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Mirasol, Kristine B.

Activity 1: Think Ink

a. Camping- Camping is a popular outdoor activity that involves spending time in nature, usually
overnight, in a temporary shelter such as a tent or camper.

b. Trekking- Trekking is a popular outdoor activity that involves long-distance hiking through natural
environments, typically on trails or footpaths. It offers a unique way to connect with nature, challenge
oneself physically, and explore scenic landscapes.

Activity 2

1.Their perseverance and determination to climb the Mount Everest have truly impressed me. I’m proud
of what they’ve accomplished.

2. No. I’m very much afraid of heights, I don’t think I can climb up there.

Activity 3

In the depths of our souls, a bond unfolds,

A connection between nature and humankind,

For we are intertwined, nature’s children we find.

In the whispering breeze, we hear our call,

Echoing through forests, valleys, and all,

Nature’s rhythm beats within our chest,

A timeless symphony, forever blessed.

In the embrace of sunlight’s warm embrace,

We feel the radiance upon our face,

Nature’s light ignites our spirit’s fire,

Filling our hearts with love’s pure desire.

In the dance of raindrops, we find release,

As they nourish the earth, bringing life’s peace,

Nature’s tears cleanse our weary souls,

Renewing our spirits, making us whole.

In the strength of mighty mountains high,

We witness nature’s power, reaching the sky,

A reflection of our own resilience and might,

Guiding us forward, shining ever bright.

In the gentle touch of a flowing stream,

We sense nature’s caress, like a dream,

Its tranquility eases our troubled mind,

Bringing solace, tranquility we find.

In the harmony of creatures, big and small,

We witness nature’s balance, for one and all,

Each playing a part in the grand design,

Teaching us unity, a truth so divine.

For we are nature’s children, forever bound,

In this intricate tapestry that surrounds,

Let us cherish and protect this precious connection,

For in nature’s embrace, we find perfection.

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