of vengeance. in relinquishing the source of my world . . .
The only way to escape this world of my “seeing” . . . my attack thoughts, the self identity‛s henchmen.
is to give up the attack thoughts With a true intent to release my patterns of thinking . . .
which are behind this “seeing” . . . which I have projected by activating the instructions given . . .
on to a benign world, an innocent world. I experience directly the replacement thinking
The purpose of this attack and defence has been to that awaits this conscious choice
protect any identity that I construct in opposition to One
to dismiss the attack thoughts.
Self . . . to “prove” to myself that I am my own creator . . .
that One Self is not enough . . . is lacking . . . So next I am directed to look at my plans and their origin.
They all come from attack thoughts, desire to control,
Instead of extending One Self as created of LOVE,
feelings of lack, hierarchy of values . . .
I entertain a thought of lack . . .
all to protect the self-constructed identity.
and decide to ‘create‛ opposition.
I have thought it is up to me to choose values, companions,
The very creative Power out of which I am created . . . careers, where I live and what I do.
I now use to oppose the Creative Source of Self . . . LOVE. Yet I have no idea what is in my own best interests.
Of course, in Truth, this is impossible,
but from that one errant thought of using Creative Power Once again, I turn to true direction . . .
for a purpose other than true purpose . . . learning to go within to the LOVE that
arises an entire world of opposition . . . in my experience. waits in the stillness . . . in the silence.
The self (the errant thought system of opposition) I learn to ask for true direction each moment . . .
wants no reminder of its unReality . . . so that my days of planning are over.
so hides from awareness Having relinquished the reins . . .
the idea that nothing real can be threatened . . . I begin to discover true purpose.
that nothing unreal exists. I have decided to submit
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to a plan that IS in my best interests. will save me years of effort.”
And effort is the operative word
The Freedom and Peace that arise as I acknowledge in the plan of the self . . .
that I do not know what anything is FOR . . . evoke a gratitude
effort . . . and with it . . . struggle.
for the way of the Truth of LOVE being offered me . . .
through my willingness to commit to these ideas. To be shown I am being directed
true purpose and meaning in everything rather than to to the discovery of true purpose in everything
struggle to enforce my limited ideas is so gratefully through my willingness
welcomed. to see things differently . . . above all else.
No longer is there a need for me to interpret. So the key Under my ideas . . . which are simply a veil . . .
question . . . “What is this FOR?” not asking of my self
I find the single, true purpose
identity . . .
that I share with all the universe.
but of the Truth of the LOVE within . . .
As I let go my tight hold . . . my control . . .
not only saves time and heartache . . .
I begin to listen and hear deep within . . .
but reveals true purpose.
a still, small Voice . . . which gently, quietly directs my day.
Enter the saboteur . . . attack thoughts . . .
I simply stop all my endless, chattering thoughts . . .
the self‛s attempt to distract me . . . from remembering
and in that silence . . . I hear the message beyond them . . .
this newly remembered true direction . . . true purpose.
the Voice of LOVE . . . the Voice that is true . . .
I AM . . . AS all that LOVE creates . . . invulnerable. taking many forms . . . a feeling . . . an idea . . . a voice.
So the very moment of feeling threatened and vulnerable It is unmistakeable. It is certain. It is not arrogant.
is the signal that I am entertaining the self-identity . . . It is from knowing. It is real and true.
with its unwanted direction . . . And it is my direct experience.
and I can choose again my Source of direction . . .
the Truth that is LOVE.
Being determined “to see” things differently 29. “LOVE is in everything I SEE.”
introduces this series of ideas.
This declaration is now taken up a notch. All purpose and meaning can be seen in
I am not only determined “to see” things differently, any one thing, any one person, and any one situation;
but above all else, I want to SEE. because there IS no separate meaning or purpose in Reality.
This transformation of my seeing is my number one priority. ONLY LOVE IS real . . . so true purpose and meaning IS LOVE Itself.
My total commitment is to VISION. As I SEE only the single purpose and meaning . . . LOVE . . .
So every 15 to 20 minutes during the day is given as an separate things . . . as I “see” them, . . . have no meaning.
indication of this commitment . . . with the encouragement I begin to appreciate ONLY LOVE . . . in all things . . .
that “One declaration with full intent and perfect sincerity for that One Source . . . LOVE . . .
IS all Purpose . . . IS all Meaning.
Any apparent separate thing
97 98
shares the single purpose of LOVE . . . In giving Power to the idea
which obviously shares the purpose of its Creator . . . that LOVE is in everything I see . . .
and that Creator is LOVE. I am learning to make the shift from physical
seeing to spiritual Vision. As I SEE through inner
So, it all depends on how I look on all things. Vision . . .
Am I looking on all things . . . I become aware of LOVE‛s Presence . . . in all that I see.
that I have seen as separate . . . This inner Vision is SEEING through the eyes of LOVE . . .
without judgment, without evaluation, without emanating from LOVE . . . through Its extension . . .
prioritising? Do I look with LOVE, appreciation and open- which IS what I AM in Truth.
mindedness on all that I have identified
as individual, separate and unique? Beyond the form that I see with my eyes
is the LOVE that is present in everything . . .
That is what becomes clear when I apply this idea.
SEEN only through Vision.
This is certainly a different way of ‘SEEING‛
It does require an open mind to make that shift
from my way of ‘seeing‛. from “seeing” to SEEING.
Does this mean holding on . . . to NO opinions? Does this If I am not SEEING LOVE in everything . . . I am “seeing”.
simply mean a decision to recognise that there is ONLY
As I SEE LOVE . . . I am SEEING true purpose and meaning.
LOVE . . .
In spite of my limited perception,
no matter what appears according to my interpretation?
LOVE is always there . . . beyond my “seeing”.
no matter what value I have apportioned?
I am either SEEING through Vision,
That is why I ask . . . Show me what this is FOR!
or am being given the opportunity . . .
Let me see how LOVE is the gift of this situation!
to hand over my “seeing” . . . and to receive Vision.
For LOVE may be construed as fearful . . .
So, there is a lot more to SEE
if the circumstance appears to shatter my old ideas.
than I am accustomed to “seeing”.
Since my “seeing” is a filter of my opinions and beliefs, I
That LOVE is in everything I SEE . . .
have not really SEEN anything truly.
is the basis of Vision . . . of SEEING
As I relinquish the meanings and purposes
Till now, I have not SEEN
that I have allotted everything . . .
the single, common, holy purpose and meaning
then the very heart of my mind IS opening . . .
which runs throughout.
and a LOVE and appreciation that I have not known
I have looked for purpose and meaning . . . apart from
is emerging . . . in my experience.
LOVE and Its expression and extension.
My little range of “seeing” has not included
As I identify with the Self . . . LOVE . . . as created by LOVE . . .
a pure purpose . . . devoid of interpretation.
I always recognise LOVE in everything I SEE.
I am now being given the opportunity
to see everything in a brand new way. I SEE ONLY LOVE . . . so I SEE what is real.
“See” differences . . . and there is no way that I SEE LOVE.
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Since I am one with LOVE . . . being LOVE‛s Creation . . . Its extension, Yet not only do I not know what is in my own best interest, but I
I CAN SEE and experience LOVE . . . do not know what anything is FOR.
in any moment that I so choose. Then, I discover that everything is IN my own best interest.
Why not choose LOVE . . . choose Vision . . . THAT is the meaning and purpose of everything.
NOW and in every moment!
So, I give first priority to being willing to learn TO SEE that this is so.
Should I make a choice to align with Above all else, I do want TO SEE . . . certainly not the way that I have
the separate world of my making . . . of my seeing, been seeing till now, but in a way that brings all these ideas together
as soon as I realise that this IS the choice that I have made, I call in a practical way.
on LOVE . . . to replace this insanity . . .
I am a fledgling. My feathers are sticking together.
with the sanity of making the only real choice . . . the choice for what
I am not quite ready to fly with these ideas.
is true . . . the choice for LOVE. In that very instant . . . I experience
the LOVE that I AM . . . and quietly . . . yet joyously . . . open to I call on LOVE to help me allow Vision
extending this gift of LOVE to all I meet or SEE . . . Thus I SEE LOVE to replace the projection of my limited thinking
returned TO me . . . for LOVE is the SOLE purpose and meaning . . . of which I thought was true.
all that is presented. I am being taken gently through this relinquishment of the
system of chaotic, whimsical, separate thinking. It is being
replaced by
singular, all-powerful, uncompromising LOVE . . .
which is also in my mind . . .
but emanates from Certainty . . . not from interpretation.
My feathers are being unstuck in readiness to fly.
I am opening to Vision . . . sourced in LOVE.
30. “LOVE is in everything I SEE
because LOVE is in my mind.” I could gain this Vision from any one thing that I choose TO SEE if
I could withdraw all my own ideas from it,
In my determination to SEE is Vision restored. and then look upon it with a completely open mind.
Vision already holds a replacement Whatever I choose TO SEE can offer me real purpose . . .
for everything that I think that I see now. the single purpose shared with all that exists . . .
I am not trapped in the world that I see . . . Vision reveals true purpose.
because its cause can be changed. SEEING true purpose in everything IS Vision.
That cause is in my mind. That cause is my thinking.
I have been reminded . . .
I thought I knew the purpose of everything.
that I can SEE all purpose in any one thing . . .
I have seen my meaning emblazoned in everything.
because, in fact, nothing IS separate from true purpose.
I have set goals around my meanings.
There IS only single purpose.
The whole basis for Vision IS that LOVE is in everything I SEE.

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Wow! It is possible to SEE LOVE in everything? As I SEE LOVE in everything, I SEE the Truth of . . .
That‛s how I can look on ALL things? Single Purpose . . . True Meaning . . . LOVE . . . in everything.
being symbols of the LOVE with which I am seeing? Vision SEES no separation . . . no difference.
As I practise, I begin TO SEE all with LOVE, with appreciation, and Vision SEES ONLY what is . . . LOVE extending and expressing.
without any preconceived notions . . . opening my mind to SEEING and
thus receiving LOVE . . . No wonder the idea for today is the springboard for Vision. It
the SOLE purpose and meaning of everything. IS a giant leap . . . a dive . . . coming TO SEE the Oneness of
true Vision . . . single purpose . . . LOVE . . .
Nothing IS as it appears to my interpretation.
I have not really been SEEING anything . . . AS IT IS . . . having been accustomed to dithering in fragmentation,
multiple meanings and interpretations
only my separate meanings . . . which have no sound basis.
in the cumbersome denial of the simplicity of the Reality of LOVE.
Vision shows me a world that lights up with LOVE.
To experience this, I apply these lessons without reservation. Wow! The brilliance of Vision . . . the uncovering
As Vision replaces my limited projection, I can not settle for less. of the LOVE in my mind . . . that I have hidden under my ideas
that something other than LOVE has reality.
As Vision dawns . . . my struggle to learn TO SEE makes no sense at
all. The miracle of the turnaround from hallucination to Vision As the walls of the maze of my futile thinking tumble down . . .
occurs in an instant. Any instant that I choose to SEE . . . LOVE is exposed as the essence of my Being.
I SEE . . . instantly . . . There is no time in it at all. With the blocks to its Presence dissolved . . .
All lessons to this point have moved in a very systematic way . . . I can SEE nothing BUT LOVE.
UNDOING my way of “seeing” . . . and OPENING me to Vision. All my interpretations are seen to be imposters . . .
The entire way that I have learned “to see” . . . attempting to deny the beauty and Power of LOVE.
is being turned around . . . up-ended . . . The Peace and Joy that Vision brings are indescribable.
In the arms of gratitude . . . Life . . . that IS LOVE . . . simply flows.
Now, instead of projecting what I do not like outside of me
in an attempt to get rid of it . . . having been unwilling 31. “I am not the victim of the world I see.”
to own responsibility for my projections . . .
I am asking to join with what I SEE . . . The world that I see comes from my thinking.
It is my world . . . resulting from my thinking.
rather than keep it apart from me and separate.
The role of my self-identity is to offer me denial
What I now project does not depend on the body‛s eyes.
of all that I AM as LOVE‛s extension . . . as LOVE Itself.
In fact, the only Source of real Vision is Mind.
The self presents problems . . . difficulties.
‘Near‛ and ‘far‛ are meaningless when the Source is seen to be Mind.
The self is simply a way of seeing everything
I am now SEEING in my world
that enhances the apparent split in my mind . . . that emphasises the
the LOVE that is in my mind . . . choosing to join with it . . .
denial of LOVE‛s Reality. So, whenever I see problems . . . feel
rather than naming it as separate and different.
lacking, weak or powerless . . . I am choosing to ignore the Light of
LOVE is in my mind . . . and that‛s what I choose TO SEE. LOVE that I AM . . . and am seeking answers and responses
LOVE is what I choose to project.
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from darkness, from opposition, from denial. That darkness, opposition I ask LOVE to facilitate my release from the addiction
or denial that I choose is against Self . . . the LOVE that I AM. to these limiting ideas . . . and thus free me . . . restore me to sanity.

I AM LOVE. That IS my True Identity. As I recognise my feelings of guilt and victimhood . . .

To oppose and deny this is the role I declare once again, “Above all else I want to see differently.”
of the great opposer . . . the self-made identity. I then remember, “LOVE is in everything I see because LOVE is in my mind.”
This self is given many names . . . many covers . . . These two lessons demonstrate the
for example . . . the devil, “me”, demons, satan . . . to name a few. Yet, transformation of thinking required
in Truth, nothing IS against LOVE. Nothing IS against what I AM. to release me from my concerted effort to be a victim.
Only the self puts forward opposition to the natural state . . . Correction of this misperception . . . this insane thinking . . .
of Peace, gentleness, strength and trust. is given . . . as I turn to the Holy Spirit of LOVE for guidance.
LOVE begets only LOVE.
As I accept the only true Identity, LOVE . . . I see, in fact, Many thoughts of dis-ease rush in . . .
that denial is meaningless . . . that opposition is impossible. to support the initial catalyst for this state of victimhood.
To deny the denial . . . I simply accept there IS only LOVE. This calls for a committed choice . . .
So, whenever I feel weak or think I am a victim . . . a definite choice . . . to see differently.
I am in denial of the Truth of the invulnerability of LOVE . . . of Self. Time to interrupt the trajectory of my downhill thinking.
As I buy into thoughts of lack, deprivation, sadness, guilt and pain . . . Thinking that is self-orchestrated has but one direction . . .
I am opposing the One unified Self . . . that is ONLY LOVE. downhill . . .to wallowing in lack, pain, devastation and falsity.
As I see myself as a victim . . . for example . . . It is totally undisciplined.
“I don‛t fit in! I‛m not ...... enough! I can‛t do this!
Yet, it takes one true Thought emanating from LOVE . . .
I‛m too .......! I‛ll never be able to....... !”
one tiny idea . . . to break the pattern.
then I am simply the victim of my own thinking.
That One Thought is supported
And the source of that thinking is NOT the Self . . .
by LOVE in all its manifestations . . . all its forms . . .
for Self is whole and complete.
Everything leans towards me to bless me . . .
The source of that thinking and seeing is the opposing self, the self
of interpretation, of comparison . . . as I accept the Thought and all it means . . . I AM LOVE Itself.
which supports the duality of victim/perpetrator. As I accept thoughts of guilt, of feeling sorry for myself . . .
So, who can change this way of thinking? Only I can. I set up a world that reflects the same.
I may for a moment gather around me sympathy . . .
Because I am so rehearsed in this way of thinking,
which simply extends the painful state a little longer.
having allied myself with the self-made self identity . . .
There comes a moment when I can stand it no longer.
I need help . . . NOT from within the system
Then a tiny sane thought of LOVE pops in.
which produced this effect. . .
I remember to ask for help. I call on surrender.
BUT from the Source . . . LOVE Itself.
I surrender the meaningless thoughts . . . handing them over
to be replaced with what is true and real . . . LOVE.
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There‛s no point giving another set of meanings to my world
I am always making a choice . . . Peace or problem . . . from the same bank of ideas
Yet a problem comes only from my own mind, from my perception. from which I invented the world that I see now.
Change my perception, and problems disappear. Changed perception is
the miracle of the reversal of the limited system of thought I can see LOVE in everything . . . if I so choose . . .
founded on a belief in problems . . . a belief in opposition. because LOVE is in my mind.
The Spirit of LOVE lights the way . . . as I release While I see LOVE as separate from me . . .
my thinking, my evaluating, my judging . . . I can not possibly experience seeing LOVE in everything.
and discover that everything is FOR me. Until I see LOVE as the Source of Life Itself, I can not see
In freedom there is nothing in opposition. LOVE in everything.
The small world of the victim is so small. LOVE is the Source . . . of a brand new way of seeing.
Set my sight on everything . . . and I find everything is FOR me. Wow! LOVE IS IN my mind!

