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Context and Rationale

“Improving The Multiplication Performance Of Grade 3 Pupils Of Marinig Elementary

School Utilizing Contextualized Instructional Material”

The 21st-century is necessary to increase the knowledge of the learners to become more

productive in today’s system of education. Instructional material play an important role inside

the classroom enable for the students to must understand the lesson . Manipulative object is one

of the strategy use in math lesson. Math develop critical and logical thinking of the students, it

enhance the their skills as well. Department of Education encourages all teachers to develop

learning resources in order to utilize it in the teaching learning process. DepEd Order 76, s. 2011,

the DepEd through the LRMDS is seeking to exploit as best possible ICT to increase the level of

quality, relevance, reach and access to education by all.

Manipulative object is very effective because it gave a hands on experience among the

learners and create reflection itself. It is a physical and visual tools that can manipulate and

handle by the learners. Lesson during math subject, student can use manipulative tools to see and

physically demonstrate concepts such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication. There’s many

objects that student can manipulate during the lesson, either it is or hand made by student or

teachers or brought from store. Using manipulative object learner can learn independently and it

is known as self -directed learning. It includes student reasoning and critical thinking skills.

Children loves to have a game and it is very easy for them to learn using manipulative material,

in multiplication there’s a lot of manipulative materials that facilitator can use for their learners
to learn without losing interest on it. Manipulative object is a convenient and effective way

among the pupils to learn. Manipulative style give an important concepts and methods that can

be best taught in activities, that engage students in thinking and skills they need to know.

Above information caught the attention of the researcher to device a strategy in utilizing

contextualized instructional material in improving the multiplication performance of the grade 3

pupils. The researcher observed that it is one of the problem in mathematics teacher, learners

have a low interest in learning multiplication. The researcher conduct the study to determine on

how the pupils will engage in learning multiplication and increase their interest. The researcher

ought in this kind of study with those pupils who experience low interest and difficulties in

learning math in terms of multiplication. It designed in which the pupils will enjoy while

learning and have a hands-on experience because it is manipulative object, they observed that

most of the pupils has low performance as well in mathematics when it comes in multiplication,

and this technique will help the pupils motivated to learn. The researcher ought with this kind of

study to make contextualized materials in learning multiplication because it has a lot of positive

effects among the pupils, it will lead the pupils to increase their learning and performance in

solving multiplication.

The researcher developed a manipulative strategy in utilizing contextualized instructional

material in which the student will help to solve multiplication. This is made up of crafting

materials, that come up with colorful ideas to improve the performance of the pupils in solving

multiplication in engaging way. The contextualized instructional object is very colorful and very
manipulative, it is surely good among the pupils to learn. The contextualized instructional

material is very fun to play, it can be move around as well that make the intervention more



Contextualized Instructional Material “ Ferris Wheel”

The contextualized instructional material is a device that consists of flashcards together

with the problem to be solve that will serve as a ticket on ticket house, human made of card

board as an answer that they’ll sit on the chair of Ferris wheel to move. Each chair is composed

of different color same as the person as well.

One of the problem among the children is learning multiplication, there’s a possibility of

losing interest resulted in low performance. Teachers need to overcome with this kind of

circumstances enable for their learners to learn. Sometimes schools are lack of manipulative

strategy that will help students to learn independently, so teachers are able to make

contextualized materials that will utilize by the learners.

Manipulative inside the classroom is very effective among the learners and in conveying

information. Manipulative object can catch student attention to participate in the lesson and its

better for them to learning in engaging ways.

Manipulative object is very effective among the learners because it creates a real world

situation where in the pupil will be relate and learned based their own reflection.

Contextualized Ferris Wheel in 6 Easy Steps:

Step 1: Get the ticket on ticket house

Step 2: Analyze the problem written on the ticket

Step 3: Answer the problem

Step 4: Get the correct answer by finding the crafting human and the answer is at the back of


Step 5: After finding the human that has a correct answer at the back, sit it in the chair of Ferris


Step 6: The Crafting human now can ride on Ferris Wheel and turn it around.

Contextualized instructional material is a fun game that will encourage the learners to

learn, because it is colorful and able to move around at the same time. Through this kind of

manipulative strategy it will boost the pupil’s confidence to learn multiplication.

The intervention can be considered the effectiveness of contextualized instructional

material as manipulativeobject in improving the multiplication performance of Grade 3 pupils of

Marinig Elementary School.

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