A simple change in the source of thinking . . . Why not choose that LOVE . . . as Source of my thinking?
a simple exchange . . . pain, sadness, anger, lack, fear, hate . . . I‛m then able to see LOVE . . . in everything that I see . . .
for . . . LOVE, Joy, Peace, Freedom, Happiness. rather than see what I have invented to replace LOVE . . .
Insanity . . . for . . . sanity. an invention of my imagination . . . by a self that I invented.
Yet, until it is accepted that self-orchestration is insane . . . The world of my invention comes from a self that I invented . . .
arising from denial of what is . . . spurred on by my interpretations . . . a very small, fragile, limited, separate, disjointed self-identity.
The self seems so powerful and real,
then LOVE takes a back seat . . . seated by the self . . .
because I have given it power and decided it is real.
whose purpose is to crush LOVE . . . and demand its own throne.
Now, I am being shown that what I call ‘Life‛
32. “I have invented the world I see.” is only a story . . . a dream in my mind. The only thing
for me to do is – WAKE UP! In each moment . . . I
How exciting to discover make an agreement . . .
that what is seen with the body‛s eyes to continue to dream . . .
is simply of the imagination . . . to invent a world in my imagination . . .
to remember that the limited self is an image maker. or . . . to WAKE UP to LOVE alone . . . to release
My thoughts are images that I have made. the world of my invention . . . my imagined world . . .
As I think . . . so I see. and see LOVE in everything!
Cause and effect are not separate. I align either with the self (invented) . . . or the Self (created).
The world that I see is a dream in my mind. I sleep . . . or wake!
Since I made this world up in my mind . . . I can give it up. The world that I see results from this choice!
The meanings that I have given everything can be withdrawn. With these “body” eyes . . . the eyes of the self . . .
I can see differently. I have choice! I see a world of form . . . with separate identities, divided,
So I can choose to see differently! a system of duality, with degrees and hierarchies
from which I set up a value system

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from which I invent my world. which separate . . . or join? hurt . . . or heal? Do I think
with LOVE? . . . or apart from LOVE? Does LOVE seem
It is obvious that I am not the victim distant from me? . . .
of the world I see . . . since I invented it. or am I aware that LOVE abides within?
I brought it into existence . . . in the precise form that I see it. What is my chosen guide?
The way that I choose to experience the world Do I seek direct experience of the Truth of LOVE alone?
is a component of this invention. Or am I willing to settle for a world of my invention?
All the parameters of this world that I have invented
have been set by me . . . the self of my imagination. My intent? . . .
I have made up my own prison . . . a dream . . . Choose to be aware . . . in each moment . . .
and have believed it to be real. of the source of my thinking . . .
Yet, it has been made of attack thoughts . . . listening to my responses
thoughts chosen as a denial of the Reality of LOVE . . . to the situations and conversations and identities which arise . . .
chosen to keep me apart from LOVE . . . separate from Source, listening to my responses very carefully.
excluding Oneness . . . and valuing individuality instead. Am I imagining? dreaming? inventing?
Or am I seeing only LOVE?
As I begin to release these ideas which have blocked LOVE from The Source/source of my thinking is thus revealed.
my awareness . . . the world that I have seen . . . is being replaced. It‛s time to be present to One Self as Created . . . LOVE . . .
At last, I see LOVE in everything . . . because I remember the
and to let the self of my imagination . . . of my invention . . . go.
Truth that I AM of LOVE . . . and the Light that I see in
33. “There is another way of looking at the world.”
is the Light in my mind . . . of the LOVE that I AM.
As I hold on to my invention . . . How do I look at the world?
that Light of LOVE within . . . is darkened . . . I cannot see what is How IS my world?
hidden from my awareness. If I could see it . . . it wouldn‛t be Am I seeing LOVE in everything I see?
hidden. If I were to forget for a moment to hold on to my
Am I seeing other than LOVE?
invention, that Light would not BE hidden.
seeing problems and differences?
Each day presents a stage for the opportunity
And I would see differently . . .
of seeing the world . . .
no longer would I see the falsity of an invented world . . .
without defence . . . without attack . . .
but the Truth of LOVE which the invented world was made to hide.
without seeing myself as a victim of the world I have made.
Now that I am aware that I invent the world I see . . .
So I watch my thoughts . . . and their effects.
I am responsible for the world that I see. what sort of world am I inventing?
All I have done is invent and re-invent a world . . .
Do I choose to see difference?
Do I think thoughts in the image which suits me in the moment . . .

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to fit each situation . . . as I so choose . . . “If only I had .......... THEN I‛d be happy.”
to maintain my identity as an inventor . . . Yet . . . on receiving that panacea . . .
calling this self a creator. I would once again be searching for happiness.
The self-identity . . . IS my invention . . .
This self-identity tries to convince me that the only way TO SEE IS dissatisfaction itself.
is the way that I see now . . . That‛s because the self-identity is It IS the idea of lack.
not my real Identity . . . and the way I see now is the way of the
It sets me on an eternal search FOR happiness
self-identity. My real Identity . . . as created . . . is LOVE. The
within the invented drama . . .
self-identity doesn‛t want me to see as LOVE sees. Or . . . the
which offers no lasting happiness.
self-identity would have no purpose . . . would not exist.
Today‛s idea . . . that there IS another way of seeing the world . . .
which means another way of thinking . . .
I am open to another way of seeing . . . of looking at the world.
shines a Light on the self-identity‛s mode of seeing . . .
What if all that is seen AS a problem . . .
exposing its limited offering of seeing apart from LOVE . . .
all ideas of lack, pain, suffering and chaos . . .
All this can be replaced by Vision . . . SEEING with LOVE . . .
could be SEEN differently . . .
which is the Source of true happiness . . . lasting joy.
through a whole new way of SEEING?
It is not really a surprise to hear that . . . Since I am determined TO SEE . . . I will SEE things differently.
“I do not see anything which is really alive and really joyous because I am
unaware as yet of thoughts which are true, and therefore really happy.” VISION is the answer . . . not just as a theory . . .
but as a direct experience . . . a way of LIFE.
I would be happy . . . if I were aware ONLY of true thoughts.
I no longer want to see a world . . . inner OR outer . . .
If I were fully joyous through SEEING in this other way . . .
that is a pictorial representation of attack thoughts.
there would be no need of a self-identity.
The self-identity IS the belief in I no longer want to hallucinate . . . seeing a projection
a dream world . . . an invented world . . . an unreliable world . . . of my own unreliable, vacillating ideas . . .
an unhappy world . . . the world of the self-identity . . . and thus experiencing both attack and defence.
a world that embodies dualistic thinking.
VISION already holds a replacement
That‛s the way that I have been looking at the world.
for everything that I think I see now.
That IS the world that I have been seeing.
The very images that I project from hate and fear
If I were to ask myself . . . “What is the one thing that would can be transformed . . .
make me happy?” it would become obvious that in fact because I can extend LOVE . . .
nothing in this world as I see it would make me truly happy. and see Light in everything . . .
For example . . . I think along the following lines . . . as I call on the Spirit that IS LOVE . . .
to re-interpret . . . and thereby replace
the thinking and seeing of the self-identity.

This change occurs in my mind.

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It takes but my willingness to call on LOVE . . . Hand over . . . surrender . . . my thinking . . . for LOVE‛s thinking.
to surrender my self-identity and accept LOVE as my Identity. Identify the limited and limiting thought!
LOVE sets in motion my recognition of the false . . . Let it go! Wait for LOVE‛s replacement.
and shows me how to release it . . . how to let it go . . .
What is true now shines bright . . . ready for my acceptance. This sounds easy . . . and it is . . .
I have been shown my part . . . leading to this step. when I fully surrender my way of thinking.
With each attack thought . . . I identify its single cause . . . Yet, without surrender . . . the very hardest thing to do . . .
which is always . . . the source of my thinking. IS to follow those simple steps . . .
As I choose LOVE as the Source of my thinking . . . The self-identity neither wants . . . nor has any intention . . .
I am able to let go of my old source of thinking . . . to dismiss it . . . of stopping , , , stepping back . . . and handing over. It
wants to rush ahead . . . jump in . . . and take over!
and where each attack thought stood before . . .
there stands a thought of LOVE. Be aware of the steps it offers . . .
The Spirit that is LOVE honours my asking and declare . . .
which is included in my decision to dismiss the attack thought. “No! Not that!
Taking these steps as directed brings forth a different SEEING! I choose the way of Peace and LOVE . . .
How much of my seeing is not SEEING at all? everything that I have denied . . .
where I see only separate things . . . where I see differences? by following the dictates of the self.
How practised am in SEEING LOVE in everything? I accept that there IS
How practised am I in SEEING another way of looking at the world.
ONLY LOVE‛s meaning and purpose? THAT is the way I choose TO SEE.”

I am reminded today to remain uninvolved in both my inner and 34. “I could see Peace instead of this.”
outer world . . . remaining unattached, . . . as I propose . . .
“There is another way of looking at the world.” I‛m calling on VISION . . . a different way of SEEING.
Following this instruction I no longer want to see through attack thought.
helps me TO SEE what I SEE . . . So . . .I practise activating the very foundation of this SEEING.
as one world of MY making . . . Instead of seeing through eyes
one way of MY seeing . . . which focus on differences and problems . . .
that I am experiencing. I am shown that I can SEE through eyes focussed on Peace.
So . . . what is being replaced . . . This SEEING does not rely on the outer world . . .
IS this one way of seeing. but an inner state of Peace . . .
“Peace of mind is clearly an internal matter.”
The steps required in this process are: Only my judgments, my interpretations, my denial of Peace
Stop all thinking! Step back! disrupts Peace . . . thus keeping me blind to Peace.
Remember to ASK to be shown the way . . . by LOVE Itself.
Where IS Peace? What is the Source of Peace?

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Peace is certainly not an attribute “Every obstacle that Peace must flow across
of the world of the self identity . . . is surmounted in just the same way;
the fear that raised it . . .
the world of attack and defence arising from separate,
yields to the LOVE beneath . . .
dysfunctional thoughts. To think I am separate from my
and so the fear is gone.”
Source . . . LOVE . . . (the fear disappears for lack of attention)
is an attack on the Peace that LOVE extends.
Peace is not an attribute of dysfunction. LOVE prevails.

LOVE is within . . . so Peace is within. “The extension of the Holy Spirit’s purpose (LOVE) from
It is eternal Presence . . . within . . . awaiting re-instatement your relationship . . . to others . . . to bring them gently in,
will quietly extend
through my decision to remove the blocks to Its Presence.
to every aspect of your lives,
Blocking awareness of LOVE‛s Presence IS surrounding both of you with glowing happiness . . .
blocking awareness of the Presence of Peace. and the calm awareness of complete protection.
I do this by holding on to thoughts . . . to images I make . . . And you will carry its message of LOVE and safety and freedom
of war . . . of opposition . . . of separation . . . all simply responses in to everyone who draws nigh unto your temple
denial of the eternal Presence of LOVE and Peace. (this “drawing near” being the joining, the resonating, the relating)
where healing waits for him . . .
In practising saying, “I could see Peace instead of this”, When the Peace in you
has been extended to encompass everyone, the
I become aware of how often I allow Peace to be disrupted.
Holy Spirit’s function here will be accomplished.”
Yet Peace is the natural state of a unified mind . . . a mind at ease.
The lack of discipline in my thinking is therefore quite evident. Practising Peace has far reaching effects.
I continue to harbour thoughts which disrupt Peace. It offers not only true Sight . . . Vision . . .
That‛s why practise is essential. but the gift of a world no longer perceived through attack.
In Chapter 19 of the Text of A Course in Miracles, I As I SEE through eyes of Peace . . . I offer Peace to all I meet.
am encouraged to acknowledge the benefits As Peace is received . . . it is ready to be extended.
of making this my constant practice. So, now I practise SEEING Peace
instead of the constant shuffle of thoughts of
“As this Peace extends from deep inside yourselves to embrace all the Sonship
and give it rest, it will encounter many obstacles anxiety, worry, depression, fear and hatred (the
(based on guilt and fear). obstacles that “Peace gently covers”)
Yet . . . Peace . . . that led me to decide that lasting Peace is impossible.
*will gently cover them . . .
extending past . . . In Chapter 14, it is clearly stated,
completely unhindered. . .
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it must begin with me,
“If you want Peace and FROM me
you must abandon the teacher of attack. reach to everyone who calls,
The Teacher of Peace will NEVER abandon you . . . and bring him rest by joining me.”
He gives the gift of Peace
to everyone who perceives the need for Peace, THIS shows me my function.
and who would have it. I am being given the keys.
Make way for Peace . . . and it will come.
Am I receiving the keys?
For understanding is in you . . .
and from it . . . Peace MUST come . . . Am I turning the keys in the door of my locked perception?
Leave room for Peace.” Am I opening the door to my function of extending Peace?

(This IS the stopping . . . the stepping back , , , I MUST decide . . .

the asking . . . the waiting . . . the receiving . . .) “I could see Peace instead of this.”
Am I choosing Peace?. . . NOW?
“and you will find yourself It takes practice . . . practice . . . practice!
so filled with Power Time to be about it!
that NOTHING will prevail against your Peace.

And this will be the test

by which you recognise
that you have understood.” . . . 35. “My mind is part of LOVE. I am very holy.”

and again. . . While I continue to believe in my self-image,

to say that I am holy seems arrogant.
“I cannot extend Peace This means that I trust my own judgment and opinions
unless I KEEP Peace. rather than the Truth that I am LOVE.
I am the centre
Each idea I hold about myself is a fantasy . . . an illusion . . .
from which Peace radiates outward,
to call the others in. imagined . . . to compile a separate identity where I
I am its home; its tranquil dwelling-place, can compare and contrast myself with other
from which it gently reaches out, separate identities . . .
but never leaving ME. and so find my place within this illusion of a world.
If it would spread across the whole creation, The self-image . . . the self-identity . . . is NOT what I am.
It is nothing but an image . . . not real at all.

Each moment . . .
I am reinforcing an aspect of this self-image.
As I face a situation . . . my reaction identifies

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the current self-image being supported. And this varies from the identity-inventor . . . the imagined self.
situation to situation. I discover, as I search my mind with honesty, The lack of awareness . . . of my thoughts . . .
that I can move from seeing myself and the actions which follow those thoughts . . .
as being helpful to being unhelpful; loyal to disloyal; is now very obvious.
disciplined to undisciplined; honest to dishonest.
What a confused identity! How unstable! Accepting this idea establishes that my Source IS LOVE . . .
How COULD I trust this identity? What a chameleon! so my true Identity is thereby established.
From the idea,
Bringing to the Light my self-assessments of this multi-faceted “LOVE is in everything I see, because LOVE is in my mind”,
self-image . . . that I have made . . . and continue to make . . . I am now given,
shows me how flimsy is its basis. “My mind is part of LOVE. I am very holy.”
In exposing the self-image that I have made up . . . This is foreign territory to the self-image.
and in surrendering this limited, false, chaotic self-image to the The self offers a fearful, vulnerable, lonely image.
Truth that LOVE is my Identity . . . I am offered the healing of my Yet here am I being included in LOVE Itself.
mind . . . I am NOT separate from LOVE.
the restoration of whole mind . . . LOVE . . . in fact . . . IS in my mind . . .
relinquishing the false to embrace ONLY what is true. and my mind IS part of LOVE.
That which I am unwilling to admit Since ONLY LOVE is real . . .
remains hidden . . . yet active . . . I am no longer different or apart from anyone or anything.
keeping me locked in to my self-image, I therefore reclaim the Self . . . created of LOVE . . .
revealing my willingness to stay asleep . . . to remain in the dark . . . eternally safe . . . innocent . . . very holy.
unaware of the simple Truth . . . that LOVE is my ONLY Identity. Truth is the absence of illusion . . .
illusion is the absence of Truth.
In searching my mind for aspects of my self-perception, at times I
Truth IS LOVE. Illusion IS the absence of LOVE.
feel guilty with self appraisal. It feels as if my self-perception . . .
There really IS no choice!
has been a secret . . . even from myself. Yet
my self-perception has been the very basis As I hand over . . . or surrender . . . my self-assessments . . .
of operating in the world. having recognised them . . . I have the opportunity
I see how exhausting it is to keep re-inventing an identity, to confirm and perceive the Truth . . . devoid of illusion.
while also having to protect it from exposure. “My mind is part of LOVE. I am very holy.”
All the while, my Identity . . . as created by LOVE . . . remains intact The illusory self-image is not holy.
. . . untouched . . . unaffected by my imaginings. My thoughts and It is just that . . . illusory . . . not real . . . not true.
actions have . . . for the most part . . . been on ‘automatic pilot‛ . . . As I remember Self . . . the holiness of LOVE . . .
the pilot being and dwell on its purity alone . . .
the self of my image-making is miraculously replaced.
As I embrace the Self that is of LOVE . . . I begin to see truly.

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THIS is VISION. That is my single purpose . . . all that has meaning.
I am restored to the Unity of all . . .
As I open to the idea of being the Self of LOVE‛s Creation, that heretofore I chose to name as separate identities.
“sudden expansion of the self takes place with my desire for this holy instant. So, I look to Unity . . . instead of fragmentation . . .
It calls me to be myself . . . within its safe embrace.
by withdrawing my meaning . . . always asking . . .
There in its embrace are the laws of limit lifted FOR me,
to welcome me to openness of mind and freedom. What is this FOR?
Come to this place of refuge . . . where I can be myself in Peace. I begin asking to be directed to real purpose and meaning,
Not through destruction . . . not through a “breaking out” . . . rather than demanding my own personal purpose and meaning.
but merely by a quiet “melting in”. It is this asking and listening . . . this quiet humility . . .
For Peace will join me there simply because
which sets the stage for these seven ideas.
I have been willing to let go the limits I have placed upon LOVE,
and joined it where it is and where it led me,
Creation obviously emanates from the Creator.
in answer to its gentle call to BE at Peace.”
(Text, Chapter 18, Dreams and the Body, last paragraph) The Creator IS . . . LOVE Itself.
The shared purpose . . . the shared meaning . . .
My Self IS Holy . . . my self is nothing. of all apparently separate things,
Fifth Review the common denominator . . .
is thus LOVE.
Seven Lessons:

29. LOVE is in everything I see. Am I looking for differences? ways of differentiating?

30. LOVE is in everything I see because LOVE is in my mind.
31. I am not the victim of the world I see. Or am I seeing Unity? LOVE in all that I see?
32. I have invented the world I see. No matter what value I have accorded things in the past, I
33. There is another way of looking at the world. am willing to let that go.
34. I could see Peace instead of this. No matter what the form seems to be . . .
35. My mind is part of LOVE. I am very holy.
ONLY LOVE . . . is in everything I SEE. This is how I
begin TO SEE differently. I begin to recognise that
These seven lessons arise out of
“Above all else I want to see things differently.” this SEEING is a gift or faculty of Mind . . .
SEEING is given priority. not of the physical eyes . . . not of limited perception.
I have declared that! So, am I simply seeing the physical?
Or SEEING . . . beyond the physical?
Am I extending Self or projecting self?
Am I seeing LOVE Itself?
or limited, self-constructed LOVE?
Am I seeing the eternal or the temporal?

I am opening to VISION.

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Each day exposes the way I am seeing. In the exposure lies the to all situations and conversations which arise during the day,
opportunity to reclaim VISION. the source of my thinking is very evident.
Nothing is as it appears to me. Have I been paying lip service to these lessons?
I have not been SEEING anything. Am I still harbouring blame and judgment?
I have held everything apart and separate. Do I still see myself as the victim . . .
Now I ask to join with what I see . . . including all . . . as One. of a world that I have invented? My
world is one of attack and defence.
When aligned with self-based thinking . . . It is one in which . . . if I am not in the victim role . . .
I see myself as a victim of the world. I find myself in the perpetrator role.
Yet I made this world up. It is my invention. Am I happy to struggle on in this way?
My thinking is the perpetrator of my own victimhood.
This pattern of thinking has ruled my experience. Thankfully, there is another way of looking at the world. All
Yet it takes only one true idea that I want is true and lasting Peace, Happiness and Joy,
to break that pattern . . . not only for myself . . . but for everyone! I see that this
and thus discover that everything is FOR me. must include all . . .
I am NOT the victim of my world. because true and lasting Happiness is not possible until
everyone is freed from the identities and roles imposed
In fact, everything supports me . . .
on them by the self-identity . . .
as I seek to SEE truly.
until all are SEEN . . .
The world that I have invented in my imagination . . . is not real.
to be the One . . . extension or expression of LOVE. The
My world consists of projected images . . . of my invention.
answer is definitely not in the world as seen by the self!
While I see LOVE as being apart from me . . . separate . . .
It is in this other way . . . of looking at the world.
it is impossible to see LOVE IN anything.
So, what would it be like . . .
While I see a God as an entity . . .
to no longer see any victims? Or perpetrators? How
and NOT as abstract LOVE . . . would it be if I were to take responsibility as inventor
I am making up a separate form that is meaningless. of my world?
LOVE is the Power that IS the Source of Life Itself . . . Another way of thinking is the answer.

Thus . . . I can SEE LOVE . . . in everything. I have been given exercises to bring forward . . .
I quit seeing LOVE in my image, and see Self in LOVE‛s image. to expose . . . my thoughts of attack . . .
I begin to wake up to LIFE . . . which, of course, includes my thoughts of defence.
rather than stay asleep in a dream of life. This is where I learn to STOP thinking this way.
Do I want to remain an inventor in competition with LOVE? There is no point looking for answers
Or do I want to create with LOVE . . . extending Creation . . . from a source that denies LOVE . . .
extending LOVE and Peace, Happiness and Joy? a source that harbours attack thoughts . . .
that way of thinking . . . where attack and defence rule! I
As I listen carefully to my responses
consciously let that way of thinking go . . .

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by giving it no Power . . . no meaning . . . so dismiss it! Now I am introduced to this different way of seeing . . .
getting to know a Self I have barely identified with . . .
I ASK for help . . . SURRENDER my solutions by stepping back . . . a Self that is holy . . . wholly of LOVE.
LISTEN . . . and WAIT on the Spirit of LOVE . . . with Its answer.
I have been led through an amazing set of ideas with
BE AWARE . . . of the presence of this other way of thinking . . . which I have experienced in a very practical way the
thinking sourced in LOVE alone . . . way of seeing . . . that I now choose to relinquish. I am
eternally awaiting my acceptance . . . aware that this final lesson is leading me
eternally present in the stillness . . . into another episode . . . another batch of ideas
in the quiet within. which will extend these ideas . . .
This is the final step: Accept thoughts only from LOVE . . . in order that I may come to full acceptance of the
Truth of my Reality . . . LOVE . . . and the VISION
I begin to see behind . . . that is . . . beyond the form. that LOVE alone offers.
I see the Unifying Power . . . LOVE . . . in everything.
Gratitude abounds!
I start to see through eyes directed by PEACE.
This PEACE always awaits my call for it.
PEACE never left me! I left Peace!
I simply ignored its Presence . . .
and opted for its substitute . . . warring, attacking thoughts.
Making way for PEACE each day . . . takes practice. 36. “My holiness/Innocence envelops everything I see.”
Only as I step back . . . and KEEP PEACE . . .
am I able to extend PEACE.
The springboard for this idea is in yesterday‛s lesson,
It seems a giant leap . . . to the final lesson of this series, “My “My mind is part of LOVE. I am very holy.”
mind is part of LOVE. I am very holy.” This puts my identity on the line! All
To relinquish my self assessments . . . those ideas that I have about myself
and accept my Holiness . . . are seen to be attacks on the Self.
takes true HUMILITY . . . Yet, they feel very true and accurate descriptions
Acknowledging that my mind IS of LOVE . . . of myself . . . as I see myself . . .
and that I am very holy . . . even though they are often contradictory . . .
can ONLY come from HUMILITY. and dependent on each situation for validation.
To accept my own assessments is ONLY ARROGANT. A very chameleon-like existence . . .
ruled by fear . . . and the need to be
This series began with the declaration,
either on top of . . . or the victim of . . . each situation,
“Above all else I want to see differently”.
attempting to find safety . . . in unsafety,
always seeking a particular role and function . . .
Then I began to look at my current way of seeing . . .
to prove I have a niche . . . an individual, special purpose.
and the source of that seeing.
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Yet for all the wild insanity inherent in the whole idea of sin . . .
The idea that LOVE is in my mind . . . it is IMPOSSIBLE.”
and that my mind is part of LOVE . . .
With sin impossible . . . therefore no reason for guilt . . .
just doesn‛t fit my old ideas of my self-identity.
I see the importance of practising this new idea . . . what is it like . . . to see through eyes of Holiness?
in order to introduce this new way of SEEING myself . . . In Chapter 19, Healing of the Mind, we read,
a new way of SEEING the world.
This idea is foreign to the self-identity. “ Each one appears just as he is perceived in the holy instant,
And, let‛s face it, I have identified with the self-identity! united in your purpose to be released from guilt.
You saw the Self in him, and he was healed
The self-identity sees LOVE
because you looked on what makes faith forever justified in everyone.
as separate and distant . . . the enemy . . .
since the self-identity IS t Faith is the gift of LOVE, through the Self Whom LOVE has given you.
he very denial . . . of LOVE being my Identity . Faithlessness looks upon the Self, and judges him unworthy
of forgiveness. But through the eyes of faith,
The self does not trust LOVE.
the Self is SEEN already forgiven,
It lives in fear . . . of punishment . . . free of all the guilt he laid upon himself.
that it sees as warranted . . . for its sins. Faith sees the Self only NOW . . .
because it looks not to the past to judge him,
In Chapter 19, Sin Versus Error, it is stated: “It is essential but would see in him . . . only what it would see in YOU.
that error be not confused with “sin”, and it is this distinction It sees not through the body’s eyes, nor looks to bodies for its justification.
which makes salvation possible. For error can be corrected . . . and It is the messenger of the new perception, sent forth to gather
the wrong made right. But sin, were it possible, would be
witnesses unto its coming, and to return their messages to you.
Faith is as easily exchanged for knowledge as is the real world. For
“To sin would be to violate Reality . . . and to SUCCEED. Sin is
faith arises from the Holy Spirit of LOVE’s perception, and is the
the proclamation that attack is real and guilt is justified. It assumes
the Self is guilty, sign you share it with LOVE. Faith is a gift you offer to the Self
through LOVE, and wholly acceptable
and has thus succeeded in losing Its innocence,
and making Itself what LOVE created not”........
“The Self can be mistaken . . .It can deceive Itself; It can even turn to the Father, LOVE . . . as to the Self.
the Power of Its mind against Itself. But It CANNOT sin. And therefore offered YOU.”
There is nothing the Self can do
that would REALLY change Its Reality in any way,
nor make It really guilty.
That is what sin would do . . . for such is its purpose.

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It is only when I choose to depart from LOVE . . .
To accept that LOVE is in my mind and that my mind is part of LOVE is and deny or oppose the Truth of LOVE‛s eternal Presence . . .
to deny the self-identity‛s stance that I am separate and alone; that I that I see a world separate from Self.
am weak, powerless, lacking.
Then, I find that even I seem to be separate from this Self.
This lesson offers an opening to the wholeness that is LOVE . . . I look through eyes that no longer recognise wholeness,
where there is ONLY Holiness, Faith, LOVE and Peace . . . holiness, the single Reality of LOVE.
where judgment is meaningless . . . nothing. And this takes ONLY one moment!
This holiness in my mind . . . But an entire universe is set in motion
bears ONLY holy thoughts . . . which see ONLY holiness. by one opposing thought being entertained
As I see mySelf as wholly of LOVE, in an undisciplined mind.
my self-identity‛s opinions and value judgments are seen to be divisive. From Self recognition in the heart of LOVE . . .
They have no place in this true way of SEEING that I am remembering. I now see a self that is a body in a world
It is holiness that I now project . . . instead of blame and guilt. of separate minds, separate bodies and separate things.
Holiness envelops everything I see . . . It is insane that I would make such a choice!
as I reclaim the holiness within . . . Yet, to the self-identity, it seems sane.
and extend it through my Sight. That is the very nature and purpose of the self . . .
to appear sane, to appear natural, to deny what is true.
It sets up a search for what is true . . .
37. “My holiness/Innocence blesses the world.”
without ever leading to the Truth of LOVE . . .
As I relax my body . . . allowing the breath to flow through . . . leading only to even more fragmented possibilities . . .
enlivening all the cells, and slow down to go within . . . with even more elusive promises.
my thoughts of past and future fall away . . .
Yet . . . all the while . . .
as I arrive at the very centre of my being . . .
Self awaits my acknowledgment
where LOVE abides. that I AM as LOVE created me . . .
This is the very Source of the holiness
the extension and expression of LOVE . . . of holiness.
which is the Truth of my Identity.
My holiness IS LOVE‛s holiness. I am one with LOVE.
It is this holiness which is Creation . . . LOVE extended.
And so I return to stopping, stepping back, asking for help,
I am that Creation! waiting, listening . . . and I am restored to Self. . . LOVE.
I am not apart from
the holiness of the LOVE that created Me. Today my purpose is declared
I am a whole and perfect Creation of LOVE. in its simplicity . . . very clearly.
As I reclaim this wholeness of LOVE . . . My purpose is to SEE the world
I realise it is always present . . . has never left. through my own holiness.
“What is my function?” and “Why am I here?”
These questions are answered today.
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As I offer the blessing of my holiness to my brothers, instead of condemning it with my judgment.
everyone gains . . . for I refuse to see through judgment Until this is a direct experience in me,
which diminishes True Identity as the extension of it is simply a theory, a philosophy . . . meaningless.
LOVE . . . to a parody of the Self that is LOVE. It is the little willingness
I no longer agree to sacrifice True Identity . . . LOVE, for a to devote myself to each lesson
limited, projected evaluation that removes any doubts presented
which inevitably includes guilt and blame. as the self-identity attempts to dissuade me from full endeavour, as
There is no loss or sacrifice possible it struggles to regain my attention and my allegiance.
when I SEE only holiness.
All that is possible is blessing. I simply ask my Guide, the Holy Spirit of LOVE,
to support me through any temptation or doubt that arises,
As I see from wholeness . . . from LOVE . . . to help me be about my purpose . . .
I have no needs . . . the salvation . . . the freeing of the world . . .
so demand nothing of anyone . . . asking for the direct experience of my holiness . . .
and thereby free everyone and offering it to bless the world.
from the cycle of neediness and demand.
That I am one with the world is seen
through my quiet recognition 38. “There is nothing my holiness/Innocence cannot do.”
that all things are blessed
“in my holiness”. My holiness reminds me that I am whole.
As I see through holiness . . . all I see IS holiness . . . My holiness is of LOVE . . . indivisible . . .
so in fact, there IS no world of separate people and things. simply LOVE . . . simply One LOVE.
There IS only holiness . . . only blessing. That‛s how the world All Power IS whole . . .
is saved. It is saved from judgment by my holiness . . . which for there is no lack, no threat
knows no judgment. to that which IS complete, full, and whole.
LOVE IS unlimited Power . . . IS my holiness.
I ask for the direct experience
of the Truth of LOVE alone . . . This world is a place of limits, of time, space and distance.
and I am given that . . . as . . . in quiet . . . This world is not real.
I let go of all my little goals and self-made purposes . . . It is of my making, of my invention.
and give myself totally to the practice for the day . . . Yet my holiness is unlimited.
whose gift is my direct experience of true purpose: The doing of this world revolves around
SEE ONLY through my holiness . . . and the world is blessed. problems, difficulties, pain and sorrow.
So what appears as ‘life‛ . . . the many stories of careers,
I now choose to free the world “bringing up” children, government, religion . . . are all set up
by blessing it with my holiness to prevent or solve problems.

131 132
In Truth, problems do not exist. fully aware that it is the only solution.
In Truth, in holiness, there is no opposition.
This world is made AS opposition. To acknowledge AND experience
It epitomises the opposite of the Truth of LOVE . the Reality of my holiness
So . . . my holiness reverses the laws of the world. The is a major breakthrough
world‛s laws are established to maintain problems in the form towards fulfilling my function.
of sickness, pain, sorrow, etcetera, ideas all coming from lack Remember that to SEE the world through my holiness IS
... my purpose and function. THE UNDOING
with the pretence of solving or healing them.
That IS the world‛s busy...ness! of my allegiance to the world‛s thinking, to
Fixing without fixing . . . a game the limitation that the world offers . . .
of trying “to put Humpty Dumpty together again.” HAS BEEN activated and IS taking place.
Remembering my holiness IS becoming my practice.
Remember the rhyme,
“Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream. As I focus on my holiness . . .
Merely, merely, merely, merely, Life is but a dream.” as I start with the idea of my holiness being true . . .
That‛s this world‛s idea of life. rather than my unworthiness being true . . .
Happiness is a dream . . . to the world. I am directed to SEEING what is real . . .
It is out of its scope . . . out of its range . . . and so begin offering a real solution. I
not a possibility . . . a fantasy. acknowledge the Power of my holiness when I
identify with it . . .
LIFE has nothing to do with a dream. The Truth is . . . this world
and offer the Power of my holiness to what I
is a dream. Of course, the self-identity proposes that my
perceive and believe to be problems. The focus is
holiness is the dream . . .
now on the Power rather than the perceived
and that problems are Reality.
It is obvious, then, It is obvious that in withdrawing the Power
that I have given to the perceived problems
that my holiness reverses the laws of the world.
The laws of this world are set up to extend the dream. by choosing to SEE them through my holiness . . .
Without my holiness . . . the Power of LOVE as I identify with my holiness . . .
is not made manifest, is not made available. my perceived difficulties are not to be found.
So, I experience the world as if it is real . . .
The assurance that there is nothing my holiness cannot do
filled with problems . . . not solutions.
releases me from the fear that holds together
The search for solutions is seen to be . . . “life”.
all my perceived problems and difficulties.
Finding solutions is NOT part of the plan of the self-identity.
As I apply the idea . . . they simply disappear . . .
This is reversed as I embrace my holiness . . .
and I welcome my Holiness as a true experience . . .
no longer just a wishful possibility.

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My unloving thoughts reflect my guilt . . .
for this ONE idea . . .
that I could be separate from LOVE.
The idea . . . ‘separate‛ . . . has no place IN LOVE.
Competition, differences, levels,
confusion, doubt, and insecurity . . .
are the antithesis of LOVE.
It is ONLY when I believe I am not OF LOVE,
when I believe I am apart FROM LOVE,
that these ideas are given an airing . . . fill my thinking . . .
and thus fill my seeing and my experience.

Guilt for thinking that I am separate from LOVE is hell.

ONLY guilt stands between me and my innocence . . . my holiness.
Yet, since I AM the extension and expression of LOVE . . .
it is impossible that any of these ideas can be true.
39. “My holiness/Innocence is my salvation.” LOVE creates ONLY LOVE.
LOVE CANNOT be separate from Itself. So the idea
My denial that LOVE is my Source . . .
that I could be separate from LOVE . . . my Creator . .
my belief that I am separate from LOVE . . .
. is absurd. The only answer to every idea of guilt
or that LOVE is separate from me . . .
must come from my holiness . . . as created.
is the basis for my guilt. . .
with the added fear of vengeance My holiness blesses the world.
for my denial . . . for being separate . . . There is nothing my holiness cannot do.
fuelled by the guilt. So, the only answer to guilt IS my holiness.
As I turn from, or relinquish . . . my invented, illusory self
That I think I am separate from everybody . . . and re-discover my holiness . . . GUILT is NOT possible. My
a distinct identity . . . with an individual, personal agenda . . . holiness is my salvation from guilt.
is where guilt plays out. My holiness has no questions.
I project my guilt on to the players I have made, My holiness is the answer to all questions.
the images of my world. Questions come ONLY from doubt.
I think that I am separate from LOVE. My holiness . . . being the Certainty of LOVE . . . knows no doubt.
To be separate from LOVE means I am NOT LOVE,
so can‛t express LOVE. I am encouraged to bring to the light any unloving
Hence . . . unloving thoughts result. thoughts (guilt‛s offspring) which I have kept hidden
from awareness
135 136
in order to maintain guilt. I free my self and my world . . .
As the light of my holiness shines on them . . . I am saved . . . and begin to create as LOVE creates.
from the guilt of NOT accepting the LOVE that I am. So I release my judgments . . . my unloving thoughts . . .
I see the insanity of holding on to unloving thoughts. thus removing the guilt . . .
I see how many unloving thoughts and teach only LOVE . . .
stand between me and my salvation. for that IS . . . what I AM.
I gladly allow them to surface.
I no longer want to hide them . . .
in order to continue to feel guilty.
As they are transformed
through my holiness . . . guilt has no place.
I am free. I am innocent.

I recognise the pattern that I have adopted of responding

and reacting FIRST with unloving thoughts. I see the lack
of mindfulness . . . the lack of discipline in my thinking. 40. I am blessed as a Creation
And I am excited to see that this mind training works. of LOVE Itself (Son of God).
Until I am saved from my guilt, I cannot save.
Yet, my holiness is the salvation of the world.
Throughout this week of lessons,
So, it is my holiness that saves me. It IS what I am.
I have been engaging the experience of the Power of LOVE
that is manifest through my holiness . . .
What an idea! No more guilt!
that confirms that there is nothing my holiness cannot do.
The end of hell and its many manifestations: depression,
The world is blessed, and I am saved by my holiness
fear, worry, anxiety, anger, attack, uneasiness, insecurity.
from the hell that I make with unloving thoughts. My
My holiness IS totally unlimited in its Power,
holiness is the answer
and through my holiness . . .
to all problems and questions that could ever arise.
the Power of LOVE is made manifest.
In acknowledging and welcoming my holiness,
Why give guilt a place?
I am now given a whole day to focus
Simply accept my holiness . . .
on the attributes to which I . . . being holy . . . am entitled.
receive my own salvation . . .
I am LOVE‛s Creation . . . not a cardboard cutout.
and offer salvation to the world.
As the Creation of LOVE . . . I am whole and complete.
I am LOVE‛s extension and expression.
The result?
As I accept the Truth of my holiness,
All problems solved . . . all questions answered.
and begin to appreciate the inheritance that is mine . . .

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the Strength and Certainty of LOVE comes forth I have been given the opportunity
in my expression and extension. to confront all unloving thoughts
which have kept me in hell . . .
Today is a day of rejoicing. The requirement is very simple. The and I am now at the turning point in this jubilee of lessons. A
very LIFE of the LOVE that I am is given predominance. very powerful UNDOING of this self-based thought system
This focus on the Reality of Creation which has directed my thoughts and actions till now . . .
supports calling on Vision . . .
has been occurring in my mind
rather than calling on the judgment of limitation.
throughout these 40 lessons.
Thus the thought system arising from true Vision . . .
sourced in LOVE . . . replaces I am practising listening to a true Voice,
the judgmental thinking and seeing of the self-identity. a Voice that was once drowned out
Thus there is no room for judgment today. by the strident demands of the self-image.
While my mind is preoccupied with What I truly am, The celebration of true hearing and seeing begins today.
what I have thought I am These fifty lessons are the offering of a taste of freedom . . .
(based on past and future) disappears. a jubilant return to wholeness . . . in my awareness.
Today is for centring attention on completion . . . on fullness. They contain the entire package of ideas, in an initial form . . .
I call on the Spirit of LOVE . . . to be Source of my seeing . . . which brings about the full return
with the declaration, to the awareness of Reality.
“I am blessed as a Creation of LOVE Itself.”
Following this jubilee and its review
Temptations arise to meet this declaration. are three sets of 40 lessons. The
The self-identity does not give up its pursuit of my allegiance . . . ideas presented in them
particularly as I make this declaration . . . round out, support and expand this current process
and draw forth the very qualities that mirror wholeness . . . of undoing the self-identity‛s way of thinking and seeing . . .
which . . . in fact . . . deny the power ensuring that nothing is overlooked in the cleanup.
of the self-identity‛s interpretations. This year of lessons offers me
a total transformation of mind.
Today is Day 40.
I have spent 40 days Am I ready today
in the wilderness of an apparent split in my mind, to rejoice in the Truth of Self
hungering and thirsting after the Truth of my Identity. as created of LOVE by LOVE?
I have been led through all the ideas Am I willing . . .
which have held me back . . . to accept my inheritance . . .
all ideas that set up the nightmare and to declare with gratitude . . .
of pain, sorrow, lack and death. “I am blessed as a Creation of LOVE (Son of God).”?

As I approach this day . . .

139 140
I am made aware of the gift of these lessons . . . in particular . . . In spite of the belief in separation,
the gift of LOVE . . . that I AM as the True Creation of LOVE. the ONENESS of LOVE is not affected. The
As I remind my Self of the many aspects of LOVE awareness of the ONENESS of LOVE has simply
as they are revealed to me by the Spirit of LOVE . . . been hidden.
I become aware of my function In my denial of the Truth of LOVE . . .
to bless the world with holiness . . . with innocence . . . I have practised a replacement set of ideas designed
to create . . . through the extension and expression to drown out the remembrance of the Truth of my
of the very attributes of LOVE Itself . . . Reality . . .
in whatever way is given me for me to do. the purity of LOVE that IS my holiness.

There is no fear in LOVE.

The fear that is the glue
that holds together ideas of denial of LOVE‛s omnipresence . . .
is the very opposite of the Truth of LOVE.
41. “LOVE goes with me wherever I go.”
My holiness is my inheritance from LOVE.
It is the vehicle that I have inherited
The effects of that one idea . . .
to activate in the world the Power that is LOVE. While my
that I am ALONE . . . separate from Source,
holiness remains apart from my awareness, I continue to
a separate identity in a world of separate identities have formed
demand that lies BE the Truth . . .
the basis of my experience in this world. ALL who think that they
are separate that LOVE is not my Source . . . is not omnipotent . . .
find themselves unhappy . . . to one degree or another, and set up and that I have another identity . . . one that I have made up.
situations to consolidate the sense of anxiety, helplessness, and
Today I am free to go within . . .
intense fear of loss
to bypass all these demeaning ideas
that “being separate” generates.
that are in the way of my recognition
That ONE IDEA that I am separate
of the Truth of my perfection as LOVE‛s Creation.
is the idea that directly and consciously OPPOSES the fact that
I am shown the simplicity
LOVE goes with me wherever I go.
with which I can go deeper and deeper inwards, past all
It is the REFUSAL to acknowledge this Truth.
the thoughts which want to bind me to falsity. This
THIS is the Power I give to opposition . . . the rebel self-identity.
practice offers such a simple solution . . .
Yet, I am NOT separate from LOVE. an easy path to full awareness of LOVE‛s Reality.
I am AT ONE with LOVE . . . being the extension of LOVE.
Through the absolute non-acceptance
I cannot BE alone.
of the remote possibility that these beliefs
LOVE is the Reality of my essential nature.
in sorrow, pain, fear and loss . . . could be true . . .
Source and its expression are ONE LOVE.
my holiness is ready to shine through me . . .
and so “cure” these impossible presumptions.

141 142
No longer will the mind suffer
for its allegiance to these false ideas. Look at the words used:
Instead, I am fully alive, joyous, at Peace . . . “sink down . . . inward . . . past . . . away . . .
try to leave appearances . . . approach Reality . . .
the full expression of my perfect holiness.
These are words which dismiss . . .
What insanity . . .to withhold and words which draw toward and invite.
the perfection . . . the holiness . . . the glory I am told that instant success is possible.
which awaits my decision I am encouraged to think of what I am saying,
and concentrate on true Identity . . . LOVE.
to allow it to flow through me AS me . . .
This is no mere ritual affirmation.
rather than to continue to block its path in denial . . .
This is about very active participation. . .
refusing to accept LOVE‛s Presence . . .
offering very practical results.
and its Power to heal this crazy fantasy.
The gifts are reassurance and trust in the following:
In identifying with Reality . . . LOVE . . . 1. I am not alone. LOVE is ever-present.
I find there ARE no problems to be solved. 2. I have an unfailing companion . . . LOVE Itself.
I have believed that problems are real . . . (unlike the world‛s companions
basing their reality on a false foundation . . . which come and go, here one day, gone the next)
THE DENIAL of what is real and true. 3. I am surrounded with complete protection . . .
releasing me from any fear whatsoever . . . and . . .
“LOVE goes with me wherever I go.” 4. The Power of LOVE is activated in me . . .
This idea holds the key to re-igniting that tiny flame AS I own my holiness, my wholeness, and
which my denial has been hoping to extinguish. It is as thus SEE only holiness (wholeness).
bright as ever. It has seemed dim because I have
covered it over in innumerable ways. The self-identity‛s When these assurances become Reality . . . to me . . .
very obvious seductive trap has been to search this world my entire experience is transformed. Adhering
. . . to go out. So, of course, the true answer is . . . to go to the instructions given today certainly brings
in. a direct experience of the Truth of LOVE alone.
Am I willing to offer my little willingness . . . by giving
It is a turning inward, an action of mind full attention to the steps outlined . . . in order to
in a direction hitherto avoided . . . receive the gift that is being offered? Or do I want
entering “very deeply into your own mind” . . . to extend time . . . and wait another day . . .
NOT into everyone else‛s ideas or theories . . . to commit to the simplicity of this offering?
but past all those useless “idle” worldly thoughts. It takes time to save time.
It involves a deliberate, conscious decision Give the time NOW!
to go in . . . and dismiss all meaningless thoughts . . .
which till now have always managed to divert my
attention from the Peace that awaits that simple step.
143 144
doing exactly what I need to do . . .
at exactly the right moment.
I relax in the trust . . . that there is nothing to fear . . .
for LOVE is my Strength . . . my support . . . my guide.
Peace is the gift of this knowing.
I become gently aware of the gift of each moment
as it opens to me . . . and as I open to it.
LOVE goes with me wherever I go.
What comfort is extended in this idea!

And what is my part?

Receive the Strength to accept LOVE‛s Strength
instead of demanding to be strong in my separate identity.

42. “LOVE is my Strength. Vision is LOVE’s gift.” As I draw from the Strength of LOVE . . . I SEE truly.
No longer am I imposing my meaning and purpose on everything . . .
Do I feel too weak . . . to withstand the onslaught of the from my personal bank of past ideas . . . deposited throughout time
temptation to hold on to attack thoughts? That in itself IS an to establish a separate identity . . . with a separate mind.
attack thought.
I FIND my invulnerability . . .
Do I find myself in doubt about
by calling on the Strength of LOVE . . .
a course of action . . . or a direction to take?
to free me from my unloving thoughts.
That idea, too, attacks my invulnerability.
I am invulnerable because LOVE is my Strength. Without the Strength of LOVE . . . I am powerless.
When relying on my own personal direction . . . It is in that state of powerlessness
I find I am either arrogant and bombastic . . . that the self-identity calls on control . . .
or weak and terrified. as a way of maintaining a semblance of Power.
I HAVE no Strength apart from LOVE. It is not Power . . . because it does not rest in LOVE.
As I practise being in the Presence of LOVE . . . Control is the weapon of the self
which knows no lack . . . no doubt . . . made to replace the Power of LOVE . . .
I am calling on the Strength of LOVE and so sustain the idea of its limited ability to offer safety.
that is always there for me to accept. However, safety lies in the Strength of LOVE . . . all-Power . . .
LOVE is found within . . . not without. not in the control of that which perceives threat.

Knowing that LOVE is my Strength . . . With just a little willingness . . .

is my assurance that I am safe . . . combined with the Strength of LOVE Itself . . .
that I am exactly where I need to be . . . I cannot fail to SEE truly.
145 Vision . . . SEEING truly . . . is LOVE‛s gift.
What I see through the body‛s eyes . . . is meaningless. I am truly helpful . . . ONLY
It is imaging . . . not SEEING. when I call on the holiness
of the LOVE that I AM . . .
I cannot SEE . . . of my self. to direct each day.
I cannot do what is asked in these lessons
without the Strength given by LOVE . . .
and the VISION that is mine, being LOVE‛s gift.
I am created by LOVE‛s Strength, and with LOVE‛s gift of Sight.
It is the acceptance of LOVE‛s Strength and Sight
that allows the true purpose and meaning of everything
to be remembered by me.

Any moment that I feel threatened . . . vulnerable . . .

or see . . . through eyes of judgment . . .
ideas of guilt and punishment . . . Sixth Review
I am trusting my self opinions, and agreeing with falsity. As it
Seven Lessons:
dawns on me that I am not at Peace,
I ask that my false images . . . my false seeing . . . 36. My holiness envelops everything I see.
BE DISMISSED . . . and REPLACED with the gift of LOVE . . . 37. My holiness blesses the world.
VISION, which simply awaits my call. It takes LOVE‛s 38. There is nothing my holiness cannot do.
39. My holiness is my salvation.
Strength . . . 40. I am blessed as an expression of LOVE.
to dismiss . . . or release . . . these limited ideas 41. LOVE goes with me wherever I go.
and restore me . . . to the Truth of LOVE . . . 42. LOVE is my Strength. Vision is LOVE’s gift.
whereby I SEE through forgiveness.
Discovering that my experiences come
Whenever I feel I cannot deal with a situation, from my way of seeing things . . . from my interpretation . . .
just for a moment I have forgotten that I begin to desire TO SEE things differently.
the Strength of LOVE is always with me. Since the source of my seeing, my imaging . . . is now exposed . . .
Today gives the opportunity to practise feeling this I declare that I want TO SEE with LOVE . . .
Strength . . . so that as situations arise . . . I will remember this rather than apart from LOVE.
Strength and be open to allowing LOVE to move me through. I begin TO SEE LOVE in everything I SEE . . . when I recognise . . .
Nothing is too big, or too difficult, when I remember my that LOVE . . . the Source of Peace . . . is in my mind.
invulnerability, the Strength of LOVE within . . . I am invited to access . . . in my mind . . . the VISION
the Power TO SEE . . . beyond the appearance . . . that IS mine as given by LOVE in my Creation.
accepting true meaning . . . true purpose!
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So as I offer holiness . . . I free my world
The lead-in to these seven lessons from the cycle of neediness and demand.
is through humility . . . in owning the Truth . . . When SEEN through my holiness . . . all I SEE is a blessed world.
that my mind . . . being part of LOVE . . . is holy. Rather than condemning the world with my evaluations,
With this comes the acknowledgment I begin to bless it with my holiness.
that my judgments are meaninglessness . . . for their foundation . . .
being opposition to WHAT IS . . . lacks validity. This IS the new way of SEEING.
This opposition, in turn, comes from the desire This IS VISION.
to value opinions arising from preoccupation with the past . . . SEEING through holiness . . . reverses the laws of the world.
rather than accepting joyously WHAT IS NOW! Holiness SEES no problems . . . no opposition . . .
so the laws that the world sets up . . . to solve problems . . .
The essence of these lessons is SEEING must be reversed.
through the holiness of LOVE . . . Instead of extending the dream . . .
that has now been identified . . . as the singular Reality. my holiness dissolves it . . . by removing the reason for dreaming.
The focus is the Oneness . . . the purity of LOVE . . . My holiness is full awareness of the Truth of LOVE . . .
denied in my judgments. and since there is nothing that holiness cannot do . . .
Through my judgments . . . I have felt guilty . . . all perceived problems and difficulties are reversed . . .
and have constantly sought to blame. Problems become blessings.
I receive a glimpse of the basis of my holiness . . . They disappear . . . as they are replaced by blessings.
the Faith, LOVE, and Peace that are LOVE . . .
through practising SEEING only holiness in all I SEE . . . All that stands
as I learn to project holiness instead of limitation. between me and my holiness . . . my purity . . . my innocence, is
my guilt . . . for the ONE belief
As I accept the holiness within . . .
and extend it through true Sight . . . that I am separate from LOVE.
holiness envelops everything. Yet, my holiness is the ONLY answer to this guilt.
It‛s in the very action of turning my mind
My purpose is TO SEE the world through holiness. from this belief in guilt
Before that is possible . . . I first have to remember holiness. that opens me to my holiness . . . where there IS no guilt.
As I tap into holiness . . . by turning within My holiness . . . in effect . . . saves me from guilt.
to where LOVE dwells . . . It is that inner Certainty of Innocence . . .
I discover that my holiness IS the holiness of LOVE . . . where there are no questions, no doubts . . . only answers.
since I am one with LOVE . . . LOVE being my Source. All unloving thoughts are no longer hidden . . .
When I decide TO SEE ONLY holiness in my brothers . . . no longer holding me back from loving.
loss and sacrifice are replaced by blessing. As LOVE shines on these thoughts . . . they are transformed.
That which is nothing . . . drops away.
Wholeness . . . where obviously nothing is lacking . . .
That which is whole and perfect and true . . .
has no demands . . . needing nothing . . . to BE fulfilled.
shines through . . . and is offered to all.
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The training of my mind IS bearing fruit. I turn inward . . . deep into my own mind . . .
I am becoming mindful of my thinking and my seeing. an action of mind . . . a conscious decision
I am choosing loving thoughts sooner rather than later. to reverse the action of rushing outward
SEEING through my holiness saves my world in a mad search for the Peace, Joy and LOVE
from the guilt I had assigned it. that quietly await within.
Now I SEE . . . in the world . . . ONLY freedom . . . It takes effortless movement . . .
because that‛s what I am offering. to dismiss the meaningless and reclaim the meaningful.
I am saved from the guilt of NOT choosing LOVE . . . All that I have ever wanted is offered me.
by seeing the Self . . . as holy. I am not alone. My companion, LOVE, will never fail me.
After all . . . holiness is totally unlimited in its Power. I am surrounded with the complete protection of LOVE.
Everything is freed when SEEN through holiness. I get TO SEE ONLY holiness.
Being holy . . . I explore its attributes. I get to experience innocence, freedom and endless joy.

My mind is occupied with being here NOW . . . AS LOVE‛s extension . . . How can I access all this?
grateful for the blessing of being what I AM. Through the Power of LOVE . . . which is my Strength.
Many attributes of holiness are presented It‛s in the acceptance of this Strength
to assist in fulfilling my function of blessing the world. that I am assured that I am safe . . .
The very Strength of the statement . . . always in the right place at the right time . . .
“LOVE goes with me wherever I go” . . . with nothing to fear.
removes the barrier that I build With LOVE as my Strength, my Support and my Guide . . .
when choosing to feel separate. I no longer decide . . . alone.
I am NOT separate from LOVE. I also have an “inbuilt” gift . . . VISION. I no longer SEE alone.
I am fully supported by LOVE at all times, and in all places, I SEE only through holiness . . . only through VISION.
for I am, in fact, LOVE‛s extension and expression. As I let go of my control . . . I access the Power that is LOVE.
Time is no longer in the way . . . for I release the past . . .
Turning within ensures that I bypass and place the future in the hands of LOVE . . .
all demeaning qualities that I might assign to myself in the hands of the Power that is the Truth of LOVE.
when viewing myself through judgment, through comparison.
Turning within IS re-turning to LIFE . . . The Strength of VISION . . .
away from the death offered by destructive judgment. This practice is TO SEE only true purpose and meaning . . .
of sinking down deeper and deeper inward, past my meaningless having relinquished my own limited interpretations.
thoughts and their false appearances in order to approach the Reality VISION SEES through forgiveness . . .
of Self lets all things be . . . exactly as they are . . . in Truth.
in its perfection, holiness and glory,
basking in the Peace of LOVE . . . I need change nothing.
is very Power full. I need do nothing of myself.
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All my doing is given over . . . LOVE gives perception a meaning very close to LOVE Itself.
to be directed by the Spirit of LOVE. This purified, healed perception reclaims my holiness.
I have no goals . . . but to listen deep within Through healed perception . . .
to the Voice of Certainty which speaks from Strength, I forgive my brothers . . . and thereby forgive myself.
and to activate LOVE‛s gift of VISION It is a cleanup process.
which enables me TO SEE . . . beyond appearances,
TO CHOOSE true meaning . . . It is an undoing of an apparent lapse . . .
in which an idea is entertained . . . for a moment . . .
TO OFFER complete LOVE to all I meet.
to try TO SEE . . . apart from LOVE.
LOVE . . . has no need of perception.
LOVE has no needs. It is complete and whole.
LOVE is Knowledge Itself.
To try TO SEE . . . apart from LOVE . . .
43. “LOVE is my Source. I cannot SEE necessitates the setting up of opposition . . . perception.
apart from LOVE.” What could BE? apart from LOVE?
Any meaning or purpose that is not of LOVE is of perception.
Perception is the realm of the self . . . I am very practised in this false seeing . . . perception.
which is the idea of a split from LOVE. I have equated perception with Knowledge.
Yet . . . LOVE IS all there is. LOVE HAS no opposite. Yet, I am mistaken. I think I SEE.
So, the self-identity . . . together with its perception . . . Yet, what I see . . . perceive . . .
does not exist. is seen as if apart from me . . . as if separate.
There IS no split, nothing apart from LOVE. That is perception. That is not SEEING.
Perception would convince me otherwise. Apart from LOVE . . . I SEE nothing.
As a perceiver . . . I am an image-maker.
LOVE is the Source of Knowledge.
I make images . . . and project them.
Perception has no place in LOVE . . . no place in Knowledge.
I add emotional responses and reactions
Being the extension of LOVE . . .
and perceive a whole world . . . a world of perceptual ideas,
I am created holy . . . in LOVE . . . of LOVE. Perception invented by me with no reference at all to the Source, LOVE.
was made to deny this very holiness . . . the attribute
I cannot rely on my perception and interpretation.
that I share with LOVE. This denial . . . or unholy
Perception changes . . . yet LOVE is changeless.
purpose . . . must be addressed before holiness can be
restored to my awareness. I become aware that attack thoughts rule perception . . .
for perception IS the denial
The Spirit of holiness is the powerful link
of SEEING truly . . . of SEEING ONLY LOVE. Perception
created by LOVE to purify false perception.
does not allow situations, things or people simply to be
True perception leads back to Knowledge.
what they are . . .
vehicles or opportunities for LOVE to be extended.
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Perception forces interpretations and meanings . . . through meanings and purpose that I have imposed . . .
and then judges these to be real. AS I begin TO SEE only LOVE . . . only Peace . . . in all.
Perception refuses to ask to be shown.
Perception wants to be in control of the world . . . How could I entertain insanity . . . to replace sanity?
thinking that control makes perception powerful. How could I buy a dream . . . to replace Reality?
Yet, the source of control is fear. What a price to pay! Yet, insanity . . . a dream?
So . . . control reveals perception‛s weakness . . . not its strength. Neither is real. Neither exists.
Strength is in LOVE alone. Vision is LOVE‛s gift. I have never left my Source.
Why struggle to maintain an identity separate from LOVE? I am LOVE. That IS my Reality.
Vision is freely available . . . in fact . . . it is a given. All that IS real IS of LOVE.
I simply have to be willing to be shown . . . Nothing unreal EXISTS.
to go within . . . where answers lie . . . where Vision awaits. Nothing apart from LOVE . . . exists.
Vision . . . true SEEING . . .
44. “LOVE is the Light in which I SEE.”
is the tool of the Spirit of LOVE.
Vision . . . sharing LOVE‛s purpose . . .
Light IS! It is not something I can make.
of leading back to Knowledge . . . is real. Without it, I cannot SEE.
Any seeing apart from that purpose . . . The light that I see with these eyes . . . is NOT
is nothing but perceiving. the Light that is LOVE . . . is NOT the Light of
Once again, I simply ask to be shown how TO SEE with healed SEEING! The Light of LOVE is within . . . is not
perception. With true perception . . . distant.
I offer forgiveness rather than judgment . . .
in order to receive forgiveness . . . Light reflects Life.
that is . . . to recognise that I AM forgiven. So, apart from Light, I am not alive.
THAT is salvation . . . the undoing of what never was . . . Apart from LOVE . . . I have no Life.
being saved from thinking that perception IS SEEING. What I have called my ‘life‛ . . . is nothing.
This identity has no Life.
So this is the process in which I am engaged as a result of my It is a dream of a separate existence.
request to learn . . . above all else . . . TO SEE differently. It is a series of episodes of the outplaying of ideas
Everything IS leaning towards me that I have made up, invented, apart from LOVE. I
to bless me in this endeavour, have given it all the meaning it has TO ME . . . and
as I acknowledge my holiness . . . called it . . . ‘life‛.
and begin TO SEE through my holiness. Its source is that which denies the Source of Life.
My world changes as my perception is based on wholeness Life and Light are of Creation . . . of LOVE.
rather than on unholiness or lack or denial of LOVE. What I have called life and light and creation
There IS no distinction between what I have made separate are the substitutes I have made

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to give myself an identity from the Self of Creation . . . the Self of LOVE.
separate from the Creation of LOVE . . .
deeming myself creator of my world. Today, I turn homewards.
This world of my making . . . is in darkness . . . As the prodigal son, I discover
until I access the Light in my mind. that, in abandoning my father,
and searching outside for LOVE, Peace, and Truth, I
For me ‘to see‛ in my world . . . I use the body‛s eyes. cannot find them in a world of my making. That‛s why . . .
To SEE with LOVE does not require the body‛s eyes. in this instant . . . I return to Source . . . within . . .
SEEING is of the mind. where I am welcomed with open, loving arms to
It is the Light that makes SEEING possible. all that I have denied . . . in choosing darkness.
This Light is eternal. It is all-encompassing. I bathe in the Light of forgiveness.
There are no degrees. Light is total Light. I am home, where I never left . . .
I am either SEEING with VISION . . . through the Light . . . except in a dream of forgetting.
or not SEEING at all.
As I remember that LOVE is the Light in which I SEE . . .
As I embrace the Light of my mind . . .
I call on holiness . . . on LOVE . . . as the vehicle for SEEING.
there are no shadows.
This SEEING includes all decisions that I make . . .
Nothing is hidden. All is exposed.
throughout the day . . . ‘little‛ ones as well as ‘big‛ ones.
That which IS Light IS real. I stop my thinking . . . step back from my opinions and schemes . . .
There are no degrees of LOVE . . . in the Light. go within to the Light of my mind . . . ask for direction . . .
So, any LOVE that I consider to be special . . . has no Light in it. wait . . . and listen for the answer . . .
That LOVE is based on fear. then follow the direction given.
That LOVE is of my imagining.
No longer am I willing to jump
In the Light . . . Peace reigns.
to the demands of the self
Apart from the Light . . . chaos rules.
that cannot SEE . . . even though it thinks it can . . .
The key given to enter or ignite the Light of my mind is to let with its schemes within schemes . . .
go all my thoughts and beliefs . . . which constitute my identity. the frantic self-orchestrated way of ‘seeing‛ . . .
This IS my release from the hell that I have made. which is, in fact, image-making . . . NOT SEEING at all . . .
I am on the threshold of losing this self-identity . . . leading ONLY to unhappiness . . . denial‛s very purpose.
a fearful idea . . . to the self-identity . . .
until the self-identity is SEEN . . . as baggage . . . And so I claim the Light of my mind . . .
which denies the Light, Truth, and Peace of LOVE. divest myself of my dream costume,
My identity has denied my true Identity my entire self-made identity . . .
as LOVE‛s Creation . . . created of LOVE. and trust LOVE . . .
My identity has kept me separate with Its clarity, Peace and the Joy of Life.

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They simply are True.
Through practice, I discover the Light of LOVE Their Source is LOVE . . .
in all that I SEE . . . in all that I do . . . in all that I say. all Power . . . all Knowing . . . eternally present.
In this timelessness . . . grace abounds. Nothing hinders them.
Gentleness and patience . . . They are constant . . . unwavering.
awaiting this unfolding . . . They stand . . . unchanging . . . yet vibrantly alive.
brings Peace.
LOVE is my Source . . . the Light in which I SEE. I have removed myself from these Thoughts
I cannot see apart from LOVE. in my desire to be different, separate, unique, individual, special.
So I make up worlds within worlds of ideas and thoughts . . .
ever-changing, fickle, opposing, unreliable thoughts that have a
beginning and an ending, a birth and a death. Attached to these
meaningless thoughts are emotions which swing like a pendulum at
45. “LOVE is the Mind with which I think.” the whim of the current ideal. Unreal thoughts scurry along
unabated . . . making up my daily story. All my attention and
Being a Thought in the Mind of LOVE Itself . . . I am very holy. allegiance has been given
In thinking thoughts contrary to holiness, to these “thoughtless thoughts”
I introduce what is unreal . . . and forget what IS real. and the world that represents their effects.
I lose sight of what is true.
Yet, in my mind, Truth prevails. True Thoughts go nowhere! Am
In embracing these unreal thoughts,
I willing to find these real thoughts? those which commune
I practise making an unreal kingdom . . . with LOVE?
a world of ideas which have no true meaning, no true purpose . . . those which are my link with Reality?
arising from my imagination . . . as I try to think apart from LOVE. those where my mind joins with the Mind of LOVE?
These images that I have made, these thoughts that I think I Do I want a foundation that is changeless? worthy of trust?
think, are very convincing.
Am I ready to leave my imagined worlds behind?
I have actually considered them real.
and return my mind to the Mind of LOVE?
However, beyond these self-constructed ideas, past them, under to the very Source of Truth . . . to the quiet stillness . . .
them, through them, beyond them, lie the thoughts that I think where Peace resides . . . to the Thoughts of LOVE?
with LOVE.
As I rejoin and reclaim my holiness . . .
I do not orchestrate this thinking.
I extend the very Peace and LOVE which are my heritage.
I do not have to make these thoughts up.
This is a quiet . . . still . . . effortless process.
They are whole . . . complete in themselves . . . eternal.
Use the breath! Relax the body!
There is no question or doubt surrounding them.
This will burst the balloon of defensiveness that blows up
They do not rely on my acceptance for their Reality.
at the mention of being still, of slowing down, of being present.
This Presence is the natural state . . .
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yet feels unnatural . . . to the mind that has split itself off . . . I am activating, cultivating, nurturing and giving top priority
in opposition to its natural state. to developing the habit of thinking with LOVE
throughout the day . . . in all situations . . .
It is impossible to fail to find my real Thoughts . . . and with all people I meet or even think of. My old patterns of
not only because they are in my mind . . . meaningless thinking . . . sourced in denial of my Reality . . . LOVE
but also because LOVE wills that I do so. . . . are being undone.
How grateful am I that this is so. There is a renewal taking place . . . so that I begin to SEE only
If it were not LOVE‛s Will . . . LOVE would be opposing Itself Oneness, only Innocence and offer only LOVE . . .
by excluding me (part of LOVE) from being in LOVE‛s Presence. as I think only with the Mind at One with LOVE . . .
LOVE would be against Itself . . . split! Impossible! acknowledging that I AM LOVE . . . One with my Source.

To come to the Certainty

that I would like to find my real Thoughts
IS to initiate its occurrence.
46. “LOVE is the Source of forgiveness.”
Without the desire, and the asking,
I am choosing my own exclusion.
LOVE has no little corner
If it feels daunting to accept my real Thoughts . . . of LOVE . . .
for judgment, for condemnation, for opinions.
remember it is simply the final attempt of the self-identity
LOVE is wholly, completely, holy LOVE.
to dissuade me from abandoning the false and welcoming the true. LOVE IS the Mind with which I think.
Condemnation arises
As I cease participating in a ‘race to enlightenment‛ . . .
with but one tiny thought in denial of LOVE.
I find there is no speed . . . no-where to go . . . in timelessness.
So . . . let go of thinking . . . I‛m going to miss out! With that thought, the Mind that is of LOVE appears to be split. . .
I‛m always the last to ‘get‛ things! I can‛t do this! I don‛t know It is in this attempt to deny LOVE
where to start! All these ideas deny that I AM LOVE that there is a need for forgiveness.
eternally . . . that there IS no goal . . . no journey . . . I simply Forgiveness simply reminds the mind that it is mistaken.
step back and willingly follow LOVE‛s direction.
Forgiveness catalyses the return to Innocence . . . to LOVE . . .
I stay in gratitude for the holiness of my mind . . . I have . . . in fact . . . never been apart from LOVE.
focusing on thankfulness that at all times All is complete . . . in LOVE . . .
LOVE IS the Source of my real Thoughts . . . Nothing needs to change or be changed.
Now I experience BEING One with what IS real . . . All is perfect exactly as it is.
above the battleground of meaningless thoughts . . . It is only in a decision to find differences . . .
forgiving the false and welcoming the true. to own opinions . . . apart from the Certainty of LOVE . . .
that forgiveness has a part.
As I practise being present . . . in LOVE . . .
There is no separate world . . . in LOVE.

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The world is the effect of separate ideas . . . a projection . . . I thus . . . forgive . . . myself.
not found in LOVE alone . . . but found in denial of LOVE . . . Self-forgiveness is mirrored . . . in forgiving my brother.
through seeing or imagining . . . diVision . . . separate ideas, SEEING my brother through eyes of LOVE . . .
bodies and things. The very moment of an opinion . . . is the and allowing him to be
beginning of a world. Yet an opinion is a meaning given to the expression of LOVE that he truly is . . .
establish an identity apart from LOVE . . . a meaning that relies apart from my opinions, my criticism, and my judgment . . .
on a past set of opinions IS activating LOVE . . . through forgiveness!
In letting him BE LOVE . . . which is what forgiveness is . . .
which formed a set of beliefs
I am forgiving myself . . . letting my Self BE LOVE . . .
which comprises the identity of the opinion holder.
since the judgments . . . that I now withdraw . . .
Yet the past is gone . . . has no existence.
come from limited thinking . . .
Now is the only time there is.
come from imagining . . .
Instead of coming from the Certainty of LOVE . . .
of a self NOT sourced in LOVE.
opinions are entertained to establish competition with LOVE . . .
I am no longer held in and by illusion.
Yet, in LOVE . . . all questions are already answered . . .
I am no longer fooled or fooling myself.
for in LOVE . . . there is no uncertainty demanding opinion.
Whenever I fear . . . or am dissatisfied . . .
Condemnation does not necessarily mean negative ideas. It
or feel lack . . . or uncertainty . . .
simply means judgments . . . or opinions
I am opting for an identity
which I refuse to raise to doubt . . .
that is separate from LOVE . . . a self-made identity.
ideas I stubbornly maintain as true . . .
I am denying my true Identity . . . LOVE . . . the Self of Creation.
as I defend them . . .
This self-made identity condemns . . . attacks . . .
in my fear of the guilt of being wrong.
judges . . . demands change . . .
Remember: Nothing real can be threatened.
in what is seen as outside of this self . . .
Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace of LOVE.
as separate from Self.
So . . . what IS real IS LOVE.
If only the world were different! If only this could be changed! So
The world of separate bodies is where threat is found.
the self becomes a healer, a teacher, a greenie, a soldier, a banker,
So this world is unreal and does not exist.
a solicitor, a counsellor, a doctor, a politician, a businessman, a
It is a world of illusion.
labourer . . . all to make a better separate world . . . to give this
Forgiveness frees from illusion.
self . . . me . . . a place . . . where I can assuage my guilt . . . abandon
LOVE and bury my self in an illusion of an answer.
As I allow LOVE to interpret all situations . . .
as I own my opinions as the condemnation that they are . . . Forgiveness undoes condemnation.
and withdraw them . . . am I forgiven. It SEES nothing to condemn . . . nothing to judge . . .
Since it is I who receive release . . . nothing to value . . . in an illusory world.
from the illusions I made up . . . In projecting, or extending ONLY LOVE . . . I SEE ONLY LOVE . . .
when I stop making up illusions . . . so there is nothing for me to oppose . . . or deny.
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Forgiveness is active. It is NOT apathetic, or resigned.
Forgiveness is joyous . . .
offering the gift of its Sight . . . VISION . . .
SEEING with eyes unclouded by illusion . . . eyes alive . . .
making the Truth of LOVE visible in everything . . .
That Sight . . . through eyes of forgiveness . . .
takes me to the very threshold of Peace Itself.

As I let go of my ideas . . . as I forgive all story . . .

I become aware of the Self of LOVE . . .
the Identity of LOVE‛s Creation . . .
and experience the LOVE that I am.
This saves me from the web of illusion that I have called home. 47. “LOVE is the Strength in which I trust.”
Forgiveness brushes away the web . . .
The final week of the Jubilee!
and illusion disappears . . .
Jubilee celebrates the return to freedom
as I face LOVE Itself . . .
from the domination of the self-constructed identity.
and rest in LOVE‛s welcoming embrace.
The very existence of this self is threatened
Just by declaring . . . as I embrace these lessons.
“LOVE is the Source in which I forgive” . . . This is the week when doubts arise.
or . . . “LOVE is the Source of forgiveness” . . . Do I really want to do these lessons?
the degree to which I practise condemnation . . . Do I really want to be free?
is brought to attention . . . My commitment is put to the test.
Condemnation is a fear-borne practice . . . It feels as if everything is coming to an end.
now being undone . . . And it is true.
through practising forgiveness. The very foundations of the kingdom of the self
As I reclaim my projected condemnation have been shaken and are crumbling.
and SEE its absurdity in the face of Peace . . . I am experiencing directly . . . what is real!
I laughingly put it aside . . . for it has no value . . . no purpose.
In the past . . . I have searched for freedom in vain.
I call on the direct experience of the Truth of LOVE alone! I have looked . . . outside of me . . . in the world.
Through forgiveness . . . I find . . . the direct experience of Now I am looking in the right direction . . . WITHIN!
Peace . . . the Peace of LOVE Itself! I return to LOVE . . . In an instant . . . an amazing journey . . . I find within . . .
forgiven . . . story-free. everything that I have been searching for . . . without!
The answers to all my questions have been so close
that I have missed them . . . for I have been looking afar.

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The answers are so simple . . . too simple I don‛t have all the facts in any situation.
for one bent on searching in complexity. I don‛t see the full picture.
No wonder discovery of the Kingdom of LOVE I rely on snippets of information
has been likened to finding one single pearl of great value. that I put together and give meaning to.
All else pales into insignificance. Yet, that is the modus operandi in the world of the self . . .
the world that I make up and then accept as real.
Without recognition of the Truth . . .
that LOVE is in my mind, How grateful I am at last to recognise the frailty of the self . . .
I operate from a very fearful, tenuous base. that I established . . . as a separate identity.
There is no Certainty apart from LOVE. How amazing to discover that I need do nothing of myself.
Certainty is quiet assurance, gentle, powerful. I simply stand aside . . . go within . . .
The self, in its uncertainty . . . to the Certainty and safety . . . that is in LOVE . . .
is arrogant, forceful, a blustering bully . . . the ONLY true direction . . . that is in LOVE.
hoping to hide its inadequacy in a show of being in control. Is this I ask to be shown what to do in every situation.
how I choose to live? Is this living? Is this LIFE? Apart from LOVE . .
. directing life decisions is exhausting . . . To answer my need for Strength . . .
There is no sound basis for trust in self . . . nothing to be relied on . . . and protection from my shallow fantasy . . .
for the self has no sound basis . . . the self is not even real. the falsity of my “life” as a separate self . . .
I call on the Strength and protection of LOVE Itself.
Now, I am being re-directed to true Strength . . . LOVE is sure. LOVE is certain.
which I have pushed aside . . . wanting to establish my self
as an identity in competition with LOVE. I listen to LOVE‛s Voice . . . the Source of real Strength . . .
that quiet Voice that I have overlooked
So, of course, self esteem courses abound . . . in an attempt to in order to hear my own frantic, limited voice.
address the fear, anxiety, depression, anger and sorrow I have total confidence in the Strength of LOVE. I tap
which prevail as a result of abandoning the Truth of LOVE. into this Strength . . . by reaching deep within my mind to
The self always leads on a merry chase to a pseudo solution. real safety . . . the place of total trust . . . which I
It is like moving a chair on the deck of the Titanic in order to feel recognise as I feel a sense of deep Peace.
more comfortable . . . when abandoning ship is the answer.
To do this . . . I have to bypass
Of myself, I cannot predict or control any situation. the froth that would distract me . . .
I am always coming from trial and error . . . and dive deeper.
from the uncertainty of a maybe . . . a perhaps. I have no idea how to Thus I enter perfect Peace . . . the Kingdom of LOVE . . .
resolve ANY situation which would guarantee only good. In LOVE . . . there are no questions . . . only answers.
In LOVE is total support . . . true safety.

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As I give my trust to the Strength of LOVE . . . When I decide on a future based on the past . . .
I receive the Peace that is my rightful inheritance. the fear that ensues remains hidden in unawareness.
The Strength of LOVE . . . in which I trust . . . lies within . . . Peace simply IS. It is ever-present. It has no past or future.
Restored to LOVE . . . my true Identity . . .
“Between the future and the past
I am strong . . . complete . . .
the laws of LOVE must intervene, if you would free yourselves.
Atonement stands between them, like a lamp that shines so
brightly that the chain of darkness in which you bound
will disappear.”
(Chapter 13, The Shadow of Guilt)
In perfect Peace . . . nothing is impossible.
It is home to the Strength that LOVE offers.
48. “There is nothing to fear.”
With my trust in LOVE‛s abiding Presence . . .
I have found perfect Peace . . . deep within. there is nothing to fear.
It has always been there. All the Power of LOVE is my safety in every circumstance.
I have simply not been aware of it. I have been too busy LOVE‛s Voice tells me exactly what to do
scurrying around in the fluff of my surface mind. in order to call on real Strength and protection.
Is that where I now abide? All unloving thoughts are fearful.
Is Peace my choice? Is it the Voice of Peace that I hear? In forgiving . . . I am calling on LOVE.
If so, I am identifying with what is real . . . what is changeless.
As I judge, criticise or condemn . . . I am responding to fear.
I am accepting the Reality of Peace . . . that is LOVE‛s gift.
As I let things be exactly as they are without judgment . . .
It takes but one meaningless thought I undo what fear produces . . .
because I return my mind
to interrupt that Peace . . . and open to fear.
to the Peace that is LOVE‛s answer.
And, of course, that meaningless thought
Fear arises when I look to my own strength . . .
is given full meaning by the self.
when I try to see apart from LOVE.
That one thought arises from questioning Peace . . .
I fear . . . when I see no solution except a painful one . . .
from a refusal to be still . . . to accept . . . or to trust.
when I feel out of control . . . because I see no solution.
It comes from a tiny doubt . . . an idea that opposes Peace.
Then I remember . . .
That doubt in my mind sits right beside Peace.
I am accustomed to turning to doubt for my answers. “I do not know what anything . . . INCLUDING THIS . . . means.
Doubt IS fear. So I look to fear for answers. And so I do not know how to respond to it.
Fear is compounded by guilt for having the doubtful thought. And I will not use my own past learning
From here, I wait for punishment . . . for choosing
to compete with Peace . . . to compete with LOVE.
169 170
as the light to guide me now.” because holiness is the answer to every question that was
ever asked . . . is being asked now . . . or will be asked in
Such a tiny shift: the future.
Let LOVE‛s Strength, through the Self . . . Stick with the holiness of LOVE . . . and fear disappears.
take the place of the weakness of the self identity.
To recognise my own identification with frailty
IS a necessary step in the correction of my errors . . .
where frailty is replaced with LOVE‛s Strength.
As I reclaim my holiness . . .
since I AM LOVE‛s Creation . . . and LOVE is holy . . .
fear has no place . . . does not exist. 49 “LOVE’s Voice speaks to me all through the day.”
Fear is powerless in the face of my holiness.
Through my holiness, it dawns on me that fear is Today is a day of quiet listening . . . listening to the still, small Voice,
nothing. Everything leans towards me to bless me as I the Voice of One crying in the wilderness, the Voice of Authority,
offer blessing to the world. the Voice of Truth, the Voice of Peace. Hear One Voice today. Hear
There is nothing to fear. and be silent.
I cannot be but in the right place at the right time. As I hear . . . so will all hear . . . who ask for the Truth.
Such is the Strength of LOVE. As I listen and receive LOVE‛s Message, I become LOVE‛s messenger.
Why not ask for and receive No Peace is possible till LOVE‛s Word is heard around the world . . .
the gifts of Strength that LOVE offers? until my mind . . . in quiet listening . . . accepts the message of Peace,
Why buy into fear? and then shares it with the world.
LOVE . . . the Source of my holiness, my joy, my Life
“As LOVE communicates to the Holy Spirit in you,
goes with me wherever I go. LOVE . . . with its Strength
so does the Holy Spirit translate
. . . is in my mind. Nothing can destroy Peace of mind.
LOVE’s communications THROUGH you
I can deny its Presence, but Peace IS eternal. so YOU can understand them.”
There is nothing to fear. (Chapter 14: The Shift to Miracles)

If I forget for a moment What I am, “Listen to the Holy Spirit . . . and to LOVE . . . through LOVE’s Spirit.
fear awaits this cue . . . and there it is . . . full blown. LOVE speaks of you to YOU . . .
LOVE can communicate ONLY to the Holy Spirit in your mind
So . . . be present to my thinking.
because only LOVE’s Spirit shares the knowledge
Recognise the source of my thinking in each moment . . . of what you are with LOVE.
and trust in the Strength that is LOVE. And only the Holy Spirit can ANSWER LOVE for you,
Ask myself . . .
What am I seeing?
Am I SEEING through holiness?
If so, there is nothing to fear . . .
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for only the Spirit knows what LOVE IS. is the voice of the man hired to look after the sheep.
Everything else that you have placed within your mind CANNOT exist, for
He is not the shepherd.
what is not in communication with the Mind of LOVE has never been.
Communication with LOVE is life. He runs away when the wolf approaches.
Nothing without it IS at all.” He does not care for the sheep.
(Chapter 14: Guilt and Guiltlessness) Let me not listen to that voice today.
It has been the voice that I thought was my own. I was mistaken.
So, I still my meaningless desires . . .
Do I run when I hear a stranger‛s voice?
find that place of quiet . . . where I am silent . . .
and await LOVE‛s Word. In the parable, it is stated . . . “My own sheep listen to my voice; and I
LOVE‛s Voice is in my mind, nearer than my heart. know them; and they follow me.
I give them eternal life; and they will never perish,
“The Holy Spirit speaks to YOU. and no one will snatch them from my hands.”
It doesn’t speak to someone else. Do I recognise the Good Shepherd‛s Voice?
Yet by your listening, Its Voice extends because you have ACCEPTED what
It says.” (Chapter 27: The Healing Example) Yes! I have found the true Shepherd.
I do recognise this Voice.
LOVE‛s Voice is My voice, as I accept LOVE‛s Will as mine. Am I listening in the stillness of mind . . . trusting that I cannot be
attacked or abandoned? Do I trust the Word of Truth? . . . and follow as
“Come to this place of refuge . . . where you can be yourself in Peace.
directed? . . . knowing that I am safe?
Not through destruction . . . not through a “breaking out” . . .
but merely by a quiet “melting in”.
I have found that holy sanctuary . . . deep within . . .
For Peace will join you there
simply because you have been willing that boundless circle of Peace . . .
to let go the limits placed upon LOVE . . . and joined it where it is and where it and now invite all to enter with me
led you . . . in answer to its gentle callto BE at Peace.” (Chapter 18: Dreams and where we are One.
the Body)
The One message is for all.
I remain completely undisturbed as I rest in LOVE, I listen to the Voice of LOVE as I open to hearing It.
recognising Its Voice. I have been closed to the Truth of LOVE . . .
It is the Voice of the Good Shepherd (John 10) seeking solace in this self-made dream world.
and I am of his flock. Now, this world‛s voice is fading.
The voice of the self-made identity It has nothing to offer.
LOVE‛s Voice . . . as it speaks to ME all through the day . . .
offers Peace, joy and happiness.

Am I familiar with that place within that is calm?

always at rest? and wholly certain?
It is here that I can hear . . .

173 174
because it is here that I am truly listening. within the silence . . .
It is impossible for me to fail in this today. My home is NOT in the world of my making.
Listen to the Voice remind me
that I am the Creation . . . the extension of LOVE . . . “The trumpets of eternity resound throughout the
stillness . . . yet disturb it not. The stillness speaks in gentle
that I am One Self . . . united with my Creator. My eternal
sounds of LOVE the Son of LOVE remembers . . .”
link with LOVE cannot be broken, only obscured by my own (Chapter 28: The Present Memory)
My real thoughts await being uncovered. “When you have learned how to decide WITH LOVE,
They have been hidden all decisions become as easy and as right as breathing.
under blankets of forceful substitutions demanding attention. There is no effort, and you will be led
as gently as if you were being carried along a quiet path in summer.
Let all the falsity go as I dive
Only your own volition seems to make deciding hard.
into the deep pool of silence . . . of stillness . . . The Holy Spirit will not delay at all
where the cacophany of divisive thoughts in answering your EVERY question what to do.
is drowned out by the Peace of LOVE Itself. It KNOWS.
And It will TELL you . . . and then do it FOR you. You who are
“The still small Voice for LOVE is not drowned out tired might consider whether this is not more restful than sleep.
by all the self-identity’s raucous screams and senseless ravings For you can bring your guilt into sleeping . . . but not into this.”
to those who WANT to hear it. Your whole belief in what you ARE depends (Chapter 13: The Way of Salvation)
entirely on the voice you choose to hear . . .
and on the sights you choose to see.”
(Chapter 21: Reason and Perception) “This is a year of joy . . .
in which your listening will increase,
“No-one can fail to come where LOVE has called him if he close not the door
himself upon LOVE’s welcome.” (Chapter 14: Out of the Darkness) and Peace will grow with its increase . . .
Whenever you have listened to LOVE’s interpretation,
the results have brought you joy. . .
As in the story of the Prodigal Son . . . LOVE’s Voice has spoken clearly . . .”
LOVE waits to welcome me home. (Chapter 16: The Magnitude of Holiness)
Once there . . . I see that I never left.
I have simply been asleep to my real home . . . LOVE‛s Voice speaks to me all through the day.
thinking that I am a body . . . Listen well! Attend well!
identifying with a body . . .
in a dream world of my making.
Yet, my real home is within the stillness . . .
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Be home in the Peace of LOVE!
As I forgive . . . as I cease judgment . . .
I KNOW that I AM forgiven . . .
I KNOW that I AM as LOVE created me . . . a perfect Creation.

Salvation is the apparent erasure of what never WAS . . .

through acceptance of what always IS.
I begin to see in everyone and everything LOVE and Peace
where once I chose to see pain, fear and conflict. Everything I
see lights up
Seventh Review as I see the Life . . . the Truth of LOVE . . .
Seven Lessons: in what I once saw through darkness, death and falsity.
43 LOVE is my Source. I cannot SEE apart from LOVE. I see Light in all answers to the self-identity‛s confusion and doubt.
44. LOVE is the Light in which I SEE. The Light of Certainty and Clarity SEES what is true . . .
45. LOVE is the Mind with which I think. beyond dreaming, beyond form, beyond identity.
46. LOVE is the Source in which I forgive.
I no longer WANT to see through the filter of limitation . . .
47. LOVE is the Strength in which I trust.
48. There is nothing to fear. but through the all-Powerful Light
49. LOVE’s Voice speaks to me all through the day. of wholeness . . . the holiness of LOVE.

The catalyst leading to these final lessons is Lesson 42, Thoughts of LOVE require no orchestration on my part.
“LOVE is my Strength. Vision is LOVE’s gift.” My part is simply to step back
How very crucial . . . is this turning towards the real from my self-constructed opinions and theories and suppositions
Strength that enables the undoing . . . this turning and their associated emotional see-sawing.
towards LOVE! As I empty my mind of this refuse . . .
The gift of VISION from True Source releases me once and for all as I glide past . . . it disappears . . . since it all emanated
from thinking I can see apart from Source. from the imagination of a dreamer.
VISION is the answer . . . not seeing through these eyes Now I am awake to the Light of LOVE . . .
of a separate body . . . but from within a mind at one with LOVE. to unified Thought . . . where there IS no conflict.
VISION . . . this reclaimed way of SEEING . . . is the tool of the Holy I reclaim the holiness that is the Reality of whole Mind.
Spirit. Aligning with the Holy Spirit‛s purpose,
I return to Source . . . to LOVE.
VISION leads to knowledge . . . not found in the realm of perception.
In the Certainty that I want only what is wholly real . . . that is what
Through forgiveness . . . which replaces judgment . . . immediately presents. As doubt is handed over . . . surrendered to
this tool of true perception restores me to knowledge. the Holy Spirit of LOVE, I receive the direct experience of the
Truth of LOVE alone.
It is LOVE‛s Will that I be restored to the Truth of LOVE.
Being distracted by one thought of conflict
is all that can get in the way of LOVE being restored NOW.
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How grateful that the only time that is real IS NOW! So I willingly my confidence in LOVE has blossomed . . .
step back . . . and SEE only LOVE . . . only innocence . . . and offer for there IS nothing to fear.
only LOVE . . . as I think only with Thoughts of LOVE.
I recognise that all unloving thoughts of
Forgiveness is my only function here. questioning and doubt . . . are fear-based.
SEEING through Innocence . . . SEEING only LOVE being So I call on LOVE to undo . . . to replace my fearful, unloving thoughts.
demonstrated Should fear arise . . . that is the signal
in everything exactly as it is . . . without my adjudication . . . that I am looking to my own strength for my seeing.
uninterrupted by my hierarchy of values . . . IS true forgiveness. It is up to me to make the shift!
As I allow LOVE to interpret all situations, Stop the fearful thinking. Step back!
as I withdraw my opinions . . . I find forgiveness. Replace my weakness (seeing or interpreting through perception),
As I SEE my brother truly . . . I SEE myself truly. with LOVE‛s Strength (SEEING with LOVE‛s VISION).
As I forgive my brother . . . I forgive myself. With the Holy Spirit as my Guide, fear disappears.
With the mist of illusion evaporating . . . I arrive home. The secret is out! Go within!
Forgiveness is the key. Listen to the Self . . . created of LOVE. LOVE‛s Voice is
It unlocks the door which has seemingly blocked my passage home. heard as I dive deep through the clouds of opinion and
That door has been built of my condemnation and judgment. judgment to the stillness of the waters of Peace.
As the key of forgiveness turns in the lock . . . it sets me free. Quietly melt in. Immerse myself in these waters. Gently bubbling
It also sets my world free. up from these waters is the message of Peace given to me to share
For, as my world crumbles . . . I SEE with all who would hear. As these still waters begin to bubble,
that I have placed my trust they form a flowing stream of Peace, of LOVE, of Joy.
in a self . . . and a world . . . that I imagined. That stream goes forth to all the world,
awaiting the call of those who seek LOVE‛s true solution . . .
As I turn within . . . I find true Strength. This is where I discover Peace, LOVE and Joy.
with Certainty that my only safety is in LOVE . . . in Source. I trust
this Strength, the Source of Self. I call on this Strength and As a member of LOVE‛s flock,
Protection The Voice of the Good Shepherd is heard deep within.
to lead me throughout each day. I place the future in the hands of I trust This Voice . . . for I know that LOVE will never leave me nor
LOVE . . . of Self. I tap into that Strength of purpose, forsake me . . . and will always protect me and LOVE me . . . for
by dropping within . . . till I find deep Peace LOVE IS what I am.
assuring me of its Protection,
Gratitude is abundant for remembering to go within to
and its guidance that is worthy of trust.
receive the message offered by LOVE‛s Voice as it speaks to
Here I find all the answers.
me all through the day.
Here I find support and safety.
I am not alone. Being LOVE‛s extension, LOVE is always with me.
Abiding in true Strength . . . where Peace prevails . . .
179 180
As I listen within, the waters part . . . to be acquired at any cost.
and I walk through . . . dry shod . . .
from the worldly dreams . . . to the Promised Land . . . Where is LOVE in these?
my eternal home in LOVE. These are symbols of hatred, of divisiveness, of fear.
Behind me, all false ideas and fantasies are washed away They do not sustain except in short bursts . . .
by the tidal wave that covers my tracks followed by a shattering . . . a gathering of troops . . .
as I move through and cross the Red Sea . . . or the Jordan River . . . and a search for replacements.
to the Reality of all-encompassing LOVE . . . the Promised Home! This is the “process” called “life” in this world.
There is no past or future . . . just BEING in LOVE . . . now. There is no stability, no on-going safety, nothing to trust,
50. “I am sustained by LOVE Itself.” no true strength in these flimsy protective devices.

As I review the story of my ‘life‛, I see many idols,

It is LOVE . . . in which I forgive . . .
the proposed panaceas to the longing for answers . . .
where I trust allowing everything to be
the longing for LOVE . . .
exactly as it is . . . without my interference.
sought in the situations I faced.
LOVE bears no resemblance
As I look back on them . . . I recognise
to the LOVE of the world that I have made.
the utter futility of trusting such uncertainty . . .
The LOVE of the world differentiates.
and the very meaninglessness of the goals
It sees through specialness.
that I worshipped with false hope . . .
It puts on a pedestal
thinking they would bring me LOVE and Peace and Safety.
whatever is the “flavour of the month” . . .
My idea of “LOVE” was certainly mistaken.
only to be dashed
as another is chosen to replace it. This lesson promises everything that I ever really wanted.
That LOVE is not born of LOVE . . . but of fear. All my plans and hopes and dreams are as nothing in light of
It arose from the desire to be safe . . . apart from God. the simplicity it offers.
It is short-sighted, fickle, with no grounds for trust. These lessons are certainly arranged in a systematic way
Comparison is its trademark. to lead me to a different perception of everything in the world.
Fear of lack, fear of loss, fear of pain, fear Using them as directed has given them meaning to me . . .
of death and fear of rejection lie at its feet. and has shown me that they are true.

As I see myself as a body in a world of bodies I have been given the experience of going deep within
I realise that each is competing for the same safety, to where the Truth of LOVE resides.
each has the very same goals. I have received a direct experience of the Truth of LOVE . . .
Pills, money, protective clothing, my holiness . . . the Strength of LOVE in which I trust . . .
influence, prestige, being liked, SEEING through the Light of true Vision . . .
knowing the “right” people, property ownership, etc., the LOVE in which I find forgiveness . . .
are the symbols deemed to be saviours . . . the true direction . . . for my daily activities . . .
181 182
as I listen ONLY to the Voice of LOVE. Together, these The search is over.
experiences prove to me that I am sustained by LOVE I have found the answer within.
I am released from the bondage of the misguided search . . .
My old solutions are nowhere to be found. set up by the self-identity that I made in denial of LOVE . . .
I bypass them as they scamper around
in the frantic framework of the self-identity . . . IAMHOMEINLOVE...IAMLOVE...ONLYLOVEIS...
desperately trying to be noticed.
I give them no attention.
My attention is undivided . . . Review Lessons 51 to 60
as I identify only with the eternal.
Lessons 1 to 5... (Review 51)
I rest in the stillness and Peace,
hearing LOVE‛s Voice call to me I do not know what SEEING is.
from a very calm, restful Certainty within. What I think I see . . . is simply my judgment projected.
I have faith in LOVE alone. I decide . . . what I want to see . . . so I see . . . exactly as I have decided.
LOVE is changeless. LOVE will never fail. At no time are these judgments of mine valid . . .
because I have simply agreed with meanings that suit me . . . the self . . .
I claim the promise that LOVE will not meanings emanating from true Source . . . LOVE.
lift me out of trial, raise me high above all my perceived fears, My seeing comes from a pseudo-source . . . perception . . .
and transport me into a state of mind forever calm. I‛ve simply projected my substitute ideas . . . my perceptions . . .
As I rejoin this LOVE within . . . all coming from a personal slant . . . from personal opinions.
Yet a personal slant is a limited perception
I find solutions to all my apparent difficulties.
based on a personal choice of response and reaction
I am given what to say and do at all times. held over from previous encounters . . .
No longer do I figure things out, and weigh things up. relied on to source current judgments and opinions.

This day of Jubilee . . . If only I‛d let interpretations go, I would be able
I am nurtured and sustained . . . to SEE and UNDERSTAND and THINK . . .
from the true Source . . . LOVE Itself.
given back the Life that I denied
All it takes is a little willingness to surrender to LOVE.
when trusting in this world. Otherwise, I‛m constantly upset . . . trying to validate my ideas.
I declare my release . . . from the belief in idols . . . I do think that I understand.
as I admit that I am unconditionally sustained by LOVE. I actually find opposition to my ideas
There is nothing to fear. I have rediscovered Source. in order to justify my anger and attack . . .
all to keep in place my illusory self-identity.
I have begun to SEE . . . and think . . . with LOVE.
With a simple change . . . trusting LOVE . . . the Source of Truth . . .
Light and LOVE shine on me this illusion of a separate self . . .
as I trust the Strength of LOVE in which I forgive. could be replaced with the Self . . . the Creation of LOVE.
I listen to the Voice of LOVE . . . and I AM SUSTAINED.
183 184
My perceptions are misperceptions based on limitation.
This thought system, this way of thinking that I have valued I do not really SEE anything . . . as it is . . .
is certainly NOT in my own best interests. through limited perception.
Since it does NOT emanate from LOVE . . .
it does not bring consistent Peace. I invite VISION to replace my non-seeing . . . my perceiving.
Am I willing to let it go? I call on the Light of the Reality of LOVE . . .
Am I willing to have the whole system replaced to dawn on me . . . till I am in full sun . . .
by a thought system based on the Truth of LOVE . . . no longer wasting time in dream land . . .
One which always brings Peace? but awake to true meaning and purpose . . .
One which SEES ONLY LOVE? always sourced in the Creative Power that is LOVE.
Lessons 6 to 10... (Review 52) Lessons 11 to 15... (Review 53)

I see what I decide to see . . . NOT what is there to be SEEN. When guided by real thoughts . . . I obviously SEE a real world.
This interpretation of mine is in denial of what is to be SEEN. Otherwise I am looking through insanity . . . and so see only insanity.
The thoughts that I call my own . . . are past ideas projected outward to Nothing affects me unless I give it value . . . which is giving it power.
prevent me from SEEING . . . as LOVE SEES . . . NOW. . . thus obscuring A chaotic world can not bring me Peace and LOVE.
all that can be SEEN right now! When seeing chaos in the world . . .
All I need do is let go of the past . . . I am actually seeing my own chaos . . . being projected
release all my ideas that are based on the past . . . to prevent me from owning the thoughts as mine.
and I WILL SEE with LOVE . . . as LOVE SEES . . . through forgiveness . . . So, quit valuing chaotic thinking.
by simply letting everything be as it is . . . By giving no further support to chaotic thinking,
prior to imposing my judgment . . . my meaning . . . my interpretation. and trusting the Reality of LOVE instead . . .
there is nothing to fear . . . for nothing is a problem. Trusting in
Instead of being upset . . . chaotic thinking is fear-based, and produces a chaotic world of
simply because of my judgment problems and problem-solving.
of what seems to be in front of me . . .
I discover that what I think I am seeing is not really so. Real meaning IS in my mind . . . beyond my limited thinking.
So in fact, there is no reason for being upset. It is up to me to ask to be shown real meaning . . .
My upset was founded on nothing at all . . . then to accept . . . and to choose . . . what is revealed.
except an interpretation of what I was seeing . . .
an erroneous perception that I deemed to be true. My thoughts are the basis of what I see.
Seeing suffering, loss and death
Aha! Now that I am aware of this . . . means I am choosing my insane thoughts, which are not real.
I am free to bless everyone and everything . . . It is certainly not my will to worship these thoughts.
instead of judging or misperceiving them. It is up to me to let them go . . . to stop entertaining them!
Thankfully, I AM the Self of Creation . . .
and am not affected in any way Choose peaceful, loving thoughts . . .
by any of the pathetic interference and SEE Peace and LOVE reflected.
of the meaningless ideas of a meaningless self That‛s SEEING through the eyes of LOVE . . .
that I seek to impose on all. instead of through eyes of false perception.
My real Source is LOVE.
185 186
So my real thoughts are sourced in LOVE. laughter instead of weeping . . .
In acknowledging LOVE as my Source . . . and abundance instead of loss.
ONLY thoughts of LOVE and Peace arise. Thus I KNOW that LOVE is my Will!
Peace and LOVE are all I see when I decide to see with LOVE. So, what am I offering right NOW?
No matter what appears to be happening . . . What is the Source/source of my thinking?
look for LOVE in it . . . I am willing to be corrected. . . right now!
What I think I am seeing . . . apart from LOVE . . . disappears. I call on LOVE to correct me . . . to give me total willingness to
There ARE no problems . . . in LOVE. surrender my thoughts to LOVE Itself. Since there are no
Only my false judgment would say otherwise. private minds . . . the correction given me . . . becomes my gift to
all. Lessons 21 to 25... (Review 55)
Lessons 16 to 20... (Review 54)

My thoughts are certainly not neutral . . . They are powerful. I am the One Creation . . .
They make a world representing their Source/source . . . the extension of LOVE Itself . . . whole and perfect.
either the Truth of LOVE . . . or the illusion of something other than LOVE. Is this what I see in my world?
Are these thoughts I am thinking true? . . . or false? What I see is many bodies, many things,
Notice what I am seeing, and that will tell me. each valuing its individual meaning, each separate and in competition.
Am I seeing peace? . . . and happiness? That cannot be the Truth of LOVE . . .
Do I see LOVE, laughter and abundance? Or fear, weeping and loss? because LOVE. . . . being whole and complete . . . has no opposite.
LOVE can not BE separate . . . or broken into distinct parts.
Life IS thought. So what is my life like?
Check my state of mind and I can pinpoint the source of my thinking. My seeing . . . my thinking . . . must be insane.
As ideas of limitation are expressed . . . they attract the same in others, It does not reflect what I AM . . . LOVE.
and a world of limitation is the world that is seen. My thinking shows that I have forgotten
That does not make that world real . . . that I AM the expression of all-encompassing LOVE.
but it is seen as real . . . till the thoughts that make it change. So with my thinking . . . seeing my world . . .
When only LOVE is extended or projected . . . I have distanced my Self from LOVE.
LOVE is awakened in others . . . Thus . . . I do not understand LOVE . . . or the Self of LOVE . . .
enabling them to see the world as LOVE‛s expression. or I would SEE only witnesses to LOVE . . .
So, I am alone in nothing. I certainly would not see pictures of disease, disaster and death.
I simply cannot be alone in anything.
I don‛t want to see in this divisive way any longer.
LOVE is in my mind . . . so everything that I think or say or do with LOVE I want to wake up from this dream . . . this nightmare.
has powerful effects . . . on me . . . . and thus on my world. All I see about me is attack . . . difference . . . comparison . . .
Every thought entertained affects the entirety of my experience. so I must be harbouring attack thoughts.
So I have the power to change every mind along with mine. Where are my thoughts of LOVE?
Why not think and see ONLY with LOVE? . . . Let me SEE only LOVE reflected . . . Then . . . I can be at Peace.
ONLY what is true? . . . ONLY what is real?
That‛s how I choose to see . . . through LOVE‛s eyes. First . . . give up entertaining attack thoughts . . . all thoughts “about”. . .
I choose to see LOVE instead of fear . . . Simply allow things to be . . . as they are . . . without my interfering
thoughts, without my ideas
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and opinions of how things ought to be . . . according to my imaging, Therein lies Peace!
then I will BE safe . . . at Peace . . .
and since I will not be competing against . . . or comparing . . .
or struggling to be in control. . . by opposing what is . . . as it is . . .
I will be content . . . and even joyous.

Being out of touch with what I AM . . . LOVE . . .

I have to admit that I don‛t know what is best for me.
What I think is good for me . . . only emphasizes my separate state.
Yet, I call on remembrance of what I truly am . . . the expression of LOVE . . .
I am willing to listen within . . . so LOVE can reveal what is best for me. Lessons 26 to 30... (Review 56)
I gave the world the purpose of convincing me
that my illusions are real . . . that all my opinions and beliefs are true. I AM the extension of LOVE.
I wanted the world to confirm my opinions . . . The inheritance of LOVE
so I projected my beliefs and opinions on to my world . . . is perfect safety and total fulfilment.
gave everything and everyone particular roles . . . LOVE is invulnerable. Nothing threatens LOVE.
to bear witness to my ideas . . . in order to validate them . . . So, when I think I‛m under threat,
and thus entrench my self-made identity . . . know that I am mistaken . . .
thereby ousting the Identity of Creation, the Self of LOVE. know that I am identifying with partiality . . . di-Vision . . .
LOVE cannot suffer loss, be sick, in pain, or die.
And I accepted this purpose . . . If I think any of these is occurring,
Yet it doesn‛t present a very pretty picture. I am agreeing with and identifying with a false notion of myself
In fact, it‛s quite frightening. whilst denying my true Identity as whole and perfect LOVE.
It is obvious that I do not know what anything is for . . . It means I am listening to the self-image . . . self chatter . . .
and I do want to be open to being shown what everything is really FOR. rather than real thoughts that I think with LOVE.
To do this . . . I need to withdraw the purpose I have imposed . . .
and humbly ask to be shown. Above all else, I do want to SEE with LOVE
As I turn my life over to my inner Guide . . . LOVE . . . only what is true.
the conflicting ideas that have filled my mind . . . no longer have power . . . I no longer want to see a world
So . . . without conflict . . . I am at Peace. that reflects a fearful self-image.
I want to SEE charity and LOVE.
I remember the LOVE that I AM as that One Self of Creation. LOVE has no As I SEE charity and LOVE
limits whatsoever . . . so I can now express LOVE to everyone and everything . . in all that I project . . . that is . . . in my world . . .
. everywhere . . . at any time . . . no matter what seems to be occurring. then I SEE charity and LOVE in myself.
The LOVE that I AM . . . I now willingly extend.
That‛s what I choose! While I hold on to fear . . .
Life that is LOVE extended and extending! I cannot SEE anything but fear.
I trust that I am exactly in the right place at the right time . . . Fear becomes a barrier . . .
and so is everyone and everything a door closed to Truth . . . closed to LOVE.
that seems to be apart and separate. As I let this barrier fall away . . .
as I look beyond the fear . . .
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I find LOVE Itself.
As I look beyond the images that I have made, . . .
behind the veils that I have held up . . .
and the insane wishes that I have demanded . . .
I am now able to reunite with the Will of LOVE . . .
which is Changeless and Light with LOVE.
I now SEE through the falsity of what seems to be occurring,
and recognise the simple Truth
of what everything is FOR . . .
the extension of LOVE. Lessons 31 to 35... (Review 57)

I finally know for myself Freedom . . . to claim freedom . . . is my choice.

that all is LOVE . . . One forever . . . Nothing is stopping me. I‛m not a victim.
and that any idea apart from the Unity of LOVE is false. I can walk away from this world . . . as I see it . . .
The Truth of LOVE is always in my mind . . . by giving up my insane wishes . . .
so is therefore IN everything that I SEE. by giving up my ideas of attack and defence . . .
All that I need do is bypass the barriers that I have set up . . . my belief in limitation . . . that I could be vulnerable . . .
and go straight to the Source . . . eternal LOVE . . . It is these false ideas that keep me locked in to this world of mine.
no longer willing to be fooled by appearances . . . I simply remember that I made this world as I see it
willing only TO SEE the eternal through my choice of thinking.
in every situation, in every thing, and in every one.
Loss, sickness, pain and death have no place in LOVE. I actually thought that I could imprison the Self that LOVE created . . .
As I embrace LOVE . . . and make up a self of my own imagining . . . to take Its place.
these ideas disappear from my awareness . . . But, this is not possible. Self as created is limitless. . . as is LOVE.
for they do not exist . . . in the Presence of LOVE. Focus I do not want to hold on to limited ideas and beliefs and opinions.
on the Truth of LOVE leaves no room for such error! By valuing ideas sourced in limitation . . . I have forgotten the Self that I am.
The Self that I AM . . . being LOVE . . . must be free, whole and complete . . .
Whatever is not of Joy and Peace and LOVE in my Life . . . just as created . . . and not what I made the Self out to be . . .
I bring to the Light of this Truth . . . a self locked into ideas of littleness . . . lack and di-Vision.
and by the Strength of LOVE . . .
I let it go . . . I gave the world the purpose of keeping everything separate . . . by naming all
till there is only I see . . . handing out separate identities . . . making up problems and
Joy . . . Peace . . . and LOVE . . . difficulties . . . through ideas of competition . . . and hierarchies of self-
in my world . . . and thus in me. determined values. HOW I see this world . . . is upside down . . . the very
That‛s when I am at home . . . totally at Peace . . . free . . . opposite of what is true. How insane to continue fantasising in this way . . .
no longer trying to maintain the façade of power that my time- when I am free to make another choice . . . and thereby SEE only what is true!
consuming, exhausting manipulation has offered me . . .
as a substitute for the Power of LOVE . . .
While I wallow in differences . . . in lack . . . in opposition, I do not SEE
which is gentle, quiet, and still.
that the world is a place where I can be set free from this insane thinking . . .
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by SEEING anew . . . by changing the source of my thinking.
The real world . . . where there is unity . . . not di-Vision . . . I am grateful that I can always choose again when . . . by mistake . . .
is the world that I want TO SEE. I see what is not there . . . TO SEE . . . rejecting what IS there.
I no longer want to see a meaningless world arising from meaningless thoughts. What is always there is LOVE . . . in some form.
I no longer want to be the victim of my meaningless thinking . . . So, now I choose the joyous gift of Life . . . Life eternal.
of laws I made up to bring about a world divided and at war . . . I begin to smile . . . to laugh . . .
a world that is apart . . . separate from me . . . to rejoice . . . to LOVE . . . and to be at Peace . . .
a world on which I have projected a limited script . . . free at last to claim my Self. . . as the self disappears in LOVE.
a script limited by my interpretations. I extend ONLY LOVE . . . Joy . . . Peace . . . and Happiness . . .
as I create with LOVE.
I want TO SEE Peace and LOVE reflected in the world. Lessons 36 to 40... (Review 58)
I want TO SEE a reflection of the Law of LOVE . . .
whereby giving and receiving are the One idea. No attack! No judgment! ONLY forgiveness! As I forgive and
So I now choose TO SEE with Sight sourced in the Law of LOVE. allow everything simply to be itself without my imposed
When I see Peace and LOVE reflected in the world . . . meaning, without my interference in the simplicity of What Is,
then I know that I am SEEING through eyes of Peace and LOVE . . . then there IS no doubt . . . no opposition.
acknowledging the Self of Creation that IS Peace and LOVE . . . So nothing is SEEN as separate . . . as different.
and projecting Peace and LOVE on to the screen of the world. ALL is SEEN as part of One Perfect Whole . . .
I recognise that Peace has been hidden deep within . . . ALL with the same purpose . . . harmonious, joyous Being.
covered by a self I have proclaimed as substitute for Self. Being forgiven . . . I am free to be . . .
It‛s up to me to reclaim that Peace . . . no longer guilty of being separate from LOVE . . . no longer
bypassing personal interpretation and limited thinking. guilty of SEEING anything separate or apart from LOVE.
As I log on to Mind that IS Peace and LOVE . . .
then Peace and LOVE are mine . . . to share with all. Holiness . . . assured in Creation . . . IS Innocence . . .
I accept my Innocence.
As I let all things be . . . exactly as they are . . . arising from LOVE . . . then all This is true understanding . . .
that I SEE is viewed through eyes of forgiveness. Forgiveness is the Light of SEEING ONLY wholeness, holiness, or Innocence in my world
LOVE that shows me what is true and real. This is the Light that shows me because I‛m SEEING ONLY wholeness, holiness or Innocence in my Self.
that I truly AM What release! What freedom!
an expression of LOVE . . . a vehicle . . . for LOVE‛s manifestation. No more struggling to defend myself or others.
I am no longer hidden behind all the busy, upsetting, How joyous! How enriching!
chaotic thinking that I decided was my identity . . . Everything that I SEE in the Light of Innocence
I renounce that limited identity . . . and claim the Truth . . . shares this joyous enrichment.
I AM LOVE‛s Creation . . . complete, and healed and whole. All is joyous! That is freedom!
There is ONE LOVE . . . ONE Light.
Now, as I look around me, I SEE nothing but innocence . . . The LOVE that I AM . . . is the LOVE that IS my brother.
ONLY LOVE . . . the Source of all that lives. It is the same LOVE.
I no longer see myself separate and alone . . . but One with Life Itself. The Light of this Truth shines on everything.
I have always been free to choose TO SEE this way . . . It is ONE Light . . . the same Light . . . THE Light of LOVE extending.
but I have mistakenly chosen the painful road of uncertainty . . .
which is death . . . by seeing through eyes of limitation.
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All I have to do is accept the invitation
Innocence is the solution to the complex, illusory world of guilt. to return Home to the One Self of LOVE . . .
Declaring wholeness and Innocence is a powerful assertion of the the very heart of my Beingness . . .
Truth of what I AM . . . as created . . . so undoes all limited ideas where I stand in Strength . . .
that I have held about myself. holding the Light and LOVE that is my Self.
Recognising my Innocence IS my salvation from all guilt.
This recognition also saves the world from guilt . . .
since I no longer project guilt on to the world.
Innocence is not affected
by mistaken beliefs in pain, guilt and fear.
Lessons 41 to 45... (Review 59)
Without guilt, being wholly Innocent . . . I have nothing to fear.
So my innocence IS my salvation FROM fear . . . No more suffering?
Innocence is LOVE‛s gift to me and my world.
No longer alone? doubtful? unsure?
No longer disturbed by anything?
Being innocent means that
Is this possible?
I cannot experience ‘missing out‛ . . . or loss . . . or pain.
I am LOVE‛s extension. LOVE goes with me wherever I go.
As LOVE . . . all I receive IS blessing. I am surrounded by LOVE and Joy.
As the extension of LOVE, Perfect Certainty and absolute Peace are mine.
I am totally supported, protected and cared for. And all I have to do is accept this.
As I ask OF LOVE . . . As I make the connection
I am given direction in everything that I am to do. with the Source of Peace within . . . LOVE . . .
At last I relax . . . all Life merges as One.
knowing that my guidance is sure . . . certain. I plug in . . . switch on . . .
I bypass doubt . . . and the current of LOVE with its Peace and Joy . . .
hearing the exact direction is carried to everything and everyone . . . including myself.
that leads to Peace. Having received these gifts of LOVE . . .
I extend them with joy . . .
It takes practice to ask.
by maintaining connection to the Source . . . LOVE.
It takes practice to listen.
It takes practice to follow direction. Without this connection . . . this alignment with Source . . .
Only blessing is intended for me. Only blessing exists. I cannot SEE what is real . . . sourced in LOVE . . .
What opposes blessing does not exist. but only imagine . . . thus perceive separate images
It is with joy and gratitude that I invent as substitutes for what is . . . in fact . . . wholly LOVE . . .
that I acknowledge my Innocence Through my belief in my invented world . . .
by receiving ONLY blessing. I experience suffering, abandonment, doubt and upset . . .
Thus I have ONLY blessing to give. and this certainly seems real.
I know I am blessed as I offer only blessing. This is not what I could possibly really want.

Should I forget the Truth of this whole, innocent, holy Self . . . It makes sense . . . to let go of my self-constructed world,
I have a Guide That reminds me of What I am.
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the world to which I have given my meaning and purpose, and to is a benign world . . . awaiting my discovery
embrace LOVE‛s offering . . . a world free of my meanings, of its LOVE-given meaning and purpose.
a world of unknown . . . unlimited potential . . . able to be claimed
when I agree to be carried on the wings of LOVE‛s true purpose. LOVE‛s Will for me is perfect happiness!
Having found that happiness within . . .
Throughout this apparent encounter I SEE only happiness in the world.
with the nightmare world of my experience, For . . . giving and receiving . . . are One . . .
what I AM . . . as created . . . has never changed. I claim LOVE‛s happiness now!
I am perfect . . . as created.
It is through the Strength of LOVE Itself . . .
that I am able to remember Lessons 46 to 50... (Review 60)
the Reality of LOVE . . . my Source . . .
beyond the world of my making. To recognise my Innocence . . .
I simply need to forgive.
I decide to ask for the guidance of LOVE . . . Forgiveness is a reflection of LOVE on earth . . . in my world.
not found in the world of my imaginings. Forgiveness refuses to impose personal meanings,
I learn to listen within . . . Forgiveness refuses to judge and condemn . . .
beyond the raucous demands of limitation . . . Forgiveness simply accepts everything
and follow directions given by LOVE . . . as perfectly in order just as it is . . .
in response to the humble request Forgiveness SEES ONLY blessing.
of the quiet Voice of Certainty within.
In accepting the perfection . . . the Innocence . . . of all . . .
I call on the Vision of the Self . . . by seeing there IS ONLY perfection . . . ONLY Innocence . . .
LOVE‛s extension . . . given in Creation. I am transported home to LOVE‛s Presence . . .
Till now . . . this Vision out of the morass of my limiting judgments.
has been seen to be separate . . . thus unclaimed. THIS is forgiveness . . .
With the inner Light of Vision as my Guide . . .
all of my limited . . . false interpretations . . . It is the stirring of the Strength of LOVE in me
all of the illusions that I see through the body‛s eyes . . . that makes forgiveness possible.
are no longer acceptable. LOVE‛s VISION catalyses forgiveness . . .
They fall away . . . disappear . . . as I recall the LOVE . . . that I chose to forget.
for I SEE ONLY LOVE. Now, instead of being doubtful and afraid . . .
I SEE everything and everyone leaning toward me to bless me.
As I discover the Truth of LOVE
in everything that I SEE . . . The never-ending call of LOVE‛s Voice . . . is for forgiveness.
I glimpse timelessness . . . a flicker of eternity . . . LOVE‛s Voice is ever-present
I think ONLY with Thoughts of LOVE . . . in directing my thoughts . . . guiding my actions . . .
which are the Source of VISION. and leading my feet to my only goal – the Truth of LOVE Itself!
All that I SEE . . .
through the Light that is LOVE . . . through VISION . . . My part?
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LISTEN . . . therefore I am sustained by LOVE. My ‘thoughts‛ are not neutral . . . and nor is what I see.
OPEN MY EYES . . . SEE with the Light of LOVE. I get to see where my ‘thoughts‛ originate . . . in interpretive thinking.
FORGIVE . . . recognise ONLY Innocence It is obvious I am opinionated about everything.
LOOK with VISION . . . remember my Identity as LOVE‛s extension . . . I am certainly not alone in experiencing the effects of my thinking and seeing,
so it is only with LOVE that I SEE truly. because I make them widely known.
I impose my ideas whenever I can . . . to gather witnesses to my world.
Yet I am responsible for the world that I see . . . and not the other way around.
The world is not responsible for my responses and reactions. . . . I am . . .
They are my choice . . . Nothing outside of me can affect me.
Summary of the First Sixty Lessons I am affected ONLY by my thoughts. My way of seeing does not work.
I am determined to SEE differently . . . knowing that my grievance and anger
Since nothing that I see or think means anything . . . is to be fully exposed. My self-identity is under threat.
and since I do not understand anything that I see or think . . .
So this is the half way mark, a pivotal point in the undoing . . . Time to
how come I get upset?
look at the impact of my choice to use attack and defence as my tools
My meaningless thinking suggests a reason for me to be upset . . .
for seeing.
which I accept and run with . . .
I hear that my world will disappear . . . as I give up attack thoughts.
until I find that I was mistaken in my perception. My opinions are not based
The world of itself is innocent . . . until I impose attack and defence.
on the Truth of LOVE. All my interpretations and opinions are based on
From one errant thought of using Creative Power
past interpretations and opinions.
for a purpose other than true purpose
These are irrelevant now . . . for the past is over . . . not here NOW . . .
(which is forgiveness and the extension of LOVE)
except through the fantasy of my rose coloured glasses . . .
an entire world of opposition to LOVE . . . of denial of LOVE . . . arises. With
and my memory bank.
this thought system that I have considered true . . . it is not possible to
I have to admit that my mind has actually been blank.
perceive my own best interests.
At last I am being honest. I am ready to ask for another way of being . . .
So I no longer pretend that I have a clue what anything is for.
another way of living . . . another way of seeing.
Yet all the while, I‛m in judgment, attacking only myself . . .
It is obvious that my mind has, in fact, been preoccupied with past ideas. since there is nothing outside of me except my projections.
The dominos begin to fall. I thought that I was determined to SEE differently.
I actually see nothing just as it is . . . right now . . . without a history. Now, I know for sure that I want to SEE above all else.
I‛m faced with the meaninglessness of the world that I think I see. I want to be shown true purpose and meaning.
This is definitely upsetting . . . for it certainly seems very meaningful to me. I am committed to VISION.
If it is meaningless . . . I am afraid . . .
Creation must have a Creator . . . The Creator IS LOVE.
Where will I find meaning? . . . if my meaning is not true?
The shared purpose and meaning of all apparently separate things . . .
I am reassured that LOVE did not create a meaningless world.
the common denominator . . . is LOVE. There IS only LOVE.
So, show me the world that LOVE did create?
Nothing separate is real.
I‛m glad that a meaningless world is impossible.
Having seen and held everything apart and separate . . .
So, where is this world that has meaning?
I am now being asked to join with what I SEE . . . as One . . .
I examine my thoughts . . . and find that I‛m an image-maker, not a thinker. SEE LOVE in all . . . SEE One Self in all.
Since I invented my world . . . I am not the victim of it.
Yet my day consists of seeing perpetrators and victims . . .
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sometimes with role reversals . . . depending on the situations. I place my trust in the Strength of LOVE.
The programme now becomes very specific: I trust the guidance that comes
As an attack thought or judgment arises . . . I stop entertaining the thought . . . from the deep Peace within . . . no longer afraid. I trust LOVE‛s Vision.
ask for help to dismiss it . . . step back from the situation . . . listen . . . All that I need remember is to go within to the Voice of Peace.
and wait on LOVE to replace this meaningless thinking. Peace answers as I call on the peaceful solution.
This other way of thinking is already present within my awareness . . .
but I am not familiar with it. The sustenance of my world is unstable and unsafe.
In the stillness . . . is the home of LOVE. . . where real Thoughts reside. It sustains . . . to eventually destroy.
Time to accept ONLY these Thoughts. The goals of my world do not bring LOVE and safety.
I begin to SEE LOVE and Peace where once I saw pain, hate and chaos. They offer substitutes that cannot satisfy. They offer temporary placebos.
Can I humbly accept that my mind is of LOVE . . . and that I am thus very holy? As I identify with the eternal, I am nurtured, sustained and restored to LIFE.
LOVE sustains me as I declare my release from bondage of the self-identity . .
My focus IS the Unity of complete LOVE . . . of complete Peace. . from the belief in idols . . . substitutes for LOVE . . . that I made up.
My judgments and their associates, guilt and blame, deny LOVE and Peace. As I rest in LOVE, I listen to the Voice of LOVE . . . and I am sustained.
As I project Innocence . . . I SEE only Innocence. I am grateful that this gift of LOVE that is given me . . .
To find my Innocence, I drop within to where LOVE abides. is now mine to offer and extend to all.
What is whole has no lack, so makes no demands. What is full needs nothing.
By offering Innocence . . . the cycle of neediness and demand ends.
All I give and receive is blessing.
Innocence SEES no problems . . . so there is nothing to solve.
What were SEEN as problems are now SEEN as blessings.
The belief that I am guilty of being separate from LOVE has no validity . . . as
my experience of Innocence convinces me that I am not separate from
I meet the Certainty of my Innocence . . . since I AM the offspring of LOVE.
I begin to free my world from the guilt that I had offered it.
I begin to choose LOVE . . . no longer guilty of denying or withholding LOVE.

As I accept the Truth of What I am . . . what I thought I was no longer exists.

I begin to light up with the Certainty of what is true . . . beyond the littleness
of separate form and identity. With effortless ease, I tap into Thoughts of
LOVE, as I step back from considering that my input has great value . . . and
humbly accept the Voice of the Truth of LOVE. True Thoughts . . . arising
from LOVE . . . are freely available . . . and need nothing but my acceptance.
Doubt is replaced with Certainty. All the guess work is taken out of the
equation . . . as the Truth of LOVE rises with powerful clarity. As I allow LOVE
to interpret all situations . . . and withdraw my opinions . . . I find
forgiveness . . . which is LOVE‛s interpretation. In forgiving, I am forgiven. I
am set free . . . as I set my world free.

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TRANSITION ASSIGNMENT Publications by Barbara Eastwell /Caulley

1. “Self Revealed” Seven Books: A Practical Daily Guide to the

And so the Jubilee Lessons are complete. Workbook of A Course in Miracles
If I have been consistent in applying the Lessons throughout each day, I will
have received – as a personal experience – a taste of freedom. 2. “Elijah Incorporated” Rediscovering Self through Story . . . The Gift of Metaphor
Using the Biblical Story of Elijah.
For the remainder of Part 1 of this Workbook of Lessons
which offers total freedom through the undoing of 3. “Soul Harvest” . . . Song of Celebration Remembering the Home Coming Journey
the thought system of the self-identity –The Seven Festivals given to Moses . . . for me NOW!
that has kept me bound to a world of my own making,
a world of dualism, a world of opposition and denial of LOVE, 4. “I am Life Itself” . . . One Tree of Life . . .The Catalyst: Middle East conflict
the Lessons are presented in three groups of forty lessons . . . each lesson
offering a replacement for the limited ideas that oppose and deny Peace. 5. “Fine Tuning...” Love magnified . . . The Return to Source.
The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount
It is helpful to see each lesson in the context of this idea of forty days so
that I will be aware of where I find myself in this period of undoing.
6. “Personal Messages” . . . Responses to the 365 Lessons. Expands application.

It is urgent that I continue actively participating in the lessons with greater 7. “Personal Reflections” . . . A Book of Diagrams showing relationships
consistency and a firmer commitment. This renewed dedication bears its between ideas in Part II of the Workbook
own fruit.
As I become mindful of the source of my thinking, then in any moment 8. “Soaring on the Wings of Surrender” . . . Short bursts of ideas on the seeming
that I find myself distant from the Peace that belongs to me, journey to surrender... and the inherent gifts of Peace, Flow, Abundance.
I have the opportunity to once again choose LOVE
as the Source of my thinking 9. “…In Brief…” 365 Lessons… The essence of the 365 messages
instead of choosing the conflictual patterns of opposition and denial of the Workbook Lessons … personal responses.
that are so entrenched as my way of thinking. And
so I reap the rewards of this mind training, 10, “Behind the Beatitudes” The eight keys to remembering what I AM … LOVE… the
whose purpose is to lead to a different perception of everything I see. As I Source of Happiness
see through forgiveness, I find a forgiven world,
and begin to see and live from my own Innocence.
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11. Series of 16 booklets on the Fourteen Questions of Part II of the Workbook Including
all lessons, parables, questions for application and personal responses.

12. “Prayer . . . expanding the Lord’s Prayer”…viewed through the eyes of LOVE Itself.

For all enquiries, including purchase of books, email

Details of book contents are found on web site . . .
Barbara Eastwell 2011

…In gratitude...

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